A Daughter's Weekend Getaway Pt. 1 by bmxrdr

Introduction: Savannah and her dad take a road trip for her 18th birthday.

Purely a fictitious/fantasy story. There is no sex in part 1; story building and BJ.

All characters engaged in a sexual activity are 18 or older.

Please enjoy and let me know what you think! , The air outside was hot and dry. It was the middle of July in Colorado, which meant that trying to stay cool was a next to impossible feat. I was upstairs in my office, still in my black slacks and white button down shirt from work, sitting at my desk, with a fan pointed directly at my face. The breeze was almost warm but it still felt better than the stifling heat that was outside.

I was trying to focus on getting some last minute work done, but the heat was too intense. I decided to walk around for a few minutes and try to cool off. As I walked out of my office and down the hall towards my bedroom, I caught a glimpse of something bright out of the corner of my eye. I stopped and turned to face the window across from me. I stepped closer and peered out the window.

Below me, I could see Savannah, and her friend, Mandy. Savannah was wearing a bright yellow sundress and Mandy was in an equally bright red romper. The two of them were on the front lawn and clearly laughing and having a good time, despite the ungodly heatwave we were going through. I stopped and watched them for a minute from my high perch.

Savannah was the pride of my life. Her mother and I had had her just about sixteen years earlier. She was our first born child, but certainly not the last. In fact, we had four kids altogether. Savannah was the oldest, followed by two younger brothers, and one baby sister who was only seven.

Savannah had always been a daddy’s girl. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the first born girl. I would go beyond the ends of the earth for her, and for any of my children for that matter, but Savannah would always hold that special place in my heart.

As she grew up and got older, she would come to me with just about anything and everything. As the years went by and she hit puberty, I certainly noticed. Not only was she in her bratty teenage years where she thought she knew everything and didn’t need mom or dad, but her body was changing too. Her once tiny pre-pubescent breasts were filling out quickly and I knew she would have the same large breasts that her mother had when she was all grown up. She was fifteen and already in a C-cup bra size. Her butt was beginning to fill out as well. I’m sure part of that was due to the sports that she played and all of the working out she did to stay in shape.

My blonde haired, blue-eyed baby girl was quickly turning into our beautiful young lady. I had never really thought about Savannah in an inappropriate way. After all, her mother and I had a great relationship and were more in love than ever before. There was something though, and I can’t quite figure out what it was, that was always nagging at the back of my mind.

Today, standing at the window, staring down at Savannah and her friend playing in the grass, I realized what had been clawing at me. My beautiful daughter was no longer a little girl. She was growing up right before my eyes, and my eyes had finally taken notice. I tried to turn and walk away; to head to my bedroom and change out of my work clothes, but I couldn’t take my eyes away from my daughter and her friend playing in the grass.

I must have stood there for at least five minutes, just watching the two of them have fun; doing somersaults and flips and just tugging at each other and having a good, carefree time. At one point, Savannah did a cartwheel and her yellow sundress momentarily flew up above her head. I couldn’t help myself, and my eyes caught a clear glimpse of her private area. What looked like a thin, string like pink thong was barely covering her budding sexuality. I had no idea that my daughter even owned something like that. ‘Her mom must have bought those for her’ I surmised to myself.

At that moment, I forced myself to pull away from the window and head to my room to change. As I walked to my bedroom, I punched myself for what I had just seen. Of course I had seen Savannah naked as a child many, many times, but something about this was different. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it.

I did my best not to think about it, and quickly changed out of my suit into a more comfortable pair of clothes; a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants that were older than Savannah was. I left my room and decided to head downstairs to make myself a drink. I wasn’t in the kitchen for more than thirty seconds when the front door burst open and the two girls came crashing through, holding each other upright and laughing uncontrollably.

“Hello, sweetheart,” I said with a smile. “Everything OK?”

“Oh! Hi dad! I didn’t even know you were home! Yes, we’re alright, just laughing at something that happened today.”

“Care to fill an old man in?” I questioned her jokingly.

“Nothing that would make sense to an old man,” she replied and shot me a wink.

“Alright, alright, I get it. Don’t make me feel any older than I am!”

Savannah just smiled and then went on to ask, “Dad, I have a question.”

“Sure sweetheart, what is it?”

“Well…” she started out, “I know that Friday nights are usually our family movie nights, but since mom is out with the other kids… I was wondering if it would be OK if Mandy stayed the night tonight…?” Before I could say anything, she continued, “We can still have a movie night! It will just be the three of us. Would that be OK, daddy?”

“Mandy? Are your parents alright with you staying over?” I inquired.

“Oh yeah!” She replied. “They don’t mind at all! And I haven’t had a relaxing night doing nothing in a long time!”

I thought about it for a minute before I finally gave in to my daughter and her friend pleading and giving me puppy dog eyes. “OK! Ok!” I exclaimed.

Both girls jumped and cheered, “YAY!” simultaneously. “To be honest, dad, we had figured you’d say yes. Mandy already has her overnight bag with her!” Savannah laughed at the fact that she knew I would say yes to just about anything she wanted.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to making myself a drink. “Why don’t you two go get ready and pick out a movie and I will cook us all up a quick little dinner before the movie.”

The two of them skipped out of the kitchen and off towards Savannah’s room. As they left, I turned around and caught the slightest of glimpses of Savannah’s skirt bouncing up and revealing her ass. I tried not to stare, but I knew if she turned around I would’ve been caught red-handed. I put in a frozen pizza into the oven and went to sit on the couch and wait for the girls.

A few minutes went by and the girls came bounding down the stairs still giddy and laughing. I looked over the couch as they bounced into the kitchen to get themselves a drink. Mandy was wearing a small black top with a pair of blue checkered sweatpants. Savannah had on a similar white top and a pair of thin pink booty shorts.

The oven went off and I got up to go get the pizza from the oven. As I walked into the kitchen, my eyes could not peel themselves away from my daughters backside and long smooth tan legs. I felt something happening to me, and I knew that it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. I tried to avoid them as best I could and quickly got the pizza out and cut it and handed each girl a plate. “Well, did you two decide on a movie?” I asked.

“Yes we did and it’s one we’re sure you’re going to loooove” Mandy replied with a very sarcastic ending.

‘Oh great,’ I thought to myself, ‘probably some romantic comedy or chick flick or something.’

Boy, was I right. Not even ten minutes after the movie started and I was already bored. I sat on the couch and slowly ate my pizza while trying to stay awake through the movie. The girls were laying on their stomachs on the floor in front of me, laughing and eating small bites in-between their laughter. At one point I even had the audacity to ask them if they were even watching the movie. Savannah whipped her head around and shot me a nasty glare, assuring me that they were.

As she turned back around, I noticed her lift her hips slightly off the ground and adjust her position. When she did that, her pink booty shorts fell between the crack of her butt, and created an almost canyon like effect between her two butt cheeks. At that point, my interest was no longer in my pizza or in the movie. I could not take my eyes off of my daughter’s succulent round ass being barely hidden by some pink fabric.

I could feel that there was a tent rising in my sweatpants and I did my best to think of other things, but it was to no avail. I nonchalantly adjusted myself and pushed my throbbing member down between my legs. My foot must have brushed against one of the girls because they both turned around and asked me if I was OK.

I reassured them that I was fine and told a white lie about how much I was enjoying the movie. They seemed content with that answer, but after a few more minutes had passed, my cock was once again rising in my sweatpants. This time as I was adjusting, I suggested we pause the movie for a minute as I needed to use the restroom.

“Girls, get yourselves another drink while I go to the bathroom. I might be a couple of minutes.”

I let the girls get up first before I stood up. I’m glad I did, because as soon as my legs spread and I stood up, my aching member protruded outwards and I’m about ninety-nine percent sure that both of them would have noticed. I covered my crotch with both hands as I quickly made my way to the bathroom. As quickly as I closed the door, I yanked my sweatpants and boxers down and gave my cock a couple of quick strokes. My eyes rolled back in my head as my own touch felt amazing. ‘Fuck!’ I thought to myself, ‘what are you doing? That’s your daughter that you’re getting hard over. What is wrong with you?’ I kept talking to myself for a couple of minutes and that finally seemed to help my erection to subside.

I composed myself and went back to go continue watching the movie, but when I got to the living room, I knew I was in trouble. Mandy was laying on the floor again, but Savannah was sitting on the couch where I was sitting just a few minutes before. “Er, sweetheart,” I started to stammer, “what, what are you doing?”

Savannah looked over at me with a puzzled look on her face. “What do you mean, daddy? You and I have always cuddled during our movie nights ever since I can remember. And besides, Mandy doesn’t mind, do you?” She looked down to the floor at Mandy.

Mandy tossed her head and looked up to the two of us and replied, “I don’t mind at all. You guys have your traditions, I just enjoy the company.”

“See, daddy? Come on, sit down!” She began to grow impatient so I took a deep breath and walked toward the couch. I sat down as far away from Savannah as I could, and she noticed. “Um, excuse me mister? What are you doing? I’m over here,” as she motioned to the space between us. “We can’t very well cuddle if you’re practically sitting on the arm of the couch!”

Reluctantly, I scooted my butt across the couch until the two of us were much closer. Savannah smiled and then immediately started to get comfortable. She kicked her legs out from underneath her and nuzzled up against my chest. She put her right hand over my heart and continued to adjust herself until she was fully comfortable. I let my right hand drape over her side and rest on her stomach. My chin was against the top of her head and I could smell her sweet hair wafting upwards through the air. I tried my very best to think about anything but this scene.

My own daughter was turning me on. I glanced from the TV screen for only a second and traced my eyes down the entirety of my daughter. Starting at the top of her head, I watched as my eyes slid down her body, to the tight toned muscles of her stomach beneath her white top, down and up over her incredible hips and then finally met with the sight of her pink booty shorts. With the way she was laying, her shorts had hiked up and her right ass cheek was prominently protruding. My eyes lingered for a moment, and then continued their downward gaze as I studied every inch of her long, tan, smooth young legs all the way down to her cute little feet.

I let my eyes wander back from the bottom to the top and it was at that point that I became all too aware that my erection was coming back and quickly forming a tent underneath my grey sweatpants. I was sincerely hoping that Savannah hadn’t noticed, but as I tilted my head back to think of something else, I felt a small poking sensation. ‘What the…?’ I thought to myself. I looked down, and Savannah was in her same position, but her right hand was no longer over my heart. She had noticed the tent in my pants and her small right hand was poking around curiously at the bulge in my pants. When she noticed that I had moved, she turned her head and looked up at me. I tried to lie. I mouthed to her, “It’s the movie.” That didn’t work. She turned her head and on the screen was a big muscular shirtless man. She chuckled softly and turned back to face me. Knowing that I was caught between a rock and a hard place, I just shook my head no and moved Savannah’s hand back up to my chest.

She did not argue or say anything, she just turned back once again to the movie. The rest of the movie seemed to last for three hours, although it was closer to a mere forty-five minutes. It was the longest forty-five minutes of my life. Throughout the remainder of the movie, my cock never once backed down. The tent in my sweatpants stayed prominent and every once in a while, it would involuntarily twitch and move. Every time that happened, I heard a small whisper like chuckle and knew Savannah was not watching the movie. Her eyes were solely focused on my pants, studying every twitch and movement that my cock was making.

As quickly as the movie ended, I excused myself upstairs and asked the girls if they could clean up. I was a raging, horny, old man, and as soon as I closed my bedroom door, my sweatpants had hit the floor and I was furiously beating my rock hard erection harder than I ever had previously. Within a matter of minutes, I could feel my balls tensing up tighter and tighter and with one or two final hard strokes, I began to cum. My cum erupted from my swollen cock head and shot across the room onto the hardwood floor. I stood there, thrusting in the air, for seconds until every drop of cum that I could milk had left my body and was now all over my bedroom floor.

I gained my composure, cleaned up my mess, and returned downstairs after I had put my clothes back on. For the next week, I tried to avoid my daughter as much as possible, without making it too obvious that I was distancing myself. No one in the family seemed to notice, except for the one person who I was trying to stay away from.

One night I was downstairs watching TV while the rest of the family was upstairs sleeping, when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and saw, in the darkness, a slim figure in the kitchen. Before I could get up to see who it was, the figure came walking towards me and my heart raced as I watched Savannah walk into my view wearing a very thin and ultra sheer nightgown.

“Daddy?” She asked.

“Yes sweetheart. What is it?”

“Can I come sit down with you for a minute? I can’t sleep…”

“Er.. Sure, sweetheart” I stammered out, unsure of how well I was going to handle seeing my daughter the way she was.

Savannah walked around the side of the couch and sat down next to me.

“Daddy, can I ask you something?”

Without thinking anything bad would come of it, I quickly replied, “Of course sweetheart, you know you can always ask me anything. I’m an open book.” Almost as fast as the words left my mouth, I had regretted saying them.

Savannah chimed in with a smile and said, “Good! Because this might be a little weird…But, last week, when we were, you know… watching that movie with Mandy… I noticed that you were hard when I was laying with you… and ever since then, you have been very distant from me… Did I do something wrong?”

My heart sank and I took a big deep breath as I looked over at my daughter’s sweet innocent face and I could see the sadness in her eyes, thinking that she had disappointed me.

“First of all,” I started, “You did not do anything wrong and I am not mad at you or anything of the like.”

She seemed to ease up a little bit, before I continued, “It’s just, you are growing up very quickly and becoming a mature young woman… I’m sure you’ve noticed the changes happening with your body, and with your emotions. And, well, to be honest, I have noticed too.”

Savannah looked at me with a slightly puzzled look. “But daddy, I’m your daughter.”

“I know sweetheart, I know that. And that’s why I have been so distant. It isn’t right for me to notice, in the way that I did, the changes that are happening to you.”

Savannah thought for a minute before replying. “Daddy, to be completely honest with you, I was very curious about what was going on with you during the movie. Every time your cock twitched…” I almost jumped out of my seat when I heard my daughter say the word ‘cock’, but I let her continue. “…I chuckled a little bit and was thinking to myself ‘I wonder if that is because of me or Mandy’, and now, from the way you seem to be reacting, I think it was because of…me? Am I right?”

My heart was in my stomach, but I had to face my fears. “Yes, Savannah, it was because of you.”

Savannah gave me a sheepish grin and then spoke. “I thought at first it might have been because of Mandy, but then when I poked it a couple of times and saw its reaction, I changed my thinking.” She paused for a long moment before speaking again. “Daddy… I kind of… liked it. Is that weird? I know I shouldn’t say that and I know just as much as you do that it’s wrong, but it kind of turned me on a little bit…”

My cock was beginning to grow hard hearing my daughter talk the way she was, but I knew I had to take the high road and be the adult, the parent. “Savannah, listen,” I started out. “You are my pride and joy. You and your mother and other siblings mean the absolute world to me and I would go to the ends of the earth for every single one of you to protect you and care for you. It’s not right for either one of us to have the feelings that we do. I am your father, your protector, your knight in shining armor, and I would never do anything to alter that image of me in your mind. And you, you are my princess, my baby girl, and I would expect that you would never do anything to change my image of you either. I am going to suppress any thoughts about you that I have, and I ask you, as your father, to do the same. Can you do that for me? Can you do that for daddy?”

Savannah’s smile faded as I was talking, and I felt horrible for letting her down, but it was the right thing to do. “Ok daddy,” she finally said. “I understand. And you’re right. You’re always right. That’s why I love you so much.” She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big, long hug. I reciprocated her hug and kissed her on the top of her head.

“I love you too sweetheart. Now go get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Savannah got up from the couch with her water and walked back upstairs, leaving me alone downstairs to think about everything that had just happened.

The next few weeks passed by and everything returned to normal. Savannah had a birthday the week after our little chat, and her mother and I threw her a big sweet sixteen party. All of her friends came over to the house and had a good time. Returning to normal didn’t happen overnight though, and there were definitely days and nights when I stared more than I should have. I finally had gotten over the sight of my budding daughter and no longer noticed the changes happening to her body. I focused my time on work and my wife and the other kids; anything I could do to think about other things.

It wasn’t until a couple of Summer’s later that things took a turn back to the way they once were. It was almost exactly two years to the day since our last chat. Savannah was seventeen and would be turning eighteen in just under a week.

I can’t lie and say that I hadn’t noticed that she was now almost a fully grown woman. Her breasts had filled out nicely. They didn’t get much bigger from when she was fifteen, but they were very round and appeared very firm. Her stomach became even more toned and she had some amazing ab muscles that she had worked very hard on. Coming along with her working out, also came her ass. It had filled out completely and the booty shorts that she wore now that she was older were struggling to not rip as her ass swayed whenever she walked.

I was upstairs in my office, after a boring day at work, sitting at my computer and trying to think of something to get Savannah for her eighteenth birthday. She already had a car, she had been on many, many vacations throughout the years, so I needed something that would really brighten her up. “Fuck! I’ve got to think of something soon!” I said aloud.

“Think of what soon, daddy?” I heard coming from behind me. I spun around in my chair and saw Savannah standing in my doorway. She must have just got home from volleyball practice because she still had her blue volleyball t-shirt on along with her knee-pads and some very short short volleyball spandex. I quickly averted my eyes up to her face.

“Nothing, sweetheart. Just talking to myself about work.” I tried to change the subject quickly, “How was volleyball practice?”

“Oh, you know, the usual,” she replied. “Dad… I know you weren’t talking about work. I’m almost eighteen. I’m not an idiot. You are trying to think of a birthday present for me, aren’t you?” She winked at me. I was caught red handed.

“You’re right. That’s exactly what I’m trying to figure out. Do you have any ideas of what you’d like?”

“Well…” She started in, “I can’t think of anything off the top of my head, but I’ll let you know, OK?”

“Ok, sweetheart, sounds good. Go get changed, I think mom almost has dinner ready.”

Savannah was no help during the following week. Her birthday was in one day and she still had not given me any ideas as to what she wanted. Her mother and I had talked about it at least a hundred times but neither of us could think of anything.

Finally, at like nine o’clock in the evening the day before her birthday, Savannah came and found me. I was winding down, sitting on the couch and watching some stupid TV show like I usually did. “Daddy? I figured out what I want for my birthday tomorrow.”

I motioned for her to come sit down. “Oh? And what’s that?”

“I want to go on a relaxing weekend getaway and just escape the hustle and bustle of every day life for a weekend.”

“Oh sweetheart! That sounds like a great idea! Your mother and siblings would love that…”

She cut me off. “No, dad. I want a weekend getaway just you and me. Like our old daddy/daughter date nights, but a weekend. Just you and me going up to the mountains and going shopping and renting ATV’s and enjoying each other’s company. What do you say?!”

“Well… I would need to check with your mother…”

“Already did! And she thought it would be a great idea! She said that she wouldn’t mind a weekend away from us and that she could get some stuff done around the house!”

“Alright, you sold me! We’ll leave in the morning. Let me guess, you’re already packed aren’t you?”

She shot me a big grin. “You know I am…”

“You are definitely your mother’s daughter! Alright, go get some sleep and I’ll go pack myself now so we can get an early start.”

The following morning Savannah was up before anyone else in the house. She was downstairs cooking breakfast for the whole family when I walked downstairs, still half asleep in my pajamas, when the crisp scent of fresh coffee wafted under my nose. I immediately perked up as I saw that it was Savannah in the kitchen and not my wife. “Well good morning to the birthday girl!” I exclaimed as I headed towards the island and took a seat.

Savannah twirled around and greeted me with a big smile and a “Thank you, daddy!” I could tell she was all ready to go. She was already fully dressed and clearly in a very good mood. She had on a pair of tennis shoes, which lead to her long, now eighteen year old legs, which were not covered in the slightest. She was wearing a pair of her volleyball spandex shorts and a very tight pink razorback shirt. Her figure looked amazing and she looked like she was ready for a ten mile hike!

Savannah and I enjoyed some coffee together while the rest of the family woke up and slowly made their way downstairs. After we had all eaten breakfast together, Savannah was eager to get on the road. Her mother and I cleaned up the dishes while Savannah had her two younger brothers help her load up my truck with the suitcases and snacks for the weekend.

It was barely half past nine when we finally said goodbye to the rest of the family and hopped into my truck to head up to the mountains.

“Oh daddy!” Savannah exclaimed as we had barely gotten moving. “I am so excited to have a weekend alone with you! We’re going to have so much fun!” And she looked over at me and shot me a wink. I didn’t think much of it, since I had suppressed so many of my sexual urges over the past two years. I just smiled back at her and replied, “yes, we will, sweetheart.”

It was about a four hour drive up to our cabin the mountains. We were halfway there when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned my head to the right and I about crashed the truck with what I saw next. Savannah was leaning back in the seat, her eyes closed, and her right hand was down the front of her spandex. All of the suppressed sexual images came flooding to me at once, and my cock grew instantly hard in my athletic shorts as I watched Savannah quite clearly pleasuring herself.

She bit her lips and a very small moan escaped her lips. That must have brought her back to reality because she opened her eyes and looked over at me. I was still gawking at my sexy daughter with her hand down her pants. “Better keep your eyes on the road, old man,” she laughed at me.

I turned my eyes back to the road and looking dead ahead I asked her, “Um, sweetheart, what were you just doing?”

“Oh don’t play dumb, daddy! I know you saw me! I just couldn’t help myself, riding in your truck has always made me horny ever since I started puberty!”

My cock twitched and jumped hearing my daughter say ‘horny’. She continued talking, “And by the looks of it, I’m not the only horny one.” She reached over and poked the tent in my shorts.

“Savannah, no!” I scolded her and pushed her hand away. “Don’t you remember our conversation from a couple of years ago? That is over.”

“Oh daddy! You’re so funny! I remember our conversation very clearly. I was underage then, but now, I’m legal. And guess what? I’ve been saving my virginity since I was fifteen for the man in my life whom I love the most.” Those last words escaped her lips in a seductive tone and I suddenly realized that this was not a simple weekend getaway.

Savannah had been planning this and had obviously “forgot” to tell dear old dad what her real motives were.

I tried my hardest to ignore her, but my cock was now straining at my athletic shorts, begging to be set free. “Savannah…” I started, “We can’t…”

“Shhh,” she put her left index finger to my lips to cut me off. Without saying another word her right hand shot downwards like a rocket. Before I knew what was happening, she had her hand tugging at the waistband to my shorts. I tried to push her hand away, but she wasn’t budging. I decided to just let her do what she was going to do anyways so I put my hand back on the steering wheel.

Savannah finally managed to claw her way underneath my shorts. Her tiny hands scraped against my groin and I involuntarily bit my lip. “Oh, daddy likes that doesn’t he?” She asked. I didn’t reply. She scraped her nails against me again, and again, my lip quivered and my cock twitched.

It didn’t take her long, and all of a sudden I felt a warmth surround my manhood. Savannah closed her hands around my shaft and a wave of release and pleasure flooded over me. My head rocked back in my seat and I did all I could to not look down and see my eighteen year old daughter with her hand down my shorts. She felt my shiver, and closed her hand tighter. She started to stroke my cock beneath my shorts. I could feel her tight hand gently moving from the base of my shaft all the way to the tip and then back down again.

“Oh fuck, Savannah,” I moaned out, “that feels so good. Your touch is electrifying.”

“Mmmm, I knew that you would like this weekend getaway daddy! I’ve been thinking about this ever since that night watching movies three years ago. Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course you can, sweetheart.”

“I used to go to my room after school and masturbate thinking about you…” She started to stroke my cock faster and with more intent. “I would imagine seeing your big manhood pop out from your sweatpants. I would picture what it would look like. I would finger myself, moaning out ‘daddy’ as I did, imagining that my fingers were your cock.”

My balls were tensing up quickly with her effortless stroking motion. All of a sudden, Savannah stopped stroking my cock. “I think it’s about time I finally see the cock that I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little girl.” Savannah pulled her right hand out of my shorts, and using both hands, she pulled my waistband down as far as she could. In an instant, my cock sprang free from its confines and bounced up and down in the air against my shorts. It came back like a punching bag and stood firmly at attention, pointing straight up the roof of the car.

Savannah’s eyes widened. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and exclaimed, “Oh my God, dad! That thing is huge!” Her compliment lifted my heart. I certainly didn’t consider myself ‘huge’ by any means. I had a decent girth and was about seven inches long when fully erect. I knew that I didn’t have the biggest cock in the world, but I had the experience that came with my age and I knew how to use every inch of it.

I simply smiled and said thank you. “Can I… can I taste it…?” Savannah asked me with a timidness in her voice.

“Sweetheart, I think at this point we are past you asking permission for things. You are clearly in control of everything.”

“Yeah, you’re right!” she exclaimed quickly, and without missing a beat her head dropped and the next thing I saw was the top of her blonde hair. It was all too much for me to handle. One second my daughter was stroking my cock and now all of a sudden her mouth was enveloping my manhood.

Her lips parted the instant she touched my fleshy and swollen head. Like a glove, her mouth opened just wide enough to take me into her mouth. I could feel her tongue on the right side of cock, slowly sliding across me as she began to take me deeper into her mouth.

“Oh my God!” was all that I could manage to utter. It was all I could do to keep the car moving in a straight line. “Oh sweetheart, that feels amazing. Your mouth is so warm.”

Savannah did not reply but I could tell my words made her smile. She continued to slowly suck me into her mouth. I could feel her tongue, and the roof of her mouth. I could feel her saliva flowing out from her glans, lubricating my cock. She was forming a vacuum around my shaft and I just had to ask.

“Savannah, have you done this before?”

She pulled her head off of me, and a long string of saliva stuck to the tip of my cock and pulled away, stringing to her bottom lip. “Nope,” she replied. “This is my first time, ever. Am I doing ok?”

“Yes, sweetheart, you are doing great.”

With my nod of approval, she once again lowered her head and this time she stuck her tongue out as she swallowed me. She was taking as much of me into her throat as she could. I could feel her nose pressing against the left side of my hip and when I looked down, she wasn’t moving. ‘Oh my God’ I thought to myself, ‘She is deep throating me. My baby girl is deep throating her daddy’s cock.’ I have to admit, I was actually extremely turned on when I thought that to myself and it made my cock twitch.

The twitch was enough to cause Savannah to start to choke and gag a small amount. She coughed, and her head came off of my cock. A large pool of saliva fled her mouth and flowed down my shaft onto my hips and athletic shorts. “Wow, dad! That was fun!”

I decided to try and teach her something, since we had already gone this far and there was clearly no turning back now. I told her to lower her head again, but as she did to take a deep breath.

She followed my instructions and took a huge breath right as she reached my cock head. I took my hand and placed it on the back of her silky smooth blonde hair. “Ok,” I said, “now do the same thing, but this time I’m going to push myself into your mouth and hold you there.”

Savannah lowered her mouth tightly around my member and as her nose pressed against my hip, I held her head firmly in place and rose my hips up off of the seat. I could feel the tip of my head hitting the back of her throat, tickling her tonsils. She began to gag once again as my hips lifted higher and higher. I finally let her head go and she took one long breath and then went back to sucking my cock like she had earlier. Her saliva had completely lubricated my cock and her head was bobbing up and down with a furious pace. Her long hair was whipping with her movements. It felt like thirty seconds, but I’m sure it was a couple of miles worth of driving that she had been sucking my cock, and I could feel my balls churning.

“Savannah,” I tapped her on the head. “You should probably stop. I’m about to cum.”

Instead of stopping and going back to her seat, she pulled her head away from my cock just long enough to say, “I’m not stopping until I taste you. Cum in my mouth daddy!” And she went back to her bobbing and sucking.

I was too weak at this point to argue with her. Within another thirty seconds, my cum was filling my shaft. With a loud grunt, and barely a warning, I started to cum. Savannah stopped sucking when she felt the first big rope of my hot salty cum hit the back of her throat. She swallowed the first rope out of instinct and coughed. She was a trooper, though, and kept her lips wrapped around me as I continued to erupt inside of her mouth. A second and third rope of cum blasted out from my head. She held those in her mouth as a fourth and finally a smaller fifth rope of cum jutted out and filled her up completely.

“Holy shit, Savannah. That was the best orgasm I can remember in a long time.”

She sucked the tip of my cock as she pulled away, and sat back, looking over at me. She opened her mouth and I could see my white goo completely filling her mouth. It was so full that when she smiled a small amount fell out and down her bottom lip. She caught what she could with her left hand and scooped it back into her mouth.

I was admiring my eighteen year old daughter with a mouthful of her own dad’s cum, when all of a sudden, she closed her mouth, gulped, and opened again. Just like that, it was gone. ‘Jesus! She just swallowed my cum!’ I thought to myself.

“That was so yummy, daddy! You taste amazing! I have to have more. Wow!”

I was coming down from my incredible high and reality was hitting me as she said that. I had just let my own daughter suck my cock until I came in her mouth and she swallowed all of my cum. “Savannah, that was not OK. I should not have let you do that. It’s wrong for us to be doing those kind of things.” I said the words, but they were only half-hearted. Half of me was telling myself to stop and to turn around, while the other half had an insatiable lust that I needed to fulfill.

“Oh daddy, relax! It’s not like I let you fuck me…Yet…” She winked at me.

This time I definitely didn’t keep the car in a straight line. I jerked the wheel and sent us both rocking back and forth from the shock of what she had just said.

“Well, lets get to the cabin and unpack and we can talk about things,” I said to her. Read 98871 times | Rated 95 % | (674 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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