I Want You to Look

An adult stories – I Want You to Look by Donobono,Donobono “Hey, I’m home”

No answer

“So, what’s the plan for dinner.”

Again, no response.


“What? I already ate.” She replied with a dismissive tone, her eyes plastered to her phone.

“Alright… so, what about me?”

All I got in response was a half-hearted shoulder shrug, still busy typing away, her eyes laser-focused on the device in front of her.

I didn’t bother trying to talk to her any further. I knew that would have been a pointless endeavor. So I just went off to my room.

She’s been really aloof lately. Or to be more accurate, a total bitch.

I immediately locked my door after entering my room.

I was stressed and overworked. And Klara was not helping.

I was so done. Just so done with everyone’s bullshit. And why was her skirt so short? She didn’t even try and cover the white cotton panties underneath, in fact, her legs were wide open, almost inviting me to look. To stare at her creamy white thighs, at that very prominent cameltoe-

What the fuck is wrong with me. I am her big brother for fucks sake. Christ, Lukas, pull yourself together. You can’t keep thinking of her in such a manner.

But then again… fuck man. That cute little face she makes when she’s deep in thought. The way her skirt rides up her thighs as she sits down with her legs spread, the shape of her lips pressed against the fabric of her panties, just out there in the open for me to see.

I just want to… fucccck! Why does she have to be so fucking cute?

I did it, I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t even take off my trousers, I simply could not wait. I had to do it at that very moment. And so, I fished out my raging erection from the fly and started furiously jacking off. It did not take long for my orgasm to come forth, spewing out in powerful jets all over my hand and shirt.

I tried to remove the viscous gunk as best I could and threw the soiled shirt with the rest of my filthy clothes in the wash. The tissue followed suit in the trash bin next to my desk.

I need to get this under control. But before I do that, time to get some food in my belly. The orgasm made me even more hungry somehow. I could really go for some fish and chips.

And so, I went out but didn’t make it far until I realized something vitally important was missing. I forgot my wallet at home.

Stupid horny bastard. Maybe if you would get your mind out of the gutter once in a while, you would remember some shit.

I begrudgingly made the journey back.

Seeing as I wasn’t in the best of moods, I slammed the front door shut behind me. I expected her to yell from the living room, asking me what my problem was, but instead, I was greeted by the sound of hurried footsteps coming out of a room: my room. The sound of the rushing footsteps clearly emanated from my room; my room being the only one in the entire house which had a wooden floor. I would know those creaking noises from anywhere.

We usually respected each other’s privacy, never entering each other’s rooms without the other one being present. So this was a very unusual occurrence indeed. What could she possibly need in there?

I entered the living room and there she was, sitting in her usual spot on the couch. But I could immediately tell that there was something off about her.

Her breathing was heavy, probably from rushing out of my room. She was also trembling and her face was flushed. But what piqued my interest the most was her legs, they were closed very tightly shut.

Which I found very odd, to say the least. I’ve had many arguments with her over her laxness. She always wore her skirts short and did not care for any form of decency. She would sometimes bend over, sticking her butt out in front of me, not caring if I could see the material digging into the crack of her ass, not caring if I could see her pussy lips sticking out.

So, I found it very peculiar when I found her sitting there with her legs closed, since she would always keep her legs splayed open when she was sitting on that couch.

She ignored me as usual. But I could see her fidgeting ever so slightly as I got closer.

“Why are you back home so early”, she asked in a neutral tone, but with an unmistakable quiver coming through.

“Forgot my wallet”

“Oh”, she said, her voice small.

I didn’t try to press her for answers, instead, I headed straight for my room. Trying to find anything that would prove her presence was indeed present in my room.

I couldn’t tell that there was anything amiss at first glance, but what I did notice was something very distinctive. A scent in the air. An unmistakable fragrance. The scent of female arousal. And it was still strong and fresh, permeating through the entire room. Intoxicating me. This was the smell of a very aroused pussy. My sister’s pussy to be exact.

I walked around in a daze. Trying to process this new influx of information. Was my baby sister… masturbating in my room. Why? It just would not compute in my brain. How could this be possible? Why would she possibly do such a thing? I was absolutely baffled.

And then my eye caught the inside of the bin. Or rather, the lack of something in the bin. The tissues, my cum filled tissues, were gone. Where is it? Did she find it? What did she do with it? What the hell is going on?

Okay, alright, calm down. I need to think this through, rationally. Should I confront her about it? No, not yet anyway. I wouldn’t want to embarrass her, or myself for that matter. I think it would be best to just grab my wallet and get something in my system, who knows, I might start thinking more clearly once I cleared my head a bit and enjoyed some greasy, deep-fried fish and chips. But then again, I seriously doubt that.

Another beautiful day behind me, same shit as always. As in, getting jerked around by my bosses. Can’t wait to be treated to a nice home-cooked meal after such a long day at work. Yeah, in my dreams maybe. She’s probably still in her school clothes, sitting on the couch as always.

“Hey Klara, do you also get that wonderful aroma of absolutely nothing for dinner.”

“I think there’s still some leftovers in the fridge.”

“Look here, when I come home I don’t want some cold leftovers from the fridge. I want a home-cooked meal. Alright. And I can’t keep getting takeout every day.”

“Sure bro.” She said nonchalantly.

I couldn’t even retort, as she shifted her legs, opening them up, and giving her perverted brother a clearer view of the material that was wedged up her snatch.

The words completely escaped me. So all I did was give a half-mumbled reply and stormed off toward my room, quickly locking the door behind me.

This time I wasn’t going to sully my shirt. So I removed it and immediately got started on cranking my dick, taking out all my frustration on it.

And it took an absolute beating. I did not hold back.

How dare she speak to me that way. That beautiful little cunt. Shit. Like I don’t matter. Fuck. Always showing off her perfect little pussy. Oh my god. Oh god. Shit. Fucccck me! Yessss!

I really was the perfect encapsulation of a loser. Jerking off to the thought of his own little sister.

There I laid, covered in my own cum. I quickly cleaned myself up. The semen pooled in the tissue, thick and viscous. I made sure to toss the tissue into the bin once more, wondering if it would ‘magically’ disappear again.

I guess this was my life now. I was a big, horny perverted freak and I just had to deal with it. I was also a very hungry perverted freak

Like clockwork, I went out for fish and chips once more.

No, don’t tell me… I can’t believe this. I, once again, for the second consecutive time, while on my way to get takeout, noticed something was missing. The missing item in question this time is my cellphone. God, I’ve been so scatterbrained lately. At least the house isn’t that far back this time.

I walked back briskly until I stood facing the front door, but not entering it. I realized something. What if she was in my room again? I needed to know for sure that I was right. I needed to see it, to be sure.

And so, I entered our home, trying to make as little noise as possible.

I wandered through the house as quietly as I could, hardly breathing, all my senses engaged.

She wasn’t in her usual spot in the living room. I peeked into her room as well, but she wasn’t there either, and I doubted she even knew what the inside of the kitchen looked like these days, so I knew she wouldn’t be there.

Before I could check the bathroom, I heard a noise. I immediately moved closer to investigate, but I already knew where the sound originated from, my bedroom.

As I neared the room, I started making out the sounds, and I knew it, I knew those distinct noises. Squeaking noises, my bed was making squeaking noises.

I finally made it to my bedroom door, standing in front of it, contemplating my next move. The squeaking was getting more pronounced, not loud, but I could tell something very conspicuous was happening in that room. And I had a very good idea of what that was.

Should I really do this? It could change everything between us. She’s my baby sister, I probably shouldn’t.

No wait, she’s in my room. She doesn’t belong there. She shouldn’t be there, doing that in my room, on my bed, where I sleep, where I jerk off, thinking about her. Fuck.

Admit it, you horny bastard. You just want to see your little sister playing with her pussy.

Okay, I admit it. Truth be told, If I’m being completely honest with myself, I already made the decision a while ago. I want to do this. I need to do this. All I need to do is just pull the trigger.

And pull the trigger I did, and what resulted from that action was an explosion, figuratively and literally. Because once I opened that door, absolute pandemonium ensued.

What I saw that day forever changed me.

There she was, my baby sister, in the most obscenely lewd position I’ve ever seen.

Her body was almost completely pushed off the bed, her head and the tips of her toes the only things keeping her grounded to the bed, fully spread eagle, It was absolutely unbelievable sight. Her body was completely arched, contorted in ecstasy, raised up high in the air.

I saw everything, and I mean everything, except her face, which was covered by a pillow, muffling her screams of pleasure. Her one hand held the pillow in place, while the other one…

Shoved the tissue inside. That’s right. She was busy shoving my filthy, cum soaked tissue inside herself.

I don’t know what I was expecting exactly, coming into this room, but never in my wildest dreams could I have ever predicted this.

She didn’t even realize I was there, as I looked at her slack-jawed, in absolute awe. She was completely engrossed in her pleasure.

What happened next, I never could have ever imagined, not even in my wildest wet dreams.

A large volume of fluid came gushing out of her, jetting down her thighs and legs, creating a large wet spot on the sheet below.

Her body started moving frantically, especially her hips, which bucked uncontrollably. I also noticed that the tissue, my used tissue, was completely shoved up her trench, with four of her fingers joining it.

Trace amounts of her girl juices still seeped out her little pussy, causing quite a mess down below, but soon ended once she pulled out the soggy tissue from her slot, which I think has definitely seen better days, even before its deep dive.

I was so enthralled by this deeply intimate display of carnal sensuality, that I didn’t immediately catch on to the pair of eyes looking at me, my own eyes still attentively drawn toward her inviting nether regions.

“Lukas?” She sounded out timidly, her face showing a mix of fear, shock, and uncertainty.

All I could do was gawk at her, unable to get out a single word.

“No”, she said, a look of shame crossing her face, before quickly covering herself up, with my now very wet sheet.

I stood there rooted in place for a moment, still in shock myself, but reality soon started settling in. This was my sister, and she needed me. I mean, I caught her masturbating, with my tissue, my sperm-filled tissue, my actual cum. I know I keep reiterating the same thing over and over again, but I just can’t seem to wrap my head around it. She shoveled through the garbage bin to retrieve something with my potent seed in it, with the intention of getting it into her fertile reproductive system. I don’t know, but the thought of that to me is just so… fucking hot.

Anyway, I got a little sidetracked, my actual point was, being caught by me, her own brother, doing what she did, must’ve been so embarrassing for her. So, I’m going to have to handle this situation with tact and utmost sensitivity.

“Hey sis, listen to me.”

“Just leave me alone.”

“Okay, if that’s what you really want, I’ll go, I’ll leave, but just know, I’m not mad or anything like that, alright. I love you and we’re cool, totally cool.”

“Please, just go”, she said pleadingly.

“Fine, I’m going, but just remember to clean the sheets, no pressure or anything though.”

She just groaned in annoyance followed by one of embarrassment, her body physically wincing behind the sheet from the cringe and awkwardness.

I just stood there, still not making any move to leave.

“Lukas, are you still there?”


“Why?” She asked, not in an angry way, but sounding genuinely curious.”

“I don’t know really?”

Oh… okay then. So… do you want to stay?” She tentatively asked.

That, I felt was a very loaded question. How do I respond to that? I myself don’t even know what I want, exactly. Or maybe that’s just a lie. I think I do know what I want. But what about her? Does she want this as well? And what will this mean for our future?

“Klara… what do you want me to do?”

I think-I think you should maybe stay, or you can go if you, you know, want to or whatever.

I smiled, I could almost imagine seeing her bright red cheeks through the sheet. “I think I’d rather stay, if that’s okay with you, but only on one condition.”

“What’s that?” She asked uncertainly.

“I want to see you, your face, I mean. I can’t hold a conversation with your face all covered up”, I said, letting out an awkward chuckle.

“I don’t know, I just don’t know if I can face you, she said hesitantly”, while fidgeting around nervously in bed.

“Klara, I’m not going to judge you or anything, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, and I won’t try to peak, promise”, I heard her mutter something at that last statement but was unable to decipher her words.

She suddenly, very swiftly removed the sheet from the top half of her body, exposing her full, heaving breasts to my hungry gaze. She stared directly at me, scrutinizing my every facial expression and body language as a whole. I don’t know what she saw on my face, but If I were to take a guess, it would probably be mostly blank, with drool flowing out of my mouth. Because I was staring very leeringly at her bosom, especially her nipples.

Her nipples, the best way I could describe them was to say they were very unique, in the best way possible. They were very long and prominent, causing me to imagine their texture and how it would feel to lightly bite them, chew on them, and suckle on both those succulent-looking teats. Her engorged nipples were a very bright shade of hot pink, while the areola surrounding the nipple was an even darker shade of rose pink, almost red in color. The color of her teats was starkly contrasted by her pale white fleshy tit meat, yet complemented by it beautifully.

I know I might come across as some kind of snobbish tit critic, but they really were impeccable perfection. There is just no other way to describe them, that would do them justice. And I’m not even done yet.

The two fleshy, round orbs were perfectly symmetrical, exactly proportionate to each other. And they were big, not excessively so, but they were definitely more than a handful. I always knew they were big, I mean, it would be hard not to notice, but now that they are there, fully bared in front of me in all their glory, I can finally see them at their true magnificence and scale, and I am left totally at a loss for words.

I saw them bared naked to me before, the moment I stepped into this room, but was so distracted by the almost pornographic obscenity in front of me that my eyes neglected to take in the true scope of their magnificence. They are now forever ingrained in my memory.

That made me realize something else my eyes skimmed over. Okay, maybe not skimmed over, but I definitely didn’t give it the appreciation and attention that it sorely deserved. I’m of course referring to her asshole. Sorry to be crude but the thing I saw could not be described as an anus or any other euphemism, it was cute looking, yes, but there was also something very carnal about it.

I soon realized that I was still staring intently at her tits. I didn’t know for how long; it felt like I went through an entire spiritual journey and back, as entrenched by her breasts as I was. I needed to get back to the task at hand, and what is that task exactly, I don’t think I know anymore.

Once I detached my eyes from her heavenly boobs and actually looked at her face, I discovered her looking at me, with a wide, broad smile on her innocent-looking face, but that smiled turned pretty quickly, once she saw me staring back at her, turning into an impish grin, twisting her face into something dark, sinful even.

“I see you’ve finally noticed my eyes are up here,” she said, the sexy grin still plastered on her face.

“Sorry about that”

“No, I don’t want you to be sorry, Lukas. I actually like you looking at me. I always have. There, I said it. Oh God, that’s such a relief to finally get that out there.”

“So, uh, why did you cover yourself up?” I asked, shocked by her admission.

“Because dummy, I was absolutely mortified by you catching me doing this with the… tissue.”

“And this has never happened to me before”, she said, pointing at the giant wet spot on the sheet.

“So, you’ve always wanted me to stare at you, so that’s why you always kept your legs so widely spread, you obviously knew I could see under your skirt.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of embarrassing, hearing you say it out loud but that’s all true, I can’t deny it, I like you looking at me with that look in your eye, it makes me feel so hot.”

“Klara… but you’re my-”

“Sister? Is that what you were going to say? Yes, I know that very well, trust me. That doesn’t change the way your lustful eyes on me make me feel. And that fact certainly does stop you from looking at me the way you do.”

“Now wait just a minute-”

No, it’s the truth Lukas, and you know it. I see you staring at me, undressing me with your eyes, I see you want to fuck me and guess what big brother, I like it, I like it a lot.

I was way too stunned to speak. I’ve rarely heard her curse in all the eighteen years of knowing her. So the combination of the f-bomb and her confession really threw me for a loop.

Her face softened a bit at seeing my stunned expression and she said, “That’s why I’ve been such a bitch to you lately, I couldn’t deal with my conflicting emotions. On the one hand, you are my loving big brother who I absolutely adore, on the other hand, I see a man who wants to fuck me, but who doesn’t take action and just does it. And I know my logic is flawed, absolutely absurd even, you are my big brother after all, the person who’s supposed to protect and love me, in a platonic way I might add, you can never actually do it, you can never just take me. So that’s why I had to take a piece of you. Something that I was never supposed to have in the first place.”

Realization suddenly dawned on me.

“That’s right Lukas, that is why I took your cum covered tissue. I wanted, no, needed a part of you inside of me.”

“Where is it? The one from yesterday.”

“You mean the tissue?” She asked, slightly confused by my question.

“Yeah, it was gone when I came back. So what happened to it? Did you throw it away?”

“What? No, of course not”, she said, absolutely bewildered by the very idea of me asking something like that.

“So, where is it then?”

She didn’t immediately respond, instead taking her time to think it over.”You really wanna know?”

I just gave her a stern nod.

“Yesterday wasn’t the first time I found one of your leftover loads. I actually came across one a few weeks ago. A little over two weeks ago to be more exact.

The first time I saw it, I knew what it was. I may have been in denial for a moment, I mean, it couldn’t be, not my sweet older brother. He could never do something so nasty and vile. But I knew, in my heart of hearts, that it had to be true. You are only human after all.

I didn’t know exactly why, and I’m still not sure, but for some inexplicable reason, I was drawn to it, to your nasty, filthy cum. So, I went in closer, and yep, my suspicion was confirmed. That was definitely cum. Your cum. So I did what every other sane sister would do when finding her brother’s filthy cumrag, I sniffed it.

She suddenly looked at me expectantly, trying to maybe see if I might offer up some response to that absolute bombshell she just dropped, and all I could think of to say was, “So, uh, what were you doing in my room?”

She suddenly let out an enormous belly laugh, probably laughing harder than I’d ever heard from her before. It was actually surprising how long it went on. Literal tears were going down her cheeks by the time she was finished. She wiped her tears away, smiled broadly, and said, “Only you Lukas, would ask a girl what she was doing in your room, when she, this girl, me, just confessed that I sniffed your fucking cum. Oh my God, this is so hilarious.” She wiped even more tears away, before breaking out in even further giggles.

I just stood there at a loss for words. Not knowing what to say, or what to do.

She looked at me with a devious smile on her face and said, “Hey big bro, you sure look uncomfortable over there, just standing around. Why don’t you come over here, sit down on the bed with me and listen to me finish my tale? C’mon, it will be fun.”

I did so reluctantly, sitting on the very edge of the bed.

She looked at me, an almost sad expression forming on her face, and asked, “Lukas, why are you being like this?”

“Like what, Klara?”

“Like that, like this person, this nervous schoolboy. Are you disgusted by me, is that it, huh.”

“What? No, don’t be ridiculous.”

“I knew I should’ve just kept my mouth shut”, she said, tears forming once again, but certainly not in joy this time. I hated seeing her like this.

I went in, attempting to hug her, to console her, but she resisted my attempt. For only a few moments that is, before accepting my brotherly hug. She absolutely melted in my arms, and it wasn’t lost on me that she had her full, naked breasts pressed against my chest.

I whispered some sincere apologies in her ear, telling her that it was all okay, that I still loved her, and that I didn’t see her any differently.

I understood why she was acting so emotionally. She was in a vulnerable position, telling me this deeply personal story, and was afraid I would see her differently.

The truth was, I did see her differently now. Not in the way she was probably thinking, but my perception of her definitely changed after hearing her side of the story.

Before, even when I walked through that door, I still thought of her as my very sexy sister. I didn’t want to fuck her as she so crudely stated. Yes, I fantasized about her, I admit it, but I never thought about the possibility of actually fucking her. Now I know how way she feels. I now know that she wanted me to fuck her. She basically admitted it. Now, I’m thinking of actually fucking my sister. Right here, right now, on this bed.

So, what should I do? Do I do it? Do I go ahead and pin her down on this bed and just have my way with her, and devile her? No, I could, and would never do that. Even if I wanted to, which I do, I really, really do. But she’s my baby sister. I’ll look, I can’t keep myself from looking, but I will never have sex with her.

That’s why I acted so strangely before, I felt my control slipping, I didn’t know how to act around her, completely enveloped by my overwhelming lust for her. But I’m fine now.

Holding her in my arms, reminded me of the important role I play in her life. I’m her brother, her protector, and her biggest supporter, and that is all I ever will be. And I’m fine with that.

I patted her on the back two times, signaling to her that I was going to break the intimate embrace between us, which I then did.

“So, I never actually told you what I did in your bedroom that first time, did I?”

I sat down next to her on the bed, over the sheet, of course, and said, “No I don’t believe you did, I do however seem to recall you being very busy laughing at me.” And then I made a face, pretending to sulk.

She let out a giggle before she replied, “I was not laughing at you, you big baby. I just laughed because that was such a you thing to say.”

“What do you mean?” I questioned with an exaggerated incredulous gasp.

“We both know you’re a stickler for the rules, stick up his butt kind of guy.” She said with a smug look, almost daring me to retort.

This time, I think I actually did let out a real involuntary incredulous gasp. “What!? That’s so not true,” but we both knew I was talking straight-up polony. Truth was, I could be slightly pedantic at times. But hey, no one’s perfect. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with wanting a little order every now and then. I mean, set rules are there for a reason.

She didn’t reply, instead, she continued giving me that obnoxious look before she suddenly took on a more serious one.

“So, I told you I sniffed your semen, and that was true. And that was all I did: the first time. Yesterday, well, yesterday was a completely different story.”

Now that certainly got my attention. I waited in anticipation for her to continue.

She paused for a minute, taking her time to get her thoughts in order before continuing, “Every day, since that first time I found that little surprise of yours in the bin, I looked for another one, but I came up short each time, until yesterday. That’s when I found another, with an even bigger yield than last time. When I unwrapped the tissue, a copious amount of your jizz just laid inside, waiting for me. I thought, what a waste. Why were you wasting such a beautiful part of yourself, by literally throwing it in the garbage?

For the last two years, I feel like we’ve grown apart. And I know it’s mostly my fault, but you also grew distant from me. I missed us being together as loving siblings, you know like we used to be. But I didn’t know how to achieve that.

So I went into your room, just looking for something, anything that would bring us closer together. I just felt like I didn’t know you anymore, and you were slipping further and further away.

Then I found something, something that I thought would bring you closer to me. So, I took a sniff of it, don’t ask me why, but I did, and to be honest with you, I found it absolutely intoxicating. I found it so intoxicating in fact, that I wanted to do more with it, but I just didn’t have the guts to at the time.

But yesterday, seeing that large amount of your cum, in that tissue, just did something to me. I swear I didn’t plan on doing it, it just happened.

Yesterday, I licked your cum, before swallowing it, as much of it as I could, sucking it all up. But it didn’t feel like I got enough of you, oh no, I had to have more. So… I did the only thing I could think of at the time, and that was to swallow your entire cum rag.

My God, it made me so freaking horny, so fucking wet. The wetness soaked through my panty, creating a big, wet spot. You couldn’t miss it, that’s why when you came back I had to cover up, keep my legs closed, so you couldn’t see it. But I was tempted to show you, Lukas, I really was.”

“And today? What did you do with the tissue today?” She couldn’t see my face because sometime during her story, she laid back down, with her looking up at the ceiling, not moving her gaze from it, probably afraid she would see my face and find judgment and disgust for her in it.

But she needn’t be worried. The only look she would have found if she looked up at my face, was pure, unadulterated desire.

“You know what I did”, she answered timidly.

“Tell me.”

She lifted herself up then, and looked at my face, seeing my lust for her seeping out of every pore.

I looked back at her angelic, deep blue eyes. Seeing the lust reflected back from them.

“I wanted to have you inside me, you know, carry you around with me. So, I did the only thing that I could think of. I stuck your filthy cum rag in my pussy, and pulled it out slowly, it came out soggy from all my girlcum, and you know what I did, I shoved it back in. Where it belongs.”

We were so close, and we were slowly moving in even closer. I knew exactly where this was headed. So I had to reluctantly think up something to say that would diffuse the sexual tension between us.

“So, uh, you know you can get pregnant from doing that, right?

“No, of course not, thanks for enlightening a stupid plebeian like myself, good sir”, she replied with sarcasm dripping off every word. Well, that’s about the response I expected.

“So, are you on birth control or something?”

She let out an exasperated sigh and said, “Yes Lukas, of course, I am. Do you think I’m stupid or what? Do you really think I would want to have one of your retarded babies?” She probably saw my stunned facial expression because she suddenly gave me a sweet smile, before she added, “But I probably wouldn’t mind having one of your babies, minus the retardation of course.”

All I could think of to say was, “I don’t think you can say that word anymore. It’s a hate word, right?”, which immediately send her into a fit of giggles. I watched her tits jiggle as she shook with mirth.

“Okay, where was I?” She asked, before letting out another round of giggles, “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Whew! Alright, I think last time I spoke about shoving your cumrag up my twat. Isn’t that right?” She stared expectedly at me like she was waiting for me to corroborate her statement. I could only swallow heavily, my Addams apple bobbing in my throat.

She gave me a little smirk before she said, “Anyway, my dear brother, I kept it in there for a while, stewing it inside, stirring it around in my insides.” She gauged my reaction and I doubt she was disappointed by what she saw, I probably looked like a deer in headlights.

Her talking about stirring that cum tissue around up her pussy, sure made something of mine stir; I was feeling the beginnings of a raging hardon begin to form.

“But it still wasn’t enough for me, I needed more. So I forced more of my fingers inside. I don’t know how many I got in, but I tried to get in as many as I could, trying to push your seed as deep as I could into my hungry little cunt. It all felt so taboo and forbidden, which made it feel so much better. At that moment I felt like the biggest slut in the world. I felt like my brother’s personal seed receptacle. Your personal cumdumpster.”

At that moment, right after that filth left her sweet lips, I pressed my own lips against hers. And she received them with all the passion she could muster.

It was an exhilarating feeling. It was so wrong, so completely fucked up. But at that moment, we didn’t care. We kissed feverishly. The best way I could describe it was like we were sucking faces. I mean, it was just that intense. While I was sucking, licking, and tasting her lips, she did the same to mine, she was sucking on my tongue, and I was sucking on hers. It was a spit-swapping extravaganza.

I cupped her single exquisitely soft orb in my hand, felt it up, and squeezed, almost manhandling her delicate boob. If she felt any discomfort by my action, she definitely did not show it, on the contrary, she moaned even louder in my mouth, clutching me even tighter.

I’ve never felt so much hunger in my entire fucking life before, here I had my cute, completely bared-ass naked younger sister, in my arms, in anticipation of me fucking her. And she could very well be right in assuming that. By the way, we were kissing, one would assume we were wild animals, tearing away at each other. So it did seem like that was the most likely path we were headed.

The truth is I couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to. My mind was already made up. This was really going to happen. I was going to pound my sister into my bed.

I detached my lips and tongue from hers, a small string of saliva between us, still connected us as I pulled away, before breaking off.

I kissed her sweetly on the forehead then, and held it there for a moment, trying to show her warmth and gentleness, in contrast with our aggressive make-out session.

Then I looked at her, with love and tenderness. She looked back at me with this almost vulnerable look, but there was also still some clear affection and admiration in her eyes.

I removed the soiled sheet from her and exposed her shapely form to my avid gaze. I didn’t want to stare too much at her exposed naked body, even though I knew she liked me looking at her. Because this was still my sister, I didn’t want her to see me ogling her in a predatory fashion, even though I’m certain she would have preferred it if I did so.

I took off my shorts, and my underwear soon followed as I moved in between her thighs. She was very quick to open up her legs, as wide open as she could, probably straining her ligaments to their absolute limit. She was ready, she wanted it, there was no doubt in my mind.

I think I was ready, my cock definitely was. It was as stiff as a board and harder than it’s ever been before. It couldn’t have been any more ready to fuck this pussy in front of it. I couldn’t see it, but I knew, I could feel the precum dripping out of my dickhole. I was so ready to pound the shit out of this fine ass bitch, and make this little cunt mine.

That’s just the thing though. This wasn’t some random whore off the street, this was my beloved little sister, and right now, I was thinking of her as some slut I could just stick my dick into. No, I had no right.

And what would Mom say if she was still here? Huh! You absolute degenerate piece of shit. Do you think she would condone this incestuous relationship? Fuck no. She told you to be there for Klara, to protect her from this unforgivingly cruel world. She made you promise. And what did you do? You failed. You’ve failed already. But does that mean you can continue failing? No. That is not an option. There is nothing that can be done about the past now. But at this moment, right here, right now, you have a choice. You can choose to do the right thing, or you can fuck up like you’ve always done.

I choose to do the right thing.

I got out from between her legs. She didn’t try and stop me. I didn’t look at her, I couldn’t look at her. I just sat on the edge of the bed, looking straight out in front of me, contemplating what I would have done, and felt disgusted with myself. What Klara was thinking or feeling, I had no idea. And truth be told, I didn’t want to know. I didn’t feel her make any movements. She was stock-still. I only felt a gaze at the back of my skull. She was definitely looking at me but didn’t say a single word. We must have sat there for a good 2-3 minutes, which felt like hours.

Until I felt her move. She shuffled around for a few moments before she got up, collected her clothing items from the floor, and left my room. I turned my head in another direction as she passed me. I made sure not to look at her. I felt ashamed somehow even though I was certain that I made the right decision.

I’m not sure if she looked back at me as she left. I like to believe that she did, even though she has every reason to be mad at me right now. She might not understand why I made this decision at the moment, but I know she will come to understand.

I sat there for who knows how long, replaying the crazy eventful day over and over again in my head. And there I sat until I realized something. Where is the tissue? I looked around for a bit but couldn’t find it. She had to have taken it with her. I didn’t know how to feel about that. But what I did know; this room suddenly felt very empty without her, and so did I.

“Hey, I’m home.”

No response, as usual.

What was unusual though was her absence in the living room. That’s quite a bit odd. Klara is very much a homebody so the odds of her leaving the house this time of day is very unlikely. She always got her butt plastered to that seat when I get home from work.

Why am even I so concerned about her whereabouts? She’s probably in her room or the bathroom or something. Chill man, it’s fine, she’s fine, everything’s fine.

Oh who am I kidding, I’m worried sick about her, and our relationship going forward. Things were already iffy between us, but now, I just don’t know. I might have just screwed everything up between us.

This morning we ate breakfast in awkward silence, even more so than usual. I could barely look at her and when I did, her eyes looked downcast, just staring at her cereal, as I inhaled mine as fast as I could, trying to escape the unbearable tension between us.

It was not like we were the chattiest of siblings before, but this morning… man it was rough.

We are both a bit reserved so it’s been hard for us to share our thoughts and feelings with each other. But it wasn’t always this way. There was a time when we used to share everything together. A time when we would talk about anything and everything.

Yesterday was almost like the old days, well, minus the whole nudity and kissing and… I think you get my point. It truly felt like things were the way they were before between us. She laughed, actually laughed for the first time in God knows how long. Okay, she might have laughed at my expense, but that’s the way things usually went. We used to have this dynamic going on, she was the annoying little sister and I the goody-goody two-shoes big brother. I was by no means perfect of course, oh no, far from it. But that was the roles we each played. Things were so much simpler back then.

But things changed, life happened, and I had to shift my role from a brotherly figure to a more fatherly one. And man, was I not ready. I was still so young when it happened, and had to grow up so fast. I was all alone too. No one to lean on for support, no one to talk to about how I felt. No one to guide me. I was completely alone.

And Klara had it even worse. She was of course even younger than I was when it happened and took it by far the hardest. She and Mom were also exceptionally close. Mom and I were close as well but those two just shared a very special bond, which, if I’m being completely honest, I wish I could’ve had with her.

Unlike me, Klara wasn’t alone, but with our aunt being her role model and guardian, it probably would of been better if she was. Aunt Astrid wasn’t exactly what you would call a poster child for stability. I’m not sure what happened in that house, but knowing my aunt, I have some ideas, and none of them are good.

I failed her. I admit it. I should have done more, tried to stay in touch, visited more, and tried to talk to her more often. But no, what did I do? Absolutely nothing. I might as well have abandoned her. No wonder she hated me. She probably still does.

And I just know something happened to her while she was living with our aunt. I just know it. She probably would never admit it, but I know. I know she’s hiding something from me, and my absence allowed that thing to happen. I wasn’t there to protect her, and for that, I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself.

One day Klara just showed up at the house out of the blue. She didn’t say a word about her time at our aunt’s and I didn’t ask, too afraid to know the answer. So I didn’t ask anything. I just tried my best to make her feel comfortable, safe, and at home, even though we both knew that this house could never feel like a real home ever again, not without Mom.

The time we were apart was about a year and a half, give or take. And in that time, we barely had any contact with each other. Not for lack of trying on my part, she simply refused to return my messages or any of my phone calls. She completely blocked me out of her life, and for the last two years since she came back home, she still hasn’t let me completely in.

Then I started noticing things about her, things a brother could notice, but not get completely obsessed over. Well, I got obsessed. I always knew my sister was cute, but suddenly noticed she was also damn sexy. When did I start to notice these things? Probably around the time she came back to the house. I could not stop looking, and I know now she let me look. And our relationship only suffered more for it. Because I could not keep my eyes to myself.

I, as her older brother, should have tried to talk to her and get her to open up to me. We are, for all intents and purposes, the only family we have left, after all. We only have each other in this world. So we need each other. I need her and she needs her big brother to man up and not be such a pussy.

I’m going to talk to her and be there for her, no matter if she wants me to or not, and end this bullshit between us. Today.

But first, time for a quick nap.

I didn’t get much sleep last night, understandable, and I had a really rough day at work, as usual, so I’m absolutely all pooped out.

I went directly to my room, thinking I could finally get some sleep, that was until I actually got there. As I approached my room, I noticed that the door was slightly open. I peered inside and there she was, all curled up in my bed, fast asleep. I didn’t bother trying to wake her, I was too tired and honestly, I was a bit nervous to do so. She also looked so cute while sleeping, I just didn’t have the heart.

I took off my shoes and crept into bed with her. She didn’t even notice me, fast asleep, snoring softly. She was always a heavy sleeper, so I wasn’t surprised in the least.

I too, soon followed her into dreamland, falling fast asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow, my last thought before passing out was, she sure is warm.

Then, my alarm went off. I felt for my phone, switched it off, and looked out the window as soon as I rubbed the cobwebs out of my eyes, trying to discern which time of day it was, before just looking at my phone. It read, 06:30, which meant I slept for over twelve hours, which, for me, is just ridiculous. I don’t think I’ve ever slept that long in all my life.

I wondered then, where Klara went. She wasn’t there when I woke up, probably getting ready for school, maybe. I then realized it was a Saturday, which meant no school, and even better for me, no work.

I also realized something else, I’m a filthy, sweaty, greasy mess. I immediately went in to take a long, longgg shower. After cleaning up, I went toward the kitchen, planning on making a very big breakfast for us. I was starving, so no cereal for me today. I was going to go all out in the kitchen.

Before even reaching the kitchen, my senses were overwhelmed by this wonderful blend of mouthwatering aromas.

Did Klara just prepare breakfast for us? We usually only just ate cereal for breakfast, except when I felt like preparing something for us. She rarely made anything for breakfast, maybe sometimes on my birthday or for some other special occasions, but I could count on one hand, the times she’s actually done so. This was very surprising indeed.

“Oh hey, I was just about to call you”, she said cheerily as I walked into the kitchen.

There it was, my breakfast meal fully prepared on the kitchen table, fresh and still steaming hot. Bacon, eggs, pork sausages, and toast with guacamole on top accompanied by a bowl of fruit salad and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. I could not believe my eyes.

“Who are you and what have you done with my lazy ass sister?”

“She didn’t go anywhere, so don’t be expecting this every time. Now dig in, before it gets cold.”

“Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am”, I said, giving her my goofiest salute, before marching over toward the kitchen table and sitting down.

She smiled at my display of goofiness before giving me an expectant look, watching me intently as I gave my first bite.

“What?” I said with a mouthful of toast.

“Well, how is it?”

I chewed very slowly then, contorting my face into an exaggerated look of disgust.

She made a pouting face before flicking a grape from her bowl toward my face.

I dodged the incoming grape before being met with a second one which connected with my nose. I immediately retaliated flinging some grapes of my own.

She let a shriek as the grapes hit her square in the face as I roared with laughter. She soon joined in, laughing her pretty head off with me.

“You’re so mean”, she said between laughing fits.

I just gave her a big cheeky grin and she gave me a brilliant smile in return.

I looked at her lips. They were full and plump, slightly reddish with a hint of moistness. Her lips just looked so… appetizing.

Her pale cheeks tinged red as she saw me staring, her smile turning slightly shy as she subtly wetted her lips further.

I snapped myself out of the trance I was in and took a sip of my juice.

“Wow, sis, this is, um, really good, great stuff, really.”, I said, acting as if there wasn’t just a massive amount of sexual tension brewing between us mere moments ago.

She looked at me for a moment, as if she didn’t quite register what I just said, before she answered, “Oh yeah thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

We ate in silence for a while, but there was no awkwardness between us. We just enjoyed our meal, each in our own little thoughts. She gave me some glances every now and then, trying to be sneaky with it, not sneaky enough though because I caught her doing so several times.

“You’ve really outdone yourself, Sis, this is the best breakfast I’ve had in a long time”, I said, wanting to break the silence.

“Thanks”, she replied quietly, almost mumbling her response. She seemed a bit distracted. It also seemed like she wanted to tell me something. I don’t know, maybe I could’ve been wrong but she definitely was dealing with some internal strife. It was clear to see on her face.

“Uhm… I should probably pick up these grapes. We can’t just leave them on the floor.”

Just as I moved to get up she sprang out of her seat and hollered, “No!”, at me. “No, no, just sit down, enjoy your meal, I’ll do it, okay.”

I was definitely taken aback by her sudden outburst as I watched her get up and walk toward my side of the table first. She came over, picked up the grapes, and threw them in the trash. She then made her way back towards her side, looking for the grapes I yeeted at her minutes ago.

I noticed a look on her face then, as she scanned the room for the strewn-about grapes, a look of determination on her face.

“Why did you have to throw away those still perfectly good grapes? I still would’ve eaten them, you know. You ain’t ever heard of the 5-minute rule before Sis. Yeah, I know it’s the 5-second rule, but honestly, who even cares man”

I rambled on and on, not too sure what to make of this situation. She didn’t seem to register anything I was saying. She just looked out in front of her in a daze. I couldn’t make out what she was thinking but that determined look she had on a moment ago had definitely faltered slightly.

“Klara, hey, I think I see one over there, yep there it is, under the fridge. You see it?”

All she did was give an affirmative nod, but it didn’t seem like she even heard me. She then walked over to the fridge with purpose and stood in front of it for a few moments, before bending over completely at the waste. Her ass protruded out toward me.

There it was, I did a double take for a second, not believing what my eyes were clearly looking at. But there it was as clear as day, a perfect little slit. That’s right, my sister had no panties on.

She held the position, clearly not looking for any grapes as I gaped at her little forbidden treasures. I kept gazing at her for a while, watching her narrow slit and her tiny, taut asshole.

Her vulva did not look so small and delicate before. I mean, she did have multiple fingers crammed up her pussy at the time, but now it seems to be so… chaste, untainted, and pure. But we both know that was no longer the case. My seed defiled her, perverting her once clean vagina into something dirty, something tainted, forever.

I also noticed something missing, her pubic hair. She didn’t have much hair before, to begin with, only a small tuft of dirty blond hair on her mound, which very much contrasted with the icy blond, almost white hair on her head. The hair surrounding her butthole has also vanished.

She was completely clean-shaven. Which could only mean she planned this. She shaved her pretty little snatch for me. She even took the time to pretty up her already exquisite little asshole for me. Yeah, she planned this all right. She purposefully did not wear any panties today. She wanted me to see. To admire her goodies.

I realized that this was it. This right here was an open invitation. I was invited to explore to my heart’s content, and all I had to do was just accept.

And accept I did, wholeheartedly so.

I was done fighting this burning urge. Seeing her so openly express her very clear desire for me, finally broke down my walls of resistance. I could no longer fight it, nor did I want to. My desire for her was too entrenched for me to resist any longer. I knew I could not fuck her of course, but there could be other ways to be close to her. I knew I was probably only doing mental gymnastics to justify what I was about to do but at that moment, I could not care less.

I readily shed my pants, my raging erection protruding out in front of me, out in the open at last. I rushed at her, kicking my pants off my feet as I went. Once I reached her, I took my position behind her and spread her cheeks. Readying my granite, hard cock between her onion-shaped behind and slid through. I moved painstakingly slow through the deep groove, whilst pressing her buttocks together, tightening the crevice surrounding my dick even further.

The fact that I slid my dick over her taut opening did not go unnoticed. I made sure to apply some extra pressure to her little balloon knot as my bulbous head passed over, but not enough to actually enter her. That would have ended in some disastrous results. The eye of my dripping knob just couldn’t produce the necessary amount of lubrication to harmlessly push through her resistance. It was a fact I was very much aware of, but the temptation to actually try was almost overwhelming. But I had to curb that temptation for now and instead focus on the pleasant warmth of the walls of flesh that surrounded my excited cock on each side. Which wouldn’t be a hard task at all.

I soon started sawing my inflamed dick through her fissure, digging my fingers onto both sides of her butt flesh as I slid my cock vigorously through her cleft, but keeping the underside of my engorged erection in constant contact with her asshole as I did so.

She held on to the fridge for dear life, gripping it tightly for support as I hammered away at her cheeks. But I could tell she was having some trouble supporting herself against the smooth surface of the refrigerator. The appliance also wasn’t very stable, it shook and rocked around as I slammed my pelvis against her. It swayed around dangerously, especially as she was meeting my aggressive pounding of her cheeks, backing her ass up against me, rocking her hips up in ecstasy against my dick, which in turn, plundered the inside of her crack with impunity, taking as much pleasure from each other as we could get.

At one point the fridge tilted slightly, filling me with trepidation. I then, with great disinclination, removed my cock from the warmth of her gluteal embrace.

It seemed like she wasn’t aware of my expulsion because she kept bucking her ass back against some phantom penis. Perhaps she was too far gone in rapture, as she didn’t seem to register our predicament, or maybe it was self-induced ignorance, or more likely, a bit of both. Ignorance is bliss after all.

But she soon came down as my hand connected sharply with her asscheek. She gave a sharp cry of pain, or pleasure perhaps, I didn’t know and at that point, I certainly didn’t care. I was done with all the uncertainty, I just wanted back into the sweet warmth of her embrace.

I grabbed her by her left tit, manipulating it around with my hands while I encircled her waist, picking her up slightly and walking with her toward the kitchen counter. I kept my dick firmly pressed to her bottom as I did so. Not breaking contact with her behind no matter what, her ass almost acting as a magnet, perpetually keeping my cock connected to her.

Once I successfully moved her over to the counter, I immediately went back to the grind, literally. The enclosure of her asscheeks welcomed my tumescent dick back in open arms, or perhaps more aptly, in a tight embrace, a very tight clasp indeed.

As I was busy humping away, I realized something, she was frigging herself vigorously, and I mean it, it was crazy intense. She was screaming as I shafted her cheeks. I knew the taboo act of me fucking through her asscrack would bring her some form of pleasure, but not this much. I wasn’t hitting her main pleasure zones after all. But now I knew why she was almost whimpering in ecstasy. She was taking her pleasure in her own hands, literally.

I also noticed that there was fluid leaking on the floor. My sister was squirting. It wasn’t as intense as the first time I saw her spread eagle on my bed, but it still left quite a bit of a mess on the tiled kitchen floor.

She slumped over slightly, I held onto her as she gradually sloped toward the ground in exhaustion.

“Don’t worry, I’ll clean this up”, she murmured, with a dopey smile on her face.

“No, don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it. Besides, you look exhausted. I’ll take you to your bed.”

“No, take me to your bed”, she said in reply, a more lucid and serious expression crossing her face.”I want you to take me to your bed and make love to me all day long. Or you can just fuck me, use me as you will, if you want to, that is. You could also maybe use me as one of your disposable cumrags. No one’s stopping you. I couldn’t possibly stop you. I’m just your weak little sister after all. You could make me your personal cumdumpster if you wanted to. You could fuck your child into my belly right here, right now and I would not have a chance in hell of stopping you.

White fluid spilled out of the end of my dickhead at hearing those words. I immediately grabbed the base of my dick and squeezed. Luckily I was able to ebb the flow of semen coming out. I was already nearing my peak before she slumped down, but those words, those nasty, filthy words coming from my sweet little sister’s mouth just tipped me over the edge.

She saw my cum leaking on the floor and did something that floored me. Not literally as I was already technically on the floor, but anyway, I’m getting sidetracked here, my point being she did something that I found so shocking that I would never forget it. She took her finger and scooped up my cum from the floor and said, “Five-second rule, right”, before putting the finger in her mouth, closing it shut, and sucking on that whole digit. Her piercing blue eyes gazed directly into my soul as she did so too.

“Lay down on your back”, I said in a low voice.

She took her time, still sucking on the finger like a lollipop, before popping it out. All she said after that was, “Okay”, before laying down on her back, completely spread eagle.

I had to do it. Not because I’m just a horny bastard, which I most definitely am. I am a horny pervert who wants to fuck his sister. There, I admit it. But I’m also a lustful brother who loves his sister, so fucking much. I’ve probably been in love with her for a long time now, longer than I care to admit. And she definitely loves me too, enough to want my baby that is. She’s definitely admitted, as well as alluded to it before, on more than one occasion I might add.

But It also goes deeper than that. The way she looks at me, the way she sometimes laughs at my self admittedly cringy jokes. As well as laughing at me, but that’s beside the point. Everything she does man, the way she behaves around me, I don’t know. All I know is she loves me and I love her, and denying her this… this deeper connection would be me rejecting the love we share for each other.

Mom… well, if Mom could see the love we share for each other she would understand, probably. I know it’s most likely wishful thinking on my part, but I do believe that she would want us both to be happy. She makes me happy, also pissed off a lot of the time, but relatively happy, and I know I can make her happy as well. I also know for a fact that I can keep her safe. I’ll never break the promise I made to you again, I swear. I’ll love and protect her now and always, Mom.

I’ve finally made peace with myself and what I’m about to do. I’m finally ready, and she’s been ready for a long while now. Time to take that plunge forward, literally.

And take that plunge I did, right into my sister’s vagina. It wasn’t as straightforward as I made it seem, of course. I did enter her, yes, but was almost immediately met with some resistance. Which immediately came in the form of her hymen, which my dick effortlessly pierced, but I could see the action caused her pain and discomfort. She was also very tight, with emphasis on very. I mean my cock loved all the exciting sensations it experienced at that moment, but I could also see that my thickness could cause quite a stretch to her virginal walls. She wasn’t used to anything besides her maybe her fingers going inside herself. So feeling this new invader forcing itself in her once nearly sealed pocket of flesh must have come as quite a shock to her body.

She shed a tear after the initial push while whispering my name, and there were definite discomfort and pain on the look on her face as I pushed in further past her now ripped hymen. But she took it all in stride after I held still, letting her get used to the foreign invader making its way through her insides. I pushed in further, very slowly only once she gave me a firm nod.

Even though she appeared calm on the outside, I could still tell she was a bit nervous and uncomfortable. So I stopped once more, longer this time, and kissed her. Showing her how much I loved her, showing her that this was more than just sex to me. This was me loving her, sharing my love, and receiving her love in return.

She kissed me back with more passion and pure emotion than I could give, even crying a little as she kissed me deeply. I too was suddenly overcome with emotion, admittedly shedding a tear of my own as shared our kiss.

I was about halfway through inside her before I decided to pull out and away from her completely. A look of sadness came over her face as she probably contemplated that I was having second thoughts again. But she couldn’t have been any more wrong.

That look of sadness was quickly and abruptly overtaken by surprise and pure joy as I thrust back into her again, and again, and again.

The thrusts were very shallow, not much more than my head moved inside her, but it seemed like the head was all she needed because, for the first time, it seemed she was actually enjoying this. This was the first time that she was actively moaning from my cock moving inside her. I didn’t try to go any deeper, I just kept a steady pace going, stroking about a quarter of my dick at a time inside her.

She became more vocal after a while, egging me on to go faster, to which I complied without complaint. I went much faster, so fast in fact that before I even realized it, I was about halfway into her depths.

Then, she told me to go deeper, more vocal than ever before, she was ready. And with one powerful thrust, I finally bottomed out in her pussy.

I held it there, it was difficult not to move but I managed somehow. I was in complete bliss, in pussy heaven, if you will. It was such an incredible indescribable feeling, and by the look on her face, I could see she shared the same sentiment. The pain and discomfort from a few minutes ago were now completely gone, replaced by a look of pure elation and happiness. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her display emotions to such a degree before.

She kissed me again, but more sweetly this time, more tender and with deeper affection. I took my time exploring her entire mouth, not missing any part while pressing my hips onto her further.

Then, I felt her grind her clit against my pubic bone. I simply continued kissing her as she used me as some sort of masturbatory device. And she made full use of me, humping up at me to her heart’s content. I realized I really enjoyed my new role as her fuck toy. Long may I be used.

But I soon started getting antsy. I needed more, I wanted more, I needed to take more. So I moved. Only slightly at first, testing the waters, seeing how she would react, but my worries were unfounded as the volume of her moans and lubrication increased even further with each passing stroke.

My thrusts went from 0 to 100 really fast once she started screaming my name. I hammered away at her slopping wet pussy, and I mean, really fucking hard. I held nothing back. I put everything I had into each and every thrust.

She scratched my back as she came, hard. I couldn’t see it but she probably drew some blood, or rather it felt that way, but at that moment, it didn’t matter, I was just so lost in my own pleasure.

The movements of her hips became way more erratic as a second orgasm hit. And then my cock got straight up expelled as a third one hit. She gushed everywhere. On herself, on me, and once again, on the kitchen floor. But she was too far gone to care.

She suddenly slumped back down on the floor, I didn’t know if she passed out, but that sure didn’t stop me from stuffing her with as much of my cock as humanly possible.

I fucked her against the tiled surface, so hard in fact that from an outsider’s perspective, it would probably look like I was trying to drive her straight through the kitchen floor.

It was inevitable then, that my own release would soon follow hers. The pounding I was dishing out just wasn’t sustainable. I didn’t even try pulling out, my orgasm was on the brink, and there was no stopping it now. Besides, I’m sure she said she was on birth control, but it was far too late to form any affirmative decision anyway. My body made the decision for me as I came, spewing a copious amount of semen into her already-drenched hole. If she weren’t on any pills, then her eggs would have stood no conceivable chance against the massive amount of cum currently being discharged into her pussy. I know it may sound like complete overblown hyperbole, but it was definitely, and without exaggeration, the most excessive cum I’ve released at one time, ever. It just kept going and going as I came and came for what seemed like hours. The whole process of me injecting her with my sperm probably took seconds, but it felt like an eternity flashed by once I finished, leaving me a changed man.

Okay, that was probably a bit of hyperbole, but then again, maybe not really. This experience has definitely changed me, for better or for worse, I am now and forever a changed man. I really believe that to be true. We both are. I knew this going in. I knew this would change us and the dynamic of our relationship. But I’ve excepted it with all its challenges and hardships to come. We will deal with them together, as a family, and now, as lovers.


This story was inspired by a doujin I read a few years back. It popped up in my head one day and I just started writing. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of the hentai manga or the artist. If you know the name of it, please let me know. I would love to read it again. BTW, I loved writing this. I really feel like I’ve improved as a writer while writing this piece. Anyway, lots of love, and I hope you had a pleasant reading experience.

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