
An adult stories – Serendipity by Pauciloquent,Pauciloquent Five years had passed since I moved out of the house to pursue my journey into adulthood, and in that span of time my life saw many highs and lows, an experience I’m sure we can all relate to. But returning home now and seeing where I came from with fresh eyes put into perspective the areas in which I had grown as a woman, and the places where I remained woefully deficient. Chief among these weaker points concerned the state of my love life, best described as a mess of jumbled thoughts and tangled emotions that resulted in my desire to court a couple different people, though I lacked the courage necessary to fully commit to one of them. And it was there in the city that I grew up in, the place I once called home that I left behind five years prior in search of a conclusive answer, where I found myself at a crossroads of the heart.

I saw him again for the first time since I left, and all the feelings I held for him over the years, the bulk of which had laid dormant for so long, were finally excavated and brought to the surface the moment he smiled at me. His name isn’t important for the purposes of this story, but he is something more than just a dear friend to me. We’ve known each other for over a decade now, having been introduced to one another when we were both young and dumb and uncertain of the future. Over the years our relationship fell into a pattern of sorts, ebbing and flowing from one interaction to the next; sometimes the tide was high, and we were an inseparable force, but more often than not the current was weak and unfruitful. We drifted apart more times than I cared to admit, much of the onus falling upon my shoulders, but like the world’s most determined magnets we always found our way back to one another.

So it took me by no surprise then, as we sat and conversed over burritos at a local taqueria, that I was struck by an epiphany. Maybe it was the way he looked at me in between bites of his food, or perhaps it was the way he chuckled at my lame jokes (whether it was just to make me feel better or not, I’m unsure) but in that moment under the stars I realized the answer to all my questions of the heart had been there all along, patiently waiting for me to call on the outstretched hand.

“Hey,” I said quietly.

“Hey yourself,” he responded with a smile, before taking another bite of his burrito.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” he replied without hesitation, mouth half full of food.

It was an exchange we had grown accustomed to over the years, but the meaning was always open to interpretation. Sometimes we belonged to other people, and it was a remark meant to signify our undying friendship; other times it was a cry for attention, an SOS sent from one heart to the other when one of us was desperately searching for their counterpart. The history between us was a fascinating lore that could fill its fair share of tapestry, but it was just that, history. Try as we might to figure it out, the future remained uncertain for us as it ever did, and despite my best efforts to finally make a concrete decision, the eureka moment passed as soon as it came. The sentiment might as well have been another shooting star landing amidst the dotted sky hanging above us.

“As much as I want to stay, I’ll be leaving again soon,” I said without looking at him, fixated on the uneaten food on my plate.

“I figured you would. I try not to get my hopes up about these things anymore.”

The poignancy of his words stung me, but he wasn’t wrong to feel that way.

“Do you remember the last time we had sex?” I asked bluntly, looking up at him.

His mysterious eyes studied me, brilliant ovals of brown and jade silhouetted by the shadows cast from the lamp hanging behind him.

“Of course I do.”

“I think about it often. I think about all our time spent together. I made a mistake leaving you here, I should never have gone,” I admitted quietly, unable to hold his gaze, instead diverting it to the parking lot in the distance.

“What’s done is done. You’re here now though, let’s enjoy it while we can,” he said, a typical, rational response.

I nodded sullenly and continued to pick at my food, my appetite abandoning me now that our shared can of worms had been reopened.

“I still feel bad about the last time,” I whispered, finding the courage to bring my gaze back to his.


“You know why.”

He laughed and took a swig of water, raising his hands in mock surrender.

“Haven’t got a clue,” he said coyly.

“I just couldn’t continue, I was sore for days afterward. I’ve never forgiven myself for that.”

“If you feel that bad about it, maybe one day you can make it up to me,” he said with a chuckle, though a peculiar glint flashed within his dark eyes.

I pondered his words for a moment, my eyes scanning his face. Maybe we couldn’t determine where the rest of our lives took us, but what was a one-night detour in the grand scheme of things? Certainly we could fit that into the itinerary—couldn’t we?

“How about today?” I mused, vocalizing my internal monologue without a second thought.

It was his turn to fall silent, and I could almost see the gears turning in his head as he considered my proposition. The playful, flirty persona that he embodied so well seemed to melt away as he leaned forward, arms folding beneath his chest, a serious expression falling upon his face.

“I’m not the same person I was back then. If you really want to make it up to me and experience something you haven’t before, then I want you to fully submit yourself to me for one night. Just know that I will own you and your body completely for the entirety of our time together. All I need is your consent, I’ll take care of everything else.”

This was a man I could trust with my life, but even still, his energy had my nerves on high alert as we waded into fresh territory together. My heart began to hammer against my ribcage after he laid down the gauntlet, knowing full well he was as serious as could be. He was offering something to me that deep down I had always wanted to explore, but I had never found the right person to attempt it with. It was an experience I had read about, dreamt about, and even lusted over, and here it was being offered to me on a silver platter, from him of all people. I nodded my head and brought my gaze to his one final time, returning a nervous smile to his devious grin.

“Okay. Tonight, I’m all yours.”


Tick. Tick. Tick.

Somewhere along the line I had lost track of time, but the noisy clock sounding off from across the room was meticulous, signaling each passing second without fail. The minutes began to bleed together as they passed by, aided in their quest to confuse me by the world of darkness the blindfold confined me to. By now the ever-present dull ache in my knees had blossomed into a brilliant flame of discomfort, unabated even when I shifted my weight from side to side or back upon my heels. But I could barely spare any attention to the pain, instead allowing my thoughts to drift and wander, the unfocused musings splattering my mind’s canvas that was surrounded by an inky darkness that encroached upon it from all sides.

My wildest fantasies were soon interrupted by the report of a door opening and then quickly shutting, followed by an eerie silence. A caged animal began to thump against the bars confining it within my chest, adrenaline seemingly having replaced every drop of blood in my veins. I strained and tuned my senses as hard as I could despite my deficient hearing, but failed to perceive any noise save for my ruthless pulse that nearly deafened me further with the amount of superheated blood pooling within my ears. The relentless clock continued to dutifully report from across the room, each stroke of its hand taunting me as the anticipation of what was to come gripped me with anxiety and excitement alike.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

A heavy hand fell upon the crown of my head, and I flinched at the touch, my entire body violently shuddering for a moment or two until I steeled myself against the sensation. Thick fingers twisted their way through my hair, tussling my tresses back and forth as one would treat a beloved pet at the end of a particularly long day. I sat up straighter, pushing my head into the thick hand that greeted me, the large extremity able to palm the entirety of my skull with ease. A soft whimper escaped me as I began to envision what else those large hands were capable of.

His smooth, deep voice bore its way past the boiling blood in my ears and swirled within me, causing goosebumps to break out across my flesh akin to a rash. His clutch on my head tightened, and more delicious words found their way to my core, this time forcing my knees to crash together so my thighs could regroup and potentially keep me from wetting myself any further. But the more he spoke, and the deeper I became intoxicated with the potent mixture of bodily musk and the vibrant cologne he wore, the more apparent my arousal became to the both of us.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Suddenly, the dimly lit hotel room swam into view, my eyes receding into thin crescent slits that found the familiar man towering above me with thinly veiled malevolence masquerading behind a handsome grin.

“Do you understand me?” he asked calmly.

My head responded of its own accord, nodding urgently within his strong grasp, my eyes never once leaving him. His features sharpened over time as my eyes adjusted to the poor light, and by the time he retrieved his hand and tossed the blindfold aside, I could clearly admire him from my kneeling position at his feet. His face was one I was intimately familiar with, but each time I saw it was like seeing it for the first time, finding myself routinely dumbstruck by the effortless grins his thick lips could morph into, the hazel eyes that owed no allegiance to one color over another or the finely trimmed beard that framed his features in a picturesque way.

His strong grip reappeared to claim my chin, tilting my head ever upward, his fierce gaze bearing down upon my wavering eyes. A pang of apprehension sliced its way past my desire, cutting through the fog of arousal that clung to the air between us. In that moment, as his intense eyes searched my own, a nervousness overcame me that I was all too familiar with. The effect he had on me by simply occupying a shared space was already difficult to describe, but in the current environment where I was embarking on a journey to discover something within myself, words simply gave it no justice.

“Stand up,” he said quietly, coldly.

My legs obeyed without question, straightening, and unfurling until I found purchase upon uncertain feet, standing nearly a foot shorter than he. I watched as he backed away, his face disappearing into a pocket of shadows, until he eventually sank into the recliner seated against the far wall. I could barely make out his features, but I could feel his eyes on me, his hunger translated in the almost stalker like stare he accosted me with. He gestured in my general direction, casually waving one of his giant hands and I took that as a cue to get started.

I fidgeted first with the waistband of the leggings that clung to me for dear life, turning ever so slightly to offer him a view of my backside. A deep blush painted my cheeks as I did so, and a nervous chuckle escaped my lips as I began to undress. I slowly unraveled the black pants down my legs, and a giant wet circle in the crotch revealed itself, the expanse of material dense with fluid. As I stepped out of the leggings, I could feel myself slipping within my underwear, the cotton panties also heavy after having absorbed a ludicrous amount of arousal. The liquid began to seep and roll down my thighs, which I clamped together in response, before turning on the spot to face the man in the chair.

He sat motionless for a beat or two to observe me, but he soon gestured again to prod me further. I ached so badly for his touch, my core throbbing with want, but I pressed on as instructed. In one solid motion I doffed my sweater, tossing it aside to reveal a too small tank top that was stretched to the max across my chest. My nerves got the better of me and I struggled to remove the top, my heart skipping a beat as he momentarily disappeared from my view, but I finally managed to strip myself out of the shirt after a couple of attempts. He was leaning forward with apparent interest now, delighting in the sight of my fair, supple flesh marred only by undergarments.

I knew very well what he wanted to see next, and I wasted no time in giving it to him, my fingers already tasked with undoing the clasp to my brassiere; it slackened under my touch, and I swam my shoulders out of the straps, letting the bra fall to the floor before me. I stood in front of him almost completely exposed, only one article of clothing remaining on my body, but as my fingers dug into the waistband of my underwear he raised his palm toward me, freezing me in place. He hooked his index finger and signaled for me to come to him, his eyes locked onto mine.

I took one small step in his direction before he interrupted me with the click of his tongue.

“On your knees,” he growled.

Aside from how deep and delicious it sounded, his voice must have also been laced with pheromones or perhaps some other foreign substance, for the way it swayed me to obey his every command without a second thought seemed unnatural. But there I found myself, on my hands and knees in a strange space, crawling toward a man whose eyes foretold sweet ruin. Eventually I crawled my way to his feet, and I rose to my knees before his parted legs, our bodies separated by mere inches. He extended a hand to me, and I took it, before he pulled me to my feet and spun me around on the spot.

“Don’t you have something to show me?” he asked curtly.

“Yes daddy,” I responded immediately, bending at the waist as I did so.

Without hesitation I reached back with both arms, one hand gripping the thong that cleaved between my ass, the other hand fondling a bare cheek. I deftly peeled the soaked material away and spread my cheeks apart, exposing both my holes to my master. But he had specifically inquired about the jeweled plug that he could now see was jammed snugly inside of me, and it had been for hours ever since he told me to arrive wearing it. I maintained my position in front of him, putting a slight arch into my back, holding my cheeks far apart so he could take his time inspecting me.

“Very good,” he mused, his thick fingers encircling the plug.

My body shuddered as he touched me so intimately, but as he began to extract the metal plug from my tight hole, it was all I could do to stifle a moan. I bit my tongue as I felt the thick toy slowly stretch me wider and wider, the process eliciting trembles that began in my toes, but which spread quickly to my arms. My hands shook as the toy escaped my tight channel, only for it to swiftly reenter my body to begin the process anew. I could feel how outrageously wet I had become, tendrils of my slick arousal running down my thighs like honey seeping down the side of the jar. But I could only imagine how I looked to my master in this lewd state, my wanton holes greedy for any and all attention he could spare. He treated me to his index finger next, the digit traveling directly to the source of my desire, bathing in my essence. I cooed for him as he pried my swollen lips apart, and I began unabashedly gyrating my hips upon his finger. A chorus of wet squelches emanated from between my legs, despicably crude in their nature, but the lewdness of the situation only served to entice me further.

Daddy had other plans though, his hand quickly falling away from my body after delivering to me only a few seconds of pleasure. The tease was becoming unbearable, and a great emptiness washed over me that caused my head to hang as I softly panted, anticipating his next command. It arrived shortly after he grabbed my hand, his own heavy hand turning me back around to face him, before I was forced to my knees, resuming a familiar kneeling position at his feet. I looked up at my master, eager for more, and I was granted it as he stuck his soiled finger in my face. He had collected a viscous layer of my fluids that clung to his skin, a glistening sheen approximating the entirety of the thick digit.

I maintained eye contact with him and opened my mouth accordingly, my tongue hanging out as if I were a starved pet awaiting a treat. He then inserted his finger into my gaping maw, a mischievous grin painted upon his lips. I slowly closed my soft lips around him, treating him to a warm, wet enclosure that began to busy itself with the requested cleaning. I energetically swirled my tongue around his knuckles, the powerful muscle traveling the length of the extremity several times in quick succession. I moaned for him as I tasted myself, offering as much suction as I could without inhaling the rest of his hand. A buildup of drool began to escape the corners of my mouth as I greedily slurped him, the warm saliva pattering down my front as my bobbed back and forth. I busied my hands by groping myself, heaving my large breasts up and mashing them together for his enjoyment, the tops of which were already coated in a layer of my discarded saliva.

He then forced his middle finger past my lips, the thicker digit joining its brother in my moist cavern of a mouth. I subjected it to the same treatment, washing it lovingly with my tongue from tip to end and back. Daddy sat on the edge of his seat and reached toward me with his other hand, deftly encircling my windpipe with his broad fingers. A mixture of trepidation and exhilaration spiked within my gut at the implication, my pulse pounding right beneath his fingertips. And he swiftly trespassed upon it, squeezing my throat with such force that my eyes bulged and watered, my breath caught within his crushing grip. I managed to look at him with eyes concealed behind a shimmering waterfall of tears, my tongue still swirling amongst his fingers but now in an erratic fashion. He aided me by forcing his fingers in and out of my mouth, driving his digits along my tongue that writhed uncontrollably. Faster and faster became the thrusting of his hand, driving spit and saliva back down my throat and all over my face, leaving me a mess in the process.

The situation between my legs rapidly approached a crescendo, and an immense pressure perched precipitously within my gut. I groaned around his fingers to draw attention to this, but the vibration was muffled underneath his constricting palm. His heavy fingers dug deeper into my flesh, simultaneously deeper into the recesses of my mouth, and tears stung the sides of my eyes as the salty fluid sought to escape down my saliva-stained cheeks. I could barely hear the way he violated my mouth over the sound of my racing heart, but I hoped he was able to fully enjoy the sounds of wet and choked suction I knew would reverberate off the walls surrounding us. But I could hold out no longer, and as his grip around my throat reached its zenith, my body reached its breaking point. An uncontrollable groan tore from my stomach as I released, my core spasming as I emptied myself into my already ruined panties, the excess fluid filtering through the cotton to fall onto the carpet and soak it with pent up desire. Daddy relented as I squirted for him, releasing the hold on my throat, and halting his assault upon my mouth, withdrawing his soaked fingers from me. I lurched forward onto my hands and knees, panting and sputtering as the orgasm wracked my body from head to toe, every fiber of my being vibrating violently.

He allowed me a handful of seconds to collect myself, my watery eyes fixated on the carpet as I attempted to tether myself back to reality. I pushed off my palms and raised myself back to my kneeling position, waves of pleasure still churning within my depths as our eyes met again.

“Did you enjoy that baby?” he asked softly.

“Yes daddy, thank you,” I managed to choke out in between ragged breaths.

My head was turned sideways from the wet smack that followed, my face stinging from the blow I knew I deserved. My disheveled hair flopped about to cover the cheek that was struck, and I dutifully swiped it aside so he could look down and admire his handiwork.

“You come only when I tell you to, do you understand me?” he spat out, rising ominously to his feet.

“Yes sir, I understand,” I responded with an enthusiastic nod, my eyes glued to his feet.

Daddy fell silent and busied himself with my neck once again, only this time to fasten a black collar around it, the cool material sidling up against my slightly bruised flesh. I watched as a heavy steel chain unraveled from a ball and clattered to the floor, the end of which was attached to a handle that was secured firmly within my master’s hand. He strode away from me without looking back, tugging on the chain until it was taut, forcing me to turn in his direction.

“Get over here,” he demanded coldly, yanking on my chain with more force.

I obeyed his command and began to crawl toward him, placing one shaky hand after the other as the throes of pleasure began to fade. Newfound excitement replaced the sensation, my mind and body alike ready for more. I became intimately aware once again of the drenched panties that clung to me like a second layer of skin each time my knees lifted to shuffle me forward. So saturated with liquid were the underwear that they no longer moved when I did, having fused to my body, unable to absorb a drop more of my essence. The excess continued to flow from me though, dripping from the material and coating my thighs, the slick causing my legs to pass by one another without a hint of friction as I crawled my way toward certain punishment.

My master took a seat upon the edge of the bed and patted his lap, beckoning me to take my place upon it. I rose halfway to my feet and shuffled forward with his assistance, one hand operating the chain and the other gripping a tuft of my hair, forcing me into the bed. I found myself suspended across his thighs, with my knees sinking into the mattress, my mouth agape as I gasped for air. My gaze found the adjacent wall which was adorned with a mirror, and I observed myself, nothing more than a disheveled mess with tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. He released my hair and my head fell forward, his heavy hand relocating to my back. His fingers trailed lovingly down my skin, soft fingertips tracing a minefield of goosebumps that erupted beneath his delicate touch. I shuddered in his grasp and writhed in a wanton manner, my ass swaying high in the air to coax him.

But he refused to take the bait, instead taking his time with the soft touch, his fingers winding their way into my sunken crevice. A fresh pang of pleasure stabbed into me as his fingers found my depths, stuffing the thick digits inside of me and bringing the useless underwear along with them. So throaty and unhinged was the moan that escaped my mouth that I caught myself by surprise, losing myself in the moment. He plugged my pussy with his fingers, withdrew them and repeated the process again, fucking me deep with my underwear until they began to sag off my ass. My greedy walls clamped upon the foreign material, eager for any intrusion at this point, attempting to pull the underwear in deeper. I groaned aloud and rocked my hips, thankful to have anything inside of me.

“You like having your underwear inside you, is that it?” he asked with a chuckle.

“Yes daddy, I love it,” I responded hastily, my hips still swaying of their own accord.

As if on cue the treat was rescinded as my master began unraveling the panties down my legs, pulling them out of and away from my body. I whined softly as he freed them from around my ankles, exposing my holes to the cold air. The plug was unceremoniously pulled from my body next, and I yelped in a combination of pleasure and pain as my tight hole was rapidly expanded, leaving it gaping in the absence of the toy. I stirred in his lap and lifted my head, peeking into the mirror to see what he could be doing. As my eyes fell on him, I watched as he reached over toward my head with the objects secured in his hand.

“Open your fucking mouth,” he barked.

I kept my eyes on the mirror and saw my soaked panties wrapped around the butt plug, the soft pink jewel twinkling in the low light. My mouth opened of its own volition, saliva pooling on my tongue, and the soiled panties displaced the liquid as the underwear made its way toward the back of my throat. I drooled upon my fingers clutching the bed, my hands twisting within the comforter for support. Tears streamed down my face as the foreign objects came to rest within my mouth, my eyes fixated on the pink jewel reflected in the mirror, the plug jutting out of my mouth. I dutifully closed my lips around the warm steel, completing the makeshift gag for my master, who found my eyes in the reflection and offered me a grin in return. I smiled at him with my eyes, eager to please, proud of myself for successfully accepting his gift without gagging on it.

“That’s a good girl,” he said proudly, “look at yourself, you’re doing so well.”

I surveyed my own reflection, tear stricken and saliva stained, tufts of unkempt hair sticking up in various places upon my scalp. My mascara had long since begun running, black tears lining both cheeks and tracing my jaw. My knuckles shone white with exertion, clutching the blanket in anticipation of daddy’s next move, one I was sure would be as delicious as the last. I was a proper mess and thoroughly enjoying every second of his torture. He did not disappoint either, my eyes raising from my hands in the reflection to his own, following the motion of his arm rising high above his head until it was swiftly lowered out of my view.

He delivered a blow so harsh to my ass that it sent a shockwave up my entire body, shifted my weight in his lap and filled the room with an audible crack that closely resembled a gunshot. High pitched notes of delight and agony attempted to tumble from my lips but were instead waylaid at the junction of my blocked throat, which only allowed a soft muffled garble through the cracks of my tightly joined lips. My chest heaved as I began to sharply inhale through my nose, acutely aware of my heady aroma that filled the room. It was present far before now, the pungent scent wafting through the air, but as time wore on and I was subjected to more punishment, its body only grew stronger. I watched his hand rise and fall again and this time the blow was so severe I fell onto my elbows, succumbing to only the second strike.

“What’s the matter?” he teased, laughing to himself as he began to massage my tender cheek.

The collar around my neck was adjusted while I collected myself, my nose rapidly inhaling and exhaling for breath that was far from sufficient. The steel chain was behind me now and it was once again yanked upon, until my head was tilted up far enough to look at my reflection, my chin digging into the bed with my arms folded up underneath me. He met my eyes with that sadistic grin still on his face, all before spanking me again, this time assaulting the other cheek which had yet to taste his wrath. I felt my lower half quake under his power, and I could only imagine how red he was painting my pale skin. I grimaced and whimpered as the spanking continued, forced to watch him delight in my pain, which was also apparent in the stiff appendage that tented his pants and poked into my gut. And all the while he tortured me, I continued to wet myself, thankful for the treatment I had lusted after for so many years and finding it in the most obvious of people.

Somewhere along the line I had lost track of time. My eyes fell on the clock in the corner, looking to it for guidance, unable to hear the incessant ticking over the sickening report of flesh striking flesh. My teeth clamped upon the steel filling my mouth, tongue wringing out every drop of arousal to be found within my panties for nourishment as I braced for more. My poor cheeks jostled again, a fresh wave of pain crashing upon my core; another strike followed, this time seeing fingertips slipping into my crevice and brushing past my swollen lips, dragging me deeper into a whirlpool of pleasure. I moaned so loudly through my gag that it registered slightly above audible, voicing my contentment as my master worked me over until a visible sweat clung to his brow. He grunted and growled with every strike, his palm surely stinging from the abuse, but he was unrelenting in the way he dished out righteous punishment to my deserving backside.

Finally, the torture ended, my watery eyes confirming with the loyal clock that several minutes had passed since the ordeal initially began. I had survived the retribution, but the phantom pain of his hand remained, my nerves presently reporting strikes of the hand that had landed minutes ago. He let some slack into the chain, and I slumped forward, collapsing into the bed with spittle oozing out of the corners of my mouth. I gasped desperately and dry heaved for air, and reprieve soon found me as he reached over to remove the plug from my mouth.

“Spit your underwear out,” he commanded.

I did so without hesitation, regurgitating my ruined panties that landed in a small lake of saliva on the carpet. I sputtered and choked, inhaling into my sore throat as much fresh air as I could manage. Daddy began to run a brush through my hair, straightening it for me as I collected myself, my breathing slowly returning to normal. His other hand gingerly massaged my swollen cheeks, but despite how soft his touch was, they were so tender that fresh pain welled up within me. I grit my teeth together and winced as he assuaged my pain as best he could, and I was overly grateful that he spent as much time soothing me as he had unraveling me.

“Time to make daddy feel good, don’t you think?”

“Yes of course,” I responded earnestly, newfound vigor coursing through me at the prospect of pleasuring him again after all these years.

Daddy let go of my chain and allowed me to rise off his lap, before he positioned me where he wanted me, which saw my upper body strewn across his torso with my legs laid out across the bed. He laid back upon the mattress, resting comfortably with a few pillows supporting him, his eyes on mine in the reflection. My eyes drifted away and fell upon his groin, his pants strained to their limit around his erection that fought desperately to escape its confines. I instinctively set to work freeing it, my fingers effortlessly undoing his button and zipper before my hands moved to his waistband and shimmied the pants down his thighs. They fell off the side of the bed where my panties were discarded earlier, leaving behind his tented briefs. I surveyed his clothed erection closely, in awe of its size and the tantalizing musk that undulated from it in waves. It wasn’t just the aroma that gripped me either, but the giant wet spot at the tip signaling arousal was so dark and large that I could almost taste it from sight alone.

I dug my fingers into his waistband once again, this time slowly unwrapping my treat, savoring every second of the reveal. His thick erection eventually sprang forward, nearly striking me in the face after being freed, the rigid cock bouncing to and fro. It eventually came to a rest and pointed toward the ceiling, the vein choked appendage intermittently throbbing as if it drew a steady breath of its own. My eyes went wide with wonder as I surveyed his impressive tool, its length rivaling that of my forearm and its thickness drawing a blank as far as comparisons are concerned. I had daydreamed about this moment for years, in my most private moments where my thoughts ran wild and harkened back to the earlier times when I had encountered this beast. Nothing I had seen since could hope to compare.

“You know what to do, don’t you?” he asked pointedly.

My only response was to lean forward and begin, desperate to get his cock inside of my mouth as quick as I could, but he pulled me away with a violent tug of the chain just as my lips fell upon the head. He reached over and landed a swift slap across my face, drawing from me a deep groan as I clamped my thighs together, arousal leaking out of me freely.

“I asked you a question, you better fucking answer me,” he growled, his hand gripping my mouth and jaw so tightly my lips and teeth were bunched together.

“I’m sorry sir,” I managed to squeeze out, “Yes, I do.”

“Yes, you do what?”

“Yes, I know what to do.”

An uncomfortable silence fell between us, my mouth clutched within his hand, my eyes glued to his throbbing erection. A soft whimper escaped through my lips as I watched his groin stir before my very eyes, a thick pearlescent bulb of desire leaking from his tip, perched and ready to cascade down his firm shaft. The anticipation was killing me, and I could stand the tease no further.

“Please let me suck your dick daddy, I’m begging you,” I breathed, inching my head closer to his groin, taking his hand along with me.

His hand fell away as slack entered the chain, and my head jerked toward the object of my desire, the towering cock rising high above my face. My lips parted and my tongue jutted out, letting loose a river of saliva which spilled from my greedy mouth onto his groin, a small lake forming upon his body. But it was forgotten as soon as his thick head breached my lips, passed my frothing tongue, and nestled itself into the back of my throat. In one fell swoop I inhaled as much of him as I could, an intense relief falling over me as I found my happy place. How had it been so long since I last had him in my mouth, and why did it taste so damn good?

I looked up into the mirror and saw I had only managed to take about half of his impressive length, my eyes going wide as I realized I had a challenge ahead of me. I wrapped my slender fingers around his remainder and tackled the task, moving my head up and down in conjunction with my hand, drooling down his shaft as I did so. I sucked and stroked him in unison, combining the activities to ensure every inch of him was being satisfied. I moaned uncontrollably as I repeatedly impaled my throat on his cock, content to spend the remainder of the night doing just this if he willed it. My thighs grinded together, mashing my swollen lips and the hidden button nestled between them together, whisking me further away into a realm of bliss.

Daddy allowed himself to groan aloud, a deep guttural utterance that came from a place of contentment that inspired me to double my efforts. I was a woman on a mission, sucking his cock with reckless abandon and greedily stealing from him every drop of his delicious nectar. If he allowed it, I would soon force him to unload his true desire down my throat, but he had other plans. He yanked on my chain and dislodged his cock from my lips, the soaked member escaping my mouth with an audible plop as I was forced to retreat. He then thrusted his phone into my free hand, the other still busy absentmindedly stroking him, a wave of saliva and precum surfing upon my knuckles as they quickly bounced up and down upon his shaft. I didn’t halt my hand even as I studied the screen of his phone, my reflection looking back at me, a giant red circle situated near the bottom of the screen.

“Press record and get back to work,” he ordered.

And I did just that, my thumb tapping the circle so I could find solace again, leaning forward to retake his cock with my mouth. Out of the corner of my eye I watched myself line the phone up so it would capture every juicy detail of what I was doing, determined to film the best video possible for my master. I watched through long lashes how I gave head on camera, offering smiles both with my eyes and my teeth whenever I retreated to catch a breath of air. But I would resume ravenously stuffing my throat as soon as possible, never breaking for more than a beat or two. I jostled my head back and forth with each foray down his length, attempting to take him deeper than I ever had in the past, willing my throat to stretch further than it had ever been before. Daddy groaned my name aloud and stirred my insides with only his voice, forcing me to groan for him from a deep place.

He was surely content, but it still was not enough. I watched his large hands appear in the frame of the video, unassuming at first but taking center stage within seconds, one of them finding purchase upon my head and the other extracting my hand from his base. With wide eyes I peered into the camera and watched as daddy began to fuck my mouth, starting at an excruciatingly slow pace at first, grunting and groaning with repeated strokes toward the back of my throat. But the penetration soon became more forceful, the slow thrusts gaining power with each iteration, his hips lifting higher and higher off the mattress. I held the phone steady and documented his spelunking attempts toward my stomach, watching as his impossibly long dick disappeared into and reappeared from my gaping cavern of a mouth.

His cock sloshed around what I could only estimate to be several cups worth of saliva, the lewd noises growing to a fever pitch as he began to treat my mouth as if it were my vagina. My eyes were reduced to slits as I endured him, my focus solely on capturing every second with his phone, my directorial hand steadily riding his thigh as his lower half bucked like a wild bronco. His free hand reemerged and his first two fingers hooked the corner of my mouth, violently tugging it aside to show the camera the insides of my mouth and what he was doing to it. I watched my own oral examination through barely open eyes, becoming a drooling mess the longer he held my lips apart.

“Fuck babe, I missed your mouth,” he admitted, his gravelly voice coming out in a hushed growl, “you like it when daddy fucks your throat, don’t you?”

My garbled response was unintelligible even to myself, so I nodded as best I could without interrupting his fun. His cock throbbed violently within my mouth, and he slowed his excursion into my throat dramatically, until he settled into a predictable rhythmic motion that saw him effortlessly penetrate my soft lips without having to lurch off the bed. His hand fell away from my mouth, and I quickly closed it around him, offering suction and a swirling tongue every time he inserted himself into me. His precum was flowing freely at this point and I savored every drop, moaning my appreciation as I swallowed his delicious fluid.

The hand on the back of my head tensed ominously, thick fingers digging into my skull, and the palm pressed deliberately to force my mouth upon him. I tilted my head so I could maintain a visual on the recording before succumbing to his whim, willing my throat open as he attempted to invade my deepest depths. I watched as he slowly dominated my mouth, his fingers digging into my forehead inches away from my disbelieving eyes that went wider than ever. My eyes glossed over but the tears never came, so I could watch clearly how he managed to cram himself into my throat, training me to take him inch by inch. With each new milestone gained he allowed me a moment of reprieve to gather myself, setting my eyes aflutter as I became comfortable with his girth descending to a lower depth than he had set previously.

But I eventually approached my limit and began to gag; he was the only person who had managed to do so in a very long time, causing a torrent of saliva from the recesses of my throat to crash down upon his shaft and balls. He muttered and groaned, encouraging me to soldier on, his hand pressing me deeper. My own hands clutched tightly, both upon the phone and his thigh, my nails digging into his flesh. I nodded my head and watched myself submit to his ultimate desire: to claim a space within me previously undiscovered by man, his own final frontier only I could give him. My lips met his base and submerged within a pool of my own drool, causing me to blow saliva bubbles and regurgitate his precum, making a fresh mess out of my face and his groin alike.

“Yes, that’s a good girl, hold it right there,” he moaned wildly.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the pressure within my throat built, tears now forming in the corners of my face. Daddy slapped my face around for good measure, ensuring to tap the bulge in the side of my mouth, something I am sure would look great on playback later. I regained my composure momentarily and opened my eyes, looking through a watery haze at my reddened face. I couldn’t help but dig my nails deeper into his flesh, but he either didn’t care or hadn’t noticed, as he was busy collecting my saliva with his free hand. He began to drape the copious amount of fluid on my face and in my hair, decorating his property the way he saw fit. The viscous translucent fluid clung to me and began to slowly ooze about, creating a lasting image that was sure to drive any viewer wild. It did to me, as my core was set ablaze once more, already on the verge of exploding. But I was forbidden to find release unless given permission I reminded myself, so I focused solely on him and giving him exactly what he wanted.

“I’m close baby. When I finish, you’re going to be a good girl and hold it in your mouth for me, aren’t you?”

I nodded as much as a vehicle for his pleasure was able to, before falling still so he could resume. He did so swiftly, retreating from my innermost depths until I was in more comfortable territory, resuming my skilled treatment of his swollen member. He groaned louder than before, signaling his impending release, and I increased my efforts, my ferocity surprising even me. Just as he was about to crest the massive wave and reach his apex, his large hand forced my head down one last time, and it was a violent affair that saw my mouth meet his base in one fluid motion. He choked the breath from me, dumped my face into a swirling mess and deposited an unforgiving load of semen into the back of my throat. It wasn’t expelled all at once either; rather, he shot rope after rope of warm cum into my mouth, so much so that I involuntarily gagged due to the combined volume of fluid and the space he took up with his wildly throbbing member. It was impossible to contain it all despite my best efforts, as streams of semen and saliva issued through both my mouth and nose, his hand holding me firmly in place to embrace every second of his orgasm.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head, my pulse pounding in my ears once more, and I came once again without permission. I lost my identity after being reduced to nothing more than his sex toy, one that was capable of a disorderly groan that stretched on for several seconds. The muffled noises this sex toy made were far beyond the limits of vulgarity as I currently knew them, but objects don’t bother themselves with such thoughts, rather they only concern themselves with being useful to their owners, and I had fulfilled that purpose for my master.

I fought my every burning instinct to swallow and instead obeyed one order after having just disobeyed my master’s earlier order that I not find release without approval. A cloak of guilt descended upon me as I wallowed in the pleasure of the forbidden fruit that was my latest orgasm, one which saw another spillage of warm liquid jettison from between my thighs. I had made a mess upon the bed this time, and swift retribution was certain to follow this latest act of defiance. All I could do now was wait in anticipation of what daddy had in store for me next.

Daddy was still coming down from his high, his chest heaving up and down rapidly. He showered me with a chorus of praise and obscenities like rain would hit one in a thunderstorm, the words rebuilding me from the ground up, establishing me as something more than just his sexual outlet. I wrangled my eyes back from beyond and fixed the bleary orbs on the camera, peering into the phone as if I were seeing it for the first time. I was nearly unrecognizable beneath a coat of perspiration, saliva, and other bodily fluids, barely able to make out the features of my face. Daddy came around shortly after I began my self-inspection, grimacing as he began to withdraw from his new home in my throat. He lifted his hand away and allowed me to aid in his retreat, and I did so slowly, ensuring to hold in as much of his semen as I pulled my mouth away. I watched myself expertly extract his shaft until his head reappeared, waving into the cool air after vacationing inside my body for what seemed to be hours.

“Show me that nut baby,” daddy commanded, taking his cock into one of his large hands.

I heeded his word and slowly parted my lips, revealing the healthy amount of seed I siphoned from his body, the murky white fluid overflowing my mouth. His essence dribbled down my chin and saliva began to pool in the corners of my mouth once more, my body eager to swallow its prize. I froze myself in that position and awaited my favorite command, further accentuating the deed by offering sultry cooing noises that churned and bubbled the load I held between my lips.

“Good girl. Now swallow it.”

My lips met again before I swallowed the entirety of his deposit with one heavy gulp, dining on his delicious fluids before he had a chance to finish his sentence. He yanked on my chain which tilted my head backward, my mouth falling open for inspection. I let my tongue hang out, proudly showing off an empty mouth.

“Ahh!” I exclaimed throatily, as if I were a patient and he, my orthodontist.

“You swallowed all of it already? You are such a greedy slut,” daddy said, pleased with my performance.

He released my chain and let my head snap back to its normal resting place, my eyes returning to my reflection. Daddy reached over and took the phone from me, halting the recording there. While he was busy fidgeting with the phone, I took his dick in my hand and began to suck on it again, coaxing out every drop of his semen I could muster. He was still semi-hard despite my best efforts to empty his balls, my fingers traipsing across his groin to introduce themselves to his fleshy orbs. I fondled them gingerly within my palm, rolling them across my fingers, stroking the sensitive flesh with my nails. Daddy moaned for me, encouraging me to continue. And I did, ejecting his member from my mouth to lower my face past it, my tongue joining the fingers that groped his jewels.

I licked desperately at his testicles, washing the sweat from his skin with my powerful muscle. I relocated my hand back to his dick to stroke him, working into an easy rhythm that saw my head bob in time with my knuckles descending upon his shaft which quickly saw life return to it. Before long, his vein choked monster was back at full sail, throbbing within my tiny hand as if the last half hour or so never occurred. I was in disbelief when I saw it emerge out of my peripheral, standing tall and ready for another round.

Feeling ever so frisky, I descended further without instruction, my mouth trailing kisses all the way down daddy’s taint. He instinctively spread his legs for me, allowing me this small gesture as I neared his opening. My tongue did not hesitate to strike out, accosting his rosebud without impunity, swirling the entrance several times before attempting to intrude inside. I stroked his cock fervently as I ate him, my groans of joy muffled by the bed my face neared. I managed to wriggle my tongue inside of his reluctant anus, the impossibly tight hole offering me the slight purchase that I exploited as much as I physically could. My tongue went rigid as I dived it in and out of him, my face pressing into and then retreating from the mattress to accomplish the task at hand.

Daddy was beside himself, bucking and groaning underneath my touch, driving his cock in and out of my tiny fist as quick as he could. It wasn’t long before he reached the line in the sand and took back what little amount of rope I had stolen away, reacquiring the reins indefinitely.

“Get up,” he barked shortly, panting for breath.

I reluctantly pulled away, drooling all over my master’s lower half, raising myself off his body. He shifted away from me until he was free, and I remained on my knees, awaiting further instruction. I watched him make it to his feet and shuffle to the side of the bed, bending down near the nightstand to grab something. He straightened up and came back around to the side of the bed nearest me, a glean of maliciousness harbored within his eyes. He said nothing and pushed me down, until my face met the mattress and my ass swayed high into the air, my back arched and ready.

My delicate wrists fall to the clutches of one of his large hands, bound by his thick, calloused fingers. My heart skipped a beat when I felt the cold steel follow suit, my wrists slipping into what I assumed was a pair of handcuffs that closed with finality, the teeth of the restraints clicking and clacking in an almost sinister fashion. My master gave the cuffs a quick tug, ensuring that my hands were firmly bound to the small of my back before sidling off the bed, standing somewhere behind me.

“You thought I wouldn’t notice you coming without permission again, did you?”

My heart simultaneously sank and fluttered with excitement, torn between the two extremes of the spectrum. He had so far ravaged my throat and left my ass so sore I wasn’t sure I’d be able to comfortably sit on it for days, so I could only imagine what he would dream up next. The fear of the unknown was the elixir that I willingly imbibed, driven forward by an unquenchable lust for new experiences and the consequences that were associated with them, whether heaven or hell. And he was my caretaker, the maestro that weaved these delicious journeys together like notes of music rising and falling under his discerning whim.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The familiar drone of the clock’s hand rang out and cut through the silence, drawing my attention back to the here and now. The unstoppable march of time reoriented me, causing me to wonder just how long we had been at this. An hour, perhaps more? I was prepared to give him my body for the remainder of the night as promised, confident he would be more than satisfied by the time he was finished with me. I mentally settled in for the long haul, keenly aware of his near insatiable thirst for me that I often reminisced about to this very day whenever it was time to touch myself.

But it was his turn to do the touching now, and he started by placing his hands on my cheeks and spreading them apart, admiring the holes that now belonged to him. I caught his eyes in the mirror’s reflection, watching him clearly relishing the view before him as he basked momentarily in my subjugation. He squatted behind me and disappeared, but I could feel his hot breath washing over my swollen lips, the sensation causing me to gasp aloud. Every molecule inside my DNA cried out for him, beckoning him to ravish me just as he had so many years ago. But he opted instead to tease me with his tongue, the tip of which nestled easily into my gaped anus that quivered beneath his touch. I bit my tongue to keep from speaking out of turn, softly squealing through my gritted teeth. His warm, wet tongue dived into my tight canal, spelunking my hidden grotto for the first time. With my cheeks still held apart, I could feel his face retreat a few inches before crashing abruptly into my ass, stabbing his tongue as deep he could within me with quick succession.

He switched things up on me before I could acclimate to the treatment, his wonderful tongue taking a detour to my sopping pussy which was ungovernable in the way it clenched and spasmed. He began to dine on my arousal, his powerful muscle swimming through my juicy folds and plunging into my vagina in a singular smooth motion. He purposely ignored my clitoris, stroking near it several times which caused my back to rise in anticipation of mercy, only to leave me deflated when he maliciously turned away from it.

A sheen of sweat clung to my body several minutes later, after my master had subjected me to the best kind of torment that saw him dine ravenously upon my holes as if they were the sole sources of his replenishment. By this point my face was glued to the mattress, tongue lolling out of the side of my mouth, frothing from dehydration. I had grown weary from exhaustion, the pleasure almost too much to bear without an outlet in sight. He emerged from in between my spread legs, standing tall behind me, ignoring the waterfall of fluids cascading down his face. With a yank of the chain, I was pulled upright and suspended in midair, heavy breasts slapping into my torso. My salvation soon arrived as cool water hit my gaping mouth, the restorative liquid giving me much needed relief. Daddy fed me an entire bottle, until my belly was full, and my thirst was nothing but a distant memory.

“Thank you, daddy,” I choked out, pathetically sputtering my words.

On cue the true torture resumed, just as I had been pulled from the brink and saved from certain disaster. A familiar buzzing emanated from between my legs, but before I could place the source, it began to swiftly unwind me. The suction on my clitoris was otherworldly, the vibrations like tremors threatening to tear my core asunder. My chain was released, and I crashed into the bed, my entire body trembling as an orgasm rapidly built within me. Further problems arose when he inserted the plug back inside of my body, my asshole greedily clamping upon the cool steel. My teeth found purchase upon the comforter, twisting the blanket and the sheets beneath it as I willed myself to hold on.

Next came his fingers, two large, thick intrusions diving within my sunken depths. My tight walls sucked him in, ushering him forward like a pair of gracious hosts, urging him to finish me on the spot. I dug my nails into my palms, wrists locked in place but palpitating all the same, the sound of clinking steel filling the air. The muscles in my legs were on fire, rigid as stone as I tried to hitch myself to the realm of mortals. But my master had other plans, insistent on causing my destruction, the vibrations amongst my clit increasing in force. His fingers slammed in and out of me faster than before, and my sphincter mirrored his actions, pushing and pulling the plug within my asshole all on its own.

“Please….please…,” was all I could manage with a mouthful of bedding, my vocabulary boiling down to the one word required for my survival.

Daddy granted my request after savoring a few minutes’ worth of my pathetic begging and pleading, instructing me to release for him with words I don’t remember hearing but I’m certain were spoken. I quickly raised the mental dam holding back the floodwaters and felt a tidal wave of dopamine crash upon my psyche so forcefully the wind was knocked from my breast. Tears ran down my face as I came, my mouth casting curses as my muscles contracted dangerously around the plug and his fingers alike. I wet myself for the umpteenth time, causing yet another lake to appear on the ruined bed, and the toy was mercifully removed from my clit to allow it time to recover.

There truly was no rest for the weary though, something I found out the hard way when I felt him throbbing against my lips. I was so selfishly caught up in my own world, having been deconstructed into a quivering pile of unintelligible words and involuntary bodily convulsions, that I temporarily lost sight of my true purpose. Of course he had a dick, how could I have forgotten about it? There it was, pressed deliciously against my moist opening, prepared to strike at any moment. He drove the length of his erection back and forth against my lips, moistening his skin with my desire. Each thrust earned a soft whimper from me as he eased my lips apart slightly, teasing my swollen clit with his head.

My master was finally ready to reclaim what had been his a lifetime ago. The bulbous head of his dick was perched at my entrance, wriggling around in small circles as he delayed his intrusion, leaving me on edge. He gripped my cheeks with his heavy hands and splayed them apart so he could watch himself take back ownership of me once and for all. And he did just that with a brisk swing of his hips, entering me with purpose, the entirety of his want and desire filling my very being. This was his sanctuary, and he made himself right at home, as if the locks on the doors had never been changed.

I realized the errors of my ways as he began to reintroduce himself to me, the mistakes of my past playing before me like a depressing slideshow. Was there anything better than this? I didn’t know the answer to that question, and I didn’t care to look for it either, especially when I felt him threaten to breach my stomach with how deep he was thrusting into me. I swear he aimed to split me in half, his girth so imposing it drove the air out of my lungs. He jostled the entirety of my body with each powerful thrust, scooting me back and forth across the bed as I rebounded against his thighs. One of his large hands gripped the handcuffs and pulled upon them, lifting my torso off the bed so he could hear my heavy tits clap together each time his abdomen crashed into my backside.

That same hand soon found my hair and twisted within my locks, freeing my eyes to find our combined reflection in the mirror. He had mounted me fully, his chest pressed into my back, my head held hostage within his grasp. Our bodies swapped sweat as our temples aligned, his fingers moseying across my throat, my lips, my face as a whole. He had claimed every inch of my body tonight, and I gave it to him willingly, watching him destroy from behind through the gap between his index and middle finger, the rest of his digits digging into my features. His other hand joined in, and soon he was torquing my neck, ten fingers pulling at the seams of my face as he recklessly drove his piston like dick into my aching pussy. His balls slapped relentlessly into my poor clit, the button suffering continued abuse that was as uncomfortable as it was pleasurable, the nerve endings firing as rapidly as my body would allow.

My face had disappeared underneath his large brown hands, save for the wide eye looking back at me between his tangled mass of crisscrossed fingers. I moaned incessantly into his palms, crying, and whining and whimpering until my voice grew hoarse. The sound of our wet lower halves routinely meeting in such a forceful fashion was deafening, a cacophony of unhinged animalistic mating noises crashing off the walls. My nails dug into my palms and to distract from my burning wrists, bruised from trashing uselessly against the cold steel. The intensity of his throbbing cock was indescribable, delivering to me the purest bliss my imagination could dream up. He battered me, unleashing years of pent-up frustration onto my body, abusing what I yielded to him earlier in the night.

“We’re going to come together, do you understand me?” he said through gritted teeth, his breath rough and ragged.

All I could do was blink, unable to nod since my head was subdued, and unable to speak since my mouth was temporarily out of service. But my body was ready, as ready as it would ever be, primed for release at a moment’s notice. He was going to beat it out of me with his dastardly member, the one that was violently splitting me at the seams and bruising my cervix all at once. He groaned vulgarities into my ear, the verbal filth bringing me closer to the edge. And he soon pushed me from the cliff, jumping after me as we tumbled toward ruin together.

“Come for daddy,” was all he said, and my body responded without hesitation.

Stars erupted into existence before my very eyes as we released together, a cornucopia of raw emotion and ethereal sensations overtaking me. I was no longer a person, but rather a ball of nerves that brimmed with superheated energy, every fiber of my being subjected to an individual and unending rapture. I watched the lid close halfway on a woman’s eye, her brown orb glazed and unfocused. Her face emerged from behind a pair of hands, shock and awe displayed very prominently upon her mangled features. I watched her tumble from grace as if in slow motion, her body ending up in a twisted mass amongst the sheets. Something within her had shattered, whether for better or for worse; it was up to her whether she was willing to seek out the pieces and return to life as she once knew it, or leave them behind and journey further into the great unknown.

The man collapsed on the bed next to her, covered from head to toe in sweat, fighting for the same air she desperately choked down. He had given her his seed as promised, though she could not accept the sheer volume, the overflow spilling from her tortured body. I observed the woman as she turned her head toward the man, mumbled something incoherent and allowed the faintest of smiles to play into her lips.

The man grinned back at her, pulled her into his arms and began to soothe her as they awaited the sweet clutches of sleep.


I found myself again the next morning, snapping back to reality during a well-deserved shower. The steaming hot water broke me out of the fog that had hidden me away the night prior, the last vestiges of my sex induced stupor swirling down the drain between my toes. After the shower I examined my nude body in the mirror, taking mental stock of the battle scars I had endured. I inspected each one and delighted in the memories of receiving them, a soft smile reflected back at me.

He was waiting for me in the parking lot, casually leaning against his car, his eyes on the sky. He removed his sunglasses as I approached him, an effortless grin hitting his lips, his handsome features greeting me warmly as they always did. He pushed an iced coffee into my hands, and I groaned with satisfaction as I sipped from it right away.

“You’re too good to me,” I said playfully, yet sincerely.

“I know. I can’t help but spoil you, I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.”

“You love me too much, that’s your problem.”

“You’re right. I’ll try to cut back a little.”

“That’s the spirit,” I said coyly, taking another long drag of caffeine.

He took a sip from his own drink, consulted his watch, and reluctantly pulled car keys from his pocket. The moment we both had been dreading ever since I came back to town had arrived all too soon, and neither of us had prepared a halfway decent goodbye.

“I guess this is it,” he said quietly.

I only nodded, afraid of the moment, rummaging in my pocket for my own keys to distract myself.

“Until next time?” he said.

“Next time I’ll come running.”

He stepped forward and entangled me within his raw passion, his thick lips crashing into my own. I felt myself lift away from the ground if only for a moment, and my head went spinning when his fingers grazed my chin. I returned the same energy to him, enticing his tongue to dance with mine, passing unspoken words of admiration and gratitude from my mouth to his.

Our time together may have just been a detour on an otherwise unknown journey, but it was a deviation I looked back upon fondly, an experience in mutual fulfillment I would always be willing to yield for if it meant seeing him one more time.

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