Professor Marvel Heroine Capture Part 1 by projectweird

Professor Marvel Heroine Capture Part 1 by projectweird

Superheroine Professor Marvel, aka Rita Wood, wants to make a name for herself by taking down a supervillain. She is rash and does not know the trouble she could and will get in when the MasterMind gets his hooks into her. This is only my second story and it starts out as a slow burn as I fill out this world. Feel free to leave comments. , Professor Marvel leaped spreading her legs wide to clear the gap from building to building while trying to concentrate on a hot lead to the supervillain MasterMind.

Not for the first time, she let her thoughts drift back to her outfit and how it was unpractical. That last leap showcased the exact problem of showing her camel toe in the spandex armor. The special armor division had said the flexible armor was beyond expensive to generate from raw earth materials but it just seemed two sizes too small. Their response was it was designed to her specifications. With her 5 foot 11 frame, the one-piece deep V neck pushed out her 36 double tits where her breasts were the first thing a man would see.

OK, most of the time, that would be all men would see. The wind lashed past her body as she cleared another building top as she pretended not to see her nipples glaring out of the armor. When the armor wasn’t activated, it collected power by continuous motion. That often meant her boobs and butt would jiggle while in motion but strangely the suit would hold her firm breast in the way that porn stars tits would stick out.

She reminded herself that she should not be ungrateful. Every armor had its flaws. Ice Queen was in the middle of the battle for New York when her entire suit shattered. Strangely, at that exact moment, the battle had come to a complete haul with every camera focusing on her… like they knew what was going to happen.

Ice Queen was still recovering even a week later after the battle after her suit malfunction, her next step caused her to trip. Her hands had caught her but her feet remained still which gave every internet boy a super close look at her pussy lips and asshole. Ice Queen could not even leave the battlefield for an hour and still did interviews to her discomfort. Yes, Professor Marvel never wanted to cheap out and have her armor shatter. She just needed to make a big villain bust.

Professor Marvel stalked in the shadows on the rooftop, adjusting her uniform, as a henchman walked out for a smoke. Leaping out, the professor wrapped her legs around the head of the man, driving his mouth firmly into her crouch. This was one of her favorite moves as the guy hit the ground and his arm grasped her firm butt. The henchman moved his head violently trying to get air sending vibrations to Professor Marvel’s core starting at her very excited erogenous zone. Too soon the henchman passed out. The heroine prowled into the building.

Above the warehouse raptor, the heroine scoped out the layout. 10 hired thugs, a daily reviewer female reporter, and a grey-suited fellow that was built more like a linebacker in a red face mask concentrating on a computer. Wait, the villain database stated something about a red hood. Professor Marvel hissed “Master Mind!” She had not read the file on Master Mind very well but there was nothing she could not handle. In a passing thought, the heroine thought she should call in backup but dismissed it as this operation was not exactly authorized by the hero society registry. She was on her own. Professor Marvel leaped down 10 feet away from the desk in a perfect superhero landing but instantly felt a little embarrassed as her butt and boobs kept bouncing way past an appropriate amount of time.

MasterMind cocked his head and looked at Professor Marvel weirdly and ask, “What are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you.” Looking over to his left,” Henchmen… do what you do.” With that MasterMind returned his attention to the computer. This little act of defiance pushed the heroine past her breaking point. As the henchmen charged her, she let out her frustration with each punch and kick which repelled that onslaught of attackers. Her skin had just started to glow with sweat when the last aggressor flew back. Professor Marvel thought, she would just have to take it out on MasterMind.

Strolling up to the desk where MasterMind still had not acknowledged her, Professor Marvel turned to Lois Vanderlane, super reporter. “Did he kidnap you?”

Lois replied nonplused, “No, I am here for an interview.”

“An interview with the low-ranking supervillain?” Professor Marvel openly snickered to see Lois’s face twist into concern and worry.

“Are you joking? MasterMind is third on the hero most wanted. Some say that he has been put on the do not engage. He can…” but be for Lois could finish the thought, Professor Marvel grabbed MasterMind from behind the desk readying a punch. MasterMind looked confused and annoyed again.

“I paid good money for those henchmen! You are going to pay for that!” then MasterMind’s demeanor cooled before continuing, “Look, I am a little busy and I have an interview so if you could just …”

Crack! As Professor Marvel’s punch destroyed the red face shield. Lois looked down and away from the pandemonium. The pieces shattered to the ground as Professor Marvel prepared a few rapid punches. “Mrs. Rita Wood stop.” Came out an unearthly cold voice from MasterMind. And just like that, Professor Marvel stopped. A million thoughts rushed through her head like how does this super creep know her real name, or how come she could not move, or even why she could not even breathe. Oh my goodness, her lungs had even stopped, she was going to suffocate. MasterMind’s eyes glared daggers as he pilled her fingers open to free himself and returned to his desk.

“That helmet is, or rather was, the only thing keeping my powers at bay. Without it, my powers reach 100 feet in all direction and can control brain electrical impulses.” Turning to Lois, ”That is not even trying.”

Lois gathered herself without looking at the villain,” Then why not leave it off all the time?”

With a sigh, he responded,” First, it causes ill advise effects unless I think the commands through. Like Mrs. Rita Wood, aka Professor Marvel, cannot even breathe now and will suffocate within a few minutes unless I correct the command.” Lois audible gasped but MasterMind continued,” Second it robs people of free will which makes them less effective and makes me blind to other problems. Lastly,” As MasterMind looked at his reflections in the computer monitor,” It affects everyone to include myself. I have to be very careful what I say.”

On that note, Professor Marvel started to turn purple and her sight became pinpricks of light as she faded from existence. From the darkness, she could hear MasterMind say that Rita Wood could relax and Professor Marvel fell limp but started to breathe.

MasterMind exclaimed, “You see right there! All I said was relax and all of her muscles relaxed. It was not what I meant to happen but it was the literal meaning as she understood it.” With horror taking hold of Professor Marvel, she realized some muscles should not be relaxed as she started to piss herself in the middle of the warehouse. MasterMind rolled his eyes and was about to say something when Professor Marvel’s horror continued as her bowels start to come out between her butt cheeks and suit. She was soiling herself in front of a reporter and a villain and had no ability to stop. MasterMind angrily mumbled something about now this.

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