Coming Home Pt. 01

An adult stories – Coming Home Pt. 01 by uk_writer_53,uk_writer_53 As with most stories on Literotica this one has elements that fit within other genres. However, I think that overall it is a Romance, so that’s where I’ve placed it.

The storyline is from my own imagination so please don’t tell me that the characters would or should have done this or that. The actions and reactions I’ve written fit with the way I wanted the tale to unfold. If you really hate it that much simply stop reading…

Comments on the actual writing are most welcome and if you spot a fault then it’s all mine and I apologise in advance.

All the characters that engage in sexual activities are over the age of 18.





The girl wasn’t a drinker and after a couple of glasses of wine she was feeling a pleasant buzz as she gazed around the ballroom at the other students, busy celebrating the end of their school life.

Standing by herself she was fully aware that no one was paying any attention to her.

She was used to it. She had always been on the outside looking in.

Almost from her first days at school she had been the skinny awkward one that everyone generally ignored or poked fun at. Not that it really bothered her and as she grew up she learned to ignore the comments and jibes.

Eventually the remarks had stopped but by then she was used to being by herself.

High school had been no different, a shy introverted girl she focused on her studies with little or no interest in the opposite sex, unlike the other teenage girls around her.

Something of a late developer she was, by the age of sixteen, beginning to garner the attention of boys but none of them even got close to getting a date with her. She had a life plan laid out in her mind and she intended to stick to it. The result was that she was labelled a lesbian and the ice queen by those young men she firmly but politely rejected.

Aside from a secret passion for reading romance novels she wasn’t interested in love; it wasn’t real and certainly wasn’t for her. Her father had walked out on his wife and two children when she was younger and she was determined that that wasn’t going to happen to her.

As she scrutinised her classmates the music changed, the DJ putting a slow song on the turntable and the floor quickly filled with couples, although, just as she expected, no one asked her.

‘Sod the lot of them. I’ll be gone in a few weeks.’

She thought to herself and, stumbling slightly, she left the ballroom and made her way into the hotel bar.

Looking around her she could see the place was fairly empty for a Saturday night; just a barmaid collecting glasses, a couple of older men drinking in the corner and…

Pausing she felt her pulse rate jump several notches.

He was about her age, eighteen, tall-ish, with untidy collar-length brown hair and cute. Taking a second look she changed her mind; he was definitely very cute.

However, it was the way he was sitting at the bar, staring at his untouched drink, seemingly with the weight of the world on his shoulders that really got her attention. In that instant she made up her mind to do something totally out of character.

“Buy a girl a drink.”

Slipping up onto the stool next to him she approached him in a most uncharacteristic manner.

“I’m not interest….”

Turning to face her it was evident that he had clearly been expecting someone different and he stopped, mid-sentence. Lost for words he simply stared into two deep blue pools that sent a shiver right through him.

“I said want to….” Something comparable happened to her in the same moment and her heart rate jumped by a couple of dozen beats per minute when she looked back into his brown eyes.

Pulling herself together she stumbled over the rest of her reply, “err…. buy a girl a drink.”

“Oh… sure but shouldn’t you be in the party with your boyfriend?” His eyes never wavered and continued to gaze into hers.

The girl blushed and giggled, tossing her long, dirty blonde hair back away from her pretty face, “I don’t have one but you can be him for tonight if you want.”

Even as she said it she felt an unfamiliar thrill somewhere deep inside her, although for the life of her she didn’t fully understand what it was.

“Umm… sure, if you want… I guess I could…” He stammered unable to tear his gaze away from her, “So, what would you like.”

“A white wine please.”

Batting her eyelashes at him she bit her lower lip coyly.

He ordered and they sat in silence until the barmaid had brought her drink.

“So, what’s up with you? Why the long face?” She eventually asked, lifting her glass to her lips.

“Family stuff.”

“I expect a better answer than that from my boyfriend. Out with it.”

Her grin lit up her eyes and sent another little ripple of arousal through him, making him smile back at her in return.

“I was supposed to be heading off to Bristol university on Monday.”

“And now you’re not?”

He sighed, “Nope. My dad is…. was… determined that when I finished school I’d go and work for him, learn the building trade and eventually take over the firm.”

Reaching out she took hold of his hand and they both felt something akin to electricity surge through their fingers making them pause and look into each other’s eyes again.

“So, why don’t you just go anyway.” Shivering at the feeling she asked him.

“I can’t. He declined my place and returned my student grant.” Tearing his gaze away from her he picked up his beer and took a mouthful.



The girl realised at that moment she hadn’t let go of his hand and quickly released it, wondering if he might be the one to help her with her own little problem.

She was certainly attracted to him, disconcertingly so given her previous disinterest in the male species. Her response to his smile and the touch of his hand on hers had sent her heart rate soaring and a delicious tingle of anticipation through her.

‘Could she ask him something like that?’

‘What would he say if she did?’

‘What if he said no. She would be so embarrassed.’

Lapsing into silence she pondered her question.

“So, how come a beautiful girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend? You must have them queueing up for a date.”

She looked up, blushing, at his statement.

‘He thinks I’m beautiful.’

“Nope. No boyfriends.” Shaking her head, she sent her blonde hair swaying around her bare shoulders again and smiled, his comment sending a delightful warmth straight to the top of her thighs, “Not interested, I was too busy studying.”

“No one!” He questioned her reply with surprise.

Her smile set his heart thudding against his ribs so hard he was sure she would hear it.

“Absolutely no one. You’re my very first boyfriend.”


The way he said it sent a flock of butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

“Like I said I was focused on my studies and getting the results I needed to go to uni. And besides there was no one I liked.”

“And now you’ve finished, what’s your plan?”

“I’m going to Nottingham.” She declared proudly, “I plan on becoming a teacher.”

Now it was his turn to grin back at her, his rather cheeky lop-sided expression making her heart thump excitedly.


Her eyes went wide as she found herself completely shocked at the feelings he kept arousing inside of her.

“That’s great, I hope you achieve your goal.”

“Me too but I… I kind of have a… umm… a bit of a problem that I want to sort out… before I go and I wondered if maybe you could err…. maybe help me.”

Stumbling through the sentence she blushed profusely and stared down at the floor unable to look him in the face feeling sick while her heart rate became even faster.

“Sure, if I can. What is it?”

‘Oh God am I actually going to ask him this?’

Starting to panic she brought her eyes up to meet his and took a deep breath.

“I’m a virgin. I’ve never even really kissed a boy and I don’t want to go to university like that so I wondered, as you’re my boyfriend tonight, whether we could get a room and you would… you know….”

For a second or two he didn’t answer, his mind reeling from what she had just said.

“You want me to sleep with you, to… to take your virginity?” He finally responded quietly.

“Yes.” The girl said simply, resisting the urge to get off of her seat and run.

The young man didn’t answer and simply sat there, too stunned to speak as his mind tried to take in what she had just said.

“Why me?” He finally managed to croak; his throat dry.

“Because you’re here, you’re cute and… and I like you… a lot.”

He took a large swallow of his beer before slipping off his stool, unable to tear his gaze away from the girl in front of him and held out his hand.

“I like you too so….”

Blushing she took it.

“By the way I’m…” He started to introduce himself.

Putting her finger to his lips she stopped him, “No names. Not tonight. Tonight, you’re simply my boyfriend and I’m your girlfriend.”

“Ok, if that’s what you want. And, by the way, I have a room.”

She had created feelings inside him he had never experienced before and if this was the only time he was going to be with her he wasn’t going to let it slip by him. Not that he intended to let her go. If it was even remotely possible he wanted her, and not just for the night.

Neither of them said a word as they walked hand in hand across to the lift and went up to the fourth floor where he opened the door to room 403 and ushered her through it.

Inside they both stood quietly as the enormity of what they were about to do hit them.

“I err…. I umm… need to go to the bathroom.” She informed him rather brusquely, suddenly dashing off and pulling the door shut behind her.

‘What am I doing? This isn’t me.’

‘What must he think of me?’

Staring at her reflection in the mirror she considered the situation she had got herself into and thought about leaving, but even as she did she knew she wouldn’t. He was everything she could want in a guy and she realised that without a doubt, even after just one drink with him, she had deep feelings for him.

“Bathroom’s all yours.” Opening the door, she let him get past her before quickly undressing and slipping into bed.

Inside the small room the scene was much the same for him as he splashed water onto his face and tried to calm himself down.

She was perfect. That went without saying but there was more to it than that. He had fallen for her and by the morning she might be gone.

‘I have to tell her how I feel.’

With that one thought filling his head he stepped back into the bedroom, his dick already erect, to find her in bed with the sheet pulled up to her chin.

Quickly undressing he slid in next to her suddenly unsure about how to start things off.

For a moment they lay next to one another, neither of them wanting to say or do the wrong thing.

“You could kiss me.” She finally rolled onto her side and looked at him apprehensively.

“Oh err… yeah sure.”

Hesitantly he reached for her, gently pulling her naked body against him, the feel of her soft warmth immediately reaching his manhood and making it swell even harder.

As their lips touched it was like a spark flashed between them, the tenderness that he had started to kiss her with quickly morphing into something more passionate. Their tongues duelled almost angrily while their hands wandered up and down the other person’s body and they were both panting with lust after just a minute.

“Hurry please… I… I want you.” She gasped between kisses, shocked by her own words, staring into his eyes and rolling onto her back as she drew him on top of her.

“You’re sure… you want this?”

Nodding she kissed him again, her legs spreading wide, “Yes, I want you, more than anything.”

Even as she said it she realised that she actually meant it.

Reaching between them he positioned himself at her dripping entrance, his swollen crown nudging her labia apart.

“Please…. hurry… I want you inside me.” Gazing up into his face she prepared to accept him recognising, with a shock, just what she felt for him.

Looking back at her he felt exactly the same, although neither of them knew it, as he started to push into her virgin pussy.

She was perfect and he knew in that instant he was in love with her.

Gently pressing deeper his cockhead felt the resistance of her hymen, the barrier preventing him from fully entering her warmth.

“Tell me if you want me to stop.” He paused, not wanting to force his way into her.

“Just… just do it. I want it. Please.” Her whisper sent another shiver of arousal through him, “It’ll be ok.”

Pulling back, he hesitated for a second then drove his member in hard, ripping her chastity away as he plunged the full length of his tumescent spear into her.

“Arghhhhhhhhh…. Fuck, fuck…. it hurts.” Her scream of pain filled the room.

Immediately he stopped, his cock buried to the hilt in her tightness, gazing down at her with concern.

“Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?”

She bit her bottom lip, looking back up at him, and shook her head, “No, it’s ok, just… just give me a second.”

Getting a reassuring nod from her he slowly withdrew half-way and then even more gently eased back into her again, her tight sheath caressing his shaft as he began to fuck her.

“It’s ok, it… it feels a little better… you can… go faster.”

Starting to increase his pace he quickly settled into an easy rhythm, repeatedly driving all the way into her, his hips slapping against her every time he buried his length inside her inviting sex.

Writhing under him, her legs thrown wide as his tight backside rose and fell between her thighs, she clung to him, unfamiliar sensations building swiftly in her belly.

“Yes, oh yes… oh God yes… don’t stop…. don’t…”

Gasping breathlessly, it was immediately clear to her that neither of them were going to last very long, their arousal rapidly growing as they surged towards the summit together.

Her nails raked across his arms as the glowing embers he had lit in her core were fanned by his frantic thrusting and turned into an inferno.

“Oh God… yes, yes, yes… I’m…. I’m….” Her eyes opened wide and she started to squeal and squirm.

Bucking uncontrollably, she lost control of her movements, her pink moist labia clinging to his hard meat as it split her open while wave after wave of pure pleasure flooded her body and sent her over the edge.

“I’m…. cummiinnnnggggggggggggggggggggg!”

“Fuck… fuck… I… I…can’t…. aaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Slamming his cock into her he couldn’t stop himself when her vaginal muscles clenched around his erection and came hard, his dick pulsing as he spurted a copious amount of his man cream deep into her belly.

For a brief moment the pair lay together as they caught their breath and then he rolled off of her pulling her against him, his arm around her shoulders.

“You ok?”

She snuggled in against him, a wonderful feeling of love radiating out from her core.

“Better than ok.” She giggled tracing a finger across his chest, “Can we do it again?”

He kissed her, “You’ll have to give me a while to recover.”

Letting her hand travel down from his chest she stroked across his stomach and then reaching further wrapped her fingers around his manhood.

“Or maybe I could do something to help?” Starting to lightly pump his dick she whispered in his ear before letting her mouth follow the path her hand had just taken.

“Fuck.” Groaning he closed his eyes and lay back.

“I… I’ve never done anything like this before.” Hesitating, her mouth poised an inch above his semi-erect rod, she looked up at him and whispered shyly.

“Just do what comes naturally.”

She giggled again, flicking her tongue out and swirling it around the tip of his shaft, tasting their mixed secretions on it.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm… it’s not too bad.”

“Oh shit.” His next exclamation was a little louder.

Encouraged by his moan and the fact his cock was rapidly hardening in her hand she slipped her red lips around the swollen girth, taking several inches into her mouth as she started to suck.

Resting a hand on the back of her skull, with his fingers twisted in her blonde mane, he gently encouraged her to start bobbing her head, her lips tightening as she pleasured him enthusiastically.

When she finally let him slip out of her mouth he was rock hard again, his solid throbbing length coated with her spit.

“Fuck me again.” She lay back spreading her legs and pulling him over onto her.

He didn’t need asking twice and, lowering his weight onto her, his cock slid all the way up into her eager, wet slit.

This time the love making was slower, less frenzied, as they both sought to prolong it and take as much from it as they could, with her coming twice, the second time when he ejaculated into her again.

Cuddled up to him she waited until his breathing slowed and she knew he was asleep before slipping out of bed.

Gathering up her clothes she felt her heart telling her to stay, that she had found someone special, at the same time her head was urging her to leave and follow her life plan.

Dressed she hovered over the figure still asleep under the covers and wiped a tear away from her eye. It hadn’t been supposed to be like this. All she wanted was to lose her cherry, not to fall, head over heels, for the guy who took it.

Eventually she leant over and lightly kissed his cheek before forcing herself to step out into the hallway and close the door.

‘I’m being stupid. No one falls in love at first sight.’

She tried to convince herself as, with tears streaming down her face, she walked away from him.

Waking in the morning he rolled over to be confronted with an empty bed, the only evidence that she had been there was her scent on the pillow, the crumpled bedclothes and the bloodstain on the sheet.

Sighing he slumped back, his stomach knotting at the thought that she had gone. He had known it was going to happen but that did nothing to lessen the pain that filled his chest.

Over the last week his life had become an absolute mess and then she had happened and suddenly all that mattered was being with her.

Pushing himself up he headed for the shower not sure what he was going to do. He didn’t know her name, where she was from or anything apart from the fact she was going to Nottingham.

He was head over heels in love with a girl he would most likely never see again.

Chapter 01 – Sean

The sound of footsteps outside the door alerted Sean to the fact that someone was about to enter his room.

“Sergeant Parkes.”

A deep baritone voice from behind him stopped him midway through stuffing the last of his belongings into his bags. Recognising exactly who it was he grinned briefly then turned and snapped to attention, saluting.


“At ease Sergeant, I’m glad I caught you. I just wanted to stop by and wish you luck.”

Colonel Sandersley, the regiments CO smiled warmly and returned the salute before holding out his hand in a gesture of respect.

“Thank you, sir.” Sean stood easy as they shook hands.

“Any thoughts on what you’re going to do once you’re out in the real world?”

Shaking his head Sean tried to sound positive even though he wasn’t feeling it, “Not yet sir. Although Denny Foulkes says there might be something suitable for me at the company that his wife works for.”

“Well, if it doesn’t pan out for you and you want to re-enlist, we’ll be happy to take you back.”

Sean had no intention of re-enlisting. After his last tour and the injuries he had sustained, he had already made up his mind to come out.

However, he didn’t say that and simply saluted again, “Thank you, I’ll bear it in mind sir.”

The older man just nodded and smiled before turning away and then pausing mid-stride he glanced back.

“Good NCOs are hard to find and you were good Sean. Don’t stay away if…. well, you know.”

“I do. Thank you, sir.”

Taking a deep breath Sean watched as his commanding officer walked out of the door, before looking around the room that had been his home for the last few years.

Studying every detail of its small 20 x 18 foot area and storing it in his memory he tried to remain positive as he wondered, not for the first time, if he was doing the right thing. The Marines had been his life for the last eight years and the idea of the real world outside of the military terrified him.

Aside from trying to figure out what he was going to do there, there was the ever-present thought that would he even be welcomed when he turned up at his family home like the proverbial bad penny?

He knew he would find out soon enough.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he sat and let his mind wander back to when it had all started.


He had left school at eighteen with his father expecting him to join the family business; starting at the bottom he would learn the building trade with a view to eventually taking over from him. However, the concept of spending the next forty years working five and a half or even six days a week from dawn till dusk doing something he didn’t enjoy was not one he wanted to consider.

The idea of ending up like all of his father’s workforce and spending his hours after he had finished work in whatever pub, getting a beer belly and complaining about life at home, wasn’t for him.

Sean Parkes had a very different plan in mind for his future

His ‘A’ level examination results at school had been exceptional and had seen him accepted for a place at several universities. Giving them all careful consideration, he had, along with Naomi Chancellor, the prettiest girl at school, decided to go to Bristol.

It was the Thursday evening shortly before his planned departure that he finally told his family what he was doing.

Sean had expected an argument when his father discovered his plan to go to university and study history but not the vehement torrent of vitriol that he was subjected to. Frank Parkes had made it very clear that, regardless of what his son wanted, he was going to join the family business and learn a trade instead of swanning off for three years to ‘get drunk’ and ‘chase girls’.

“You can’t stop me dad. I’m going and that’s all there is to it.”

“That’s what you think.” Frank smirked, “I’ve known about your little scheme for several weeks now. I’ve already called them and told them you aren’t coming.”

“You’ve what!”

“And I sent back your student loan. Told them you didn’t need it as you had turned your place down.”

“Fuck you.” In that instant Sean knew he had to get away from his father or his life would never be his own.

Turning his back and leaving his tearful mother downstairs, he went up to his room and gathered up everything he needed, stuffing it into his rucksack and holdall.

“You’re going to go then Sean?” His younger sister Briony stood in the doorway.

“I have to Bri. If I don’t get away now I’ll be trapped here forever.”

“What about Naomi?” She brought up the subject of the girl he hoped might become his girlfriend at some point in the future.

Stopping for a moment Sean gave his sister a hug. She was three years younger than him and he had always looked after her, joining in her games, walking to school with her and such like.

He knew he was going to miss her.

“She was coming with me. We were both going to study there but now I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“I’ll… I’ll miss you.” Briony managed to say before bursting into tears and running back into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Finishing his packing he went back downstairs and said a hurried and emotional goodbye to his mother.

“If you go you’ll no longer be part of this family.” Frank Parkes stated angrily, “I warn you Sean!”

Ignoring his father completely he simply walked out of the front door vowing never to return.

Not sure of what he was going to do now his plan had changed, he made his way over to Naomi’s house where he had been surprised to see her outside, busily loading her bags into her car.

“Sean!” She stared at him, an expression of alarm on her face, “What… what are you doing here?”

He looked at her luggage suspiciously, “What’s going on Naomi? We weren’t supposed to be going until Monday.”

Eschewing looking him in the eye her cheeks coloured, “I… I was hoping to… to avoid this.”

“Avoid what? What are you talking about?”

She had handed him an envelope then, “It’s all in here Sean. I’m not going to Bristol with you.”

“What the fuck!” He exclaimed angrily, “We said we would get a flat together and I thought that you and I might….”

“I’m sorry Sean I like you but not like that. And I’ve got a place in Edinburgh. It’s a better course and I….” She let her sentence tail off without finishing it.

“Oh right. So, I’m supposed to go off on my own now.” He didn’t mention his argument with his father or the fact he no longer had a place at the university.

“You’ll be fine in Bristol and I’m sure you’ll meet someone.” Her caustic retort made him take a step back.

“I don’t want anyone else Naomi, I want you but it’s obvious you don’t feel the same.”

“I’ve told you Sean, I like you but only as a friend. That’s all.” She looked at him, her eyes wide open as if she was pleading with him to understand.

Staring at her in disbelief he felt like everything in his life had fallen apart in just a couple of hours when suddenly it dawned on him.

“Danny Hancock. He’s going to Edinburgh.” His look changed to one of rage, “I’m a fucking idiot. You’re going up there to be with him. That was always your plan wasn’t it? I bet I was just a back-up in case things didn’t work out.”

He didn’t wait for an answer and crumpling her letter in his hand he had thrown it away before picking up his bags and starting to walk down the driveway.

“Sean…. Please… wait, don’t go…. not like this.”

Ignoring her he didn’t look back and just continued walking away.

“Sean… please, please…. I’m sorry… I…”

Eventually her voice faded into the distance as he kept on going, not really knowing where he was heading.

He had to find somewhere to sleep, he realised that, and not wanting to rely on friends who would want to know the ins and outs of what had happened he picked the Grand Metropole hotel in the centre of town. If his parents came looking for him they were unlikely to even think of there.

That week-end he had been intent on getting completely legless and coming to a decision about his future. But then, on the Saturday night, he had met her.

It had been just a few hours but in that short time he had fallen in love with his dream girl. She had been absolutely perfect and had taken his virginity just as he had claimed hers but in the morning she had gone.

He had woken on the Sunday morning to find he was alone. He hadn’t known her name or where she was from only the fact she was going to Nottingham to study.

Spending the day wallowing in misery he knew he had to get away from everything.

Sitting down he wrote a long letter to his sister, telling her about the girl he had met, although he left out all the salacious details, and after falling in love with her had lost her. Finishing off he told her that he was leaving and would write again sometime in the future.

Then on the Monday morning, determined to move on, he packed his bags and checked out.

Leaving the hotel without a destination or plan he found himself standing outside the railway station. Not knowing what else to do he bought a ticket on the first train leaving and, fifteen minutes later, he was on his way to Plymouth.

It was while he was there that he walked into the recruiting office and, forgetting his plans for trying to reinstate his university place, had joined the Royal Marines. Partly it had been to get away from everything he had known and partly it was to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and join the Navy.

Initially he had had to take a pre-joining assessment. First sitting the Navy’s NSRT (Naval Service Recruitment Test) which, given his education had been a relatively straightforward task. Then he had to undertake the PJFT (Pre-Joining Fitness Test), something he had also found fairly straightforward because of his sporting background.

Sailing through the first phase he had then gone on to spend the next four weeks doing the recruit orientation phase of the training with an erroneous confidence. Sean had always thought of himself as a fairly fit eighteen-year-old but his first weeks had quickly shown him otherwise.

The next 32 weeks at the CTCRM training centre at Lympstone in Devon was the hardest thing he had ever done. However, he had stuck with the program and he had eventually passed out as a Royal Marine and received his green beret.

Going in he had been a skinny teenager weighing around 190lbs but by the time he finished his training he was a muscled 225lbs and in the best condition of his life.

Posted to 42 commando he had spent the next eight years making some life-long friends and undertaking two tours of Iraq and two more of Afghanistan as well as a number of other, less dangerous, deployments.

Receiving two commendations for bravery and the CGC (Conspicuous Gallantry Cross) on his last tour overseas, he had been promoted twice, first to corporal and then to sergeant.

He hadn’t really bothered with life outside of the military being totally estranged from his family and his previous existence but things had taken a turn for the better when, at 23, he had met Rebecca Alderson.

For a moment a feeling of utter desolation washed over Sean and he shuddered remembering another of the best, and then the worst, of times in his life.

At 6′ 2″ with his short brown hair, deep brown eyes and a muscled physique that made her heart race 23-year-old Becky had fallen in lust with him the moment she saw him at the other side of the bar. The slender, petite blonde, she was 5′ 4″ and weighed in at 98lbs, had blue eyes that reminded him of another girl from his past.

He didn’t have much experience with girls and even now he could still recall just how nervous he had been when he had gone across to talk to her, terrified she would dismiss him out of hand. She hadn’t and, giggling and blushing, she had accepted his offer to buy her a drink.

She wanted him and hadn’t played hard to get, happily sleeping with him that same night. They had continued to date, with Sean spending all of his off-base time with her, and although he knew he was never in love with her things had been going well.

Then the news that he was being posted overseas had come through and everything changed.

Becky had started to become a little distant and, on a couple of occasions, she put off seeing him when he was not on duty, saying she was busy. Shrugging it off as a reaction to his going away he hadn’t said anything and let it go.

From day one he had known something was wrong. Her replies to his letters and e-mails were perfunctory and often late, while on the odd occasion he managed to talk to her on the phone he felt she was cold and disinterested

He had been deployed for nearly three months when he got the letter he had been expecting. She had met someone else and was moving in with him.

Throwing himself into being a Marine he had tried to forget.

He hadn’t loved Becky he knew that but it still hurt to be thrown over yet again. Naomi had been the very first girl he had liked and had hoped she would become his girlfriend at uni, then there had been his mystery girl who had stolen his heart and now Becky had walked out on him.

Clearly girls were not his strongpoint.

Despite his friends attempts to set him up with one nice girl or another he had avoided anything that vaguely resembled a relationship. A few one-night stands and the occasional visit to the brothels of St Pauli or Amsterdam, when he was on leave, served to satisfy his baser needs.

He had had his heart broken years before and he was certain now that he would never fall in love again.

Fortunately for him his time had been mostly taken up by overseas deployments, primarily to Afghanistan. Overall he was content, he was doing something he loved and even without a woman in his life he had his comrades.

Then the other thing had occurred…


“You ready to go sarge?”

A voice from the doorway jerked him back to the present and out of his melancholy.

“Oh yeah…. right. Just give me five minutes and I’ll be with you.” He informed the young Marine driver who was taking him to the station.

Quickly throwing the last items into his kitbag he took a final look around him and picked up his gear, taking it out to the jeep where the driver saluted and loaded them in the back. Officially he was still a Marine for another week so he was in uniform and entitled to the privileges of his rank.

“Train station sarge?” The young Marine asked sliding into the driver’s seat.

“Yeah, the railway station.” He murmured, settling back for the short journey.

Dropping his bags at his feet he said goodbye to the driver and, after checking for his travel warrant, he entered the station.

Waiting for his train Sean bought himself a cup of coffee from the stall on the platform and sat down, taking a few moments to look at his fellow passengers.

“Where are you off to then? A bit of leave son?”

An older man dropped onto the bench next to him.

“Yeah, something along those lines.” He responded somewhat curtly, not really wanting to get into a conversation.

“Been in long?” The old gentleman persisted.

“Eight years. Joined up when I was eighteen.”

The old man smiled and held out his hand, “Name’s Henry, I was in for twenty but I guess it’s changed a bit since my day.”

Sean’s interest was piqued when he heard that and, shaking Henry’s hand, he turned to face him.

“Sean. You were a Marine?”

“Certainly was. Captain Henry Walsh, formerly of Her majesty’s Royal Marine Commando’s.” He told him with a grin.

“Pleased to meet you sir.” Sean said, meaning it, “Are you travelling up to London?”

“I am and it’s Henry. It would be nice to have someone to chat to on the journey, if you don’t mind that is.”

“It would be my pleasure, Henry.” He held out his hand.

Suddenly the thought of the lengthy journey didn’t seem so bad after all.

Getting on the train Sean stowed his bags and then settled into the seat opposite the old soldier.

“I expect your wife will be pleased to see you home.” Henry said once they were moving.

“Not married.” Sean held up his left hand, “No girlfriend either.”

The old man could see there was something else, something behind his eyes but tactfully changed the subject.

“How long are you home for?”

“At the moment for good but if things don’t work out then who knows.”

Henry nodded but didn’t press the point, “So, what now?”

Sean chuckled, “I’d like to know the answer to that question myself.”

For the next three hours the pair chatted like they were old friends, discussing the ways in which the Marines had changed and their experiences whilst they were serving. However, there was one particular incident which Sean didn’t mention,

Instead, he went quiet for a moment and stared out of the window without seeing anything as he thought back to a few months before in a place a long way away.


It was a hot, dusty afternoon and he had been grateful for the shadows caused by the buildings as his squad, along with several members of the local police force, patrolled through the back streets of the small town. Despite the shade it was still almost unbearable but infinitely preferable to being shut up in the back of an APC out on a bumpy rutted trail somewhere.

They had been out walking through the streets and alleyways for hours, looking for the insurgents that had been reported infiltrating the outskirts of the town. The patrol hadn’t met with any success, for which he was both grateful and dismayed. He was pleased that they hadn’t been shot at and, at the same time, worried because he knew they would have to do it again tomorrow.

Like the rest of his squad, he tried to look everywhere, shifting the weight of his SA80 in his hands and trying to ease the straps of his Bergen as they cut into his shoulders. Every window, doorway or rooftop could hide a terrorist with a Kalashnikov or an IED and he knew his men’s nerves were on edge.

He was particularly aware of young Liam Frane. From the same town as Sean at just eighteen he was the newest member of the platoon. He had only been with them a couple of weeks and he reminded him of how he had been when he first joined up.

Lifting his hand Sean raised two fingers and indicated towards the end of the narrow street they were in, mouthing Liam and Danny he silently ordered two of his men forwards to cover the policemen.

That was when the shot rang out and one of the local officers they were training crumpled to the floor without a sound.

“Sniper.” He shouted knowing his men would follow their training and take cover.

All of them did except for Liam.

Watching him sprint across the open street towards the fallen officer Sean knew exactly what was going to happen.

“Liam! Get down you……”

The IED went off with a loud boom showering the soldiers with a deluge of stones and dust and blowing out a wall.

As if that wasn’t enough a moment later several semi-automatic rifles opened up on them.

“Return fire.” He had ordered somewhat unnecessarily as his squad started to shoot back.

The remaining three policemen were pinned in a doorway sheltering from the bullets while Liam was laying in the street, clearly very badly injured.

“Baker, request back-up and medics asap.”

With an instruction to the unit’s radio operator Sean had dashed forwards, firing at the two figures that were up on the adjacent rooftop.

Whether it was pure luck or good judgement he never knew but somehow, he hit both of the attackers, one falling back while the other toppled into the alleyway. That was when he felt the bullet hit him in the left thigh.

Stumbling Sean managed to keep going, ignoring the pain, and reached the doorway. Crouching down he opened fire covering the three Afghan policemen as they took the opportunity to run back towards the other British soldiers.

More bullets hit the wall above him and he made out three more terrorists ahead of him, partially hidden by the dust, moving to get to the building he was sheltering against. As fragments of dirt rained down on him he realised that if they got to the rooftop above his men it would be a slaughter. So, without thinking, he stood up and ran forwards again, knowing he had to stop them.

Kicking in the flimsy door the first two insurgents had just entered the building when he came upon them. The last of the three turning and bringing his weapon up just as Sean opened fire, hitting him twice in the chest and sending him flying backwards.

Reaching the doorway, he found himself face to face with the second terrorist, the other man’s rifle pointed straight at him.

There was a split seconds pause as they looked into each other’s eyes and then the two of them fired simultaneously.

Hitting Sean squarely in the chest the impact knocked him backwards out from the building onto the street. Although his body armour took the brunt of the terrorist’s shot, at such a close range it had enough force to break two of his ribs. While his own bullet had blown away half of the other man’s head, splattering blood and brains across the wall and killing him instantly.

The last of the insurgents jerked his Kalashnikov up and opened fire without aiming, a line of bullets stitching through the dirt. One hit Sean in the left arm while another went into his side just below his Kevlar vest before the extremist’s gun jammed with a loud click

Trying to clear his weapon the terrorist never got another chance as Sean lifted his SA80 and returned fire. Just metres away from the other man he couldn’t possibly miss, even though he was in shock and pain, and three bullets hit the fanatic killing him instantly.

With that final exchange the firing quickly died away, the few remaining radicals disappearing into the maze of alleyways and ramshackle buildings.

Dragging himself to his feet Sean had struggled over to Liam, his heart shattering as soon as he saw the young Marine. Both his legs were gone and he had known immediately there was no hope for him.


“Take it easy Liam. Helps on its way.”

“Am I gonna be ok sarge?”

Biting his lip Sean had lied, “Yeah you’re gonna be fine, you just hang in there, son.”

“I… I’m glad I… I got to serve with you. They all said… you’re… the best.”

He had seen friends die and it had never been easy but for some reason, holding the young Marine’s hand, he knew then, with an absolute certainty, that he couldn’t do it again.

“You to Liam.” He struggled to remain conscious and not to let the tears fall, “You’re a good Marine.”

“Will you… write my…. mum… if I…”

Sean tried to smile, “You’re gonna be fine but yeah I’ll make sure I speak to her.”

“Will you tell her…. tell her I… I love her.”

He could feel his eyes clouding over as he struggled to hold on to consciousness, “You’ll be telling her yourself soon enough.”

The youngster tried to smile as he gasped, struggling to breathe. “Yeah, guess…. guess I’ll…. be going home…. soon.”

In the distance he could hear the roar of engines and the steady whump of the helicopter rotors.

“You hold on now. Helps coming.” Sean urged despite knowing that there really was no hope.

“Thanks sarge, you really… are… the….”

With those final words he let out a breath and, as the light left his eyes, died in Sean’s arms.

‘I’ll tell her Liam, I promise, I’ll tell her if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

It was his only thought as he stared down at the body of the young Marine.

He was still holding the corpse, tears streaming down his cheeks, when he lapsed into unconsciousness.


“You ok son?”

He turned back to the old soldier sitting opposite him and smiled, “Yeah, yeah I’m fine… just remembering, thanks.”

“It’s ok lad, you don’t have to tell me, there are just some things you never forget.”

Sean sat back and reflected on what the old man had just said, thinking that he was certainly right, there were things that were definitely impossible to forget.

Chapter 02 – Mackenzie

The sun was barely above the horizon with its first rays filtering through the gap in her bedroom curtains when a yawning Mackenzie Frane stopped what she was doing and stretched her arms. Easing the tightness out of her shoulders for a moment she went back to brushing her long dark brown mane and tying it into a ponytail. Satisfied with her hair she began putting on a little eyeshadow and adding just a touch of mascara to her long eyelashes.

“Ugh!” She groaned to herself.

She hated early mornings and she would have loved to go back to bed but it was already twenty minutes past seven and she had been up since 6:45. Now, after showering and putting on her make-up, she was hurrying to get out of the house.

It was her first day in her new job as the HR manager at WestTech Industries and she didn’t want to be late.

Discarding her towelling robe, she quickly pulled on her plain white underwear and her tan hold-up stockings before slipping into a white silk blouse and the navy-blue skirt and jacket she had selected the night before. Finally dressed, she eased her feet into a pair of low-heeled shoes and she was ready.

Content with how she looked she headed to the kitchen to grab some toast and a mouthful of tea before setting off.

She had just taken her first mouthful when a tap on the front door alerted her to her mother’s arrival. Rushing to let her in she greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi mum, Tab’s is still asleep and I have to go soon but you know where everything is, don’t you?”

Slightly flustered Mackenzie flitted around the kitchen as she swallowed her final piece of toast followed by the last of her tea.

“Right mum, I’m off.”

Christine Frane chuckled and gave her daughter a smile, “Have a good first day sweetheart and don’t worry about anything here, we’ll be absolutely fine.”

“Tabs should be awake in a minute so give her a kiss from me, won’t you.” Glancing at her watch Mackenzie frowned, “You’ll be ok to pick her up from school?”

“Yes. Susie is opening up the coffee shop this morning so I can drop her off.” Her mother grinned at her as she urged her daughter towards the door, “And Maggie will be in this afternoon. Now off you go and don’t be late.”

“No that would never do on my first day.” She snickered.

“Bye sweetheart.”

“Bye mum. Don’t forget that Tabitha goes in at 8.45 and I should be at the coffee shop by five.”

“I know, I know. Now get yourself off to work.” Christine laughed as she waved her daughter away.

With their brief conversation over Mackenzie started for the front door of her flat, pausing only to kiss her fingers and touch them to the framed photograph of her younger brother Liam.

‘I miss you little brother.’

She still missed him desperately even though it had been more than 3 months since the funeral.

It had been hard for her and her mother when he had joined the Navy but they had had his e-mails and regular zoom calls. Now there was just an emptiness where he had been.

Blinking away the tears she forced the sad memories out of her mind and let herself out of the flat, setting off for her new job.

Despite the fact it was June there was a slight chill to the early morning air and she pulled her jacket tight around her body, putting her head down as she hurried along towards the bus stop at the end of the road.

She didn’t have long to wait for the bus and, taking a seat towards the back, she hunched down and stared out at the world waking up around her. Watching the shops and houses passing by the window she sat and thought about how her life had worked out so differently to the one she had dreamed about when she left school


By the age of twenty-five she had always imagined that she would have finished university and gained her degree before taking up a career, possibly in the city, working as a teacher at a nice school somewhere.

However, as so often happens things hadn’t quite worked out as she had thought.

After taking her ‘A’ level exams there had been little too do before she finally finished school other than help with the arrangements for the last event of her school life, the prom.

The eagerly anticipated event was always held at the function suite of a prestigious hotel in the town centre and that year was certainly no exception. Most of those leaving had been involved in the preparations in some form or other and everyone was going to be dressed up for the evening.

Like all her friends Mackenzie had turned eighteen that year but unlike them she wasn’t particularly looking forward to attending the big party. Going to a mixed school she had had plenty of interaction with boys but had preferred to concentrate on her studies. It had meant the few boyfriends she had had were all fairly platonic and she had earned the unwanted nickname of the ice queen.

As always, it turned out to be an alcohol fuelled party when they all said their last goodbyes before going off to do whatever they had decided on. Like some of her peers her plan had been to go to uni, provided she got the results she anticipated, she had been accepted at a number of academic institutions.

However, no matter what people’s final plans were, most of those attending thought it was an amazing party.

Mackenzie might have agreed with that conclusion except for the simple fact that she had spent most of the evening on her own. Having had a little too much to drink she was slightly drunk and, without a dance partner or anyone to talk to, she had wandered out of the party and into the hotel bar.

That was when she had seen him.

He had been a similar age to her and sitting alone nursing a seemingly untouched beer when she had, totally uncharacteristically, gone up to him and asked him to buy her a drink. She was sure it had been the alcohol talking to begin with but the moment he had turned and she had looked into his brown eyes it had become so much more.

Tall, cute and apparently carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders she had fallen for him on the spot. But even now, knowing how she felt about him, she could hardly believe she had asked him to do what she wanted.

He had been shocked for sure but there had been something between them, something more than simple lust, and it had scared her when she realised what it was.

They had finished their drinks and then gone up to his room where she had given him her virginity.

After making love for the second time, he had fallen asleep. That was when she had crept out of bed and, with tears running down her face, left. It was a decision she had regretted every day since then.

It just a few weeks later she had discovered she was pregnant and all of her plans came to a complete standstill.

Without knowing his name or where he was she had no way of finding him, as much as she wanted to, and all she could do was pine for the love of her life.

Going to university had been out of the question and so, after leaving school, she had taken a dead-end job in the local supermarket. She had stayed there for seven months until she was due and then she had left to have her baby; a little girl named Tabitha.

Living at home with her mother and younger brother she had struggled through a half-a-dozen jobs after giving birth to her daughter. None of which had any prospects or lasted more than a month or two at most.

Finally, she had given in and gone to work at the coffee shop that her mother owned. The cafĂ© barely made a profit but it was her mother’s pride and joy, apart from her family, and Mackenzie had always tried to resist putting even more demands on an already stretched financial situation.

It hadn’t paid very much but it at least meant that she could take the time she needed to bring up her daughter.

However, once Tabitha started at nursery school, she had begun to look for something else, that was when her friend Belinda Foulkes had told her of a vacancy coming up in the HR department at WestTech Industries where she worked.

The position was only as an assistant to Grace Ledbury the HR manager but it was doing something more interesting than making coffee and paid better, so she had applied. Much to her surprise she had got the job and settling in to her new post she had found herself feeling happier as her life took on a new perspective.

Then, just a few months after she had started, the fateful company Christmas party had occurred.

She hadn’t intended going but Belinda had talked her into it, insisting she went along with her and her husband Denny. So, putting on her little black party dress, stiletto heels and some make-up she had, somewhat reluctantly, gone.

As with all company parties there were more than a few who over indulged in the free bar and amongst them was Alex Donaldson, a senior accounts manager. The married, 36-year-old had spotted Mackenzie early in the evening and, bolstered by the amount of alcohol he had drunk, had trapped her in the corner and was endeavouring to persuade her to have dinner with him one evening.

“How about having a meal with me one night.” He leaned close to her, the reek of his beer breath making her turn her face away.

“No thank you.” Her reply had been firm but polite.

“Aww c’mon, it’s only dinner. We’ll have some fun.”

“No thank you. I’d really rather not.”

“Why not you stuck up bitch. What’s wrong with me?”

His comment brought back memories of all the taunts she had endured when she was at school.

“Please. Your married. Get out of my way.”

Trying not to be rude she was attempting to get away from him and failing miserably when Charles Marwell had intervened.

“Alex! I think you’ve had a little too much to drink. I suggest you go home.”

The charismatic and commanding voice had startled both of them and, much to her relief, had immediately got Alex Donaldson to scuttle off mumbling an apology to her as he went.

“Are you ok miss err….?” Once Alex had gone the company CEO had turned to Mackenzie and asked, clearly not knowing who she was.

“I erm… I’m Mackenzie Frane. I umm… I work in HR with… with Mrs Ledbury.”

Feeling more than a little overawed she had stammered and blushed, his presence and authority overwhelming her and sending a shiver down her spine.

“Ah yes, I remember now.” He looked her up and down, his eyes undressing her, and slowly smiled.

“Err… I should be getting back… my friends…”

“Of course. I hope you have a nice evening.”

And with that he had walked away leaving her standing alone.

It was several weeks into the New Year before she saw Charles Marwell again.

She had just arrived for work when her phone rang. It was his secretary asking her to come up to see him. Going straight up to the fifth floor she had felt a twinge of excitement wondering what she was being summoned for, before being shown straight into his office.

Sitting almost reverently in front of him she waited, his charismatic presence sending a little flutter of arousal through her. Then he looked up, smiling at her and she felt her stomach tighten.

“Ah Mackenzie. Thank you for coming so promptly. Did you have a good Christmas?”

“Err… yes, thank you. You?”

“Good, good.” His smirk was somewhat unsettling and she fidgeted in her seat as she waited for him to continue.

“Was there umm…. something you wanted to see me about?”

“Ah yes. You know Grace, Mrs Ledbury, is retiring, don’t you?”

Mackenzie had nodded, “Yes, she did tell me. It’s in March isn’t it?”

“It is, March 31st to be exact. So, how would you feel about taking on the role of HR manager?” The company CEO asked her.

Taken by surprise she had had to stop and catch her breath before saying yes. The prospect of a promotion and the associated pay rise thrilled her.

That was when he had suggested they have dinner to discuss it properly.

She knew she should refuse but she was so eager to get the position he had dangled before her she had nervously agreed. The fact he was married, forty years older than her and her ultimate boss did not deter her. He was her boss and radiated power and a magnetism that she found hard to resist.

Agreeing to meet him she had found herself walking into the Grand Metropole hotel the following Thursday evening.

Putting on a little more make-up than she did for work and wearing the same little black number she had had on at the Christmas party she was very conscious of the fact she was dressing for a date rather than a business meeting.

At 5′ 8″ Mackenzie was tall for a woman, and in the short black cocktail dress with her long straight brown hair worn loose rather than in the pony tail she habitually wore at work, she cut a striking figure.

Her slender 34C-24-35 figure was clearly accentuated by the tightness of her dress while her 3″ heels helped to emphasise her long legs.

She liked her blue eyes which were large and expressive, especially when they were properly made up and, while she considered her mouth full with nice lips, she didn’t much care for her rather sharp aquiline nose.

Checking her appearance in the mirror she decided she was satisfied and with a quick kiss for her daughter she had said goodbye to her mother and headed out of the house.

If only she had turned around and walked away then, she thought to herself as she sat on the bus.

Dressed as she was with her heels clicking on the tiled floor of the hotel entrance she had attracted the attention of several men, their eyes turning to follow her as she walked across the foyer.

Looking around she entered the bar noting that amongst the small group of businessmen and a handful of early drinkers she was the only woman.

Sliding up onto a bar stool Mackenzie carefully tugged down the hem of her dress before ordering a glass of white wine from the barman and settling in to wait for her date. Pointedly ignoring the interested looks of the couple of single men glancing her way she took out her phone to check for any messages.

She was still scrolling through her screen when she was jerked back to what was happening around her.

“Punctual Mackenzie, I like that.”

Glancing up she saw the figure of the tall, portly 63-year-old Charles Marwell, the CEO of WestTech Enterprises standing next to her.

“Gin and tonic.” He snapped boorishly at the barman, making no attempt at politeness.

Rolling her eyes she groaned inwardly, the confidence and charisma that he had demonstrated at the Christmas party that had made him appear powerful, suddenly seemed more like arrogance and simple rudeness, irritating her immensely.

“So, good day? Bad day?” He slid onto the stool next to her letting his hand drop onto her thigh outside of her dress making his intentions blatantly obvious.

“Pretty average thank you. I’m sure you know how it goes in Human Resources.” She glanced down at his hand but resisted the temptation to remove it from her leg.

“Oh, I do.” His small eyes roamed lasciviously over her body making her shudder as it became very clear what he wanted from her.

Mackenzie took a sip from her wine and didn’t bother responding. She now knew for certain that there was only one reason why she was here. If she wanted the promotion, there was only one way she was going to get it.

“How long do you have?” She asked quietly not bothering to look at her boss.

“I told my wife I was having dinner with a client.” His smirk sent a shiver of disgust at what she was about to do down her spine, “There’s no need for us to rush things. We can eat first.”

It wasn’t a surprise when he mentioned his wife, she knew he was married, she had known it from the start. However, the casualness with which he dismissed the poor woman made her squirm and she wondered how many affairs he had had before her.

Continuing to stroke her leg Charles smiled as he squeezed her thigh a little tighter, feeling her suspender belt clasp through the material.

“Let’s save that for later and have dinner.” He took his hand off her, his knowing leer sending another shudder through her.

Finishing her drink Mackenzie resigned herself to an evening of very dull and unfulfilling sex with a man old enough to be her grandfather, just to get the job she so badly wanted.

“Shall we eat then?” Mackenzie swallowed the last of her wine and carefully slid off the stool.

Charles did likewise, drinking his gin and tonic down in two hurried mouthfuls.

“Certainly, my dear.” He sniggered placing a hand in the small of her back as he guided her towards the dining room.

In different circumstances she would have appreciated the meal. The fish she had chosen had been absolutely delicious as had the dessert but the knowledge of why she was there had completely overshadowed her enjoyment.

He had insisted on buying a bottle of wine to go with their dinner and she had drunk several glasses hoping to dull her senses to what she was going to submit to.

“So, if I sleep with you, you’ll make me the new HR manager?”

Mackenzie had had enough to drink and, interrupting the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over them, decided to confront the company CEO.

Putting down his cutlery Charles Marwell dabbed his lips with his napkin and smiled lasciviously at her.

“If you want to put it that bluntly then yes. That’s exactly it.”

Sighing resignedly, she looked at the older man sitting opposite her. She wasn’t very experienced sexually, apart from the time she gave her virginity to a virtual stranger the only two other men she had let take her to bed had been disappointing to say the least.

Now she was about to let another man have her.

“You have a room I assume?”

His smirk just added to her irritation, “Of course, my dear.”

“If I agree then you have to wear a condom.”

Charles nodded, “As you wish although I would prefer to ejaculate inside you.”

“Sorry, that’s not going to happen. I don’t want to get pregnant.”

“Ah yes, that would be most unfortunate for me.”

‘And me.’

She thought but didn’t say it.

Another wave of revulsion went through her as she imagined carrying his child and she started to wonder if she could actually go through with it and go upstairs to his room with him.

“So, you’re ok with that?”

“Very well, if you insist, despite my preference not to use them I agree. I’ll wear a contraceptive.”

“And this is a one-time thing? I have sex with you once and you make me Grace’s replacement?”

“Oh absolutely.” Charles had smirked at her, assured of his victory, and taken a mouthful of his wine, “Now finish your dinner sweetheart and then we can retire upstairs.”

Taking a minute to finally make up her mind she wondered just how far she could trust him before reaching a decision. She would do whatever she had to, just the once.

“Shall we go then?” Putting down her fork Mackenzie left the remains of her dessert and pushed back her chair, standing up.

The sneer she got in return almost made her change her mind but somehow, despite the nausea she felt rising in the pit of her stomach, she resisted.

Taking his arm, she let the older man lead her through the hotel lobby to the elevator and then up to the second floor where, opening the door to room 205, he ushered her inside.

Looking around and trying to feign an almost bored indifference Mackenzie stared at the double bed, her heart pounding against her ribs at the thought of what she would be doing in it in a short while.

“Shall I just undr…” She started to ask as Charles Marwell moved up behind her and reached around her to fondle her breasts through her clothes.

“…obviously not.” Her sigh of resignation went unnoticed by him.

Nuzzling her neck, he felt her shudder as he drew down the zipper at the back of her dress. Pulling it open he slipped his hands around on the inside to squeeze her firm mounds through her black lace bra.

“Very nice.”

Closing her eyes, she swallowed back the urge to vomit that threatened to engulf her and leant back against him allowing his hands the freedom to maul her chest.

Eventually tiring of his molestation, she moved out of his grasp to wriggle her dress off.

“Let me get undressed.” She kept her eyes on the floor as she spoke.

Her bra was quickly removed, exposing both of Mackenzie’s firm girls, while her boss unbuttoned his own shirt. All the time he continued to smirk salaciously at her as her lace thong slid down her legs, pooling around her feet before she stepped out of it.

Now nude, apart from her black lace top stockings, her suspender belt and heels, she sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for her boss to finish undressing.

Hurrying to remove his shoes and trousers he moved to stand in front of her, his small dick already semi-erect. Staring at only the fourth cock she had ever seen she paused, looking up as he grinned down at her before wrapping his fingers in her hair and pulling her towards him.

“Put it in your mouth and suck it.”

Wrinkling her nose, she tried to ignore his scent; the musky mix of sweat, a hint of stale piss and his arousal all combined to assault her nostrils.

“Uurrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… Guurrgggggggggggggggg!”

Mackenzie hesitated for a moment then opened her mouth and took him between her lips, unresisting she let him push deeper, forcing her jaws to widen to accommodate his manhood.

Apart from the one time on the night she lost her virginity she had never had a man in her mouth and struggled hard not to retch as the crown of his shaft probed her throat.

“Guuurrrgggg… Guuurrrrrnnnnnnn… Gluckkkkkkkkk!”

For the next few minutes, she diligently worked her lips back and forth on his prick, letting his now hard 5″ push all the way in, her cheeks bulging as she swallowed every inch of his length.

“Fuck… yesssssssssssss!”

Standing in front of her Charles Marwell closed his eyes and groaned with pleasure, guiding her movements with his hand, pressing her towards him and then yanking her back. Any pretence of affection or warmth, at least on his part, had long since disappeared and now he was simply content to use the younger woman for his sexual satisfaction.

“Get on the bed.” He eventually gasped and, much to her relief, jerked her head back so her mouth slipped off of his spit coated shaft.

Knowing it was pointless to do anything other than what she had been told she lay back on the bedcovers and spread her stockinged thighs apart, her pussy barely wet.

“Condom!” Mackenzie glared up at him and shut her legs as he went to enter her bareback.

The look of irritation on his face was very apparent but she didn’t care, putting her hand over her sex and watching him carefully as he opened a foil wrapper and rolled the latex sheath onto his erection.

“Better.” Opening her legs again she tried to relax as he mounted her.

“Fuck yes baby.” Lowering himself between her splayed thighs he immediately pushed his cockhead against her entrance.

“Ow! Gently! It is part of me.” Her complaint made no difference as he started to roughly force himself inside her.

“Shit your tight.” Came back his only response to her protests while he continued to press his stiff length deeper.

She gave up and simply gazed up at the ceiling, almost totally unfeeling as the man atop of her grunted and wheezed. His somewhat flabby arse was soon beginning to rise and fall in a steady rhythm between her stockinged clad thighs as he started to fuck her.

“Oh yes… yes… fuck me.” Trying to encourage him so he came quickly she moaned half-heartedly not caring if he realised that she was faking it or not.

Not that he did. In fact, she wondered if he would have noticed if she had been reading a book.

Outside she could hear the muted noise from the street below, people going out enjoying themselves and cars driving by while she lay there wondering just what she was doing. It might have been more bearable if the man she was with was an expert when it came to pleasing a woman but he clearly wasn’t.

“Oh yeah… that’s it… don’t stop.” She had tried yet again to sound as enthusiastic as she could while the sixty-three-year-old married CEO of WestTech Enterprises uncaringly pounded his five inches of hard dick into her.

“Oh yeah… you like that baby?” Grunting with every stroke Charles Marwell increased his pace, seeking his own release while clearly not concerned about hers.

Beneath the copulating couple the large double bed creaked in time with his urgent thrusts while their undulating shadows danced on the walls of the exclusive hotel suite to the music of his groans.

“Ungh… ungh…. Unghhh…. Unghhhhhhh!” The overweight ageing executive panted loudly as he fucked Mackenzie, his warm breath searing across the soft skin of her neck.

Laying spreadeagled on the bed under a man almost old enough to be her grandfather, she hoped he would soon finish, as he pumped frenetically away at her juicy slit, gasping breathlessly for air.

Occasionally humping back at him she felt his hardness sliding easily between her pink outer lips as he took her. Sighing inwardly, she consoled herself with the thought that she would now have a job she really wanted and along with it an income to help her mother and bring up her daughter properly.

‘Is it always like this?’

‘It hadn’t been with him that first time. That had been amazing.’

‘Where was he now?’

Staring at the white ceiling as the older man drove his cock into her again and again, she wondered if the majority of men were the same. Her only experience of an orgasm had come with him, when she was eighteen and a little drunk at her school leaving party. And although friends had told her how much they enjoyed sex the only other two times she had done it had been total disasters.

Closing her eyes, she lay there. Hoping he would finish soon…


Noticing her stop was coming up Mackenzie jerked herself back to the present moment and collecting her bag from the seat next to her she stood up to get off the bus.

It was a short 5-minute walk to the office and, as she hurried along, she once again let her mind wander back to the past and how her life had deviated so far from her intended path. Not that she begrudged the any of it, having Tabitha had made up for every disappointment and only meeting her child’s father could make things even better.

‘Was he married?’

‘Did he have kids now?’

“Good morning, Miss Frane.” A male voice interrupted her thoughts.

Looking up as she entered her small office, she found herself face to face with the company’s CEO, Charles Marwell.

“Oh yes… err… good morning Mr Marwell.” Blushing she stammered hesitantly, pushing past him to get through the door.

“I thought I’d come down and wish you well on your first week. Perhaps we could meet up on Friday, say at 7 pm in the bar at the Grand Metropole hotel? To…. discuss things.”

His whispered instruction as she brushed past him sent a shudder of nausea through her and, for a moment, she didn’t respond.

“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She eventually replied, slipping off her jacket and hanging it up.

“It would be in your best interests.” The way he said it made it clear he didn’t expect her to refuse.

“I… I’ll see.”

“Good, good.” He leered and turned away.

Dropping into her chair she shivered apprehensively as she watched the loathsome company boss disappear down the office. Then, taking a calming breath she tried not to think back to the night that she had had dinner with him in the hotel.

“Miss Frane?”

Jerking herself back to the moment Mackenzie looked up at the young woman who had entered her office.


“I’m Amanda Grey. Your assistant.” The girl informed her hesitantly.

“Well to start with its Mackenzie, not Miss Frane. And secondly why don’t you get us both a cup of coffee then we can sit down and have a proper chat.”

Once Amanda had gone to get the drinks she sat back in her seat and thought about her boss’ whispered comment.

‘Did he intend to pressure her into having sex with him again?’

The one thing she was certain of was that if that was the case, she would do whatever she had to, to stop it happening.

She didn’t have time to think about Charles Marwell or what he wanted as, once Amanda had returned with their coffee, the two of them got to work.

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