Andie’s Dress

An adult stories – Andie’s Dress by databurst,databurst (This is a fictional story about a fictional friend named Andrea (who goes by Andie), and a fictional little black dress I gave her as a gift.)

I held my phone up to my ear and heard the ringing on her end. I waited, a slight smile of anticipation on my face, for Andie to pick up my call.

“Sweet lady,” I said after we exchanged greetings, “I’ve sent you a gift. Let me know when it arrives. I want to see how it looks on you.”

“Oooh. What is it? Is it jewelry? Clothes? Shoes? I can’t wait to see.” She laughed and she said she would let me know. Her laugh always made me think of her smile, which in turn always made me want her. For as long as I knew her, that smile had a deeply erotic effect on me.

Andie and I weren’t exactly dating. In fact, we each had others in our lives but our connection was something special and unique, and I hoped that she was as drawn to me as I was to her.

Days later, my phone rang and it turned out to be Andie calling me to let me know that my gift, a cute black sleeveless dress with a short flaring skirt, had arrived. I had guessed at her size and hoped I was close. Andie is a petite woman and over time I had many opportunities to study her figure – in many outfits, in bathing suits, in lingerie, and of course fully naked. I really was in a good position to guess at her clothing sizes.

“It’s here, Dean,” she said. “Your gift arrived, and I love it!”

“Fantastic!” I said. “Are you wearing it now? Does it fit well? I just know that it’s going to look amazing on you.”

It was a little after 2pm, so I suggested a late lunch at Enrico’s, one of our favorite spots. Enrico’s is an Italian bar and restaurant in a standalone building that shared a parking lot with a strip mall that included a few larger and a few smaller stores.

“Please wear it now and please go commando. You get to choose what shoes and jewelry, of course,” a suggestion that made her laugh again.

I arrived at Enrico’s before her and sat at the bar. The place wasn’t at all crowded — just a few others in the bar area and from what I could see just one couple in the dining area.

I was sipping my drink and looked up to see her walk through the door, a broad smile registering on her face when she saw me. Once again, that smile stirred things in me! I looked her up and down and took it all in. Her lovely hair framed her face which had subtle and artistic makeup. She wore silver loop earrings and silver bracelets, and her elegant sandals were black with silver accents, setting off her very pretty little feet.

I slipped off the barstool and gestured for her to take my seat. She elegantly moved onto the barstool and faced me rather than the bar. Her legs dangled and as she crossed one over the other I tried to get a glimpse beneath the dress but unfortunately was too slow or at the wrong angle or both. Those pretty sandals kept her feet almost bare, and closer up I could see that the thin black straps just behind her toes were echoed with thin sparkly silver straps up and around her ankle.

I handed her my drink and as she reached for it I watched her silver bracelets sparkle in the bar light. She took a sip as I dropped a hand to her bare, beautiful thigh while looking at how the top of the dress also showed lots of skin. I slid the hand on her thigh slowly upward and she winked at me as I tried to verify that she was commando under that pretty little black dress.

“I dressed as you asked,” she said, and this time we both laughed.

“You really do look wonderful in that dress,” I said. She thanked and me, and I dropped cash on the bar to pay for the drink plus a healthy tip. We then walked hand in hand back up front to the hostess to ask for a table for our late lunch. As the hostess turned to lead us into the dining room, we followed, with my hand finding its way under that little black dress to caress Andie’s perfect bare ass. She acted like nothing unusual was happening, keeping her face blank and looking toward the table the hostess gestured to. We sat down close together, and the hostess said the waiter would be with us shortly.

Enrico’s has lovely décor. Natural light was filtered through sheers on the far wall where there were a few booths, and overhead lighting balanced the light nicely without the room seeming too bright. The tables were covered in white tablecloths which provided a sense of elegance as well as a modicum of privacy.

When the waiter came to welcome us and to take our drink order, I could see that he enjoyed what he could see of Andie’s little black dress. Andie is slim and her breasts aren’t very large, but she is a very attractive woman and the dress showed plenty of her lovely decolletage. The dress also showed a lot of leg, of course, but the waiter couldn’t see that yet. We ordered drinks and started to look over the menu.

As our drinks arrived, the only other couple in the restaurant area stood to leave. As they walked toward the door, the man trailed his female companion by a step and took a good long look at Andie in her little black dress. He then caught my eye and raised his eyebrows suggestively and then glanced back toward Andie. I truly loved seeing how she affected other men around her!

The waiter came to take our order and Andie asked a question about an item on the menu. She leaned forward a bit and twisted her body while pointing to an item on the menu, asking about ingredients. This little maneuver caused the dress to fall away a bit at the top, showing lots of skin and almost exposing one of her lovely breasts, but not quite. I had to concentrate to not laugh out loud as I watched the waiter try to find the balance between professionalism and the opportunity to catch a glimpse of a beautiful women’s bare skin.

In the end we ordered a light lunch and received excellent service throughout, whether because of lovely Andie’s sexy look or because of the minimal crowd or both. As we ate, a few other couples entered the restaurant and sat at tables not very far away, but overall the crowd was small. Throughout the meal I lightly caressed Andie’s bare thigh but resisted the urge to reach any farther toward that heavenly spot where her beautiful legs came together.

Andie excused herself toward the end of the meal to go to the restroom. The position of my chair allowed me to watch her walk away, her slim hips swaying so seductively, into the little hallway with the restrooms. She turned before ever entering the restroom and did a sexy little dance for her audience of one to the music that was playing throughout the restaurant. When I nodded and smiled a big smile, she laughed silently, her head thrown back, and then pulled the dress open in a way that allowed her beautiful breasts to fully bounce freely into the light. They were, as always, magnificent. But most of all I loved that she was showing off in a public place, where she might be seen. She knew what turned me on and she loved it. She had an exhibitionist streak, so to speak, and I had a voyeuristic streak, and she made the most of it. In this way, and in many others, we were perfect together.

After about twenty seconds of sexy topless dancing, hands in the air, hair flowing with her head movements, she put those beautiful boobs back into her dress, turned toward the restroom door and looked over her shoulder smiling a sexy smile as she went inside.

When she returned we finished our lunch and our drinks, and I called for the check. I paid in cash, including a generous tip to thank our waiter. I held out a hand to help Andie to her feet and we walked slowly to the front door. Our waiter now could see Andie’s lovely legs and it was his turn to break into a big smile. I once again caressed Andie’s bare ass under the flare of her little black dress, but only for a moment. I didn’t look back to see who might have noticed.

We stepped outside and, as it was only about 4:30pm on a warm spring day, it was still quite light out. Andie had parked near Enrico’s, but I had parked maybe halfway between the restaurant and the other stores. There were many cars very close to those stores, and a smaller number in the area in between where I had parked.

“I parked over there,” I said pointing. “Not far at all. Walk over with me. I have a fun idea. I’ll walk you back to your car afterwards.”

She frowned a bit, wondering what this was all about, but shrugged and agreed. We walked, hand in hand, the 50 feet or so to where my car was parked among a cluster of 8-10 other cars.

“I really love that little black dress and how you look in it, Andie!” I said. “It’s even better than I imagined. Be my gorgeous model! Let me take some pictures of you, in that pretty dress for now.”

She frowned at the strange wording, then smiled, then shrugged again, and said “Sure, why not!”

I walked her toward the front of my car, angled her to take advantage of the position of the late afternoon sun, and started taking pictures. I posed her in different, increasingly flirtatious ways and she moved and posed as if she had been a model all her life. She was stunning.

“How about a sexy little topless dance for me like in the restaurant?” I asked. “I’ll take a video.”

“Out here? I don’t know about this, Dean! We’re in a public place!” she said. I had the sense though that she wanted to be convinced. Andie loves to show off under the right circumstances.

“Sure, it’s public. But there’s nobody nearby. And we both know that you really want to,” I said. “You always tell me that you are a ‘wild child.’ Think how sexy it’ll feel to be exposed here where you could be seen but nobody knows you.”

And with just the shortest hesitation, she pushed the straps of the dress off her shoulders and down towards her waist and she was topless and dancing in the afternoon sun in a parking lot. We really did have this part of the parking lot to ourselves, the nearest people visible at least 50 yards away near to the larger stores. Just the two of us, me with a smartphone camera taking video and her topless and dancing to the music in her head. It was fantastic. He small breasts moved so beautifully as she danced, and her face showed her mix of emotions — uncertainty and embarrassment but also thrill. With each passing moment she appeared to be more committed to her sexy dance.

“That’s really beautiful, Andie,” I said. “You always take my breath away! Now let’s go over here.” I pointed to an area by the door of my car, between my car and the empty car parked next to it. She followed as it provided a little bit of cover.

I reached out my hand towards her. “Drop the dress and give it to me,” I said, choosing my tone carefully. I wasn’t asking but there was a kindness in my voice. I was doing this for both of us.

She didn’t speak but her eyes widened and she looked around. I saw a shiver go through her and her eyes closed. I watched to see what would happen next.

As I hoped, she reached back behind her to the remaining clasp on the dress. Once undone, it was loose at her hips. After a second of hesitation, she pushed it over her hips and it slipped down her legs puddling at her feet. She stepped out of it and was now nude in the parking lot, the late afternoon sun making her skin glow. She reached down and picked the dress up in one hand, and then put it in my still outstretched hand. Stepping back, I looked her up and down and she was a vision of beauty. She had her hands clasped behind her back as though they were bound. She was fully naked but for her silver earrings and bracelets and her black and silver sandals. Andie has close cropped pubic hair in a tiny triangle that generally obscures her lips, but from my angle those pretty lips were visible through her hair in the waning daylight. I could see that her nipples were hard and her areolas were puckered, whether from arousal or chill I couldn’t say for sure. What I could say was that in that moment she was the most erotic vision I’d ever seen.

When I looked at her face, I expected her to seem nervous with her eyes lowered but what I saw instead was that she looked me right in the eyes and had a slight smile on her face. She moved her hands to her hips. My sense was that in just the span of thirty or forty seconds she had gone from nude and nervous to nude and confidently aroused.

“Andie, I want to take some photos and videos of you now,” I said. “I’ll add these to my big collection and they could easily become my favorites.” I started taking a few still photos and didn’t need to ask for poses. Andie moved with erotic grace and each photo seemed even more beautiful than the one before.

Next, I pointed toward a large SUV about 5 cars away from mine. “See the blue SUV a few cars down? I want you to walk slowly along the backs of these cars to that SUV, turn to your right to walk alongside the SUV, and then turn right again to come back to me. I want you to walk slowly. Okay?”

Andie nodded and then closed her eyes with the smile still on her face. She took a deep breath and started walking. I took 6 or 7 photos and then paused to open my car door and throw the little back dress in to land on the passenger seat, then relocking the door. I turned back just in time to see Andie ready to turn towards me, so I started video recording. After she turned to face me and elegantly walked two steps toward me, our intimate private party got unexpected party crashers. A car drove by not fifteen feet from Andie with two men in the front seats. They beeped the horn and hollered a bit through the lowered windows and Andie waived at them while laughing. I got it all on video. She continued walking and reached me about ten seconds later.

“Where’s my dress?” she asked.

“I have it for you, just one thing first,” I said.

I put my arms around her loosely and quickly but gently moved her so that her back was to my car and I closed the distance, kissing her hard on the lips. She leaned into that kiss, one hand at the back of my head and one at my shoulder. I moved one hand from her waist to her bare breast, and the other dipped into my jacket pocket, pulling out a bullet vibe. I hit the switch and moved it to her sweet pussy. I found her wet and swollen, obviously aroused from the public exhibition. I slid the bullet vibe to the spot where I knew it would push her buttons — just above her clit.

She gasped at the first touch and then went back to kissing me, moaning into my mouth. Her body danced a different dance now and in less than a minute she was cumming and trying to quiet the erotic noises that I knew so well and that she would naturally make in a more private setting.

As her lover, I also knew when to back off the vibe and kiss her again. And I knew that she would now feel exposed and naked in a way that needed protection and care from me rather than continued seduction.

“Hop into the car, and I’ll drive us away while you slip back into that pretty little dress. I’ll get you back to your car after that.”

She jumped in and slumped down, grabbing her dress to drape over her naked body and burst out laughing as I started the car and drove away. I drove around the lot in a way that avoided others as she twisted and slid into that dress. I stole happy glances at her as she arched her back to pull it over her hips, which caused her bare top to rise upwards and become a bit more exposed. Within a short time, she was wearing that pretty dress again and the show was over for now.

I drove her back to her car for a few kisses before we parted. We both knew that that dress would now hold a fantastic memory for us both.

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