Ch. 21 – Some Days One Wonders by Lee_Bee_Tee

An adult stories – Ch. 21 – Some Days One Wonders by Lee_Bee_Tee

This is the first story that I’ve written. If you are offended by stories of incest then please don’t read this one. All characters in this story are 18 or older.


Katie was in Kelly’s room looking in her closet for something sexy. Tyler told her to wear something alluring, suggestive and naughty, she was not going to disappoint him. Lately dressing like her daughter was getting to be her norm. She found a couple of things but she was undecided. Kelly rolled over and seeing her mother in her closet she asks “Mom what are you doing in my room at this hour?”

Katie replied “I’m looking at your clothes honey. I need something sexy to wear. I need something that you would wear. I’m beginning to understand that some people think that you and I are so much alike that I could be your older sister.”

Kelly giggled “Mom, you have some slutty clothes in your own closet! My clothes are too small to fit you right!”

Her mother chuckled “I think that is what Tyler likes on me. Things that are tight so that all my assets are on display!”

Kelly swings her legs out of bed and walks over to her closet then picks some things out. Handing them to her mother she says “If my ASSets look as good as yours does, when I get to be your age… well, I will be a very happy woman!”

Katie smiles as she pats her butt, then looks at some of the clothes to see if they will work. Then glancing at the clock, she turns back and says “Honey, can you go look after your dad this morning please. I want him to have something nice to wake up too. And I can’t think of anyone better to have in my bed than a daughter that looks like her mother!” She adds “It was wild last night. Well, all day really. Your dad was so good to me. I want him to have a treat, and that is you… sweety. Please make him happy!” The grin from Kelly told Katie all she needed to know.

They walk back into her mom’s bedroom and Kelly slips into the side where her mother sleeps. Katie steps over and leans down then kissed Kelly’s forehead, then she strokes her hair and says “I love you honey. But remember that you don’t have a lot of time this morning.” Stepping to her closet she pulled out a couple of things and walks into her bathroom to dress. Kelly watched her mother leave and knew that now was the time.

Tony could feel her hand on him as sleep slowly started to depart his foggy brain. He smiled as her hand was making his cock hard. The touching was so pleasant and stimulating. He groans “Oh Katie that feels so nice. I love the way that you wake me up.” He turns a little and looks over to his wife.

Kelly was grinning so big as she saw this face change in a heartbeat. It was a large smile that morphed into confusion. Giggling “Hi Daddy!”

She opened his door and quietly made her way to his bed. Getting close and then leaning down she kissed his cheek and neck then his ear. Tyler moaned and moved to turn to see Katie over him. He looks at her and grins. She giggled “I’m your wake-up call. You should hurry and get to work lover.” Then suddenly she is bouncing out of the door and he is left watching it latch shut. For a few seconds he thought that she was dressed odd, then he just shook his head, he must still be half a sleep he thinks.

He rolled out of bed and wondered what that woman was doing this morning. The thing that he was amazed about was the thoughts that must flow around in her head. Tyler knew that she was smart, it was very obvious from the first day that they worked together. What he is beginning to get a handle on was how naughty she could be when she let herself.

Katie walked into the office and headed up the stairs. Dressed this way might attract attention so it was best to skirt the office area. It was not real business attire but the way her V neck cross wrap hid the little Cami top seems to be fine, she thinks. However, she had on one of Kelly’s pleaded skirts and it fit tight. With no underwear on she felt strange setting at her desk. Smiling to herself she was so glad that no one was around her in this isolated office area. Looking down at her cute light blue tennis shoes with lacy topped white socks, made her giggle a little. Dressing like this was exciting and dangerous!

Looking at the testing plan she could tell that she was about a half day ahead of the schedule. Getting in over an hour early today she wanted to clock more testing hours this morning. She could see the sun as it began to rise, it was just over the tops of the far buildings. Soon she was in the testing zone.

Tony didn’t waste time trying to figure out why his daughter was in bed with him. It seemed like she was playing a little cat and mouse with him. About the time that he got close to sliding his cock into her pussy she giggled and moved rubbing him and stroking his cock, but not too much. He looked at the clock and knew that he had time to play but it was killing him!

Spinning around she planted herself on top of him with her pussy on his chin. His cock was in her mouth and she grabbed his balls and rolled them in her hand. Then she slipped out of his grasp and got between his knees. She giggled more and says “Daddy I like waking you up in your bed! I want to do this, a lot more!”

He chuckled “Baby girl you are so naughty! Your mom would have kittens if you slept in this bed! Where do you think that she would sleep?”

Kelly giggles “Duh! With Jim! Or she can sleep in my bed!”

Tony shakes his head and says “Girl get over here and let me fuck you!”

She was looking at the results of the last test and didn’t hear him as he steps up to her desk. The paper coffee cup that passed into her view was the indicator of his presence.

Tyler says “Good morning, Miss Katie. I took the liberty of getting you some coffee. And thank you for waking me up today. Although I wanted more… if you know what I mean!”

Katie laughed “I’ll bet that you did lover. Today I wanted to do something a little different.”

Tyler chuckled and asks “Did you wear something sexy today?”

She smiles and rises. For the first time he saw the skirt and shoes appear. Then he noticed that she was pulling off her wrap. It was revealing a sexy top that was underneath. The warp was sexy in itself but as he saw her now, he knew that she was dressing up for herself as much as for him. It was breathtaking to see. She looked so hot! He watched her cup her tits then lift them up and let them drop. Her breasts weren’t on the large size, so they stood up proud bounced around. She spun around and the skirt flared out. He heard her giggling as it all happened. She says “I hope that you like my outfit lover!”

He chuckles a little and says “Yeah that is sexy and hot! How am I going to keep the guys from ravishing you today!”

Katie smiles and raised her skirt. She was cocking her head to one side as she pulled her bottom lip between her perfect teeth. His eyes popped out as he watched her slowly ran a finger between her pussy lips. She made a pouty face and says “I thought that I would go without any panties today lover, since I was bad and forgot to not wear a bra yesterday. Is that ok lover? Or do I need to call you DADDY?”

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