An Endless Competition F/F – Epilogue

An adult stories – An Endless Competition F/F – Epilogue by Yagamilight2,Yagamilight2 Ch 41: So perfect

Tired and depressed, I left the training camp with my cousin’s socks in my mouth, carrying her heavy bag. Shortly before arriving at the bus stop I saw Rose coming out of a store a few yards away and without hesitation I hid behind a tree which fortunately was big enough to hide me from her view. I would have liked so much to talk to my friend, I missed sharing my thoughts with her, and at that moment I really needed someone to listen to me and help me understand what was happening.

But I could not face Rose at that moment, not with Kaley’s socks in my mouth. I was sure she would have asked me a million questions and I would not have been able to answer, to tell her why I was not going to school anymore and why I had become officially the maid of my aunt and of that girl who had always been my rival. Of course I could not really tell her what was my real relationship with Kaley and Aunt Emma. How do you tell a friend that you have become the slave of another person? Perhaps Rose would laugh at me, maybe she would have ran away, thinking that I was a sort of depraved.

“And this is not what I am? I’m a depraved” I said to myself, a normal person would never do what I did, a normal person could not get excited to be constantly humiliated, a normal girl could never give away everything she had to be able to lick the feet of another girl.

No, I could not talk to Rose, I could not allow her to see me and find out what had become her best friend, to discover how pathetic was the girl with which she had spent so many nights playing and doing girl stuff…God it seemed past a century from our last sleepover. Jennifer Martin no longer existed, crushed, imprisoned forever in a sort of limbo by Slave and Biscuit that came out intermittently, depending on the whims of my Mistresses who with one snap of their fingers could make me lose the use of the word and make me crawl like a dog.

I waited for several minutes hiding behind that tree and hoping that Rose would soon finish the phone call that had stopped her a few feet away from her car and I breathe a sigh of relief when, in the end, she hung up the phone and approached her Bmw. Before getting in the car, however, she looked for a second in my direction as if she felts she was being watched. I hid myself as best as possible with my heart pounding. What could I have done if she came to check behind the tree to see if there was really someone? What could I have told her if she saw me? Obviously, words could not come out of my mouth with Kaley’s socks that made impossible to me to speak like a normal human being.

I could not see what Rose was doing, for fear that she was still looking in my direction, so I became more and more frightened and only when the noise of the engine of her BMW came to my ears I calmed down a bit. When Rose left, I collapsed on my knees, breathing deeply with my nose, unable to do it with my mouth, and only after several minutes I managed to get up and head to the bus stop.

When I got to what was my new home now, I heard a thunder in the distance and I could not help but think that at least I had been lucky to avoid the storm coming from the West. Before enter in the house, I remembered my “dress” that was out to dry and I ran to pick it up before it started to rain. I watched Biscuit’s dress for a few moments, thinking of all the sensations I had felt when I had worn it, then a drop of water struck my face and brought me back to reality. I went into the house and I immediately noticed that there was no one on the ground floor, so I first went to my “room” to leave Kaley’s bag near the washing machine, knowing that I would have to wash what was inside, and then I went upstairs to look for my Mistresses.

The door of my aunt’s room was open, but there was no trace of her, and I thought she was probably out of the house. My cousin, however, was lying in her bed, still wearing her football uniform and listening to music with headphones. I knelt down at the feet of her bed and I started kissing my Mistress’s bare feet for several minutes but she gave no sign of noticing my presence. That wonderful smell swept away all my thoughts and worries and as I kissed and sniffed my cousin’s feet I could not help but think that I had made the right choice, that was my place. At one point Kaley grabbed my nose with her toes and forced me to slightly lift my head and look at her in the eyes as she took off her headphones.

– Is your dress clean? – she asked me.

– Yes Mistress, do you want me to wear it?-

– No, at least not for now. Get undressed, I want to see you naked like a worm that you are –

– Yes Mistress – I replied, beginning to remove my clothes.

When I was completely naked, Kaley started to play with my nipples using her toes and I struggled not to moan as my cousin had fun with the body of her slave. But that game was short-lived because Kaley said:

– Go and wear your collar, it must always be around your neck when you’re in this house. If you forget it again I will have to punish you –

– I’m sorry Mistress, it will not happen again – I said frantically kissing her feet to have her forgiveness and I stopped only when she kicked me away.

– Bring here your leash too – Kaley said when I was about to leave her room.

I ran into the basement and after having secured the collar around my neck, I took the leash and I quickly went back to my Mistress who was waiting for me in the same identical position. I knelt beside her and I gave her the leash that she attached to my collar.

– Now you can start cleaning my feet, as you have noticed they are very sweaty and I do not want to take a shower with my feet in these conditions –

Humiliated by her words, I crawled at the foot of the bed and while my cousin put back her headphones on, I pulled out my tongue and I began to lick her soles with devotion. The taste was as wonderful as ever and while my tongue moved incessantly on her high arches, I could not help but regret that her foot sweat was not able to nourish my body, it would have been fantastic if I did not need food but only that divine nectar that I could have savored for the rest of my life.

I carefully licked her heels which were perfect and soft as ever, despite the recent workout, and I could not help but compare them to those of Jacqueline de la Richardais that were rough despite a recent pedicure. Aunt Emma and Kaley were really Goddesses, no other woman in the world could handle their confrontation and certainly it could not make it a pathetic being like me, I could only thank God for being so fortunate to devoutly serve those two beauties and prostrate myself at their feet.

My pussy began to drip when my tongue licked in the middle of my cousin’s toes, where the foot sweat was more intense and after a few moments I began to suck vigorously her big toes, almost risking to remove the black polish from her toenails. The girls of my age suck cocks of their boyfriends, I sucked the toes of my cousin, my Mistress and I could not be happier.

At some point Kaley pulled my leash and forced me to focus on her soles again. She wrapped the leash around her hand and strongly pressed her feet on my face, blocking my movement and making me breathe with difficulty, the collar gave me more and more annoyance. Only after several minutes she loosened her grip on the leash and removed her feet from my face that after such pressure had probably her footprint on it. Then Kaley began to say:

– You know, my mother told me you’re leaving the school and you’ve signed a contract to officially become our maid…who told you to stop licking my feet, slave?- she shouted suddenly, giving me a violent kick in the face.

With tears in my eyes for pain, I hurried to resume licking my Mistress’s feet and after a few quick licks to her soles, I started to suck again her toes. Kaley smiled satisfied and resumed her speech:

– So in your future there will not be the College, there will no longer be a brilliant career as an actress or a soccer player. You just have to serve my mother and me, the girl who until a few months ago was your big rival. How does this make you feel? What do you feel knowing that everyone will found out that the powerful Jennifer Martin has become my servant? –

I looked at her for a moment in her beautiful green eyes and I tried to think how answer. Finally, without daring to remove her toes from my mouth, I said:

– I do not know Mistress, I’m just happy to have the honor of serving you –

I did not know if my words were understandable, having her toes in my mouth, but Kaley seemed to understand what I had just said because she burst out laughing and with the other foot she pinched my nose, preventing me from breathing.

– You are so pathetic, I can do what I want with you. I could even suffocate you and you would do nothing to stop me because you’re just a slave who can not do anything other than obeying her Mistress. I bet you’d even be happy to die for me, won’t you slave? –

Her words began to scare me and the oxygen in my lungs became less and less, but something inside me told me that she was just joking and that she would never hurt me, so I nodded and Kaley satisfied left the grip on my nose and I could breathe again. As I continued to suck her toes as if nothing had happened, my cousin kept watching me intensely. Perhaps she was amazed at how docile and submissive to her will I was, perhaps for the first time she had become aware how much power she had on me and that I really was only a property, only a toy in her hands.

– Now that everyone will know that you are my servant, there is no need to hide – Kaley said, adding – Of course, others will not know that you are my slave, but it will still be fun to give you orders in front of my friends and see you run for obey. You know, when you buy a luxury car, the best phone on the market, or beautiful clothes, you do this also to show others what you have. It would not have been fun to keep you locked in here, I want everyone to see that I can make you do whatever I want, I want everyone to see the power I have on my own cousin, my old rival. Think of Chelsea and Rose’s faces when they will see you on your knees, rubbing my feet in front of them…and why not, licking them too. What do you think, slave? Will you lick my feet in front of your best friend? –

I looked at Kaley in the eyes for a moment, then knowing I did not have choice, I answered:

– If this is what my Mistress wants –

My cousin took off her toes from my mouth and gently rubbed her feet on my face and with a big smile she told me:

– You are such a good slave –

As always her compliment made me very proud and I could not help but frantically kiss my Mistress’s feet, showing her all my devotion and my love for her. Kaley closed her eyes and put her headphones on, moaning of pleasure as my lips touched every inch of her wonderful feet. I do not know how long we stayed in that position, I do not know how long I kissed my cousin’s feet but when she got up from the bed and told me she had to shower, I was still not satisfied and I crawled at her feet, continuing kiss them.

My cousin laughed as she saw how devoted I was and she allowed me to cover her feet in kisses for another five minutes, then she pulled my leash and led me to the bathroom where she attached my leash to a hook near the shower and forced me to bow down with my head to the ground. I could not see my cousin while she got undressed and I was surprised when she put her panties in my head, throwing on me her soccer uniform as if I were a dirty cloth basket.

– Stay here – she told me before she went into the shower.

I could not move a inch while my beautiful cousin washed her fantastic body, but I could not help but smell deeply her panties which covered my head with the crotch under my nose. Although I wanted to, I struggled not to lick them because I did not want to make my Mistress angry, who in the meantime had started to sing. I did not think she was so good, she was really able to do everything. Kaley was really perfect and I lost myself hearing her wonderful voice and smelling that great odor. Once again I found myself daydreaming and at some point I thought that if I had licked my cousin’s feet in front of Chelsea or Rose, maybe she would have given me a big reward, maybe she would have let me touch the most precious part of that divine body.

Ch 42: Something for Kaley

It had been almost two months since I signed the contract to become officially my aunt’s maid, almost two months since I leaved the school. The headmaster and the professors had tried in every way to discouraging me but the choice had already been made…even though it had not been taken by me. Despite Kaley’s words in those two months, my slavery remained a secret known only by three people and after a few weeks I began to hope my cousin had abandoned her plan to humiliate me in front of Chelsea and Rose.

Rose…my best Friend had called me for days after she found out that I had left school but I had never had permission to answer her calls and after a while my aunt decided to take my phone from me. Rose had probably stopped calling me and I wondered if she knew where I was, I was not sure that in the school the rumor that I had become my cousin’s maid had already spread.

My days were almost all the same but I could not define them boring. Though my chores were tiring, the moments I passed at the feet of my aunt and my cousin were more than enough to convince me more and more that I could not have a better life.

During the day Biscuit and Slave alternated often and I had to change accordingly my “dress”, fortunately I had become very good at removing and inserting my tail without being helped by my cousin. When I crawled behind Kaley who firmly held my leash, I did not have permission to talk and I remember how painful it was when she spanked me after that I had replied to her as a human instead of barking like a dog. Biscuit could not use the bathroom and so I was forced to wait for my Mistress to open the door and lead me into the garden.

I thought that with the passage of time I would be accustomed to doing my business on the garden, however acting like a dog outside was always a huge humiliation and after a while I had to struggle also with the cold. Kaley had not forgotten the mess I had combined the first time and so every time I had to take off my dress. Aunt Emma had more fun using me as her maid, she told me that she had never liked playing with dogs and that I was very pretty dressed like a sexy maid, I blushed every time. As she had promised me, my Mistress taught me to cook and despite some mess, after almost two months I was able to prepare several elaborate meals. I do not know why but I was very happy when I watched my Mistresses eat what I had cooked and it did not matter that I should eat that delicious meal from my bowl. Kaley had always fun putting her foot inside it and feeding me with her toes but in the end I also enjoyed a lot that game.

With the passing of time I could not help but notice that my cousin did not stuff me with junk food as she did before, and in fact after a few weeks I lost a few pounds and I almost returned to having the body of the old Jennifer Martin. But Jennifer did not exist anymore, my cousin knew it well and she knew I was no longer a threat to her, so she did not care anymore if I was fat or not. I also thought it was even more satisfying for my cousin to be able to dominate a pretty girl, that made her feel even more powerful…in the end everyone is able to bully fat guys or some nerd.

Those two months had passed fast, I was very happy and yet I can not deny that deep on my heart I was very disappointed that my mother had never tried to talk to me. How can a mother do such a thing? Did she know at least where I was? Did she know that her daughter was safe? My aunt never told me that she had spoken to her sister but for some reason I was sure that my mother knew where I was, but did she even know what I was doing? Many nights I asked myself for hours and hours if my teachers had spoken to her and informed her of what I had done, in that case my mother had to know that I had a regular job…as her sister’s maid!

Several times I had imagined the scene of my mother who, having known that shocking news, rushed to my aunt’s house yelling at my Mistress for having stolen her daughter, for having enslaved her. But that never happened and the last time I saw Christine Spencer’s face was still that night when I had left my home, violently slamming the door and dragging my suitcase down the street.

It had been many days since the last time I had gone out of the house of my aunt, that time I had to help my cousin with her shopping, as usual when Kaley was at school I was dressed as a maid and I was lying on my back on the living room floor with my aunt’s heel in my mouth. My Mistress was reading a book sitting comfortably on the couch, with her legs crossed at the ankles.

Being used as a footstool was not uncommon for me, I had spent hours and hours with my aunt’s feet on my face while she worked in her studio or with Kaley’s while doing her homework, but every time I was excited as if it was the first one. About excitement, it had been nearly a month since Kaley had allowed me to have an orgasm and I was at my very limits. Many times during the night I had thought about touching myself but I do not know how, in the end I was always able to resist and not disobey my Mistress. My cousin had fun keeping me in that state, she said I was even more docile and that she loved to see my gaze as I begged her to cum.

– Use a little bit that tongue – my aunt said suddenly, bringing me back to reality and immediately I hurried to obey my Mistress’s order.

As I licked and sucked her heel, savoring the taste that I loved so much, I heard a beep and Aunt Emma put down her book and took her smartphone to read the message that had just arrived.

– That’s enough – she said, taking off her feet from my face – Go and get dressed, you have to go to Jacqueline. She stay in a nearby hotel and has something for Kaley. While you are there you will be completely at her disposal –

“Completely at her disposal?” I said to myself, scared by my aunt’s words.

I could not believe she was lending me to a friend of hers as if I were a mere object and I could not help but wonder if that woman knew what my true status was. I did not want to go to Jacqueline de la Richardais, I did not want to serve her again and I certainly did not want to stay alone with her. But unfortunately what I wanted did not matter, so resigned I said:

– Yes Madame –

After a few minutes I was ready to go out and after my aunt told me where I needed to go I left home, glancing at my aunt’s car and hoping that sooner or later I would have permission to drive, I was beginning to hate the bus that, to my sorrow, that day was very crowded.

“I’ll catch the flu” I thought sadly when the man next to me coughed for the umpteenth time and a woman kept sneezing non-stop.

When I got to the hotel, which was obviously the most luxurious in the city, I watched for a moment my clothes and I was afraid, or perhaps I hoped, that they would not let me in. Kaley had thrown away all the clothes that were in my suitcase and I could not take those who were in my mother’s house. Then my cousin had “restored” my wardrobe with horrible clothes which were probably destined to the poor in the neighborhood. I sadly watched my sweater that was two sizes too big and probably it was previously owned by a man who had no idea what fashion was. Shamefully I went into the building and I headed to the front desk.

– How can I help you? – a woman asked, she was looking at me with disgust.

– Mrs Jacqueline de la Richardais is waiting for me, I’m Jennifer Martin – I answered and I had a lot of trouble pronouncing my name loudly.

The woman continued to look at me with that expression and for a moment I thought she was about to call security. After a few seconds, however, she moved her gaze to her computer and immediately after she took the phone.

– Presidential suite – she told me after talking to Jacqueline and without even greeting me, she started talking to another customer.

I headed to the elevator and with me there were also a woman and a man who had in his arms a 2-year- old child who slept peacefully. I looked at the little girl and after a smile, my eyes almost filled with tears. How I would have liked that my dad was still with me. When the couple with the little girl got off the elevator, I was left alone, thinking what was waiting for me while the elevator continued to climb. I was about to knock for the third time when Jacqueline de la Richardais opened the door of her luxurious suite that was even bigger than what I had shared with Aunt Emma in Paris.

– Come in, come in – the woman said, giving me a large smile.

I was not able to speak and so, keeping my eyes down, I entered the suite, being a little bit afraid when the door was closed behind me.

– Sit down – the rich producer said, pointing to a comfortable armchair near a glass table where I saw a martini just like the one I had prepared for her when she visited my Mistress.

– I was told that you have something for Kaley – I managed to say in the end.

– Oh yes, but do not rush. You know, I made you come here because your aunt was so kind to offer me your services to relax in this short stay. Tomorrow I will have to go back to Europe –

As I was wondering what services she wanted from me, she continued to look at me with a large smile and realizing how embarrassed I was, she hurried to say:

– I remember that foot massage, it would be great to have another one – I knew it was an order and without wasting time I knelt at her feet and I gently took off her high heels.

I did not say a word as I began to massage her feet that were really in bad condition. Her soles and especially her heels were very rough and I could see well the dead skin. For the first time a pair of feet disgusted me and I could not help but think that this should have been a normal reaction. The smell was not particularly intense, and even though she wiggled her toes under my nose purposely, almost nothing came to my nostrils.

– I know my feet are in bad shape, I hoped you could help me – the woman said giving me a Pedegg and adding – after, you have to change the nail polish –

As I began to remove the dead skin from her feet I could not help but wonder why she did not go to a beauty salon, after all she was very rich. In the depths of my heart, however, I knew she was doing all that to humiliate me and take a sort of revenge against my mother.

– It’s always so relaxing to have someone working at your feet – Jacqueline said closing her eyes.

In the meantime I was watching carefully the Pedegg, it was something I never had to use with my Mistresses who always had such perfect and soft feet. Dead skin was collected inside the Pedegg and nothing fell on the ground.

“For my good fortune” I thought, that woman would be able to order me to clean the floor with my tongue only to humiliate me more. Unfortunately, I did not fully realized who I was dealing with. Half an hour later, when the woman’s feet returned soft and there was no more trace of dead skin, she took the Pedegg from my hands and said:

– I was so rude, you were so kind and I did not offer you anything to eat or drink –

Before I could tell her that I did not want anything, she approached the Pedegg to my face and said:

– Here you go, open your mouth –

I still can not understand why I was not able to oppose her, why I could not do anything other than obeying the orders of another person. Almost without realizing it, my mouth opened slowly and a few seconds later Jacqueline de la Richardais emptied the Pedegg inside my mouth which was filled by the dead skin of her feet.

– Do not swallow at once, taste it for a while –

Needless to say that I struggled hard not to vomit and soon my eyes were filled with tears. How could allow her to do that to me? That woman knew my parents, she had been a guest at their wedding, and yet she had no hesitation to let me eat the dead skin of her feet. Did my aunt tell her that I was her slave? Did she tell her that I loved feet? I could not believe that Jacqueline could have done this if she thought I was just a simple maid. While I was thinking all of that, I could not help but notice that, unlike usual, my pussy was not responding to that humiliation and part of me was grateful for that, the other one instead would have preferred to be turned on by that situation so that I can bear better what I was doing.

I do not know how long I stay with that dead skin inside my mouth but I remember well how happy I was when Jacqueline finally ordered me to swallow. After that tremendous humiliation the woman ordered me to paint her toenails just as she had said before and it took another thirty minutes before my work was finally complete.

– You’re really good, as soon as I get back to town I’ll call your aunt so I can use you again. I bet you could do many other things with my feet – she said approaching her big toe to my lips which stay closed. I knew I could not resist if she ordered me to suck her toes and lick her feet but I hoped with all my heart that my work was over. I was lucky because a few moments after, Jacqueline told me:

– Now go away, I have an important meeting –

– Don’t you have something for Kaley? – I replied, remembering why I was in that hotel.

– Oh right, it’s up there. It’s the movie script, be careful not to lose it or you and your cousin will need a good lawyer –

Without saying a word I took the script of the movie, the some one I would have to shoot before that Kaley got the part in my place, and I went out of the suite before the woman could change her mind and recall me. A moment before closing the door our eyes met for a moment, I could not know at that time what would happen only three days later. I know I may look a bad person with these words but when I came to know that Jacqueline de la Richardais was found lifeless in her hotel room in London, struck by a heart attack, I did not shed a tear. Two Mistresses were more than enough.

Ch 43: Freedom

– Stay still –

These words and a little kick in my face woke me up rudely. I must have fallen asleep while l was lying on the floor with my cousin’s feet on my face, using me as a footstool. Evidently in my sleep I moved and I disturbed Kaley who was carefully studying her script that she knew by heart, after reading it for several weeks.

I remembered her wonderful smile when I showed her the script as soon as I had come back from the hotel where I had met Jacqueline de la Richardais, when probably I had done the most degrading thing of my life. Kaley immediately ran to her mother to show her the script, happy as a child in front of a mountain of candy. In front of that wonderful smile I could not help but be happy too and I forgot for a moment that the script could be mine, that I could have that part and become famous. Kaley, however, deserved it more than me. She was perfect, she would become a great actress and soon millions of boys and girls would worship her almost as a Goddess, just as I did. I was not worthy to compete with my cousin and I had to be happy to have the honor of being close to her while she was studying to become a star, soon everyone would have dreamed of being in my place, to be under the feet of that gorgeous woman.

Even my aunt had been very happy to see her daughter tighten the movie script in her hands but I was sure she already knew what was the gift of Jacqueline. Aunt Emma seemed to have a great time watching her daughter studying the script with me under her feet and many times when we were alone, my Mistress loved to ask me what I felt being at the foot of her daughter when instead I could have been in her place and have that script in my hands. Needless to say, my answers were almost always the same and licking my aunt’s feet I told her that I was not worthy to shoot a movie and being at Kaley’s feet was the greatest honor I could aspire to, that was my place.

– I told you not to move, that jingle annoys me – Kaley said again, kicking my face rudely.

– I’m sorry Mistress, it will not happen again – I replied, trying not to think of the pain caused by her kick and not to disobey more my Mistress.

I brought a hand to my collar and I held firmly the little bell that Kaley had given me a few days before, a new humiliation which would not allow me to move without doing that annoying noise. Even Aunt Emma was not very happy with that gift, and often when I was in her presence, she removed it so she did not hear that tinkling. After a few minutes my thoughts were swept away when Kaley began to rub her feet on my face and play with my nose. As always, when she trapped my nose between her toes, I went into another dimension, losing myself in that wonderful smell that turned me into a puppet without willpower, an animal in heat.

Once again I had the irrepressible desire to touch myself but I knew I would be severely punished if I moved again and besides I could not do it without the permission of my Mistress. My cousin had been so “good” to allow me to cum the previous week, it was a Thursday night and my aunt was out for a working dinner. Kaley had received a phone call from Chelsea and shortly afterwards she was ready to go out, then she led me to my “room” and after bounding my hands and feet with ropes and wrapping my leash on a hook on the wall, she had shown me a high heel shoe that I had never seen before. It looked old and ruined but immediately I had to stop examine the shoe and thinking instead of what I was supposed to do with it. Fortunately Kaley came to my aid saying:

– While I’m out you can have all the orgasms you want by using this shoe and I suggest you to have as many orgasm as possible because you will not have another one before two months – and after putting the shoe in the middle of my legs and a pair of her dirty socks in my mouth, my cousin went away laughing diabolically.

Tied in that way was practically impossible to move and it took several minutes before I could move the shoe so that the heel was in touch with my pussy. After countless efforts I finally got my first orgasm after several weeks, my body was already covered with sweat. I tried to catch my breath with my nose while I was busy sucking away all the precious foot sweat from my cousin’s socks in my mouth. I would have preferred to be able to masturbate with my hands free but at that moment I could only be thankful to my Mistress for the gift that she had given me.

A few minutes later I was ready for the second round, the orgasm was as powerful as the previous one. I had few energies but I knew that I had to take full advantage of that opportunity. After a few minutes of rest, the time had come for the third one and I tried to put again the shoe in the correct position but I made a wrong move and with horror I saw it rolled to the ground, ending almost a meter from my body. I watched for hours the shoe that I could not reach, cursing myself for how clumsy I had been and for having wasted that occasion. In the end I fell asleep sadly, after having only two orgasms.

“What I’d give to have two orgasms right now” I thought sadly as I continued sniffing deeply between my Mistress’s toes and wondering how I could resist for another seven weeks.

At one point Kaley took off her feet from my face and I saw her beautiful green eyes staring at me intensely. After a while my cousin said:

– Jennifer, sit next to me –

Those few words hit me deeply, I did not even remember when it was the last time she had used my real name and the tone of her voice was so strange. I got up slowly and carefully watching my Mistress I sit next to her in the couch as I was ordered to do. My cousin had a strange expression, she looked sad or worried, and I began to worry that something serious had happened.

Did I do something that made her angry? No, I knew well my cousin and I knew how she is when she is angry. It was delusion, then? It did not seem to me…so what was going on? What thoughts were filling the head of that Goddess who was sitting a few inches away from me? I continued to look at my cousin for several minutes but it did not seem that she wanted to tell me what was disturbing her, then at some point she did something that paralyzed me…she gave me her script!

– Take it, it’s yours –

My heart stopped for a moment, my head started to spin and my jaw dropped. What the hell was going on? Why was she giving me her script? Why was she behaving like that? Why did she call me Jennifer again? I keep watching my cousin, my gaze constantly moving from the script to her face. Finally, a few words came out of my mouth.

– I do not understand –

I did not know if I had really talked or if I imagined it, actually I did not even know if all that scene was the reality or just a dream.

“Yeah, that’s right…I’m just dreaming. I fell asleep while she was studying her script and at this moment I’m still lying on the floor with her magnificent soles on my face” I thought, watching Kaley straight in the eyes.

But the dream did not seem to want to end and a few seconds after my cousin said:

– Take the script, it’s yours. You should have that part –

– I can’t… – I stammered, as my body began to shake. Then, before I could say something else, Kaley added:

– You will have that part and you’ll become a great actress. You will also return to school, I think it is possible, and I will persuade the girls to give you back your place in the team and your role as a captain –

“What’s she saying? What’s going on? An actress…me? Can I really be again part of the team and be the captain? But why? Why? Why?” I said to myself.

– I do not understand – I said again.

– You will get your old life back, you will no longer be a slave but a free person…free to live your life as you wish. You will no longer have to obey my orders or those of my mother, you will no longer have to behave like a dog or lick our fee… –

– No, no please! – I yelled, throwing myself at the feet of my cousin and crying desperately – Please Mistress do not send me away, I don’t want my old life. That girl was not the real Jen, she was just a sham…a lie that I said to myself, a lie that deceived the people around me. This is the true Jen, this girl prostrate at your feet who is begging to stay with you, to be able to continue to be your devoted slave and to serve you for the rest of her miserable life. Please Mistress do not let me be a person I’m not, this is where I belong, at your wonderful feet – and saying that, I smothered my cousin’s feet in kisses hoping to change her mind.

Kaley said nothing and kept looking at me as I kissed her feet nonstop, she just rotated her feet every now and then to allow me to touch with my lips every inch of them. I had never kissed her feet like that, I was usually driven by a desire I could not understand but at that moment I was driven by despair, I could not even imagine being able to return to my old life, to be able to stay away from my two Goddesses.

I could not see Kaley’s face but I could perceive her gaze and for a moment I wondered what she was thinking at the time, would she accept my request? Or she would…no, I could not even think about a rejection. Finally, after more than five minutes, Kaley said:

– Is this really what you want? Do you reject everything I offered you? Do you reject to get your old life back? Think well before answering because in the future you will never have such opportunity again, if you choose to continue to be our slave there will be no return –

I stopped kissing her feet and I looked at her eyes. I did not need to think, I had made my choice a long time ago and I had not crossed all those obstacles just to get back to the starting point. So, remembering what once I told my aunt, I replied:

– I want to serve my Mistresses humbly and completely. That’s why I was born, that’s why I breathe. There is nothing more important, there is nothing that I want more. I’m your slave today as I’ll be on my last day –

When I finished my speech I looked down and I bowed humbly, waiting for my cousin’s answer. I heard her giggling and a moment later she put her foot in my head, saying:

– I think it will be fun to have a slave for the rest of my life –

Full of joy for her answer I stood still with a big smile in my face, waiting for her to take off her foot from my head, to be able to worship my Mistress again. Kaley used her foot to lift my head, then before I could do or say something she placed both of her feet on my shoulders and I was shocked when my gaze fell between her legs and I found out that she was not wearing panties. The sight of her shaved pussy drove me mad, my body temperature rose instantly and my mouth started to watering. I still do not know how I looked up and met her gaze but when I saw those green eyes I knew what she wanted and after her nod I threw myself without hesitation toward the most precious part of her body, unable to believe that finally it was granted to me such a great honor.

I noticed that she was already wet and I was immediately proud that I was turning her on. Although I was incredibly excited I managed to act calmly, it was my first time after all and I wanted to enjoy it and besides I could not risk to disappoint my Mistress, if I wanted it to became a habit I had absolutely worship her in the best possible way. I started gently kissing her pussy lips and immediately Kaley began to moan loudly, slowly I became more and more brave and I started to use my tongue, savoring that part of her body that I had dreamed for so long. When I found her clit I sucked it vigorously and Kaley’s moans became ever stronger.

My cousin began to move more and more and with her hands she pushed me hard against her pussy and I buried my tongue inside it as much as possible. My Mistress’s body was shaken by shivers a moment before she had an overwhelming orgasm and while Kaley yelled so loud that she would scare all the neighbors if she had lived in an apartment building, my mouth was filled by her juices and I was amazed of how sweet the taste was.

My cousin did not remove her hands from my head so I kept licking her soft lips while I was thinking of the choice I had made shortly before. I had refused my freedom, I refused to get my old life back and return to being the “winner” Jennifer Martin, deciding instead to be still the slave of my biggest rival. Then as I continued to savor her juices, I could not help but think:

“Being a loser has never been so wonderful”

Ch 44: Playing with cousin

I could not believe that my cousin had given me the great honor of licking her pussy and allowing me to serve her completely. Both of us knew that it had been a very big step and that from that moment she would keep me on tight leash for the rest of my life. Who knows what the future would have held, we had so many years ahead of us.

Many times, especially during the nights spent in my basement, I wondered what I would do when Kaley would have met the man of her life, what would I do if she had decided to marry and have children. Would she have sent me away? Or would I have been involved in her relationship by becoming her husband’s slave too? The future is always so mysterious but of one thing I was certain, I would have done anything to stay at the feet of my Mistress and worship with devotion that Goddess who in a fair world it would have reigned over our planet, in a fair world everyone would have had to bow at her feet and worship the ground where she walked on.

Kaley seemed to have appreciated my work with her pussy because she allowed me to serve her that way several times and soon it became a routine. Every night before falling asleep and after throwing away the headphones with which she used to spend the evening listening to music, Kaley pulled my leash strongly and I gladly moved from her feet, that I had licked with devotion for hours, to the middle of her legs, ready to savor with gusto her juices. With the passing of time I became more and more good and I learned the most sensitive points that excited my sweet Mistress. After countless orgasms my cousin used to order me to return to my “room” but it had often happened that she would allow me to sleep at the feet of her bed, rewarding me with the chance to spend the night under her magnificent soles.

Even Aunt Emma loved to have me under her feet during the night, just like in Paris, and so I slept alone in the cold basement only two or three times a week. To my sorrow, my aunt had not given me the honor of licking her pussy yet. I was sure that my Mistress was aware of what I did in private with her daughter and it did not seem to annoy her. Waiting with trepidation to approach my aunt’s most precious area, I had to be content myself with licking her asshole, something that by now happened quite often.

Incredibly I got quite used to the strange taste that the first times had almost made me vomit, and by now I wanted to put my tongue in the middle of my Mistress’s buttocks almost as I did with her wonderful feet which had been the beginning of everything, they had totally changed my life and they had revealed my true nature, freeing me from the chains that kept me captive…yeah I know that it may seem a paradox seen that in my aunt’s house I used to wear a collar and I was always on the leash of my two Mistresses like a dog.

It’s amazing how things can change so fast, just a few months ago I was a girl who had everything in her life and who was ready to become a star, now I was a miserable being who crawled at the feet of her own aunt and of that girl who had been her great rival, ready to obey all their orders without any hesitation, ready to humble herself just to see a smile on those beautiful faces. I was a slave, but I was happy and this was all that mattered. When I had my freedom I was full of fears and worries, at that time instead my heart was so serene and I was always dying to lost myself completely at the feet of my Mistresses, smelling that wonderful scent and savoring their tasty foot sweat.

Suddenly I heard a whistle and I began to crawl faster when my cousin’s beautiful voice came from the kitchen to my ears.

– Biscuit come on, how long does it take? –

I did not want to angry my Mistress so I tried to crawl faster and faster to get to the kitchen and bow at my cousin’s feet. Kaley had come back at home a few minutes before, after spending the last two days out of town in Chelsea’s huge mansion. After greeting her mother who was about to go out for shopping and telling her how wonderful it had been the party that her best friend had arranged the previous evening, my cousin had ordered me to get changed. So I had run into the basement and I had removed my maid dress, wearing that of Biscuit. After checking into the small mirror, that my aunt had decided to put in my room, that my puppy ear headband and my tail were perfectly in their place, I had started climbing the stairs to get back to my Mistress and then it come that whistle that had forced me to accelerate and be careless of my knees that were already sore when I arrived in front of my Mistress.

– Here’s my doggy, I missed you so much in this days – Kaley said patting on my head and grabbing my leash as I bent down to kiss her black leather boots.

A strong smell came immediately to my nostrils when I kissed her boots and I could not help but start sniffing loudly just like the dog I was at that moment. Kaley chuckled and after a few seconds she said to me:

– Take my boots off –

I knew I could not use my hands when I was in Biscuit mode, that was a mistake I could have done in the past, but by now I was too trained to fall into the trap of my cousin. Obviously removing her boots using only my mouth was very difficult and it took several minutes before I could free my Mistress’s feet. My cousin did not wear socks and this explained the strong scent that I had smelled before.

As Kaley trapped my nose between her big and second toe I could not help but wonder what happened to her socks, it was impossible that two days before Kaley had left without them. I looked for a moment the backpack that my cousin had thrown into the couch and that my aunt had immediately ordered me to empty when my cousin had come back. Inside I had found the panties and clothes that Kaley had used in those days but there was no trace of her socks. After a few moments I decided not to think about that mystery and I devoted myself completely to the feet of my Mistress, sniffing tirelessly while my cousin had fun rubbing her sweated feet in my face as if I were a doormat.

– Stick out your tongue – she said at one point and I lost no time to execute the orders of my Mistress who decided to sit on a chair not so far from my bowls, one of them still full of water.

I carefully licked every inch of her feet, with my tongue that moved nonstop on her soles, especially on her heels and on the balls of her feet. Obviously I did not neglect her toes and the space between them, that was always the moment I preferred during the foot worship because the taste was more intense in that area and I would have never removed my tongue from there.

I was licking her feet for less than ten minutes when suddenly Kaley removed them from my face and stood up. I must confess that I was very disappointed, usually when her feet needed a tongue bath, our sessions never lasted less than half an hour. Fortunately, however, my cousin said:

– Ok Biscuit, let’s play a little in the garden. We do not have to waste these last hot days, staying inside the house – and so, she pulled my leash and led me outside.

I followed my Mistress barking from time to time, just to show her that I had not forgotten my role. On the way I could not take away my gaze for a second from her feet, it was the first time I saw my cousin walking barefoot out of the house. I was so busy to imagine how dirty her soles, still wet with my saliva, had become that I did not even realize that my Mistress had stopped suddenly and only for a miracle she did not fall when I crashed against her.

– Be careful, stupid dog – Kaley scolded me with such harshness that I almost burst into tears. Then seeing my reaction, my cousin hastened to smile and said:

– Okay okay, I forgive you – then she brought a hand to my face that I licked with fervor, making her laugh out.

After a few seconds I started looking around, wondering what we should have done. She had said that we had to play in the garden…but how? As if she had read in my mind, Kaley put a hand in her small handbag where inside I thought there were just her phone and her purse. I was amazed when my cousin pulled out a round black thing. It took almost thirty seconds to understand that it was a tennis ball that Kaley had put into her nylon socks.

“Here they are” I said to myself as I observed carefully the ball that my cousin threw away a few seconds later.

The ball could not roll well as in its normal conditions, but despite that it stopped very far from us. When Kaley removed the leash from my collar I started crawling quickly towards the ball, without the need of a single word from my Mistress. We had already played that game a few months ago, when Kaley did not know yet that I had become her mother’s slave. This time however I did not have to fetch her flip flops but a tennis ball which was much harder to grasp with your mouth. After several attempts I realized that I had no hope of bringing it back to my Mistress if I had continued that way. I had to change my approach and after almost a minute I finally decided to grab the top of her nylon socks with my teeth, hoping not to ruin them and that the ball would not rolled away while I moved. Halfway a little stone went right in my left knee and when I groan for the pain, the socks with the tennis ball slipped off my mouth. When I finally got back to my Mistress with the ball, she told me:

– If you won’t be faster I’ll chain you out here and you’ll have to sleep in the cold –

That threat was more than enough to push me beyond my limits and when I got back to my Mistress, bringing back the tennis ball for the umpteenth time, she smiled at me and allowed me to kiss her feet. Every time I reached the ball it had become more and more difficult not to lick greedily my Mistress’s socks that wrapped the ball but I had no intention of sleeping out there, so I managed to resist my urge.

– Ok Biscuit, enough playing for now. I want to relax a bit, let’s go to the pool area – Kaley said, scratching behind my ears.

My Mistress led me near the pool where she had almost drowned me in the past, and she lay down in the sun-bed.

– Wow my feet are really dirty! Thankfully there is here my doggy who is dying to lick clean her Mistress’s feet, isn’t it? – Kaley said, smiling diabolically.

I replied barking as I watched carefully my Mistress’s soles that were almost completely black. I had never licked feet so dirty but I had no intention of disappointing my cousin and without hesitation I stuck out my tongue and I began to lick the heel of her left foot. Astonished I noticed that her dirty foot did not have a bad taste and I began licking away the dust from her sole with more and more intensity. Soon though, as the sole of her foot became ever cleaner with each new lick, my mouth became very dry and I began to look at my cousin, begging for help. Kaley, however, was busy playing with her phone and it took several minutes before she realized that something was wrong.

– What is it? Does my dog have its mouth dry? Come here then – she said, sensually inviting me with her finger to approach her face.

I knew what would happen but there was no other solution and I gladly welcomed her saliva inside my mouth. After she spat in my mouth for the third times, my Mistress ordered me to resume cleaning her feet and so I went back to my job. I can’t put into words how proud I felt whenever I watched that divine foot become ever cleaner, I still can not believe I was able to get such a result using only my tongue. Kaley was also very pleased with my job and she gave me again her precious saliva before I started to lick the other foot. Once again my tongue moved tirelessly up and down along her soft sole and soon even the right foot was clean.

– You are a such good doggy, I love you so much Biscuit – my Mistress said after inspecting my job.

For a moment I hoped to have the possibility of licking her pussy again but Kaley closed her eyes and said:

– Kept licking my feet while I take a nap –

While my Mistress slept peacefully, I kept licking her feet being careful not to move my bell and wake my beautiful cousin. As my tongue danced between her succulent toes, I thought for a moment about my tail. It was amazing how natural it seemed to me to have something in my asshole, so natural that I felt uncomfortable when I was dressed as a maid and my tail was in my room. Maybe I should have asked my aunt to buy me a “normal” butt plug that I could wear with the other clothes.

I did not know how long I was licking those wonderful feet and only when I heard the noise of Aunt Emma’s car I stopped for a moment. A few minutes later I saw my aunt come toward us and only then my cousin woke up.

– You will have to do without your dog for a while, I need the slave to go to the supermarket. I forgot to buy some things – Aunt Emma said before she returned quickly inside the house, as if she had something very important to do.

– Bring me my flip-flops, slave – Kaley told me.

Having been called slave means that I was no longer in Biscuit mode, so I answered:

– Yes Mistress – and saying so I went inside the house to take my cousin’s flip-flops.

In those two days without Kaley I had cleaned and ordered her room carefully so it took a few second to find her flip-flops that I kissed with devotion for a while before going downstairs and again in the garden.

– Now you can leave – my Mistress told me after I put her flip-flops on.

I quickly kissed the top of her beautiful feet and I went back inside house to get changed, I could not go to the supermarket dressed like a dog!

After wearing my huge second-hand clothes, I walked toward the main door without knowing that an hour later I would have find a very unexpected guest.

Ch 45: Face to face

“I thought my aunt said she had forgotten to buy just a few things” I said to myself as I read the note that my Mistress had given me before I left home.

Resigned to have to go back home with at least two heavy bags of groceries, I sighed and I kept pushing the shopping cart that as usual had some problem with the wheel and it could not go straight. As I moved up and down the aisles of the supermarket, trying to obey my Mistress’s orders in the shortest possible time, I could not help but to stop to see the foodstuff that if I could’ve, I would have bought without hesitation. After holding in my arms a pack of cookies that I loved and having fantasized for a few seconds to eat them once again, I remembered that I could no longer do what I wanted…but being a slave had been my choice after all.

I put the biscuits back on the shelf and I pushed the shopping cart almost crashing against a four or five-year-old child who was running to escape the bigger sister who wanted her doll back.

– I’m so sorry Miss, my kids do not understand that the supermarket is not a playground – at one point a woman told me, pushing her shopping cart where inside there was another little girl who could not have been more than two years old.

– Don’t worry – I answered feeling a little uncomfortable for being treated so courteously, I was no longer used to that kindness. Then, after watching the little girl with curly blond hair who kept playing with her pacifier, I asked the woman:

– What’s her name? –

– Tell this lovely girl your name…Come on, make your mommy happy – the woman tell her daughter but after few seconds, she continued – She still don’t want to speak, anyway her name is Jennifer. Her brother and her sister have chosen this name – she said gently caressing her daughter’s hair.

– She has…she has really a pretty name – I stammered after hearing my own name.

I looked at the little girl in her beautiful blue eyes and she laughed, trying to grasp my nose. I laughed in my turn and before leaving the woman and the baby girl, I thought:

“I hope with all my heart that you can always have that pretty smile on your lips and a wonderful life, a life better than mine. Good luck Jennifer”

When I got out of the supermarket it was almost two o’clock in the afternoon, that day I had not been able to cook for my Mistresses but it was not my fault, before I had to “play” with Kaley and then I had been sent to buy a “few things”. Surely Aunt Emma and my cousin had already had lunch and I hoped they had left me something because I was really starving, and the sight of all those delicacies in the supermarket had certainly not helped.

I headed to the bus stop carrying three heavy bags of groceries and at that moment I could not help but curse that heat my cousin loved so much. Dripping with sweat, I got on the bus and I had to stand because there were no available seats. After about ten minutes a guy that I have not seen in a very long time, got on the bus. As I carefully looked at the face of William Johnson, it flashed on my mind the memory of that time when I crashed against him after having turned carelessly a corner of the street near my house.

I remember perfectly that day, that was supposed to be the most beautiful day of my life and that unexpected dinner with my aunt had changed everything, that foot massage had opened the doors of a new world where I dived almost without hesitation, without thinking that doing so I would have involved also my cousin, giving my rival everything I had. I had been really mean to William, I know that. But despite all, he had…he had…

“No, I do not have to think about it anymore, I have to forget that day” I said to myself, struggling not to look at the nerd boy who froze when he saw me. His cheeks flushed and he began to touch often his glasses, which he probably did because of the tension.

I was very happy when the bus arrived at my stop and I got off quickly, almost pushing an old lady who looked at me badly and muttered something against the young always in a hurry. There were almost two hundred meters from the bus stop to my aunt’s house and when I finally got to the door, many drops of sweat slipped along my forehead.

There was a strange silence in the house and there was no trace of my aunt and my cousin. After putting the bags of groceries in the kitchen, I went upstairs but my Mistresses were not in their rooms. Then I decided to go to the basement, but my room was exactly like I had left it. I went back to the kitchen to look for some note that maybe I had missed the first time.

Nothing, there was nothing. It had never happened something like that before, they always told me something when they go out. Suddenly the absence of my two Mistresses made me panic, I ran up and down throughout the house inspecting one room after another, trying to figure out what had happened. Only after several minutes I had the idea to check in the garden and near the pool.

“Maybe Kaley decided to keep on sunbathing and my aunt is with her” I thought as I walked out of the house.

As soon as I was outside, I heard voices, but they did not come from the pool area but from the opposite side, where there was a majestic stone garden table that remembered me “The Flinstones” and that they used sometimes for dinner during the summer. Even though the sun was very hot that day, it seemed odd to me that my aunt had decided to have lunch outside so suddenly. When I turned the corner and I was finally able to see the stone table, I saw that my aunt had a guest. I totally froze and my legs began to shake.

My mother was sitting next to my aunt, right in front of me and I could see well her face that so much looked like that of her sister and her niece, her long red hair and her perfect nose.

– Ah, here is Jen – My aunt said suddenly. She was the first to notice my presence, then she continued – What are you doing just standing there? Come closer my dear –

I still do not know how I moved my legs, how I managed to cover the distance that separated us. When I was a few feet away from my aunt, she asked me:

– So Jen, did you buy the things I asked you? –

– I…I… – I stammered without being able to say anything, my eyes fixed on my mother who avoided my gaze, carefully watching her glass of red wine.

– What’s the problem? Cat got your tongue? All right, all right go and get change then. When you are ready come back here and serve us the ice cream –

She did not have to ask me twice and I almost ran away, I wanted so much run and hide. Before turning the corner, however, I turned for a moment and for the first time I noticed that my mother was looking at me. I will never forget the expression of disgust that deformed her beautiful face, but what disgusted her so much? My clothes or me? With that question in my head I walked quickly inside the house and then down into the basement.

When I was in my room I fell to the ground and I started crying desperately, punching the hard floor. I was not able to deal with that situation, I was not strong enough to face my mother. With my face wet with tears, I took off my second-hand clothes and I crawled toward the closet where my two real dress were. After watching for a few seconds the dress of Biscuit, I took the maid dress and I wore it with difficulty.

Nothing that I did in those months of slavery could hold a candle to what I was about to do. Lick the ass of another person, lick a pair of dirty feet or even eating the dead skin of Jacqueline de la Richardais’s feet were nothing compared to the humiliation and the suffering I would have felt wearing that dress in front of my mother, serving her sister in her presence.

“Why is my aunt doing all this to me? Why do I have to endure this suffering?” I asked myself as I slowly climbed the stairs.

Then, as I was about to enter the kitchen to take the ice cream out of the freezer as I was ordered to do, I remembered the words that Kaley had told me several weeks before.

“You know, when you buy a luxury car, the best smartphone on the market, or beautiful clothes, you do this also to show others what you have. It would not have been fun to keep you locked in here, I want everyone to see that I can make you do whatever I want, I want everyone to see the power I have on my own cousin…”

Is this what my aunt was doing, then? Was she using me to hurt her sister with whom she had always had a competition that made what existed between me and my cousin only a race between of two infants? Did my aunt want to humiliate me in front of my mother to demonstrate the power she had on me, the power she had on the daughter of her rival?

Probably my mother did not care about me, after all she only considered me a huge disappointment, a failed experiment. She always wanted me to be like her, a fashion or a movie star and she had allowed me to play in my school’s soccer team just because I was very good and I was the youngest captain ever. I had failed, I had disappointed all her expectations, and now I was nothing for her but despite this I was sure she would have suffered seeing me dressed like a maid, seeing me while I served my aunt and my cousin. My mother would not have suffered because I was humiliated, no, she would have suffered because she could not bear that Christine Spencer’s daughter was treated like that, it was an humiliation for her, a stain on her name.

If my aunt wanted to hurt my mother then I would have done anything to help her, I would have behaved like the humblest of the servant to hurt the woman who had never shown love to me. For a moment I had the temptation to get change and wear the dress of Biscuit. I wondered what my mother would have done if I came back to them on all fours, with a collar around my neck, puppy ears and a tail inserted directly into my asshole. I wondered what Christine Spencer would have done if I crawled at my Mistress’s feet, beginning to lick them, barking from time to time as the happiest dog in the world. That image on my head filled me with joy and distracted I dropped a bit of ice cream on the floor.

After cleaning my mess, I took the three ice cream cups and I went to the garden, ready to take part in my mother’s humiliation. The three red-haired women were exactly where I left them and only Aunt Emma was talking when I arrived with the ice cream. Kaley was playing with her phone and she almost did not notice when I put her cup in front of her. My mother, instead, started to look at her nails when I got close to her, putting the ice cream cup on the table in front of her. I was sure the woman was dying to observe my dress and I was sure my aunt was ready to enjoy the scene. After giving her the ice cream, I stood at my aunt’s side but after a while she snapped her fingers and after a few seconds I realized that she wanted to be fed by me and so I took her ice cream, saying loudly:

– Yes Madame – and immediately I looked in the direction of my mother who looked up for a moment, just as I was expecting.

Our eyes met and probably for the first time in my life, not only I was able to endure her intense gaze but I was also aware that I was running the show, I was in charge at the time. I kept feeding my aunt with a long spoon, that embarrassing silence was broken only by the noise of the game my cousin was playing with. When all three women finished to eat their ice cream, our gazes met for the second time and with my eyes still fixed on my mother’s eyes, I asked my Mistress:

– Madame, can I be useful massaging your feet? –

My mother was very good at hiding her emotions when she knew she was being watched but that time she failed miserably. She blinked too much, her cheeks flushed and her mouth opened slightly.

– Of course my dear – My aunt answered, giggling when just like me she noticed my mother’s reaction.

With my mother’s eyes still fixed on me, I knelt down before my aunt and I gently removed her flip-flops, beginning to massage her wonderful feet. My hands moved with great ability, I had massaged my Mistress’s feet so many times that I knew perfectly the points that made her moan. I moved in circle my thumbs at the ball of her right foot and then Aunt Emma moaned, satisfied with my work.

With the tail of my eye I could still see my mother, who was sitting on my left, and see that the woman was watching me intensely, after all that time I had not heard a single word from her yet. At one point my aunt put her left foot on my head using me as a footstool as I continued to work on the right foot.

– Your daughter is so good at massaging my feet that I would spend hours with her kneeled before me as she moves her fingers on my delicate soles. Actually you are already doing this, aren’t you, my dear? – My aunt said patting on my head with her foot.

– Yes Madame – I replied, without stopping to massage her right foot.

Once again my mother did not say anything and kept watching the scene. I wondered many times what thoughts were crowding her head and in more than one occasion I had to keep from laughing. I had never seen my mother so troubled and I can not deny that I was enjoying tremendously that scene. As I thought of a plan to humiliate my mother more and more, I heard my aunt’s words:

– Christine tell me, that Latin woman still works for you? What was her name? Lola? Rosita? –

– Her name is Mary and yes, she still works for me – My mother said, speaking for the first time since I was there.

– Mary…yeah, now I remember. See, I have this problem with the names. I just can not remember the names of these inferior people. In fact, I often call your daughter “Servant” so I cannot make a mistake, isn’t that correct, Servant? – My aunt asked.

– Yes Madame – I lied immediately, in fact she called me Slave not Servant.

My mother’s cheeks became more and more red and I could not help but congratulate silently my aunt for how she was handling the situation. But my Mistress had not finished with her sister yet.

– And tell me Christine, how much do you pay this Mary? –

– Just over a thousand dollars a month, why? – My mother asked, and I heard all her insecurity in her voice.

– One thousand dollars is a lot of money. Servant, tell me, how much I’m paying you right now? – My aunt asked, putting her right foot on my head and allowing me to massage the left one.

I obviously was not being paid but I did not know what answer I should have given her. Then at some point, I thought I understood my aunt’s game and I answered sincerely.

– Nothing Madame –

– Nothing? Really? And why? – My aunt said with a big smile.

I knew that was the decisive moment, that was the time to give Christine Spencer the fatal blow. After reflecting a few seconds I finally said:

– Because it is an honor to serve you Madame and I should be paying you to have the privilege of being your humble servant – and saying that I kissed my Mistress’s foot with devotion.

I was too busy covering that wonderful foot with kisses to observe my mother’s reaction, but it had to be really funny because my aunt burst out laugh. I kept kissing my Mistress’s foot for another two minutes, then my aunt said:

– Why don’t you take off that dress and show your mother your new tattoos? –

“That’s what these tattoos are for” I thought as I took off my dress without fear to being seen naked by my mother.

It had been about a month since my aunt had led me to a small tattoo shop. I had never done a tattoo and I was really scared because I thought it was really painful but then, the girl who worked there had been able to calm me and in the end it had not been as painful as I thought, even though in the following days I had some small annoyance in area on which Elizabeth, this was the name of the girl, had worked on. After getting naked my aunt ordered me to turn me to show my mother the tattoos that I had on my back.

– Don’t worry, it’ll make sense to you soon – My aunt said to her sister after seeing her face perplexed, then my Mistress continued – Kaley, come here for a moment –

My cousin put the smartphone in her pocket, got up and headed toward me. I could not help but observe her with my mouth open as I saw her gorgeous boobs move while she walked. When Kaley was at her side, Aunt Emma snapped her fingers and I prostrated myself at their feet. My aunt and my cousin moved around my body, my head was facing my mother, then the two women removed their flip-flops and they put one foot in my back, the mother under my left shoulder and the daughter under the right one.

– As you can see Christine, these tattoos are our detailed footprints, my left foot on her left shoulder, Kaley’s right foot on the right one. All this to show you where your daughter belongs, her place is underneath our feet, isn’t it Servant? – My aunt said triumphantly.

– Yes Madame, my place is beneath your feet and those of Miss Kaley. Thank you so much for this invaluable honor, I’m so lucky – I replied with great devotion.

I still had my head on the ground and I could not see my mother’s reaction and I remember that at that moment I hoped with all my heart that my aunt was filming the scene, somehow. After a few seconds she said:

– So Christine, what do you think? Look how low has fallen your perfect daughter that you’ve always considered better than mine – right after those words, Kaley took off her foot from my back and approached my face. Then, while I smothered my cousin’s feet in kisses, I heard my mother get up and walk away, but not before telling her sister:

– You are wrong Emma, I don’t have a daughter –


Time passed very quickly, winter came and with it a freezing cold and the biggest snowfall on record. I had never felt so much cold in my life, I had never seen such a icy roads and so much snow that many houses had been buried by it. The city was not ready to face such a cataclysm, ours State had always had a mild winter and no one could imagine what would have happened that year.

Fortunately, ours heating did their duty and inside my aunt’s house I could wear without problems my two dress, as usual. Even the basement was warm, but despite everything I slept just a few times in my room during the winter, spending the nights with my Mistress, in turn. I spent the most of the time in my cousin’s room, Aunt Emma knew what happened in her daughter’s bed and she did not want to deprive her of that pleasure.

By now I began to believe that my aunt would never let me lick her pussy as I hoped, maybe it was something that made her uncomfortable even though I did not understand what was so different from licking her ass. Anyway, I stayed always far from that treasure hidden in the middle of her legs and I never did anything that could made my aunt uncomfortable, if she had decided so I had to accept it, however reluctantly.

I became more and more good at cooking and by now my aunt had nothing more to teach me. When my Mistresses were out of the house, if I had nothing to do, I was allowed to watch cooking shows on Tv, sitting on the ground because I did not have permission to use the furniture and I did not dare disobey their orders, even when I knew with certainty that no one would ever find out it.

My days were almost always the same and soon I realized that I had to spend much of my time cleaning the house, in fact I could worship my Mistresses just for few hours during the day. Kaley was busy with the school and so I could stay with her only during her breakfast which she ate lying in bed while I licked devoutly her feet and in the evening, when she came back from her soccer practice, often letting me play with her sweaty socks that I sucked greedily, trying to savor until the last drop of that precious liquid.

Even Aunt Emma was often out of the house during the day and for work she had to stay away from home for one or two weeks several times during the winter, there was always somewhere in the world a fashion show and new collections she had to “review”. I hoped to go with her sometimes as I’ve done in the summer, but my aunt seemed to prefer me to stay home and take care of her daughter.

When the spring finally came, I had even more difficulty spending time with my Mistresses because at the end of march Kaley started to shoot the movie and she often did not come back for dinner. When my beautiful cousin came back home she was often too tired to play with me and the few times that allowed me to lick her feet, she got bored quickly and after a few minutes she led me back in the basement, attached my leash on the hook on the wall and she went to rest in her room, leaving me alone once again.

Even though I wished to spend more time with my lovely Mistress I was aware that it was a difficult time for her. The film was really stressful and if even Kaley was having so many difficulties I did not dare imagine how I could have survived such an intense day if I were in her shoes, even because of the school. I really did not know how Kaley could do all those things and with so much success.

My cousin had proved to be a much better captain than me and despite being so busy she had never missed a practice, leading the team to a long series of victories culminating in the victory of the championship that drove the whole city mad with joy. At school, Kaley became a true Goddess and I was sure that at least for the next fifty years, the memory of that extraordinary girl would have been vivid in everyone’s mind. No one seemed to remember the former captain of the soccer team, that Jennifer Martin, who once seemed to be the queen of the school and who now spent her life waiting for her two Mistress, hoping to worship their feet.

With the absence of Kaley, Biscuit came out only a few times and I have to confess that I kind of missed acting like a dog, though I preferred to do my business in the bathroom as a normal human being. I don’t want even to imagine how much horrible it would be if I had to go out in the garden during that cold winter.

I had not seen my mother since that last time when she went away furious, almost shouting that sentence that incredibly had not hurt me at all, I did not consider her my mother anymore. I do not know if I hated that woman or not, certainly I did not care about her and I was happy that Christine Spencer didn’t come again at my aunt’s house and that my Mistress never spoke of her sister.

Almost without realizing it, the spring ended and just two weeks after Kaley’s high school graduation, which my cousin did not celebrate because she was too busy with the movie, it arrived a special day for me. It was exactly a year since I became a slave, giving away everything I had, to be able to serve my beautiful aunt. Even Aunt Emma remembered that it was not an ordinary day and in the evening she took me to the best restaurant in town.

It was a beautiful evening, just two of us sitting together at a table, chatting like two normal people while the waiters served us delicious food. It was very strange for me to be served by someone and eating again at the table with another person. At home I ate almost always alone, after my Mistress had already eaten of course, and this only when I was lucky enough not to have to eat from my bowl like a dog.

Aunt Emma had also bought me a beautiful dress for the occasion and I had burst into tears when I saw it. I almost had forgotten how exciting get ready before going out was. When I saw my own reflection in the mirror I was very excited and I thought I was pretty cute after all. For some time now I’ve gone back to being, at least physically, like the old Jen and I could not help but thank my cousin for having decided not to continue to make me eat junk food, allowing me to lose those pounds I had accumulated in the previous summer which made difficult for me even to climb the stairs.

At some point during the evening, my aunt even invited me to dance and while we were dancing with elegance in the hall, we did not stop laughing, not even for a second. It was all so wonderful, everything was fine and for the first time since my father’s death I felt like I had a family again. Ours was definitely a special relationship but despite all I saw my cousin as a sister and my aunt as the affectionate and protective mother I had never had, a shield capable of defending me from the dangers of life.

The time seemed to fly and in a heartbeat it was Christmas again. As soon as the hands of the new grandfather clock, that Kaley had given to her mother for her birthday, showed us that it was already midnight, Aunt Emma said it was time to open gifts. I stopped licking my cousin’s feet and together we approached the Christmas tree where there were so many presents. Obviously they were almost all for Kaley, but I was still very happy to open my only gift, a small package with a note on it:

“For Biscuit”

When I opened it, I found inside a new pink collar adorned with small diamonds. I wanted so much to thank my Mistresses for that wonderful gift that had to have cost a fortune but I was not able to say even a word. Very excited I crawled toward my aunt and I kissed her feet with devotion trying to show her all my gratitude. She laughed sweetly and tightened the new collar around my neck. I stayed at the feet of my Mistress trying to keep from crying as the heat of the fireplace embraced us and the first snowflakes of the year began to fall.

Several months had passed since then and now I was massaging my aunt’s feet who was sitting on the couch, watching the tv while outside there was a beautiful sun that made magnificent that day of May. From my position I could see the Tv and I can not deny that it seemed to me very strange to see myself on the screen. Aunt Emma was watching the premiere of the movie with which Kaley was making her big debut in the movie world.

I almost did not believe what I was hearing when Kaley had told me that I would have to go with her and stand beside her on the red carpet, to assist her and her mother. My Mistress was giving me a great honor but despite everything, it was a really difficult week for me. I was so scared to embarrass my Mistresses, to spoil them that magnificent evening that my cousin would remember forever and I almost did not sleep the two nights before the premiere. I was not the only one, however, who was very anxious, even Kaley looked very stressed and I tried to give her the best massages possible to make her relax a bit.

In the end everything was fine and I did not made any mess even though it was not easy to keep me from throwing myself towards the Hollywood stars I loved and when the beautiful Evan Presley had looked at me and winked while he was talking to Kaley and Aunt Emma, I’d almost fainted.

As my hands kept moving with skill on my Mistress’s soft soles, I wondered if my mother had seen the premiere, if she had seen the success of Kaley and the devoted slave, who was once her daughter, who followed respectfully her beautiful Mistress on the red carpet. At some point I looked at my aunt’s face and our gazes met. She had her beautiful green eyes full of tears, who knows what she was feeling at that moment, seeing her daughter become a star. Then suddenly she shook my leash and opened her legs. Our eyes met again and filled with joy I burst into tears, then after a nod of my Mistress I approached her to give my aunt pleasure for the first time.


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Kaley was a star, the daughter of her rival was her devoted slave and she had taken away from her sister the most precious thing that a woman can have in her life…a daughter. Aunt Emma had won, the competition was ended.

The End

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