Best Friend’s Journey Pt. 01 by forestofjack

Best Friend’s Journey Pt. 01 by forestofjack

I lucked out when I started uni and managed to share a room with my childhood best friend, Carl. We were neighbours when we were kids and although I moved house and we went to different colleges, we managed to stay fast friends.

Throughout college, obviously, we made other friends and got to know new people. But our friendship stayed strong, and we managed to see each other most weeks.

We talked about university, and although we wanted entirely different things; he was a nerd that knew about politics, philosophy and all that book stuff, while I was more into using my hands and making tangible things in the real world, we found somewhere down south that did courses we both liked, and seemed to do them well. Our good fortune seemed to hold, because we both got the grades we needed and managed to get in.

Carl had picked up a girlfriend in college, the previous year: Jess. I had met her a few times, but he tended to keep his “friend friends” and his “school friends” separate. Seeing as he met Jess at school, then she had fallen into the “school friends” box, although, as a girlfriend, she got to mix with his “friend friends” from time to time.

I was surprised they had stayed together so long, really. She was traditionally “out of his league” from what I could tell. He was tall and not unfit, but he wasn’t really the type to visit a gym ever, and I didn’t think he had the charisma to chat up a girl. He had shaggy black hair that he never styled and brown eyes flecked with gold. His interests were definitely of the stereotypically nerdy male variety — videogames, comics, etc. but like, the kind that you don’t see played on Twitch or getting made into movies by Disney.

Jess was a bit shorter than Carl; her eyes were level with his mouth, so I’d guess she was about 165cm (5ft 4ish). She was fit – I think Carl told me she’d been going to the gym since starting college as she was originally going to do an NVQ in sports, or something, but switched to A-levels instead at the last minute. She had bleach blonde hair with dark roots that hung to around halfway down her back when loose.

I had thought that me and Carl moving down south together would have marked the end of their relationship: we would be just far enough away from our hometown for the journey to be a pain in the arse, and costly. However, Carl didn’t seem to be disheartened by the distance.

“Are you going to be a little bitch when I bring girls over?” I asked Carl a few weeks before we prepared to move.

“Course not, mate. But in exchange, you’ve got to go out when I have Jess over,” he replied, a cheeky smile on his face.

“Jess?” I asked in surprise.

“Yeah, my girlfriend,” he laughed. “You’re Sam: my best friend. She is Jess: my girlfriend.”

His mocking voice had a tinge of irritation to it.

“So, you’re giving it the long-distance thing, then? Isn’t she going to be jealous that you’re out playing all the time with me?” I joked.

“Err, no, mate. I’m sure we spoke about this before,” He began. “She’s going to the same uni, so she’ll be just round the corner from us.”

I was stunned for a moment at that revelation. I had absolutely no memory of such a conversation occurring and surely it would be something I’d remember.

“You’re pulling my leg,” was the only thing I could think to respond with.

“No, dickhead. I told you she got into the same uni as us when I told you I got in! We talked about you hooking up with her friend with the big arse?” He mock chided me.

“Oh yeah. Amy? Anna? Abby? Yeah, I remember you said she’d be living close and she’s up for having a good time.”

“Abby. Oh, so you remember that part?”

“Wait, you tried to set me up with one of her other friends before because, and these are your words: ‘she’s a bit of a slut’,” I smirked at him. “If all Jess’ friends are like this, then… Well, you know.”

“Yeah, she knows her way around a bed. Or a chair. Or a table,” Carl laughed. “She is insatiable, mate.”


A couple of weeks later, we spent the whole weekend carting our stuff down the motorway to the coast. Carl, being a lazy fucker, never bothered learning to drive and both sets of our parents didn’t want to have to make the journey a whole bunch of times, leaving me to hire a van for all our stuff.

“Thank you, Sam,” Jess said as she climbed into the van between Carl and me. “My Mum already took me down once and didn’t want to make the journey again just so I could bring a few extra things.”

“It’s alright babe. Sam doesn’t mind,” Carl cut in before I could say anything. “We’re making the same journey, so it makes sense!”

I bit my tongue. Yes, it was the same journey, but I’d already made it once yesterday and once again already today and wanted to get it out of the way, instead of wasting daylight waiting for Jess to get ready. On top of all that, I was pretty sure she could drive herself.

“Yeah, no problem,” I said grudgingly, trying to smile. “We probably don’t have to worry too much about traffic at this time.”

“You alright driving this big thing down the motorway at night?” Jess asked, actual incredulity visible on her face.

“Yeah, of course. This journey’s burned into my brain now,” I replied.

Jess looked like she had ‘got ready’ just for this journey. Her makeup seemed to be done to perfection, from what I could tell as a lad who didn’t tend to wear makeup. Her clothes looked fresh and clean, and her blonde hair was tied back into twin braids. She even smelt fresh.

Compared to Carl, who was wearing sweat-stained clothes fit for moving furniture around, like it felt like we had been doing for the last eternity, she looked like a princess with her manservant.

“What’s so funny?” Carl asked me.

“Hey, Jess. You going out somewhere?” I said gesturing at her as if to say ‘all this’ to Carl.

“What? When we’re down?” She smiled. “Yeah, Abby… do you know Abby? Anyway, my friend Abby knows a good pub that she wants to show me, where drinks don’t cost an arm and a leg.”

“How? Don’t you need to finish moving all your stuff in? Ours is basically shoved into the entrance hallway. It’s going to take hours to get it all sorted.” Carl complained.

“Abby got someone to help out. All I need to do is organise my stuff,” Jess said, looking at her phone. “Should we go? It’s getting a bit late.”

The drive down was easy. It was getting dark by the time we hit the motorway and dark by the time we could see signs to our destination. Carl and Jess were talking together for most of the beginning of the journey. I was happy to zone out and focus on the drive.

Eventually, I noticed that they were silent. Or, mostly silent. I could hear Carl breathing heavily, but I could only see him from my periphery. Jess was tapping away on her phone. I glanced over to see Carl sleeping, his head tilted back and against the corner where the window met the headrest to his seat.

As I looked over, the brightness from Jess’s phone caught my attention and my gaze passed over it on the way back to the road. It was only a quick glance, but there was a lot of the colour of bare flesh glowing out of the screen. She must have noticed me moving my head, as she quickly flipped her phone over and beamed up at me.

“Carl tells me you’ve been friends forever,” she smiled sweetly. “Why?”

“Why?” I repeated, trying to work out what she was asking. “Why are we friends?”

“Yeah. You don’t look like the type to hang around him.”

“I could say the same about you!”

The words spilled out before my brain could process them.

“What does that mean?” She snapped, although it didn’t seem to be aggressive.

“I mean…” I began, trying to phrase it non-offensively. “You’re hot. He’s, not exactly a model, is he? As lovely as he is.”

She just laughed. The corners of her clear blue eyes creasing in amusement.

“He’s handsome. He just doesn’t take care of his appearance as much as some others,” she started. “And he’s really nice, and helpful and wonderful. Yeah, he could exercise a bit more, get a haircut and get some clothes that he hasn’t had since he was fifteen, but he’s not bad!”

I gave her credit. She seemed to be genuinely interested in him. Although, I should have known that seeing as they had been together for the last year. I had been critical of his looks to her, but she was clearly attracted to him, even if that was partially at his potential rather than as he was now.

“Have you never tried to help him?” She continued. “You obviously care about your looks.”

Somehow, I couldn’t tell if that was an insult or a compliment.

“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Fishing for compliments?” She said fulsomely. “You know what I mean. You’re fit, and I mean that in both senses of the word, and part of that is because you know how to work with what you’ve got.”

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and was glad I was looking at the road instead of her face at that moment.

“Yeah, I’ve always ragged on at him to try a bit more. But that’s not how he works and I’m not going to make him change. I love him how he is,” My words almost nauseated even myself.

Jess’s laughter tinkled through the van.

We continued talking, while Carl slept, for the rest of the journey. It turns out that she was nice, and I liked her. Shocking.


The following day, while Carl and I slaved over trying to stuff everything from both of our rooms at home into a “suite” that was smaller than either of them individually, I asked him about Jess.

“Why’ve you kept her away from me before?” I asked, both of us trying to manoeuvre the same bed closer to the wall.

“My bed? My bed has a gender?” He looked up at me in puzzlement.

“Sorry, I think I had the beginning of that conversation in my head.” I apologised. “I meant Jess. Why have you kept her separate from our friendship group?”

“Oh,” he stuttered. “I just- It wasn’t a priority. The boxes just didn’t overlap.”

“I got to know her a bit better last night. She didn’t seem like a good fit for you before, but after talking to her a bit more, I think she is,” I smiled at him.

He dropped the corner of the bed suddenly, causing me to jump.

“Sorry!” He said, before looking at me strangely. “What do you mean by that? The fit thing?”

I thought quickly. I had clearly offended him slightly but couldn’t think of a way to backpedal.

“As I said, I didn’t really know her,” I began, thinking frantically. “She seemed a bit stuck up. But I was wrong.”

Carl nodded.

“Yeah. Okay. Sorry,” he said, pushing the bed further.

I think I must have struck a nerve.

“Well, with us living together now, then you’ll probably see her a bit more. So yeah…” He trailed off.


We had a week before term started, so took the time to familiarise ourselves with the city and with our cohort and neighbours. The bars down here were eye-wateringly expensive without using student discounts, so oftentimes we’d simply stock up at a local shop and head back to someone’s dorm/room/suite/flat to lubricate our social cogs.

It was the Friday before term began that we ended up at Jess and Abby’s with our bounty. They had somehow secured a flat in a student house, rather than in halls like Carl and I, and the whole house seemed to be partying tonight. I recognised a face or two from our halls, but other than Jess and Carl, I didn’t know anyone here.

Some of the residents must have been engineering or computing students, as various lights around the house seemed to pulse in different colours in rhythm with the music and I doubted any student would have enough money to buy a system that worked like that.

“Hey, you must be Sam,” a girl with skin that looked almost the colour of burnished copper in the strange lights said to me.

“Hi,” I began, looking for Carl, who had been at my side just a moment ago. “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”

I looked at her, trying to see if I could place her face.

She had large dark eyes that looked both green and brown in the lights. Her hair was loosely curled and tied in kind of pigtails, although curls from her fringe hung down over parts of her face. When the lights flashed a certain colour, I could see her hair was dyed purple towards the tips and gradually faded to brown. I wondered how that would look in a solid light. Her nose was a little wide, but not large, and her mouth followed suit with plump full lips.

She wore a subtle orange cropped blouse that showed off a pierced navel on a flat stomach above tight blue jeans.

She laughed, the expression lighting up her face.

“Carl’s with Jess, if you couldn’t guess,” she smiled. “I’m Abby. Jess’s friend and flatmate.”

“Ah! I’ve heard about you,” I said, immediately regretting my choice of words.

“You have?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

“Only good things, I promise!” I smiled. “Well… Mostly good.”

She laughed at that, relieving me.

“I’m pretty sure Carl can teleport or something. He was right here a second ago.” I stated

“Yeah, Jess has that effect on men,” Her eyes widened and she brought a hand to her mouth. “‘Had’. I meant ‘had’.”

“That would have sounded a lot more innocent if you hadn’t had the slight breakdown,” I laughed.

If I’d heard that a week ago, I would probably have been concerned for him. But after talking to Jess about Carl, I didn’t think he needed to be worried.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you,” she said awkwardly. “I’m going to look for a Jack so I can get remove this foot from my mouth.”

“Let me know if you find one, I’ll be sure to need it at some point tonight too,” I smiled at her and let her wander off.

A little while later, I found my way back to Carl.

“Oi! I got Jess to point you out to Abby and you blew it. She thinks you’re not interested in her,” he frantically spewed out.

“She seemed a bit flustered and I wasn’t drunk enough to say something stupid enough to help,” I shrugged.

“Well, now would be a perfect time to go and say something stupid,” Jess interjected from next to Carl. “She’s getting hit on by creeps and she’s already slept with one of them in an effort to get them to go away.”

“Wow, she’s been busy. It’s not even ten,” I replied.

Jess burst out laughing.

“Not tonight, you idiot,” she said, punching me lightly on the arm. “Now go. Babe, make sure he doesn’t mess it up.”

I walked over towards where Abby stood in a wide doorframe, surrounded by guys. She seemed to be having fun; a broad smile split her face at least, so I was reluctant to interrupt. I felt a hand on my back, gently guiding me forward and Carl was at my side.

Suddenly, we were in the group. We must have interrupted something the conversation as they were all silent now.

“Hey Abby, Sam was just expressing his surprise that he never ran into you at Atlantis back home,” Carl blurted out.

I had no idea what he was talking about, but Abby seemed to smile at him before turning to me.

“Oh my god, Sam! Me and the girlies were there all the time! That’s insane that we never saw you! Do you know Imran? The bouncer. He let us in without ID just because J- Jo flashed him her tits once.”

“Jo?” Carl asked.

“You girls like to party? Why don’t you show us what you’ve got?” One of the guys, a small one with short spiky hair, spoke over Carl.

“Yeah, I know Imran. He’s a good lad. Think he’s been hit in the head one too many times though, you get me?” I said, ignoring the other guy.

Abby laughed. Carl smiled and turned to go back to Jess.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. You-” Abby began.

“Do all your mates put out like you?” One of the guys, a big lad that was probably handsome if he didn’t look so dull, asked.

I saw Carl freeze, and both his and Abby’s expressions mirrored what I could feel on my own face as we all turned to look at him. It wasn’t even what he had said that was so offensive, but the way he spoke as well.

The lad who hadn’t spoken since I’d got there shook his head and just walked off with the same look of mixed disbelief and disgust on his face. The smaller one grinned lecherously.

“Yeah Annie, Derek said you was easy to get into bed, and it sounds like your friends might be too. I don’t mind sloppy seconds,” he smiled at her, as if unable to comprehend what he was saying might be taken badly. “What about the hot one with the huge tits?”

He turned to look around the room, clutching the doorframe for support.

“She’s your roommate, right? Derek said she-” He stopped when I stepped in front of him.

“You’re being rude. Get out,” I demanded of the little guy.

“This ain’t your house, mate,” The big dull one said.

“Doesn’t matter. I doubt anyone would want either of you here the way you’re talking. Get out,” I repeated.

“Yeah, fuck off,” Carl said, stepping beside me.

I considered whether I’d acted a bit too impetuously, but Abby seemed mortified, and these wankers kept pushing.

The first hit caught me square in the jaw. I had my eyes on the big guy, so when the little one rammed his fist into the side of my face, I felt my head jolt to the right. Fortunately, the big guy did exactly what I was expecting and pulled his arm back in a wide arc, perfectly telegraphing that he was about to punch me. I pulled my knee up into his groin and watched him fold over into a heap — anything worth fighting for is worth fighting dirty for.

I turned to the other guy, but Carl was already holding his arms to the side while he tried to kick anything he could reach.

“Get out, before you embarrass yourselves anymore,” Abby said, stepping up to my right.

“Slut!” The little guy spat.

“You know what?” Abby raised her voice at him. “Yeah. I like to fuck. Who doesn’t? You’re using that word as an insult because you can’t get laid. That doesn’t even make sense. With your attitude, you won’t get laid. You’re a pathetic little bitch who needs to re-evaluate how to talk to people, let alone women.”

I noticed a few people looking our way, but most of the party was continuing on as if nothing had happened.

“Now get out of my flat,” she said with finality and stood aside.

Carl let go of him and stood next to her. I followed suit and hoped they would get the picture.

The smaller guy grabbed the big one by the arm and started pulling him, which seemed to be a difficult endeavour as the big guy dragged his feet, groaning. The smaller guy stared daggers at us the whole time, which felt like a considerable duration before they finally stepped out of the front door.

Carl let out a sigh as Jess walked quickly over, biting her lip. I couldn’t help but notice her breasts bouncing ahead of her as she marched towards us. I hadn’t noticed how revealing her outfit when I’d seen her briefly a minute ago.

“Come with me,” she commanded, pulling Carl by the top of his shirt.

He went without a second glance, muttering something about “dickheads”.

“Sorry about that,” Abby said, tears in her eyes.

“What are you sorry for?” I replied. “They were being rude. That’s not on you… and I think I may have escalated that needlessly.”

“I don’t know,” She responded, pursing her lips.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, looking around. The people closest seemed to have gone back to their conversations.

“Thanks. I know you and Carl were trying to help,” she said eventually. “I need to fix my make-up.”

“Can I come?” I asked. “I don’t really know anyone else here, and I think people might be a bit wary of me after that display…”

She seemed to blush, pausing, and considering. Then she smiled and gestured me to follow her.

As she turned, I noticed how her jeans seemed to adhere to her bum like another layer of skin. Wow, I had never considered myself an “ass man” before, but maybe that was just because I’d never seen one like this, perfectly round, yet tight. I would swear the denim jiggled as she walked.

“You coming?” She asked from down the hallway.

I blushed as I caught her eye. She knew what I’d been doing.

“Err… Yeah, sorry,” was all I could muster out in way of response.

Twenty seconds and a slightly awkward walk later and we were in her room.

“Sorry, it’s a bit cramped in here,” Abby said, sitting down on her bed.

“Wow. Not at all,” I replied.

Her room was bigger than the one I shared with Carl, and I was surprised she had it to herself. I had been under the impression that she roomed with Jess.

I saw myself in a full-length mirror next to the door. My face had a red mark where I had been hit, but otherwise I looked fine, if a bit dishevelled. My short dark hair was drooping from where it was styled back, leaving me with some spikes of fringe that didn’t quite reach my eyes. I tried to push these out of the way and smoothed my t-shirt, which seemed to have shrunk again; squeezing tight against my body and leaving little of my torso to the imagination, and the fabric of the sleeves almost straining around my biceps.

She chuckled as she picked up what looked like a pencil case and started rooting through it and I sat down next to her.

“The bigger one of those guys: Derek, his name was,” she began, pulling out a pencil and tiny mirror. “I met him last weekend with Jess. He was with a different group and seemed totally different to tonight. But maybe he was just drunk and overconfident.”

She began looking at herself in the mirror and running the pencil across her eye.

“Him and his mates ended up back here and they were talking him up, telling us what a big dick he had and that sort of thing. Although, they were all trying to impress us with whatever,” she sighed, dabbing at her eye. “I was curious, and they seemed fun. He was attractive and seemed into me. So, I slept with him. Clearly, he thought that meant I’m easy.”

“You don’t have to explain,” I interrupted. “Some people are just idiots. I know back home I’ve had friends stop talking to me because I slept with people… And anyway, if you were easy then so was he.”

I shrugged. Not really sure what I was saying. My head had begun to fog up from the alcohol.

“Yeah, Jess said Carl had a friend like u- me,” she laughed. “She meant it in an endearing way. At least I think she did. So, you get it, but some people just don’t see the double standard.”

“That’s funny, Carl said Jess had a friend I’d get along with due to our common interests,” I laughed back. “I didn’t realise that enjoying sex was a defining trait.”

We both giggled, eyes locked together until a moment later; we were interrupted by a moaning noise. Abby mock grimaced.

“The walls here aren’t exactly thick…” she said. “That’s Jess’s room.”

“Ah. So that would be where she dragged Carl off to.”

“Yeah, she had them horny eyes on. I knew she was up to no good.”

The silence between us dragged on almost to awkwardness, punctuated by the moans from next door.

“Should we-”

“Maybe we-”

We both spoke at the same time, then simultaneously gestured for the other to speak.

Eventually, Abby burst out laughing.

“I was going to say, it’s a bit weird just sitting here and listening to this,” she said through a grin.

Feeling a bit of confidence from how easily we were getting along, not to mention the adrenaline from kneeing a prick in the nuts and the drink I’d been heartily imbibing in, I did something stupid.

“We don’t need to listen,” I smirked. “Why don’t we drown them out?”

A flurry of expressions ran across Abby’s face as pink glow rose to her cheeks. She brushed a strand of curly hair from her face and looked back up at me again, a smile on her face. I knew she had understood the suggestion.

“No? Sorry. That was not a smart thing to say,” I grinned, hoping her smile meant that I’d done no harm.

“I didn’t think you were into me,” she said, chewing part of her thick bottom lip.

“I mean… I’m willing to be…” I groaned inwardly at the stupidity of the words that had just tumbled out of my mouth.

Abby raised her hands to her mouth and almost guffawed. I couldn’t help but laugh too, feeling a blush creeping over my cheeks.

“Don’t say another thing, or I’ll change my mind,” Abby said when she finally got her laughing under control.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and leaned in towards me, biting her lip. Her lips met mine with a soft peck, before she pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“You sure you want to get with a slut?” She asked, smile reaching her eyes.

“You tell me,” I smiled back.

She exhaled a small laugh then leaned back in, kissing me deeper this time, locking our lips together. She tasted of peppermint.

She moved her body closer to me on the bed and I felt her hands run up my back, sending a shiver up my spine. I reciprocated, placing one of my hands on her waist, feeling her skin against the palm of it.

She pushed me down, pressing my back against the bed and straddled me. She began running both her hands up my chest, then pulled me back up and into her kiss, her hands running through my hair and along my back again.

I slid my hands around her, just above the hips, wrapping them around her whole waist with ease. I gently caressed upwards to where the fabric of her top tickled them. I continued upwards, gently, with one hand to see if she would stop me, but there was no resistance, so my hand resumed straight on until it cupped the soft mound of flesh on her chest; clearly, she wasn’t wearing a bra.

She gasped and kissed me deeper, forcing her tongue into my mouth. Her hands tore at my top, flinging it off me almost violently, and then they began to run over my bare skin before she pulled back.

“Oh,” she said, looking down at me with a surprised smile on her face. “You must go to the gym.”

I followed her gaze to my torso. I was fit but wouldn’t have considered myself “big”: My abs were clearly visible, and my pecs were large and firm, but not like body builder level or anything like that.

“I try to keep active,” I said, cheesy grin deployed. “The bed’s a good place to keep fit.”

She snorted.

“You know what, Carl was right. Your defining trait does seem to be that you’re a little ho,” she laughed.

I gave a face of mock offense and pulled her closer to me, locking our lips together again. Within moments, I could feel my manhood stiffening. I pressed both of my hands under her top, squeezing at her breasts, before getting annoyed with the angle and beginning to lift it up entirely.

She pulled away briefly and quickly whipped it off, dropping it carelessly on the floor behind her. Before she pounced back onto me, I took in the full majesty of her topless body. In this light, her skin was still dark, but more caramel than the copper from out in the hallway. Her breasts were small, yet firm and perky; each one could easily be covered fully with each hand. her nipples were small and puffy and brown, seemingly inverted. Below her breasts, her stomach was flat and clearly toned in the position she was in.

“Wow, you must go to the gym,” I repeated back to her, unable to keep the smile from my lips.

“Shut up,” she ordered, pushing her face against mine again.

The sights and sensations had greatly exacerbated the blood flow to my penis, which now pressed violently against my trousers, yearning for freedom. When Abby pulled away from my kiss, her centre of balance shifted and I felt her grind down against it, causing it to react. Her eyebrows shot up and her smile turned mischievous.

“That was easy,” she said, swaying her hips like a belly dancer and pushing her crotch against my own.

I couldn’t think of a reply, so while she was pulled away from kissing me, I leaned forward to take one of her nipples into my mouth. It was already more ‘pokey’ than when she first took off her top, but it seemed to get harder as I gently sucked on it.

“Oh, that feels good,” she sighed.

I didn’t know if she was talking about my mouth, or her grinding, so I continued. I switched between both of her nipples, caressing my hands across her body and the breast that I wasn’t running my mouth over.

“I assume you have a condom,” she said, her words coming out a little flustered.

“You know me so well,” I mocked. “You want to get right to it?”

“I’m really fucking horny now,” she said, the blush in her cheeks and dilation of her eyes was enough to convince me of that. “Usually, I’d want to show you my mastery of head game and all that stuff. Make you beg for it. But right now, I want you to fuck me.”

Those words were enough foreplay for me. If my dick wasn’t already straining at the fabric of my jeans, it definitely was now.

Abby swung her leg back over me and stood up next to the bed, fiddling with the button on her jeans. I watched, hypnotised as she began to peel them from her legs. As she pulled them down, her buttocks spilled out over the top, tight against where the fabric still pushed against them. Once her entire bum was on show, I realised she was wearing a thong that had been pretty much consumed by her thick cheeks.

“What?” She asked, looking at me with a quizzical smile.

“I… Wow,” I said, any charisma and wit seemingly drained entirely from me by the sight.

“Why are you still dressed?” She demanded, bending down and peeling her trousers the rest of the way off.

I rushed to my feet and hurriedly undid my belt enough to pull my trousers off without bothering with the button or zip. I pulled them off, managing to catch all my underwear in the same clumsy motion. The whole time, my eyes were glued to the body in front of me; most of the girls I’d been with had been nice to look at, but none had really had features they could model like this.

I stood in silence, suddenly aware that noises from next door were still happening. That sent an involuntary pang to my penis as a sudden flash of Jess’s tits swinging in time with her moans ran through my mind. I watched Abby rise from where she had finally disrobed entirely. She uncoiled sinuously, with a sexy grace that I hadn’t noticed before.

“Oh my, where were you hiding that?” She asked, turning to look at me.

I suddenly felt self-conscious; standing naked in a girl I’d only known for a few hours’ room in front of said girl who was objectively beautiful with an impressive physique. Before I had a chance to think of a response, she had stepped right up to me and wrapped one of her hands around it, the other reaching around my back and pulling me towards her.

I lent down and kissed her, all the while feeling her hand sliding up and down my literally throbbing cock.

“Condom?” She whispered.

“Oh, yeah.” I replied and pulled away to find my trousers. I hunted through the pockets, finally finding what I was after.

I turned to find her laying back on the bed, her legs open and inviting. I couldn’t resist the temptation and knelt between her thighs as I fiddled with the wrapper in my hand.

“What are youuuu…” She cut off as she got her answer.

My hands were busy trying to unwrap the condom and then wrap my cock in it, so my mouth attacked her pussy with a carelessness and lust that I wasn’t prepared for. I pressed my lips to hers and slipped my tongue between them, drawing it upwards in long sticky strokes.

Her moans were answer enough to reassure me that I had to be doing something right.

After what had to be less than a couple of minutes of this, my dick was wrapped and ready for action. But, I was enjoying what I was doing to her, so I decided to have a little bit of fun first.

I brought my hands up, the left grabbing her hip while I slowly slid the fingers of my right hand into her below where my tongue darted across her clit.

“Oh fuck!” Abby gasped, surprise muted by a hint of pleasure.

I hooked my fingers, feeling around as I gently slid them in and out of her. Her breathing had quickened, and sweet little moans escaped her throat some of the times I thrust into her. A deeper gasp accompanied the graze of my fingers against a slightly ridged area inside of her that felt like it could have been the other side of where my tongue was pressed to her clit.

“Oh shit!” She moaned as I massaged it in time with my tongue strokes.

Within moments, she had grabbed the back of my head with one hand, pulling me tight against her and making it harder to breath, let alone lick. I didn’t let up though, increasing the pressure of the strokes my fingers were delivering.

“Ah! Oh! Aahh! Aah- Fu…”

Her legs pulled up and tightened against the sides of my head, muting everything. A moment later, I felt her shudder. Her moans were muffled, but it sounded like she was taking quick sharp breaths until suddenly she tightened up even more; her hand grabbed my hair and seemed to try and push my head away and hold it close at the same time, pulling it far enough away that she could slam her legs closed together. I felt her pussy contract on my fingers tight enough to force me out.

“Oh FUCK!” She almost screamed as her body was wracked with tremors.

I sat in place where she held me, until she visibly relaxed, her limbs dropping to the bed.

“I told you to fuck me,” she eventually said, breathlessly.

I grinned. Her face was almost incandescent in its blush. She looked away from me as if embarrassed suddenly.

“Come on then,” she invited, opening her legs again but still keeping her face turned away.

I crawled forward on the bed, grabbing my achingly hard cock in left hand.

“Wait,” she blurted out suddenly.

She reached over and took my right hand by the wrist, pulling it towards her, me along with it.

“Now fuck me,” she ordered, pulling the fingers that were still slick from her into her mouth.

Somehow, my cock reacted even more at this; I felt a bout of precum flow out as it stiffened into steel.

“Fuck yes,” I breathed out.

With my left hand, I positioned my cock between her legs, pushing against her labia. I moved my hips forward, and my cock pushed onward, parting her and driving into her.

“Fuuuck…” We both said, her words distorted by my fingers.

I continued pressing, and the head of my cock disappeared inside her, causing her to gasp.

“Fuck!” She moaned, taking my fingers from her mouth. “Slowly!”

Now that my glans was in her, the rest was easy. I slowly moved my hips back and forth, sliding in and out with each thrust, pushing in a little more each time and never pulling out entirely. Each thrust was met with a moan from her throat and a squeeze on my arm.

“Fuck! How much more of you is there?” She asked, after a few minutes. “You’re not pushing against me.”

She was right, I had been going slowly and had probably got an inch or so to go before our pelvises would meet.

“Fine, I’ll give you everything,” I replied.

I pulled back one last time and thrust in fully, feeling my short pubes press up against the naked flesh of her pubic mound.

“Oh my god!” She exhaled.

I just smiled apologetically, looking into her eyes, and continued thrusting.

Now that I was fully inside her, I decided that I probably wasn’t going to accidentally hurt her, so could speed up. Now that I had both hands back, I repositioned into a full missionary position on top of her, gently holding on to her side with one hand, the other keeping my weight from crushing her.

I upped the tempo and her reaction was immediate. Where she had been letting out noises of pleasure that were little more than sighs before, deep moans were now being driven out of her with each thrust.

“Oh, fuck me!” She moaned. “Harder! Please fuck me!”

Each time I thrust into her; her pert little breasts would bounce back towards her face, but the rest of her body seemed to be toned enough to barely jiggle. I leaned down to take one of her puffy nipples in my mouth.

“Yes!” She groaned. “Oh, fuck yes!”

I continued thrusting, occasionally taking her breasts into my mouth to play with her nipples. Her moans and noises of ecstasy continued, getting louder and louder. I suddenly remembered there was a party going on outside her room and realised everyone might be able to hear us if she kept this up.

I didn’t care enough to stop. She felt so good, and my drunk brain wasn’t selfless enough to get in the way of some pleasure, so I began kissing her to dampen the noises.

I pressed my lips to hers and she immediately pushed back, sliding her tongue into my mouth. Had she been wanting this? I didn’t know, but I was into it, immediately forgetting why I’d been kissing her in the first place, I fully committed to the deep, wet kisses of passion; biting, sucking, kissing against lips, tongue, and neck.

I had inadvertently sped up in the throes of passion. I was hammering into her now; thrusting deep inside her a few times a second.

“Keep going!” She managed to say through gasps of pleasure. “Keep fucking…”

Her body writhed under my own. Her hands grabbed my arm and back, clawing and stroking and grasping. She raised one of her legs, trying to wrap it around me and create a different angle.

The slight change in position must have been good for her because she cried out in pleasure.

“Oh! Ahhh-” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Just-”

Abby screwed her eyes shut and threw her head back against the bed, mouth slightly agape. Her body started to writhe against my own in perfect synchronisation, pulling us together faster and faster. I could feel myself getting close, so tried to slow down.

“Sam!” She shouted breathlessly. “Don’t fucking…”

I got the message and continued on, fighting the urge to finish so soon.

Our bodies pounded together, hers lifting away from the bed with each thrust. Her face was a mask of pleasure and concentration, yet she made no noise other than quiet grunts as our bodies collided. A sheen of sweat seemed to cover her, slicking some of her hair to her face and highlighting her abs in the light.

I let out an unconscious moan.

“Oh fuck. You feel so good,” I quickly said, trying to cover up the sound.

Abby stiffened, pushing her body into mine, trapping my cock deep within her. I couldn’t pull back, so I pushed forward driving her back down and into the bed. She gripped me with rigid limbs, preventing me from pulling back out. I continued thrusting, but her body was wrapped around mine, so I effectively just lifted her up and slammed her into the bed a handful of times before simply pressing down into her.

She took in a trembling breath, then let out a cry of pleasure. Her head tilted back, and her eyes closed tightly.

Her body shuddered, even as it held me close. Her cry dwindled to a moan, and then a long sigh, as the spasms subsided.

“Am I good?” She looked up at me, eyes glinting mischievously. “You don’t need to hide your pleasure from me. It was sexy.”

I felt my cheeks flush. It was embarrassing to moan as a guy.

“Err… Yeah… You’re amazing…” I stuttered out. “That doesn’t usually happen…”

She laughed, wiping her hair from her face. Her eyes were bright, and her cheeks had taken on a healthy glow.

“I want you to fuck me from behind,” she demanded.

I celebrated inwardly. Physically, her arse was phenomenal; big and round, yet tight. Her jeans were moulded to it earlier, like a sculpture, and the glimpse I caught of it showed me that even without the support of tight clothes, it was a sight to behold. However, I was aware that I had almost cum just moments ago… I didn’t know whether I’d be able to hold it in if it was as good as I was imagining it to be.

“Hell yeah,” I gave my assent.

Abby pulled away from me, rolled over and fluidly elevated herself onto all fours lengthways on the bed. She looked at me and smiled.

“What are you waiting for?” She asked, cocking her head.

“Just savouring this,” I replied, shuffling to get into position behind her.

“Hey,” she said, looking back over her shoulder at me. “I think we drowned them out. I can’t hear them anymore.”

It took a second for me to understand what she was saying. I could no longer hear Jess moaning through the wall. Another image of her big tits, glazed in cum, rose unbidden in my mind and I pushed it down.

“Well, they did start first,” I shrugged, swallowing.

“She’s normally going for longer than that,” Abby stated.

“You timing her?” I asked, finally positioned behind her.

I wasn’t disappointed in the view. Looking down on her, she seemed to be heart shaped. Her narrow waist flared out into wide hips and soft cheeks that were the perfect balance of firm and soft. My hands almost sunk into them as I grabbed her.

“Just a healthy bit of competition,” Abby giggled, looking back over her shoulder at me.

I pushed her legs apart slightly, getting onto my knees behind her. When I pushed the head of my cock against her, she gasped.

“Fuck me, Sam,” she demanded again.

I grasped her hip with on hand, using the other to guide my cock into her. There was less resistance than last time.

“Oh yeah…” She said, her voice barely more than a whisper, turning her head away from me.

I placed my now free hand on the side of her arse, stroking and kneading it as I began with gentle strokes in and out.

Even gentle, each thrust cause ripples across her bum and up to her waist. I shivered in pleasure, watching the way her body reacted to me.

Her caramel skin glistened with sweat as it swayed and caught the light. Her curly hair was dishevelled where it had been tied up before, and strands of wild purple hung over the top of her back and down the side of her neck.

“Oh fuck,” Abby moaned.

“You look so good,” I responded, trying to keep my voice steady.

I knew I wouldn’t last long. The sight of her body bouncing back and forth in response to my thrusts had pushed me to my limits. Her gasps of pleasure and words of ‘encouragement’ were chipping away at any semblance of control I thought I had, and I was already close to the brink before getting into this position.

I sped up, causing our bodies to make a clapping sound as they crashed together. Her moans of pleasure were honey to my ears.

“I can’t last long with you like this,” I said, the pleasure in my voice evident.

“Good,” Abby said, her voice ragged. “Just keep fucking me. Cum inside me.”

Those words were the final straw. I lost my composure. I gripped her hips in both hands and began to pound her as if my life depended on it.

The slap of skin on skin must have been audible not just to Carl and Jess next door, but to the whole party, but I didn’t care. I needed this.

Her arse rippled with each stroke, the shockwaves travelling up to her tight midriff. Her hands clawed at the bed until she gave up trying to support herself.

“Oh my god!” She cried, collapsing forwards.

Face against the bed, hands grabbing the duvet in a white-knuckle grip to each side of her head, she arched her back.

I let out something between a growl and a moan of pleasure at the feeling.

“Too d-” She cried out again, but her words cut off into moans as I continued to thrust into her.

My balls began to tingle, and pleasure welled up deep inside me, building somewhere beyond the base of my cock.

“I’m close,” I managed, before groaning.

“Cum for me!” I picked out the words in a string of incomprehensible noises of pleasure coming from her.

I continued, my heart hammering in my ears, every stroke an injection of delight. Then the tension released, and I felt the pleasure explode out of me.

My control gone, I pulled her hips towards me with all the strength I had left as I thrust into her a final handful of times, before burying myself to the hilt in her elevated pussy, groaning in pleasure.

“Fuck…” I sighed in ecstasy; the words almost drowned out by Abby’s cries of pleasure.

I felt shaking and couldn’t tell whether it was me or Abby. Her subsiding moans told me it could have been her.

I felt the strength ebb away from me as relief and release flooded through me. I slowly collapsed forward with Abby, pressing her onto the bed, and laid still, feeling our heartbeats.


Later, when we’d cleaned up and awkwardly avoided eye contact with any party guests who may have overheard, we both returned to her room.

“Should you and Jess be locked away in your rooms? This is your party after all.” I asked.

“Oh, it’s fine. The whole house is partying, not just our flat. The upstairs neighbour was in the kitchen just now, so it’s all good. I don’t even know half the people here.”

“Fair enough,” I said, laying back on her bed, now fully clothed again.

“That was fun,” Abby said over a handheld mirror that she was using to tidy up her hair. “But don’t get any ideas.”

“Too good for me?” I smirked.

“Hah. Not funny. Not what I meant,” she regarded me. “This was just a one off, yeah?”

“Ah, if I’d known that, I would have gone all out,” I sighed, feigning a melancholic expression.

“That wasn’t all out?” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“Well, sort of. I wouldn’t have been so quick if I knew this was the only chance I’d have to impress you.”

My feigned melancholic expression suddenly felt a bit real.

“I’m not into relationships. Not now,” she stated, as if that was a response.

“I thought you knew all about me. You should know I’m not the relationship type,” I countered.

“Hmm…” She looked thoughtful. “Relationships can sneak up on you though… So, it’s not a good idea.”

“Are you sure you’re going to be able to resist my charms?” I fluttered my eyes at her. “We’ll probably be seeing a lot of each other as our roommates-slash-best-friends are together.”

She smiled back at me.

“I’m sure I’ll cope,” she crinkled her nose in laughter at me.


It turns out she couldn’t: We returned to the party, briefly, but spent the rest of the night in Abby’s room, making up for the first performance. The next morning, as I was walking along the road away from their house share, trying to drown out a massive hangover, I felt my arm tugged.

I looked around in surprise to see Carl. He was out of breath and looked a bit miffed. Had he been calling out to me?

“Oh. Sorry. Head,” I pointed at my head, as if to explain the situation.

“So, you stayed too?” Carl grinned up at me.

I nodded, thinking it would be less painful than talking. I was wrong. I grimaced.

“Told you you’d get on with Abby,” he said, smile splitting his face almost from ear to ear.

He had no right to be so chirpy at this time of morning.

“Jess dragged you away quickly,” I responded. “Last night. You were suddenly gone. I had no choice.”

He laughed.

“No choice?” He raised an eyebrow. “Yeah… Jess was suddenly insatiable! I don’t know what came over her. Maybe it was just the adrenaline from those knobheads, but damn.”

I mused on that, and we walked along in blessed silence for a while. I imagined her riding Carl, her breasts uncontained and flailing wildly.

I shook my head to clear the intrusive thought, and then clenched my jaw in the pain that caused.

“Erm… Sam,” Carl began, falteringly. “I think, maybe we should go out together more. All of us. It… had a good effect on Jess.”

“Mmhmm,” I mumbled, not really following.

Carl half smiled at that.

“Right, let’s get you home. I think we’ve got some coconut water. That’s supposed to help with hangovers. I think,” he beamed as we walked back to our digs together.

I look back on these days and wonder if things would have been different if I had paid more attention at the time.

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