Boating Holiday by islandic

I felt my cock head rub along her slit and her moisture lube the head then stop and nudge her entrance. She must have felt something because she sighed and wriggled a bit to get more comfortable and then it slipped in and the head was lodged inside my daughter’s young teen pussy. She rested her head on my chest and sighed. “Love you Daddy.”

Oh my God. She must have been awake the whole time. Was it her hand that had been stroking me? Knowing this made me harder, knowing that she was OK with this happening. I couldn’t hold her because my shoulders were pinned down by the twin’s heads. The twins! Were they also awake and knew what I was doing? I looked to my left and saw two blue eyes looking back at me. Sandy kissed my lips and cuddled closer. I looked to my right and found two big blue eyes looking at Bess and kissing her mouth and Bess returning the kiss. I heard, “Thank you for helping he wouldn’t have gone this far without your help.” And they kissed again. Yes I felt used but in a good way, you know, happy to help in any way that I could and I pushed up into my little girl’s pussy, she sat up and rode me for the next 20 minutes till she came in a big way, shaking and shuddering and releasing a torrent of girl juice onto my cock. She slowly slipped off and Sandy took her place and we fucked for while till she came and Shelly hopped on board and we ended up Cumming together with the help of both Bess and Sandy sucking on her tiny tits.

It was 0500 when I woke to find that it was just me and Bess in bed together. She was lying there just watching me sleep. As I opened my eyes she leant over and kissed me. “Just in case you’re worried, were all on the pill. OK?” I hadn’t stopped to think of that last night. Typical bloke but in my defense nothing was planned by me last night.

“Do you want some coffee?” asked Bess.

“Oh yes. That would be lovely. Thank you.” And with that she hopped up and took off towards the galley, still naked from last night. I got up and used the head and slipped into my Speedos and met her and Celeste both naked in the galley. Celeste had a whole lot of toast made and Bess was pouring out mugs of coffee. Celeste took one up to Dave at the helm and I heard him give her a wolf whistle and she came back down giggling.

Next Ben came out of his cabin and he was naked. He was looking down till Celeste saw him and told him to get over here and make himself a coffee, which he did and joined us at the table. “I told Dad that he should go naked for the rest of the trip and he agreed didn’t you Dad.”” Yes.” he said.

We all laughed at his meek manner in front of his daughter. She sat there casually talking to us all while stroking her Dads cock under the table. She didn’t try to hide the fact and he leant back and let it happen in front of us all. Sandy and Shelly looked on waiting for the expected end. But Celeste stopped just as it looked like he was about to pop and said that she was going up on deck to sun herself. “It’s your turn to go on watch isn’t it Dad?’ she said and went up the stairs. We watched as he got up with his cock waving in the air as he moved off to take up the watch.

Dave came back down and he had a look of surprise on his face. “Ben just relieved me on watch and he had a hard on and Celeste is naked. Is this going to be a great cruise from now on or what” and we all laughed. Dave got himself a coffee and retired to his cabin for some well earned sleep. He dropped his shorts before entering and his girls ran off after him. We heard laughing and giggling coming from their cabin.

That left Bess and me. I said “I’m going to make a light breakfast for myself and then check the weather for our next leg of the cruise.” I said as I dropped my costume and kicked it out of the way. “Do you want anything?”

Bess looked at my semi hard cock and smiled. “No thanks Dad I might go up on deck and take in some sun with Celeste.” And off she went. I couldn’t take my eyes of her cute bum and remember the feel of her pussy from last night as she mounted the stairs. As she got to the top she paused and looked over her shoulder at me and wiggled her bum. I blew her a kiss and hardened up immediately.

I got up, hard on and all and moved to the galley and made another coffee and toast, while there Sandy and Shelly came out saying that their Dad needed to sleep. They wormed their naked way into the small galley and I could see their being some fun times to be had around meal times if we were all in here and naked at the same time. They deliberately backed into my stiff cock and felt me up unashamedly. Of course I retaliated and pinched their little tits and fingered there cute pusses’ but eventually I was too aroused put my hand on Shelly’s head and got her to kneel down and suck me till I came while kissing Sandy. I kissed them both passionately then moved to sit at the nav station. Our next stop would be only 2 islands away about 50 NM to a sweet spot that we found where there was a reef and good fishing to be had. The girls could snorkel and dive off the boat in perfect safety.

Up on deck everyone was out on the sun pads all naked and glistening with sunscreen. I stopped and spoke with Ben about our next leg and about leaving this afternoon if the weather held. He started to say something then stopped.

“Mike I don’t quite know how to say this but I should say something. My wife and daughter like to treat me as their cuckold and Mike. I like it. There is something about it that turns me on like nothing else. So understand that what she does to me and how I respond, I do of my own free will. OK?”

“I understand to some degree and I like think that she’s not going to physically hurt you at all.”

“No she never wood. We love each other but she gets off on this side of me too and I’d do anything for my little girl.” he said and I could hear the conviction in his voice.

“Well now that that’s over welcome to the first inaugural naked cruise of the good ship “Lollypop”. We toasted this with a clink of our coffee cups and laughed.

Chapter Three:

The rest of the day was spent swimming au naturel and sunning ourselves. When Dave woke up we made a quick trip to shore to have lunch to a local café and got some very nice and cheep local wine.

Back on board we quickly lost our clothes and we boys got hard watching the girls move around and playfully getting groped by them. As it got time to leave we settled into the seating under the Bimini and we relaxed as we got underway. Being naked while the wives were on board was fine as we could go below decks and get some relief with them after looking at the girls all day, but with the wives away and the girls jus as naked all day the boys cocks were hard all the time and the occasional touch by the girls kept them that way. I was behind the wheel but watched as the naked crew sat together and chattered away and played with each other, stroked a breast or fondled a stiff cock. The underlying sexual tension was almost visible. With a following breeze we made good time and got to our next anchorage just on Dusk. We dropped anchor and found that we were the only boat there. It was so calm and quiet and as evening came and the stars came out. It was so dark that we could see a sky absolutely full of stars right to the horizon.

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