Boating Holiday by islandic

The dinner went off without a hitch and the meal was liked by everyone. The two Snaps were gone in a snap so a few bottles of local wine were consumed to round off the evening. Olsen was a very funny guy and had us all in stitches by the end of the night. It was decided by the girls that they would meet up in the morning at our boat to go snorkeling after breakfast. I think Ingrid was keen to have some alone time with hubby and agreed.

Again everyone was keen to go to bed after a busy day and we turned in early.

Celeste was very pissed and Ben had to help her to bed and later in the night as I was up to get a drink I happened to hear Ben having a go at Celeste that she had drunk far too much and needed a good spanking. What surprised me was that Celeste was getting off on the spanking and before too long I heard Ben driving home the point by driving home his cock in her pussy. As the noise was coming to a high Dave and the girls came out of their cabin and we all stood in the lounge listening to Celeste getting well and truly fucked by her Dad and loving it. Dave had a hard on and it was getting attention from Sandy I had a hard on and the same attention was being given me by Shelly. Both girls knelt in front of us and swallowed our cocks taking our loads as Ben was delivering his to Celeste. I gave Sandy a passionate kiss in thank you and she hugged me and said ‘any time Mike’.

I went back to bed and cuddled with Bess who was happy to nurse on the tip of my cock as she used to do on her pacifier. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I woke slowly to the sound of voices getting closer and closer. “And this room is mine that I share with Dad.” It was Bess showing Elsa around our boat and here she was showing me with my morning wood to the girl in the boat next door. I opened my eyes and saw both of them standing in the door way and to my shock Ingrid was also there with her hands over her eyes and giggling and blushing like mad.

Bess walked into the room followed by Elsa but Ingrid stayed at the door. She had got over her shyness and was looking at my wood. “Dad Ingrid and Elsa wanted to see the boat so I’m showing them around.” I casually sat on the side of the bed with my cock sticking out and said good morning to both girls. Ingrid said something in Swedish to her Mum and indicated my hard cock nearly touching her daughter’s hand. Her mum replied “ja väldigt stort.”

I said to Bess that she had better knock on the cabin doors and make sure that everyone else was awake before just going in. “OK” she said and off they went. I yelled after them to put the coffee on before you do anything else. That left Ingrid and me alone with me sporting a huge hard on. “We usually go around naked all day and night on board and that’s why I’m not dressed.”

“You sleep naked with your daughter?” she asked.

“Well yes we are all naked all day every day. Ben is naked with his daughter and Dave is naked with the twins. Don’t you ever get naked on board?” I asked.

“Sometimes by accident Olsen will catch Ingrid naked but we don’t go around naked all the time.”

“You should try it if just for one day. Call it a naked Sunday and stay naked for 24 hrs. It’s refreshing to see how people will be themselves when they are naked.”

“Our bodies are nothing to be afraid of, ever swam naked?”

“When I was younger our family used to swim in summer and sauna in winter.”

“Where is Olsen this morning?” I asked.

“Oh he can’t handle his Snaps and is sleeping it off. He woke earlier got something for his headache and went back to bed.”

“Well come on then now’s your chance to swim naked.” I caught her hand and as I was going through the door way I deliberately brushed it against my cock. I let it go and she left it there resting on my hard cock we stood there for a moment and I put both my hands on her shoulders and she looked down. She eventually wrapped her hand around my cock and gave it a squeeze. “Let’s go swimming.” I said. She was reluctant to let go but did when she heard her daughter up on deck laughing at something Bess had said. Naked I walked ahead of Ingrid and up the stairs. When I got up there I saw Bess and Elsa both dive off the end of the boat totally naked and surface some 10 feet away and yelling for us to join them.

I watched as Ingrid slid down one shoulder strap of her one piece and then the other and then lower the rest down to her hips. This was having an effect on me and I was very hard. She turned away from me as she dropped the rest of her swimmers to the ground but this afforded me a view of her curvaceous rear. She stood and took my hand before we both jumped in. After swimming for a bit and occasionally touching this bit or that Bess said “let’s play Marco Polo.” This was also played in Sweden. Suddenly I was ‘IT’ and had to close my eyes and follow the sound of the others shouting Polo. As I swam around with my eyes closed I was groped sometimes by three hands at once and always on my wood. I peeked and saw Bess dive underwater and felt her lips around my cock. I peeked again when I felt lips again and saw Ingrid surface just in front of me with a big smile on her face.

I was soon tired and said that I was going to the beach for a rest. We all agreed and ended up sunning on the beach lying side by side and enjoying the sun. The girls soon got tired of this and wanted to see what everyone else was going to do for the day and swam back to our boat. Ingrid rolled to her side and asked if I wanted to see their boat. I said that would be nice and could I go like this indicating my cock lying flaccid across my leg. She thought for a bit and casually toyed with my dick making it stiff and said she thought it would be OK. She would tell Olsen that this was your custom to stay naked while on board. Still playing with my cock she started to stroke it and rub the Precum over the head and down the shaft. She rested her head on my stomach and took my cock into her mouth and sucked and licked. She rolled over and sat astride me with my cock aimed at her pussy and slowly lowered herself down till she was full.

“I’ve never felt so full. You’re touching places that are still virginal.” And she began to rock back and forth making sure to bring her Clit into contact with my shaft. Her breathing increased and she stiffened up and held her breath then shook till she finished and clasped on to my chest. I held her hips and started to ram my meat inside of her. I watched her chest move back and forward as I pounded her pussy. I came in a rush and filled her up. She shook and shuddered and said that she could feel it going off inside her. After a while we walked hand in hand down to the water to clean up then swan the rest of the way along the beach till we reached the Cat.

Olsen heard us climbing up the swim ladder and came to the back of the boat. He didn’t seem all that surprised that we were naked and after a quick conversation in Swedish he dropped his shorts and displayed a modest half hard cock. We spent a nice morning aboard and I was impressed with the 45 Ft Cat and all the space they had. He was an avid sailor like me and in fact we had a lot in common. Bess and Elsa came on board and both stayed naked in front of Olsen who took in the young girls with admiring looks. Soon it was decided that we should go back and see what the others were up too. Elsa asked if it would be alright if she went snorkeling with Bess and the other girls in the morning as we would be leaving tomorrow for a new anchorage further south. Olsen agreed only if he could come too. So it was decided.

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