Punished at a party (cheating story part 1) by Gabby35

A literotic sexstories: Punished at a party (cheating story part 1)by Gabby35,

This is a true story, something which happened to me in October 2023. It was unexpected and extremely arousing. I have decided to put it into words so I can relate back to it in the future)It was a rare ocassion in October 2023 when i attended a relatively new friends party. I was keen to impress and really enjoyed the company of some of the women attending. At the time i had been married 12 years and our sex life hasn’t been great for some time.

The couples who’s party it was Matt and Lindsey have a beautiful country house and its a step up from my usual parties. Their house includes a large bar area with a pool table, various chill out lounges and even an indoor swimming pool. Lindsey and her friends enjoy a drink and so do their husbands and male friends. If im honest im not much of a drinker and i had found myself in naughty situations before when under the influence of alcohol. A situation i usually try to avoid.

My husband wasn’t available to attend the party due to work commitments but urged me to go anyway, wanting me to spend time with my new friends. The party started in the afternoon and after a lovely BBQ and some wine we all moved into the bar area. Some of Matts male friends arrived later in the evening and were fairly drunk themselves. If im honest i do enjoy male company and a couple of the men were very pleasing to the eye. It was around 11pm when a few of the couples left the party by taxi and headed home.

I had arranged with Lindsey to stay over as my house was an expensive taxi ride away. I wasn’t aware at the time that a couple of Matts friends were staying and my husband wouldn’t of agreed if he had known. Once a few of the others had left a guy called Riley (one of Matts friends, a good looking one) suggested playing some drinking games and before long I was pretty wasted and found myself dancing with Lindsey around the pool table. My dress was dark blue and fairly thin and a couple of the guys joked about my round bum when i danced. Im 5ft2, brunette, curvy and quite toned and if im honest enjoyed their playful comments.

Encouraging them with a shake of my big bum and flash of leg. At the time it was a bit of fun, yes i enjoyed the attention but I had no idea that Riley would later be inside me, and for want of another phrase “punishing me”. Anyway a few games of pool were played and a few more drinking games were started, after a while a few more people left and a couple of the guys headed up to the spare rooms, leaving me, Lindsey, Riley and Matt. It wasn’t too long before me and Lindsey were dancing again and she was flashing her husband some leg and invited him upstairs. If im honest i was kind of jealous and said my goodnights as they headed off through the bar and upstairs.

I turned to Riley, who was sat down near the pool table on a 3 person sofa, his jeans fairly tight around his athletic looking legs. I smiled and began to make my excuses to head off to bed, to my surprise he told me to stay up with him and enjoy another drink. I remember a rush of excitement running through my body, a tingle and excitement I hadn’t felt for quite some time…

.. so i agreed. Still just wanting a flirt and some attention. Soon the conversation turned to my dance with Lindsey earlier and he asked of i was intentionally teasing the guys with my curvy body.

I laughed it off and before long he had persuaded me to dance for him and to show him more of my moves. It was at this point i realised his full intentions and i must admit i wanted to have sex with him. As i stood up near the pool table he sat back in the sofa, raising his glass and smiling. As he switched the music i danced and messed about in time with the beat. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly no expert when it comes to dancing but Riley definitely seemed to enjoy the show, clapping and cheering as i showed off my silly moves and even twerking my big bum for him (something i seem to be able to do).

As i shook my ass i watched Riley over my shoulder adjusting his jeans and shifting position. The situation really started to arouse me at this point but what came next was a little unexpected but very very arousing. In a stern and deep voice Riley said “show me your fucking thong you slut” and stood up. For a moment i froze, shocked, aroused and very drunk. I laughed and smiled and found myself pulling up my dress, exposing my black lace thong from the back and my round big ass.

I heard him let out a gasp as i showed him, calling me “a slut” again he approached me…. gripping my ass firmly and slapping it hard on my bare cheek.

I wanted sex with Riley but I certainly wasn’t expecting the “type” of sex i got. I had experienced hard sex before and fairly rough sex but I had never been spoken to so confidently and I had never had a man call me a slut before. By this point i must admit my pussy was really wet, my big dark nipples erect under my dress. I felt the palm of his hand slap my ass again before i felt him guide me over the pool table, lifting my thin blue dress further over my ass. He groped and caressed my ass, holding me firmly, from time to time while kissing and biting on my ears he slapped my ass again, lightly, teasing before slapping it hard for a third time.

The sound echoing in the big fancy bar area.I am going to have to take a break from writing this story as my husband is home… i will continue it soon.


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