Tales of Kairndal Part 1: Act 1_(3) by The Perverted Mind

Tales of Kairndal Part 1: Act 1_(3) by The Perverted Mind

Dive into "Tales of Kairndal Part 1: Act 1_(3)" by The Perverted Mind, an erotic sex story brimming with passion, intrigue, and seductive encounters. Join the thrilling adventure in a world where desires are unleashed and fantasies come to life. Discover what happens next in this enticing saga! Perfect for lovers of steamy tales and intense romance.<br/>

This is my first all original story so please don’t rip me a new asshole in comments. That being said please DO comment so as to help me understand what you like and do not like. If you guys suggest a mythic race or animal to me, I will try my best to incorporate it. If you want to comment a fetish you’d like to see involved and I will do what I can to indulge you. This is but the first chapter in a saga. Well, now that’s out of the way, enjoy the story! , Author’s Note:

(Character Change)


The sun poured though the window high on the wall illuminating the particles of dust floating through the air. It shone off the polished white marble of the throne room and sparkled on magnificent golden frames, each containing a portrait of a previous monarch of the newborn kingdom of Kairndal. The room was eerily silent and empty save for only two men. Veldan Carrik, the fourth king of Kairndal sat upon his throne, looking down upon the younger man through bright blue eyes.

Veldan was a man of forty with dark brown hair which was becoming prematurely grey and a slightly hooked nose. His pale face was relatively free of wrinkles, giving him the appearance of being at least ten years younger; but the wrinkles that were there spoke volumes of the stress of ruling a kingdom in the midst of recovering from civil war. He was slender with barely any muscle definition as he preferred life in his library to the arduous life of swordplay, something his forefathers had felt was a fate worse than death. He ran his long fingers over his sharp chin scratching it as he often did when locked in thought.

The other man was only six years the king’s junior and maintained the youthful appearance of his teenage years marred only by the scar running from his temple down to his squared jaw. He held his barbute helm under his arm and his silver Royal Protectorate armor glinted in the shimmering light. He had gone through rigorous training since the age of ten in the hopes of becoming a member of Veldan’s elite guard and only one year prior, he achieved that dream. He wore the protectorate armor proudly displaying the crest of the Carrik family, a winged ruby blade on a field of sapphire and gold, a crest which had become the emblem of Kairndal. He lowered his emerald eyes to the floor and ran a large hand through his short black hair. He broke the silence with a strong baritone voice which boomed inside the large room.

“Your majesty… I am honored to be given command of this expedition, but should you not choose someone with seniority over me? There are far more experienced leaders than I. Many of them have had experience dealing with other races. I have only had dealings with elves. If it is your intention to have us meet with non-human tribes…”

Veldan raised his hand to silence him and spoke in a soft, soothing voice dripping with wisdom.

“Sir Gall, I am aware that you are the most inexperienced when it comes to non-humans and that is a large reason why I selected you. Many of my soldiers have had contact with them, some of which may hold a bias when it comes to specific races. I chose you because I believe you will be truly impartial in your dealings with them and because I trust you implicitly. These plans took a full year to lay, to gather necessary resources, to enlist your team. Though you are the newest of my guard, I feel that you are the most reliable person I could have chosen for this quest.”

Drake Gall raised his eyes to his king to see a warm smile etched on his face.

“This must be of greatest importance if you have given us clearance to offer such valuable trading materials to these tribes in exchange for allegiance, especially in the middle of reconstruction.”

Veldan scratched his chin once more and raised his eyes to the portrait of his father, Ceril Carrik, hanging on the wall. King Ceril’s steely eyes seemed to bore into the soul of any person whose gaze met his. His silver hair fell in tangles about his face and he wore a permanent scowl framed by pale wormlike lips.

“Father… you left me with such a mess. You ostracized your own people, taxed them to poverty and thrust us into a war which could have easily been avoided.”

It was Mad King Ceril who had sown the seeds of civil unrest. Whereas his father Edwin’s first order of business was to grant full rights and citizenship to all native elves, it was Ceril’s first act to revoke said rights and outlaw worship of the elven deities, a religion which his own father had adopted as his own in the latter years of his life. The madness only grew from there going so far as to execute Nevec Varyn, the first ever elf appointed to the royal council, for the murder of his father, the very man who had appointed him, a crime which he didn’t commit.

“Nobody really knows for sure what made father hate non-humans so much. Grandfather was as close a friend to elves as a human ever has been. He had the courage to do what great grandfather feared to do; he granted them a voice in the council. I’m glad I was born too early for my father to corrupt me with his hatred and he was killed shortly after. Mother never spoke of him again.”

“Maybe it was for the best your grace. With you forever in search of the world’s answers, you may have become obsessed with finding out what caused his madness.”

Veldan chuckled and scratched at his chin.

“That is true, but back to business. I want you to take the helm of this expedition. Your team has been chosen. Counting you there will be four in total. Large groups tend to put their tribes on the defensive ever since father sent battalions to attempt their extermination. You will each carry a maximum of two weapons. I am not sending the trade materials with you. Instead, take them the medals of trust you shall be provided and fill out a requisite form with their demands and send it to me personally. I shall spare no expenses, they have been cheated enough.”

“I understand. Team and specializations?”

“Elizabeth Koss, a nun of Brightvale Priory. She will be your medic as well as well as minister to spiritual needs.”

“A nun? I get that we need a healer but why must we take a cleric?”

“She volunteered. My guess is that she wishes to play missionary to these tribes and attempt to convert them. I do not agree with the practice of trying to force a religion down anyone’s throat but her skills as a healer are renowned to be the best in Brightvale and possibly all of Kairndal itself. I could not turn her down. Moving on to Alaric Rowan. He shall carry anything you need him to carry as well as cook for you. He is a sad victim of father’s Half-blood Prevention act.”

“Then his parents…?”

“Executed. His human father and elven mother hid in Varynwood for a time. Sadly they could not escape the clutches of lawkeepers. He was turned over to a Brothel here in Tairen. I think he shall be far more useful as a member of your team than a whore. And finally we have Kaelyssa Fae of the Moonstalkers.”


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