Our cocks were there, together, mine inserted in Tanya’s pussy, and his laying right on top of mine. What he was smiling — smirking — about was, “How about it — should I?” He was asking, “Double vag?” I mean, here we were, in position, with a cooperative female, and we both love the feel of double vag — the impossible-to-match feeling of being in the warm, tight grasp of a wet cunt while at the same time having the thrill of your cock sliding along the slippery surface of another hard, hot cock. This was a favorite of Tim’s wife; and when she told my friend Gina, Gina wanted to try it, too — several times, in fact — just to be sure she was getting it right!
But we both knew that now wasn’t the time, that double-vag is “post-graduate” work, and our T wasn’t quite ready for that yet. But eventually…? Still smiling, he put his cock back against T’s little asshole, and in another two seconds he was buried to the hilt in her warm rectum.
Tim must have been getting signals that he couldn’t withstand the excitement much longer. I felt him reach down, and then his hand in between her body and mine, and two of his fingers began a slow, steady strum of her clit.
What surprised me was Tanya. She must have been so ready at this point that she came in about two seconds. The suddenness of her climax surprised me, and I had to work to stay inside her. I thought that she — that all of us — might stop things for a minute to recuperate, but Tim must have sensed something else. He waited for Tanya to settle from her climax — and then he started again with his fingers. And in a matter of seconds, Tanya had another orgasm, this one as strong as the first one just moments ago.
And that — these — were enough for Tim and me. I saw and felt Tim as he made a few long strokes in and out of Tanya’s ass before making his final lunge, his cock buried to his balls in her young-girl asshole. And that put me over the top, and with almost no warning I released all the pent-up desire — all the lust that had been building up inside me since the moment I started picturing those dirty images that I whispered into her ear — I released all of that into her hot, and now very wet, cunt.
Then we rested. Tim, being the one on top, had to be the first to withdraw, and as he withdrew — slowly — his cock making the long journey out of Tanya’s ass for the final time, I heard her groan at the loss — that the amazing full, stretched, invaded feeling was over, at least for now. I held her, and I squeezed her, just a little, and I kissed her forehead.
Instead of her lifting herself off me, I rolled both of us to our sides, and it was from that way that I eased myself out of her, out of the warm, tight pussy that had been the home for my needy cock. She sighed, and this time it was she who kissed my nose.
I thought that that would be the end of things, but I was wrong. No sooner had Tanya finished her kiss than she got up on her knees and positioned her dripping pussy — and her dripping bum — right over my face.
“Chase, would you please lick the cum out of me. And Tim — would you kneel over here…,” gesturing, “… so I can have your cock…” — the cock that had spent the last minutes in her ass — “… in my mouth.” And the way she said it, this wasn’t so much a request as it was an order: Do this!
And as she lowered her crotch, oozing cum from both Tim and me, down to my mouth — my waiting mouth — and as she took Tim’s… funky… cock into her mouth, I realized,
Tanya might be Tim’s and my “fuck toy,” but she was also coming to realize the power that women can have over men.
Were Tim and I the ones who were becoming the toys…?
* * * * *
“Did you like that, T?”
The expected, “Yuh.” But unexpectedly, “Yeah, I liked it a lot. Now I understand why Grandma El liked it and got the way she did when Grandpa ‘n’ Dave were doin’ her like that!”
I liked that: “Doin’ her like that.”
“Did you like it, Tanya, when Tim and I were ‘doin’ you like that?”
“Yeah, it felt incredible, what you guys were doin’ to me!” But then she got this concerned look on her face. “We’re gonna do it again, aren’t we?” She actually seemed afraid that this would be the only time!
“Yes, T, we’re gonna do that as often as you want.” Then I had a thought. “In fact, since you’re our fuck toy, Tim and I might do it whether you want to or not. And if you don’t want to do it when we want, we must might have to force you. Would you like that, T? Would you like it if Tim and I forced you to do DP…?”
Tanya smiled. And it wasn’t her typical “shy” smile. This one was a smile of confidence, of certainty. “Yuh, maybe I might like that, if you was to have to force me to do it.”
Then another thought hit her. “The next time we do it, can we do it so that I’m on my back and somebody fucks me from the front, like Grandma El liked it so much?”
Yes, Darling T, we can — we will — fuck you from the front — just the way El liked it so much.
“I dunno, Tim. Do you think we could do that, do you think that we’d like that too?” Tim just smiled. Maybe he was already picturing that scenario. “Yeah, T, if that’s something you want, I think Tim and I’d be willing to do it for you.”
We laid on the bed a while longer, resting — and imagining. Then T said, “Now, seein’ those movies, I can see why Grandpa’s so sad a lot, and why he misses Grandma El so much.”
* * * * *
We took some time off from our excitement, to let our excited parts rest from their recent activities, and to let them recuperate for the next time, whenever — and whatever — that might be. We took a walk to the lake, and we splashed around a bit to cool off, and to rinse off any perspiration — and other remains — of earlier.
When we got back to the cabin we got some drinks from the cooler, Cokes this time, when Tanya remembered that she hadn’t told us about all the videos she’d found in her Grandpa’s storeroom.
“I told you ’bout all the videotapes I found that first time, right? Well, ‘turns out, that was just part of ’em. I found another box and started going through them, and I found a video where the label said ‘El and Tom,’ and it seemed like the name Tom was familiar, and it kept botherin’ me, and I thought, ‘That’s funny — my dad’s name was Tom.’ So I put it into the TV player.
“Anyhow, the video started with nobody there, and then Grandma and another man walked into the screen, and once I could see the man’s face it turned out that the other man was my dad — Tom. My Grandma — El — turned to the camera and said something, so I guess that was to Grandpa and that he was running the camera. Then they both undressed and El got on her knees in front of Tom — front of my dad — and took his cock and started suckin’ it…”
Tanya stopped, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. “Kinda like I do you,” and the blush got redder, and I just wanted to put my arms around her and hug her, but I didn’t, because I didn’t want her to interrupt her story.
“And then he starts getting hard, and I’m really surprised, ’cause his cock was really long, even longer ‘n Tim’s…” I looked at Tim and smiled at how Tanya had inadvertently knocked him down a peg. “And he starts moving in and out of her mouth, the way you guys do me. And then they start talkin’ to each other, and he says stuff like, ‘Suck my dick, you whore — yeah, that’s it, swallow my nasty cock,’ and instead of getting mad she says, ‘That’s it — I’m your whore — fuck your whore in her slutty mouth,’ and I couldn’t believe they’d say stuff like that to each other. Also, a coupla times I heard this voice groan, and I figured it was my Grandpa, watchin’ and list’ning to them.”