Anger – For lack of a better title for now by Mystress_Carlie

Silk tried to fight him off but he proved too strong. She wasn’t used to this type of behavior. As she found him on her chest, another boy crawled up between her legs. Holding then apart roughly, he began to lick her pussy. Silk tried to push him away, but it proved to be futile as Jon was holding her arms.

Oh Michael help, she thought. She then spied her purse, which contained her cell phone. She had to get to it somehow. She had an idea. Finally with effort she went limp, “Okay I give in. I will play your game if you allow me to got to the bathroom first. Also can we do this somewhere more private?” She asked.

Knowing that she could not get away in the bathroom, Jon allowed her to go. When she grabbed her purse he stopped her, “Why do you need that?”

Thinking quickly she replied, “Diaphragm silly. You don’t want babies do you? I have to put it in if we are going to have sex.” She smiled hoping he didn’t ask to see it.

“Okay, you have five minutes and then we join you in there diaphragm or not,” he grunted, “And don’t lock the door.”

Silk went into the bathroom and closed the door. Once there she pretended to pee, then turned on the water. Next she grabbed her cell phone and called Michael. Please be home she thought.

Michael laughed to himself when he saw the caller ID. It was his wayward slave, he told the other two as he picked up the phone. “Are you ready to beg me for forgiveness,” he asked?

“Michael, thank god. I don’t have time to explain. You were right about Becker and I am in trouble. Please come help me. I need you,” she almost cried into the phone trying to be quiet.

“Silk what are you talking about, are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Michael asked, not thinking that she might be needed to make this call quick.

“I don’t have time Michael, just come please.”

It hit him, Silk was in big trouble, “Okay were are you and how many.”

“Becker’s frat house and so far only Becker and another but there are others here. It’s a big party,” She told him in hushed tones.

Someone banged on the door and yelled, “Two more minutes.”

Silk yelled back, “Okay almost finished,” then to Michael, “Please Michael, I need you. Please help me. Okay bye I have to go.” She hung up.

Acting like she was finishing up, she shut her phone off and put it back in her purse. Finally she opened the door Jon stood there waiting.

“Ready for some fun baby?” He asked.

“Sure stud,” Silk replied with a forced smile.

Jon ushered her to a room. When they entered, Silk saw that there were four other guys in the room. She was really scared now.

“Do I have to with all of them,” She asked of Jon, indicating the others with a wave of her hand.

“Oh yeah baby, but me first. You shouldn’t have a problem. I know the sick games Michael gets up to. At least we won’t tie you up and beat you,” Jon told her with a sick smile.

Jon then pushed her onto the bed. He tore at the rest of her dress, removing it totally. Silk felt the urge to fight but tried not to so she wouldn’t get hurt. Jon kept getting rougher with his foreplay till finally Silk had to fight. She knew it would take Michael at least twenty minutes but she couldn’t wait.

She pushed Jon away from her and began to say, “Not so rough.”

This earned her a slap across that face that rang Silk’s ears. She couldn’t see straight for a few minutes, which was just enough time for Jon to drop his pants and plunge into her. He had already removed any barriers Silk had. Once in her, he held her hands above her head and waited for her to realize where he was and give in. When she didn’t give in, he laughed.

“Your struggles just excite me more. Go ahead, fight me,” he laughed.

Silk worked a hand free and struck him across the face. He stopped laughing and grabbed her by the throat.

Choking her, he yelled,” You little fucking bitch, you cunt, you slut, you….”

Suddenly Jon was ripped from her and Silk realized it was Michael holding Jon.

“You don’t treat women like this Jon. Haven’t we had this conversation before?” Michael said as he threw Jon to the floor.

Jon’s buddies took one looked at Michael’s face and ran from the room. Jon yelled to them, calling them wimps and cowards.

“Yeah well fuck you Michael. Ever since you got into that crap, your no friend of mine,” Jon tried.

Michael had turned to survey the mess that was Silk. She had a bruise on her face and her neck was all red. Hearing Jon’s remark, he turned back to Jon, “Suit yourself, but leave this one alone. She’s mine. I warned you once, now you pay.”

Jon jumped up to fight Michael. Michael punched him clean in the jaw and Jon dropped to the floor, out like a light. Once that was over, Michael turned and for the first time Silk saw that Stacey and Syndee were behind Michael. Michael took a cloak from Stacey and turned back to Silk.

Coming up next to the bed, he looked down at Silk. His heart almost broke at the sight of her, but something else in him said that she asked for this. Not knowing what to say he reached out and grabbed her hand. Pulling her up from the bed, he then noticed that her dress was ripped from her mostly. Once she was standing, he wrapped the cloak around her, then swept her up in a cradle hold and said, “Come,” he then turned and walked out the door of the bedroom.

Stacey grabbed Silk’s purse and followed. Syndee brought up the rear to protect Silk.

They all walked through the now quiet house. Everyone was watching them. Once outside at his truck, he ordered Stacey and Syndee to sit in the back seat, leaving Silk to sit in the front with him. As they pulled away Silk remembered her shoes.

“Michael, my shoes. We forget them,” She begged.

Michael turned to look at her, eyebrow cocked, “We forget them?”

Silk knew the look and decided to leave it alone. They drove the rest of the way in silence. We they reached Michael’s house; Silk protested that she wanted to go home.

“Don’t worry, you are going home. I am dropping these two off first, then I’ll take you home,” Michael told her as he got out of the truck.

He opened the door for the other two and helped them out. They went up the walk to the door.

“Be right back, I have to unlock the door for them,” He told Silk and walked away.

Silk waited in the truck and while she sat she thought over all that had happened. She knew she owed Michael a huge thanks, but she was sure that words were not enough. Not ready to give in and get over their fight, she didn’t know how to really thank him properly.

While Silk was mulling over just how to thank him, Michael had already decided how she would thank him as he let the other two in the house. Once inside, he grabbed a few items and Silk’s duffle bag of toys. He sat these by the door.

He motioned for the two to come kiss him good-bye. “I’m taking her home,” he told them, “I’ll be back later.”

“But,” Syndee began.

Michael silenced her with a swat to her behind, “Are you arguing with me?” At her nod of no he went on, “Now go to bed and I’ll be back when I get back.” He noticed Syndee looked like she still wanted to argue as he picked up the bag and turned to walk out the door so he added. “Hell go home if you don’t want to wait,” and walked out the door.

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