Bound by Luke Ashwood

Her partner either took no notice or did not care about the state that she was in, continuing his thrusts. His hands slipped around, grabbing her breasts and twisting her nipples cruelly. He lifted each breast by the nipple, eliciting a pained protest from her.

His grunts and cries increased, seeming to come from all around her as the echoed from the bare studs and concrete floor. She tried to close her legs, an involuntary motion brought on by muscle contractions that rocked through her, but the iron bar that bound her legs kept them apart, her pussy remaining accessible to her partners use.

The speed of his thrusts increased until all of a sudden he stopped, almost motionless. Short seconds later a wave of hot cum erupted from his cock, spraying and coating the inside of her pussy.

He pulled his cock from her well used hole and without another word he turned and left the room. Bound as she was her legs forced apart by irons cruel embrace she could neither cover herself nor obstruct the flow of cum that had started to leak from her pussy.

Workers in black jumpsuits entered the room. Carefully but firmly they released the bonds that secured her arms over her head and she sighed as protesting muscles were allowed to ease into a more comfortable position. She could feel the cum leaking out of her and her thoughts were of getting into a hot shower and working the knots out of her arms.

She was surprised when instead of just helping her out of her bonds the workers pulled her arms behind her back. They were tied there, her skin bit by the grain of nylon rope. The spreader bar was removed from between her legs and they two were tied together, causing her to have to lean against one of the workers. She felt a hand squeeze one of her breasts and looked into the eyes of the man who was holding her up, he grinned lustily at her.

They carried her over to one corner of the room where a mattress had been tossed haphazardly. All at once the support that she was leaning against was removed and she toppled onto the mattress, bouncing with the force of her fall.

The two workers left her, the door shutting with a sense of finality. She squirmed into a position where she could be comfortable. Her pussy was sore from the abuse that it had endured earlier and she knew she was going to be walking a little funny the next day. This was something that she had never done before, and she was already enjoying herself a great deal.

She cried and squirmed under his care. This man was every bit as rough as the last. She could tell that she already had bruises forming from her rough treatment and she wondered how she was going to explain them. He rolled her over onto her back, further pinning her arms against the mattress. He slid his cock inside of her, the position of her legs making her pussy tighter than usual. The cum that was still leaking out of her from her last partner helped to ease his cock inside. He was bigger than the last man and she groaned through the obstacle in her mouth as his cock stretched out her aching pussy.

“you got something to say?” he asked

reaching behind her head he undid the gag, pulling it from her mouth and tossing it idaly to the side.

“fuck me harder” she pleaded with a groan

“what did you say slut?” he asked, slapping her ass roughly

“please fuck me harder sir” she begged

He rolled her over onto her side, her arms still restrained behind her back causing her to grunt in discomfort as sore joints protested the repositioning. Strong hands grasped her arm and one of her thighs, using them as leverage to pull her aching body against his. She moaned and screamed, her mouth now free of obstructions as his cock sunk deep into her pussy.

The force of his thrusts increased, bouncing her body around on the mattress in the throes of wanton passion, her body used as his sexy toy, bound and controlled for his pleasure. Her cries now unfettered filled the small room, echoing off the bare walls and cement floor. At the height of her pleasure she heard him grunt, sinking the length of his cock into her he cried out. She felt a wash of cum, molten in the heat of their passion flow forth, coating the inside of her abused pussy and pushing her over the edge into another screaming orgasm, one more in a long line of uncounted pleasure.


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