Emma is punished by spitfiredhoni94

Emma is punished by spitfiredhoni94

Synopsis: Emma is a timid girl who is caught kissing somebody’s boyfriend. She is dominated and humiliated by another girl. , Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child.

She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin.

Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the boys. She had shared a few drunken kisses on nights out, but that was as far as it went. Any wandering hands were quickly stopped.

One unfortunate night, Emma had bumped into Sarah’s boyfriend, who noticed that she was drunk and tried to take advantage. He was very charming and good looking and easily stole a kiss in the dark corner of the bar they were at. As they kissed she became quite aroused, but when he tried to cop a feel of her arse she grabbed his wrist and stopped him. She got a hold of her senses and pulled away. Looking around she hoped nobody had noticed. But some one had noticed. Sally.

Sally was a friend of Sarah’s who knew that Emma would definitely be intimidated by Sarah. Sally wasn’t particularly close with Sarah, but was a bitch and thought it would be amusing to see the confrontation.

Sarah had a reputation of being a bit tough in her circle. She was actually quite posh and a bit spoilt, but she was tall and strong and a right bully. She was also attractive in a sharp and domineering way. People always wanted to do what she wanted them to and she always had a following of friends sucking up to her. She had boys and girls alike eating out of the palm of her hand.

So Sally spread the gossip and Emma’s fate was sealed. Emma forgot all about it and thought she’d got away with it. Sadly for Emma some of her friends knew Sarah’s friends and were easily bullied into setting her up.

They had all met up round Becky’s house to go out the following Friday night. Emma had worn a silky white top with a collared v-neck. She wore a little strapless a-cup bra which was too big for her little breasts, but she was too modest to go without. She was wearing some flared silky black trousers that were tight around her bum and her outfit was finished off with some patent leather court shoes and white socks. Her long dark hair was piled on top.

Sally was there which Emma thought unusual, but was not suspicious. Sally left the room and phoned Sarah

“She’s here”

“OK we’re on our way”

“See you soon”

Sally grinned a sly grin as she put her phone away, she was pleased with herself for her bitchy deed and knew she was in for some good entertainment.

When she came back to the living room the other girls looked at her nervously, knowing what treachery they were committing, but feeling powerless to stop it now. Emma noticed a tension in the air, but they were playing music and gossiping and having fun, so she ignored it.

Soon there was a knock at the door and Becky went to answer it. She came back in with Sarah and three of her bitchy friends.

The music was turned off and every body went quiet.

Emma was suddenly very nervous as she thought about what happened at the bar last week.

Sarah walked straight up to her and slapped her in the face,

“So you thought you would snog my boyfriend while I wasn’t there did you?”

Emma looked down holding her cheek and said nothing. She was totally unprepared for this and scared of Sarah.

“Well? I asked you a question”

Sarah grabbed Emma’s face, squeezing the cheeks together and held it up to face hers

“Answer me!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I was drunk and he took advantage”

“Well he’s been dumped but you seem to have a habit of snogging other peoples boy friends when your drunk”

It was true. It had happened twice before but Emma thought nobody knew. She’d been found out.

“Is it because you’re a prissy little virgin?”

Emma blushed.

“How did she know that?” she thought.

Emma didn’t know that everybody knew that she was still a virgin.

“Acting all prim and proper like you’re better than us, but getting hold of other peoples boys when you’re drunk and not letting it go too far. Little prick tease!”

Emma felt ashamed of her behavior.

“Well now your going to be punished for your sins!”

Sarah let go of Emma’s face and she looked straight down at her shoes in shame.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked in a very quiet voice.

“I’m going to spank you”

Emma looked up shocked

“What? You can’t!”

Sarah grabbed a hand full of Emma’s hair

“I can and I am going to and you can either accept your punishment, or it will get worse!”

Emma held Sarah’s wrist in an attempt to stop her twisting her hair.

“Put your hands down by your sides! You have been a very naughty girl and you deserve to be punished, don’t you?”

“Ahh, yes I’m sorry”

“ Say it. Say I’ve been a very naughty girl and I deserve to be punished”

Emma’s hands went to her sides, defeated she said,

“I’ve been a very naughty girl and I deserve to be punished”

She went bright red and shifted on her feet.

Sarah’s friends were standing behind her sniggering, while Emma’s friends were sitting around looking sheepish, but everybody was intrigued to see how this scene would play out.

“And how are naughty little girls punished?”

“I don’t know”

“Yes you do and your going to tell me without hesitation, or things are going to get worse for you!”

“Oh pleeeeease”

“Right that’s it. I’ve had enough. You’ve just made it worse”

“A sp… a spanking, they get a spanking”

Sarah let go of the girls hair,

“That’s better. Now put your hands on your head you naughty girl!”

Sarah was really warming to this, she loved bullying smaller timid girls, but she was taking this to another level.

“Now tell me, do naughty little girls get to keep their trousers on?”

“Oh pleeeeease. Sarah I’m sorry, please I won’t ever do it again please don’t”

“Answer me!”

“Oh no please, ok. No they don’t”

“Don’t what?”

“Get to keep their trousers on”

“Say it properly, naughty little girls don’t get to keep their trousers on”

“Ohh….naughty little girls don’t get to keep their trousers on”

“Good girl, see you do know how a naughty girl is punished. Now, if you try to resist me, Kim, Lisa and Christine will have to help”

“Oh no please”

Emma whimpered, but she did not resist as Sarah unbuttoned her trousers. She squirmed a bit though as her zipper was undone and then whimpered again as Sarah pulled her silky trousers over her hips, down her slim smooth thighs. When they reached her ankles, she felt Sarah lifting her left leg and pull the flared trouser leg over her shoe, then her right leg was lifted and the trousers pulled over that shoe and off.

Sarah looked at Emma and thought how cute she looked in white knickers, socks and shoes. She stood with her hands on her head with her knees and toes pointing inwards as she watched Sarah pass her trousers to a smirking Kim.

Sarah had a wicked grin as she looked at her frightened victim standing before her.

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