Emma is punished by spitfiredhoni94

“Right then, you can go and make us a nice breakfast to start with!”

Emma was smacked on her bottom as she left the room, sending her into a run.

She prepared breakfast while Sarah read a book, while waiting at the table. To Emma, it seemed like she was being ignored, but Sarah was catching sly looks every time she bent over or reached up, turning her back.

When she had served breakfast, Sarah pulled out a chair next to her.

“You can sit and eat too. You’ve got a lot of housework to do, you’ll need a good breakfast.”

Emma sat and they ate in silence. She noticed that Sarah kept looking under the table, trying to catch a peek between her legs.

After breakfast, she was sent to put her shoes and socks on. She felt so silly wearing just those and nothing else.

When she came back, Sarah was waiting on the sofa. There was a collection of cleaning materials on the floor, in the middle of the room.

“I want you to clean and dust the whole house. I will inspect your work when you have finished.”

Emma felt so humiliated cleaning in the nude. There was no mop, so she had to sponge the floors on her hands and knees, with her bare bum in the air, while Sarah watched from the sofa.

Sarah sat and took in the view. What a sight! Emma’s bare bottom wiggled about in the air as she scrubbed the floors. With her legs apart, Sarah could see her pussy, peeping out between as she wiggled her bottom and wobbled her cheeks, with the scrubbing motion.

She watched as the delightful little creature reached and stretched with the feather duster. This even caused her tiny little breasts to jiggle.

When Emma did the washing up, she could feel her cheeks wobbling even more and Sarah came into the kitchen to see the show.

By the time she had finished dusting the TV, Emma was covered in a sheen of sweat. It had taken most of the morning to do all the housework and she was quite out of breath.

“Stand with your hands on your head and your legs apart while I look at your work”

Sarah went round inspecting carefully everything Emma had done. The naked girl had worked hard and taken care it was all done properly, fearful of another spanking. She was relieved when Sarah seemed quite pleased with her.

“Good girl. Now, I think we need to get you clean!”

Emma’s relief was short lived, as she was taken by the wrist and pulled to the bathroom.

“Take your shoes and socks off.”

Emma took them off. Sarah smacked Emma’s bottom as she guided her into the bath. She opened the taps and let the water run warm. The bath was still very shallow when Sarah closed the taps and Emma’s hopes of being hidden under water were shattered. She still felt horribly exposed.

“Sit down.”

Emma sat down. Sarah poured a jug of water over Emma’s head and massaged shampoo into her hair she washed it slowly and lovingly, causing Emma to relax a little. Then she rinsed it and repeated her actions with the conditioner.

“Stand up!”

Emma’s relaxed state was broken as she stood nervously in front of her bully. Sarah squeezed shower gel into her hand while smiling at the helpless girl. She started to rub it gently all over the naked girls back and down her sides. Then she concentrated on her little breasts. She slowly worked the soap round each nipple, teasing them until they stood out stiff.

“Ahhh, your tiny boobies are so cute!”

Emma was already blushing, but her colour deepened.

“You are just adorable when you go all red!”

Emma cringed inside. Sarah washed her tummy, then her legs. Starting with the feet and working her way back up to the thighs.

She spent a long time on Emma’s thighs, causing the girl to squirm with the tension building in her. Suddenly she slapped Emma’s right thigh,

“Keep still, you naughty girl!”


Emma immediately wished she hadn’t apologised and hated herself for doing so, but she was naturally submissive and couldn’t help it.

“Put your hands on your head and spread your legs, so I can wash this naughty pussy!”

Emma did as she was told and the humiliating words had an instant effect on her, as she felt the shameful sensations down there, in anticipation of more touching.

Sarah soaped up between her legs and gently washed the quivering girls slit. One hand washing, the other holding her in place by her bottom.

Because it was bald now, Emma felt like it was even more bare and exposed to Sarah. It felt so rude and she was struggling to keep her composure. The intense feelings of embarrassment and desire, overwhelmed her again. She was reluctantly close to cumming, when Sarah quickly spanked her several times and roughly forced her down on her hands and knees. Emma was suddenly shocked out of her reluctant ecstasy.

“Stick your little bottom up in the air for me, so I can wash your bum hole!”

Emma panicked. She tried to reach back to stop her, but her wrist was grabbed and pulled into the small of her back and she was rewarded with another spanking.

This time it was very hard and stung against her wet bottom. It went on for quite a while and had Emma wriggling her bare bum about in the bath, trying to escape the stinging hand. By the end, she was broken and crying.

“What did I tell you!”

“I’m sorry”

“Do as your told and be a good girl for me. If you misbehave, I will have to punish you!”

Sarah slapped her bottom again very hard, to make her point.

“I’m sorry, I’ll be good!”

“Good. Now stay on your hands and knees while I make sure your naughty bottom is at least clean.”

Sarah took great delight in slowly teasing the little virgin bum hole, watching it winking and puckering up in shame, as she stroked over and around it, massaging it with her soapy fingers.

“Ohhh……oh please…….please don’t.”

“Be quiet you silly girl!”

Emma felt her bottom hole opened up, as Sarah pushed a soapy finger in, just to the first knuckle.


Sarah was slowly pushing and pulling her pointing finger in and out of the clenching knot.

“Oooooh no……oh……ohh……nooo…..ahhh.”

The finger pushed deeper and deeper each time.

“Oh…..oh no…….ooooh…..ooh!”

Sarah was trying not to laugh. Emma’s face was a picture of consternation and anguish, mixed with obvious, but reluctant arousal. Sarah pulled the intruding finger slowly out of Emma’s gripping bum hole, leaving it rudely winking, as if it were gasping for air.

“I think we need more soap in there, to get you cleaned up properly” Sarah said, matter of factly.

“Oh no please….no more!”

Emma begged, but she stayed obediently in position, as Sarah squeezed more soap onto her hand and massaged it into the winking bum hole. She slowly started to push her finger in and out of Emma’s vulnerable bottom again, causing the poor girl to whimper and whine.


Sarah started to move her finger back and forth much quicker, pumping it in and out of the squirming bottom.

“Oh….ooh….aah….ooof…..aarrr…uuum….aah god!”

Emma’s face was hot and red, as she wriggled and swayed her bare bum side to side, up and down.

Suddenly Sarah withdrew her finger and slapped Emma’s upturned bottom, which puckered up and did a quick, but loud fart. Emma’s arms buckled under her and she buried her face in her hands. Sobbing, with her bum still sticking up in the air, she let out a much longer and louder fart.

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