Filthy femdoms: forced oral by Aceith

As I squirmed in misery the device sucked my tongue for fifteen painful minutes until the two returned to release me.

They secured my hands again and took me to a small cell which had a bed and toilet, and tied me to the bed once more. “You’ll be eating soon”, said one of the women…”Dinner will be brought to you. You will sleep for a few hours after you finish your meal and then will be inducted into our system by the Madam.”

I slept fitfully for awhile after dinner, but found it impossible to rest adequately under the circumstances and lay awake turning the whole thing over in my mind. I had no idea where I was or how to escape, and decided that to survive I must do what I was told without fail. They didn’t seem bent on killing anyone or doing anything necessarily severe so that seemed the best course of action.

The door opened and the two wardresses came in and released me again. We went to another part of what must have been a huge mansion, and I was left sitting on a cold metal folding chair in a well furnished office waiting for the ‘Madam’, as they called her.


The rear door behind the large desk opened and the Madam entered wearing a tight skirt and white blouse. She had a cattle prod in her hand and walked over to me holding it with both hands behind her back. She had some kind of electronic device attached to her belt and looked at it as she spoke.

“This is a very sophisticated truth detector,” she said quietly, “it is 99.9 percent accurate. I can tell in a moment if someone is lying or telling the truth, or at least what they believe to be the truth. My ladies also each have access to one of these during their duties.

“You must convince me that you will obey each of our commands immediately and without delay.” She stood over me. Are you going to do absolutely anything that we ask of you without a moments hesitation?”

She stood behind my back looking down at me. I answered at once with the most intense realism I could muster…”Yes…yes…I will do absolutely anything that you want…please believe me…anything!”

There was a moments wait and I was terrified that I might not have been convincing enough.

She came around in front of me and put her face next to mine again. “Not good enough toilet slave…not quite good enough. I’m afraid you must learn to be more sincere.”

I looked at her with dread and she lowered the cattle prod downward as I looked on in horror and touched the tip of my penis. The spark send an extremely powerful shock into my sensitive dickhead and I screamed and rolled on the floor, folding my knees upward in agony.

She stood over me again and asked the same question…”Are you going to do absolutely anything we ask immediately and without a moment’s hesitation?” I was sobbing now terrified that nothing I could do would satisfy her.

“Oh yes…please…yes…anything…anything…I want to please you so much…oh please, I’ll do anything!”

She stared at her device again for a moment and looked down at me with cold eyes. “You’re almost there,” she cooed, “but not quite.” She lowered the horrific shock device down to electrocute me again and I sobbed and moved out of her way slithering all over the floor.

She followed my movement mercilessly and found my dick again touching right on my pisshole. I screamed violently and shook as I jerked in pain and lay there sobbing and begging her to believe me. My body quivered with the horrendous pain and saliva dribbled from my mouth to the floor.

She stood over me once more and repeated the dreaded question…”Are you going to do absolutely anything we ask of you instantly and with complete obedience?”

I was crying now…unable to find words to relay to her my absolute, complete obedience…but I couldn’t find them and looked at her through glazed eyes.

“If you don’t answer I will shock you again?”, she breathed…so you’d better give me an answer.”

“oh please, yes, yes…I…I will do anything…anything and love it and do it instantly because I want to please you…” My voice trailed off as I sobbed and she looked at her device once again…and studied it carefully.

She looked at me impassively…”I’ll take your word for it this time shit mouth. Now lets do a little testing.” She layed the device on her desk and pulled her panties off and layed them on the desk also. She stepped over me and squatted down with her well formed ass over my mouth. “I need to take a shit and you will capture it all in your mouth and swallow it.”

Without a thought I opened my mouth widely and put it right under her hairy asshole. I was so terrified to please that I knew I could eat her shit and have no problem with it.

She slowly squeezed out a lump of feces and as it eased out I made sure it went directly into my mouth. It dropped in and I chewed it promptly…it had little actual taste but smelled terribly. I forced myself beyond all comprehension to enjoy my meal and swallowed it deftly as another small turd dropped in my open gullet. I ate the shit voraciously swallowing all of it and then slid my tongue upward to eat out globs of crap around her asshole.

I kept my mind focused so I wouldn’t retch and made my self enjoy it sexually. I cleaned all of the brown cream out of her raw butthole and swallowed it, and cleaned all of the residue around her obscene anal area also. She reached over and grabbed a roll of toilet paper and wiped her ass several times throwing the tissue in a nearby trashcan.

Then she stood up and put her panties back on looking down at me with contempt. “You eat shit like you were born for it!”, she sneered. “As soon as you start jacking off while eating cunt and asshole you’ll like it even more.!”

I was desperate to please her and grinned up at her licking my lips. “Oh thank you…thank you for using my mouth for a toilet!”, I gushed, “thank you…thank you!”

She sneered at me sarcastcally. “Cut the shit you ignorant bastard, you didn’t like it but you will, I promise.”

She left the room and soon the other ladies came and escorted me back to my cell. They released my arms and left me and I quickly washed my face and mouth with soapy water trying to clean out the disgusting flavor. I had crap up my nose and tried without success to clean it out. I smelled shit now and would for some time.


The next day I was allowed to take a full shower in a large bathroom designed for the slaves, while being watched by the wardresses and I cleaned myself thoroughly. There was no one else there and I wondered when I would see some of the other prisoners.

After the shower I was taken to the tongue stretcher again and endured another fifteen minute treatment. My tongue was sore from the pulling but I suspected that it would adjust and actually begin to get longer with each passing day.

From here they took me all the way across the courtyard to another area so that I could ‘experience’ their special gloryhole. I knew what a gloryhole was but remained uncertain as to why theirs was so unique.

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