Getting Trained for auction (part one) by SumissiveLavina

I pull back my whole body pressed back against the corner. he grabs the cone and forces it down so his penis is the only thing my eyes can see. He forces my mouth open but before he sticks himself inside he said, “now dont even think about biting or I will tie you up get that wand back out stick it as far up your anus as it will go and turn it on high and leave you there until someone finds you, understand?” Without an answer he sticks himself inside and slowly humps the cone.

He speeds up and faster and suddenly pulls out blowing load after load across my face mostly landing on the leather mouth pieces that was originally holding the gag. He smiles down at me seemingly satisfied with his work.

he grabs the gag and puts it back in my mouth before I can protest and locks it back into place. He grabs my hands and pulls me up after him.

He drags me to the center of the room where he forces me to squat so he can snap my hand onto chains.

He then hooks the two chains on the floor to my ankles. He grabs my hair yanking me up so I’m on my feet but bent over because my hands are cuffed to the floor. He locks a devices that connected to the ceiling that entangles my hair pulling my head upright and then tightens it down until my back is arched in an uncomfortable position. He moves around me in a small circle deciding what he wants to do next. He pushes something on the wall and I feel my feet being pulled apart slowly.

Once they were a little more than shoulder width apart he pressed a button stopping them. He continued working around me. I felt him do something behind me and suddenly a whip pounded on my ass. I grunted as much as I could. But then a hand came down instead. It came again and again each one stinging more and more.

It stopped and I felt a rope being tied around my waist. My cheeks were spread wide as the two plugs were reinserted roughly. My breath comes in short pants through my nose.

I feel the rough rope slide across my vagina and then up my butt crack. For a moment the rope is lose but then he ties it to something and lets it drop. The weight tightens pulling my ass up and my feel to my toes to relieve as much pressure as I can. The dildos are pressed tighter in and my whole body is in agony.

The rope burning my parts, the cuffs pulling at my wrist, my neck being pulled back at a ridiculous angle, my toes, and my arched back.

He slowly strolled around me obviously pleased with his work. Only able to see him from the corner of my eyes with my head bent back and through the white plastic of the dog cone, I couldn’t see what he was doing.

Electrical pain shot through my nipple and then the other one. My body jerked from one side to the other. Pulling at all the contraptions.

The rope tightened and I screamed through the gag.

“Oh did you like that?” He asked doing it again.

I tried not to screaming not wanting him to misunderstand again. He slowly locked everything back up, taking his time watching me as he did so. Right before he left he stopped in-front of me, “don’t forget about your 6 am call. You need to meet your instructors out at the pit.” Laughing he turned and left.

I hung there for what felt like hours.

Subconsciously my toes would start to relax and with a painful reminder to my vagina, I would go scrambling back to my toes but the damage was already done and the rope was already tighter. The ball swings back and forth after each momentary forget and tighten just the slight bit more. My back muscles cramped, arched as it was. I felt the sun come before someone arrived at my room.


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