Gina Pt. 10 by ColonelB

Gina Pt. 10 by ColonelB

Gina’s sense of complete happiness remained strong over the following month. She felt entirely content with her life. Each morning, she would wake up and prepare coffee for the Master and Mistress. After serving the coffee, she would pleasure the Master orally or, on rare occasions, ride him to climax. Sometimes, Ann would sneak between her legs while she was engaged with the Master, trying to encourage her own release. Gina was becoming increasingly skilled at managing her pleasure, and the spankings had become less common. However, the orgasms were incredibly intense when she heard either the Master or Ann softly say, “Now Gina, come for us!” She would tremble, shudder, and scream as a powerful climax washed over her excited body.

There were no more visits to the Punishment room for either herself or Ann and this was a God send. Gina experienced one moment of panic the day after the Master`s victory at the Golf Club. She had forgotten about the birch drying on the back step and she only remembered during her morning suck job for the Master. As soon as she had the chance she ran downstairs, retrieved the birch and returned it to the Punishment Room without anybody being any the wiser.

The Master was absent very often. His work took him on trips most weeks and even when he came home every evening he was still away for ten or twelve hours a day. Ann and Gina spent many hours together and became quite friendly. Ann always reverted to Mistress mode on the Master`s return and Gina was OK with this. They talked for hours about many inconsequential things and laughed and joked like lifelong friends. Whenever Gina required new things, such as stockings, enema packs or waxing strips Ann rushed to provide them. She enjoyed the mundane jobs of laundry, cleaning and cooking and especially so when she received a smile or nod of approval from the Master. All in all Gina was truly happy for maybe the first time in her life.

Gina had been with the couple for nearly five weeks. She was sitting at the kitchen table and drinking coffee with Ann while the washing machine ran through its cycle. They discussed the latest from the soaps that they watched together when the Master was not home. In a pause in the conversation Ann took a sip of her coffee before saying, “Gina, we have visitors this weekend. Charles and Peggy. They are members of the Chat Room where Peter and I got to know your Bill. I like Charles. He is a good considerate lover and to be honest he has a fantastic dick and knows how to use it!” and Ann giggled like a schoolgirl before continuing, “But I cannot stand Peggy. She is a pain freak. You know what that is Gina?” after receiving a shake of the head from Gina she finished, “She loves to be beaten and any form of pain just gets her off. I don`t care about her, and if she likes it that`s great. The men can beat the living shit out of her for all I care. The thing is that the boys get so worked up whipping and hurting Peggy that they carry it over to us later, and for no fucking reason what so ever. That pisses me off!”

Gina paled as she heard her Mistress discuss the upcoming visit so vehemently. It was rare for Gina to hear Ann swear apart from in the throes of orgasm so to hear her use the F word came as a shock and Gina saw that she was slightly afraid about the visit. This fear of course transmitted itself to Gina who had not even met Charles and Peggy. Her fear was exasperated as Ann added, “The fucking marks on my arse have only just faded after the last whipping and now I will get another load. Fuck Peggy!”

The visit was not mentioned again until the following Saturday morning. As the Master slid his morning erection in and out of Gina`s receptive and skilled mouth she heard Ann ask, “Darling, what time will Peggy and Charles be here?”

The master was quiet apart from mewling and letting out a soft “Aaaah!” as Gina brought him closer to the finish. The grunt and the feeling of his warm come filling her mouth were now normal for Gina. She licked him clean and once he recovered enough to reply to Ann, “They should be here at seven. Ann, make sure Peggy`s room is ready. I think you know which one I mean!”

Gina saw Ann blanche and take a deep breath before she spoke, “Of course Darling. Gina and I will make sure everything is ready for her and….um…..Darling. Can I ask for a small favour please?” The Master looked at her with steely eyes and nodded for her to continue, “Just because Peggy gets off on the pain it does not mean that Gina and I do. Please Darling, try to remember that when you have finished with Peggy. The last time they were here you and Charles hurt me so badly when you were finished with Peggy and I beg you to please not repeat that night. When I deserve to be punished I accept it no problem, but when you beat me for no reason that just makes me so sad!”

The Master pushed Gina roughly out of his lap and snapped at Ann, “Let us see what happens this evening, but I make you no promises! Breakfast Gina! ” And he walked into the bathroom and the door clicked shut behind him. Ann was visibly shaken, and Gina put her arm round her briefly before heading downstairs to start the breakfast.

The rest of the day passed without incident, although Gina could feel the tension in the air between her Master and Mistress. Her Master spent most of the day sequestered in his office and Gina and Ann spent a good hour in the Play Room and Punishment Room. All the vibrators, plugs and other toys were cleaned and batteries checked. The room was dusted and vacuumed. The bed in the spare room was prepared for Charles and Peggy’s overnight stay and fresh towels and the like were added to the attached bathroom. Mundane things like enough toilet roll was also checked off their imaginary list. By five o`clock they were finished.

The two women retired to the kitchen and Gina made a pot of tea. Ann spoke through the closed door of the office to ask the Master if he wanted anything, and was briskly told that he didn`t. Ann and Gina sat in silence sipping the warm liquid. At around six Ann rose from the table and announced that she was going to get ready and that Gina should do the same as their guests would be arriving in an hour.

Gina had finished her normal pre-sex ablutions and preparations and was sitting in the kitchen with a new cup of tea as Ann entered about fifty minutes later. Her Mistress looked like a Goddess in a new electric blue, sleeveless sheath dress. She had washed and styled her hair and it hung in loose curls past her shoulders. Her makeup was subtle but it accentuated her bright eyes and her full lips. Her legs were clad in the sheerest of nylon and she had low one inch heel pumps on her feet that were a bright red. Gina`s heart burst with love and affection for this gorgeous creature.

Gina offered her a tea but Ann declined and went into the lounge and poured herself a very large gin and tonic before seating herself on the sofa. Crossing one nylon clad leg over the other should looked the picture of sophistication as the Master entered the room.

He had also showered and shaved, and was wearing beige chinos and a light green polo but had left his feet bare. Gina thought he looked very handsome as he walked towards Ann and kissed her hard on the mouth. “You look fantastic Ann,” he said as the doorbell rang. Gina had been so engrossed in watching the couple she had not heard the car pull up outside. Gina started to move towards the door when the Master stopped her with a brief wave of the hand as he strode purposefully towards the front door.

He opened the door and Charles and Peggy followed him through into the lounge. Gina was kneeling in the corner as usual and she let her eyes wander over Peggy and Charles. They really were not as she had imagined them.

Charles was young. Maybe twenty five or six. He was tall at over six feet and his body was lean and well cared for. He was smartly attired in designer jeans and a tight fitting T-shirt that showed off his muscular upper body. On his feet were a pair of soft suede moccasins. His long brown hair hung down and rested on his broad shoulders. He was indeed a very handsome young man.

Peggy was older. Probably mid-thirties and had curves in all the right places and this included a superb set of breasts. Her raven black hair was cut so short it was almost cropped and it was gelled into small spikes. Her face was pretty but by no means beautiful and her legs were long, and tanned a deep brown like the rest of her body. She wore a simple yellow sundress with a blue flower pattern and had flip-flops on her feet in yellow to match the dress.

Ann had got up from the sofa and kissed Charles on both cheeks before repeating the action with Peggy, “So great to see you both again. Welcome,” she said and ushered them to the sofa that she had just vacated

Peggy literally bubbled with enthusiasm as she spoke, “Oh Ann, It is great to see you. Peter, Charles and I have been so looking forward to this day. I can tell you I nearly came three times on the drive over, just thinking about what you have planned for me. You are the most creative man I know and the anticipation was killing me!”

The Master repeated the kissing action of his wife with Peggy before sharing a masculine handshake with Charles and saying, “Drinks?”

Peggy`s effervescent nature continued to shine through as she answered, “Vodka and Coke for us. Ice and lemon please.”

Gina rose from her position and went to the bar to make the drinks plus a G &T for Ann and a neat whiskey for the Master as usual. Peggy saw her then and gushed, “And who is this sweet thing? My God I could just eat her in that sexy belt and stockings. Hopefully we get to play later?” And she winked suggestively at Gina.

The Master boomed, “This is Gina our new pet. She belonged to Bill before his unfortunate demise and we have had her with us for about five weeks now. She is very satisfactory”

Gina handed out the drinks and was not surprised as she felt Peggy`s hand run up the inside of her thigh and lightly across her sex before she accepted the drink from her.

Peggy was still staring at Gina as she asked, “What have you prepared for us Peter? Is it going to rock my boat again like last time? The pain was so exquisite that I lost count of how many orgasms I had at your hands. You are such the most perfect torturer.”

Up until now Gina noticed that Charles had said barely a word, but he now told Peggy, “Calm down my Dear. I am sure that Peter has something terribly hideous for you to endure. Ann, you look absolutely stunning and I hope that we get to spend time together when your husband is causing my wife the pain that she so desires?”

Ann blushed and her eyes dipped slightly as she replied, “Charles! You really are a scoundrel. I think I could manage to keep you and your wonderful cock busy and allow Peter time to satisfy Peggy in all sorts of ways!”

Peggy jumped up from the sofa and shouted, “Let’s get this show on the road then! I am wetter than a monsoon just thinking about what could happen! And she pulled her sundress over her head in one motion and stood totally naked in the middle of the lounge and Gina gasped audibly drawing funny looks from all four of the people in the lounge.

There was a reason Gina had gasped as she took in Peggy`s curvy body. It wasn`t her nakedness, but that fact that her entire body was covered in a spiders web of thin white lines and small round scars. She had been subjected to a multitude of abuse from whipping to burns inflicted with cigarettes and other such things. Gina was also shocked at the body jewellery that adorned her body. Peggy had been completely naked under the dress but Gina`s eyes strayed down to her shaven sex where her long clitoris protruded out from her labia. There was an inch long gold bar piercing her clit and similar bars through each nipple. A thin gold chain led from each nipple piercing and they were attached at either end of the thin bar through her clit. Gina winced internally as she imagined the pain that this could cause.

Her suspicions were confirmed as her Master pulled the thin gold chains causing Peggy to flinch as the nerves in her clit and nipples registered his actions and sent shockwaves through Peggy`s entire body. Gina was amazed that Peggy didn`t scream but just let a small distinct moan of pleasure. The Master released his grip and started up the stairs with Peggy bouncing along behind him. Gina waited to see what would be her role and was happy as her Mistress took her hand in hers and then Gina saw her clasp Charles´s hand with her other and the three walked up the stairs behind the Master and Peggy. Gina gasped again as she saw the emerald coloured stone glinting between Peggy`s butt cheeks and realised that she had been plugged and the stone was set in the base of the plug.

Gina tried hard to hide her surprise as the Master walked past the door to the Punishment Room and pushed open the playroom door. All five of them entered and Peggy and Charles gazed around at all the paraphernalia that was in the room. Charles kicked off his shoes and lay on the bed.

The Master positioned Peggy under the manacles hanging in front of the windows. He retrieved the chair that Sheila had used all those weeks ago and Peggy climbed onto it unbidden. The Master was tall enough that he could attach both of her wrists in the restraints and he held Peggy around the waist with one powerful arm as he removed the chair with his other hand. He gradually lowered her until she was suspended by her wrists about six inches above the carpeted floor. She was now purring with what Gina could only describe as delight.

Ann went and sat next to Charles on the bed. Gina was unsure of her place in all of this so she silently went and knelt in the corner of the room. The Master turned Peggy so that she was facing into the room. She hung there silent and Gina watched as the Master selected a riding crop from the implements on the wall. He turned back to Peggy before bringing the crop slashing down on her right breast and she moaned deeply and then even louder as the crop connected with her left breast. The Master repeated this four times to each breast.

Gina saw the breasts begin to redden and Peggy was now bucking against the wrist manacles and gasping, Yes, yes, Oh my God Peter that`s it punish my titties with your crop. Slap them hard baby and make me come for you!” The Master drew back the crop again but used just the leather fob at the end and whipped Peggy`s nipples hard for a good two minutes. He was sweating now and so he removed the polo shirt.

Gina could see that Peggy was close to climax. Her legs clenched together and her eyes were rolling back in her head as she panted and her breaths came in short bursts. Looking over at Ann she saw that she had unbuckled the belt from Charles`s jeans and she delved inside to free his cock. Charles adjusted his position so that Ann could pull the tight denim down and give her the ability to improve her hand job. She stroked him slowly as they both watched the Master punish Peggy`s tits with the crop.

The Master replaced the crop on the wall before selecting a paddle that was about three inches wide and half an inch thick. It had several holes bored in the surface. He slapped the paddle across both butt cheeks viciously. At least ten blows to each cheek until they glowed a bright pink.

Gina watched as Ann adjusted her position and covered Charles`s cock with her mouth. They both had not missed one minute of the action before them. Ann licked the head of his cock and waited for the next episode of the Master and Peggy. They didn`t have to wait long as the Master changed the paddle for a long piece of bamboo that was maybe five feet long.

He walked towards Peggy and tapped the bamboo cane gently against her buttocks to centre his swing. Then his arm came back and he brought the bamboo forcefully across the taut buttocks of the swinging Peggy. The thwack echoed around the room and Peggy screamed. Not in pain as Gina might have imagined but in pleasure as a huge orgasm surged through her body and she danced like a marionette as the waves of pleasure surged through her. There was now a deeper red welt right across her arse to compete with the pink glow that the paddle had left. Gina also noted that the bamboo had connected perfectly with the emarld stone in the base of the butt plug and had pushed it hard into Peggy`s anus.

Gina looked at Ann and saw that she had the entire cock in her mouth now and as the Master brought the bamboo crashing across Peggy`s bum for the second time she saw Ann gulp and swallow has Charles ejaculated in her mouth. She swallowed all that she could and the dribbles that had escaped her mouth were pushed back in with her finger. Gina was watching it all now as if spellbound. The Master brought the cane behind his head and then swung it with such force that it broke and splintered on impact. Gina was shocked as Peggy experienced another huge climax. Her bum was bright red now and small splinters from the bamboo were lodged in her skin.

Gina saw Ann beckon for her to come and she crawled towards her Mistress as she rose from the bed. Ann undid the zip and the clasp on the dress and wriggled her arms free and allowed gravity to pull the dress to the floor. Gina gazed up at her ravishing Mistress who was now only clad in a bra and panties set of diaphanous dark green silk and grey thigh high stockings. Ann lay back on the bed with her legs pointing towards Charles and she reached behind her and released the bra allowing her beautiful breasts to be free. Gina clambered onto the bed and ran her finger nails over Ann`s breasts and nipples as she knew that this drove her Mistress wild. Ann was still watching the Master as he replaced the bamboo with a short cane similar to the ones used by headmasters in schools.

The Master used all his power to send the cane whistling through the air and crashing into Peggy`s buttocks over and over. Peggy was reeling now as orgasm after orgasm surged through her like multiple Tsunamis. Gina kept one eye on Peggy while she attended to her Mistresses sensitive breasts and her other eye saw Charles move the silky panties to one side and push his head between Ann`s thighs. Ann was starting to become agitated as the two prong attack of Gina on her breasts and Charles on her gash pushed her close to the edge.

As the Master replaced the cane in his hand with the birch Ann came long and hard and screamed her release as her back lifted off the bed. The Master glanced quickly at his wife before the birch landed with a loud crack across Peggy’s back and split the skin in several places. This time Peggy screamed from the pain and Gina could only imagine the tentacles of fire that she herself had experienced only recently.

“Fuck Peter, that`s the best yet. Again you cunt, hit me again you fucking prick!” Peggy baited the Master and was rewarded as he swung the birch multiple times until she hung unmoving from the manacles. Her back was in tatters and she had passed out.

During this barbaric show Charles had recovered enough and he slipped his hardness into Ann`s waiting wetness. The silky panties rubbed deliciously against his shaft as he pumped Ann hard. Gina was still sucking and scratching Ann`s nipples and Ann screamed again as her next orgasm arrived. Gina was looking at her Master who was drenched in sweat and doubled over as he tried to force the oxygen into his body. Peggy still hung immobile from the restraints and blood ran down her back, across her buttocks, down her legs and was dripping on the carpet.

Charles was pumping harder and harder into Ann now and his eyes were scrunched shut as he concentrated on not coming. He was breathing hard and becoming more agitated and then he exploded with a loud, “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees!” as he shot his load deep into Ann who came for the third time as she felt him erupt inside her. Gina held her Mistress as the aftershocks travelled through her body but was interrupted as the Master called out her name. She turned and saw him standing with his pants around his ankles and a massive erection pointing up to the ceiling.


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Gina scooted from the bed and crawled to her Master before swallowing his dick into her mouth. Her tongue tasted the drops of pre come oozing from the slit at the top. She knew he wouldn`t last long and she pushed down hard with her head as he thrust upwards. Her throat opened and accepted him and his knees began to quiver. Seconds later Gina felt his warm sticky come fill her mouth and she accepted it all greedily. She sucked and licked him until she felt him begin to harden again. She gazed up at him with her doe like eyes with the unanswered question of where he wanted to fuck her now. Gina was so horny after the evening’s events that she just wanted his cock. He could put it wherever he wanted but she needed him inside her soon.

Her Master flipped her over onto all fours so that she was kneeling below the hanging body of Peggy. She felt her Master`s hardness as he pushed into her drenched gash from behind. He fucked her like an animal, slamming his length deep into her over and over. He was like a man possessed and as he screamed his release it was if he was claiming this woman as his own like the cavemen of old. His fucking of her was so intense that Gina bit her lip until it bled to stop her orgasm coming. She was still struggling for breath as he fell out of her backwards and lay on the carpet wheezing.

Gina opened her eyes and saw Ann and Charles. They were entwined in the missionary position and he was sliding into her with long romantic strokes and she had her legs wrapped tightly around his waist with her ankles locked to keep him in place. Gina was startled from her enjoyment of watching her Mistress get a nice gentle screw from their handsome guest as a small voice called her from above, “Hey Gina, get up here and suck my clit. I am sure I can get off with those luscious lips one more time before I die,” giggled Peggy.

Gina climbed to her feet and sucked Peggy`s elongated clit into her mouth. The metallic taste of the small gold bar was a bit off putting, but Gina persevered and in minutes Peggy was screaming her umpteenth orgasm of the night at the ceiling. Gina continued to lick at her labia and found her to be dripping with arousal. Peggy came once more as Gina delved between the folds of her gash and drank the sweet nectar within. She tasted different to her Mistress. Not better or worse, just different and Gina devoured all of the sticky liquid she could harvest.

Gina heard Ann and Charles come simultaneously in a rapturous celebration of their coitus. The Master was pulling himself to his feet and Peggy had fainted again after Gina had induced her into two or maybe three more orgasms. There was a pleasant aura in the room as Gina sensed that everybody had got what they were seeking from the evening. Then the mood changed drastically from golden to black.

Gina felt the Master grab her hair and pull her roughly to the bed and he threw her down so that her body was on the bed and her feet on the floor. She saw he was wild eyed as he grabbed the discarded cane from the floor and slashed her viciously across the buttocks with it six times. Gina screamed from the pain and the frustration of not knowing what she had done to deserve this punishment. She looked up with tear filled eyes and saw her Mistresses shocked face as the Master pulled her aggressively from under Charles. She was placed not so gently next to Gina and the cane whistled and connected six times on her silk clad buttocks. Both Gina and Ann were crying now as the Master landed blow after blow on their exposed bottoms. He alternated between Ann and Gina so they both received the same amount of strokes. When he stopped they must have received at least twenty each and the pain was nearly unbearable. He leaned forward so that both Gina and Ann could hear and he whispered menacingly, “Don`t ever tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Do you both understand me?”

The two women were crying openly now as they nodded and together they softly said, “Yes Master!” As the Master threw the cane to the floor and left the room.

Peggy had once more regained consciousness and Charles was releasing her from the restraints. Gina was astounded at the woman’s stamina when she grabbed Charles`s cock and sucked him into her mouth as she fell to her knees. Within minutes he was hard again and fucking Peggy doggy style on the carpet. Gina and Ann hugged each other and watched as the two reached their mutual orgasm before collapsing into each other’s arms on the carpet.

Gina and Ann struggled to their feet. The cheeks of their bums were burning and already they felt a stiffening that made it hard for them to walk. They gingerly traversed the stairs and found the Master sitting in his favourite chair and sipping a fresh whiskey. His black mood had evaporated and he was smiling as the two entered, to be greeted by, “Was a good evening I think. Everybody seemed to have a good time anyway.” Gina and Ann exchanged disbelieving glances before helping each other back upstairs.

Gina left Ann in her bedroom, and went to her own, stopping briefly to tell Charles where the guest room was. She fell on the bed and cried as the pain shot from her behind through her whole body. She looked at her small clock and saw it was only eleven o`clock. She woke up, still crying, as the alarm buzzed to tell her it was eight thirty.

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