HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“I guess he did not like that very much.”

“Understatement, darlin’.” Then he starts swearing bitterly.

“Vas ist los?” No, I should not have said that. I do not want Victor to even think that Logan understands German. “Sorry, I meant to ask vhat is wrong.”

“I should have been able to stop him from making me come.”

“Vhy? I could not. You are being too hard on yourself, mein –“ just in time, I remember that I must not call him Schatz, since I do not want Victor to pick up on the fact that I can use it to catch Logan’s attention during my bouts of German cursing – “Liebling. No matter that your bones are full of adamantium and your body heals fast, you are still just a man, nicht wahr? Vhy is everything your responsibility?”

“I guess that’s just what I’m used to doin’, Elf. I’m the one who has to do what others can’t, simply because I can.”

“You cannot be the best there is at everything, you know.”

“We’re not talking about resisting Victor’s electroejac devices anymore, are we?”

“No, ve are not. Ve are talking about you alvays taking upon yourself the sole responsibility, and the guilt that comes vith it vhen you fail.”

“Well, I can’t see that I’m doin’ very good at getting’ us outta this mess so far. I’m just as helpless against Victor as you are.”

I do not know how to respond to that, considering that Victor may well be hearing all this, so I say nothing.

“I should never have come back. I should have just stayed with him. Deep down, I’m as vicious as he is. The two of us belong together.”

“Never say that! It is not true!”

Logan shakes his head in denial, but he does not press the point.

“Kurt, listen. If you see a chance to get yourself outta here, promise me that you’ll take it, and not worry about me.”


“You gotta, especially if you think you’re in mortal danger. No matter what happens to me, save yourself. I’m likely to survive anyway.”

“Even if you are blown to pieces by Victor’s bomb? You may be hard to kill, but you are not immortal.”

“Well –” he glances down uneasily at the floor below him. “Yeah. Probably.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Only probably?”

“I suppose if I were blown into too many pieces, and those pieces were deliberately separated and scattered far apart –” He leaves it hanging, then goes back to his main point. “Promise me, Elf. I need to know that you’ll save yourself, if at all possible.”

I do not wish to promise such a thing, as I have no intention of escaping without taking Logan with me. But I do not want Victor to know that.

“I vill do everything vithin my power to save my own life. That is all I vill promise.” I glance around my prison and sigh hopelessly. “But I have no idea how I could get out of here vithout blowing us both up, so it really makes no difference.”

From the look on Logan’s face, I know my answer does not entirely satisfy him. He also does not want to think I have given up.

“I’ll get you out of here, one way or another,” he says. “Trust me.”

“Alvays vill I trust you. Never doubt that.”

Victor’s voice comes over the speakers. “All right, enough of that, you two lovebirds. Next thing I know, you’ll be professing your eternal love and devotion to each other. Enough, already!”

With that, he cuts off both video and audio. We are alone, with nothing but our thoughts, and those thoughts are not particularly comforting. Although I now have a rough idea of how it might be possible to escape, there are still a few things I must know before I dare try it. There are too many unknowns, and besides, it involves doing something I would prefer not to have to do.

In the silence and the solitude, I sort through what I have figured out so far, in the hope that I can think of a better way out of here. I try not to dwell too much on my eventual fate, if I cannot escape, nor on Logan’s, but it is hard to keep such considerations out of my head.

I do not want to die, but if that is what happens, I will face it as bravely as I can. If there is nothing beyond death, then I have certainly had my share of joy in this life, especially lately with Logan. And if there is something more, then I will trust that it is worthy of the God I choose to love and worship, despite my many doubts and questions. Either way, I cannot complain.

Logan is not so well cared for as I am, but he is given water now and again. The floor has a drain strategically located so that he can simply urinate where he stands. Beyond that, Victor cleans up when necessary. It is almost certain that there is no one else here except Victor, as he would surely assign these rather disagreeable tasks to someone else if he could.

Every time Victor leaves me, I have counted the seconds until he appears in Logan’s room, if he does. I can get some idea of how far away it is from mine, and vice versa. Thus far, my estimates range anywhere from nine to twelve meters, which would be in keeping with a separate building, but not at any great distance. It has seemed all along to be extravagant overkill to have two buildings, as he claims, but I cannot prove it to be impossible from the elapsed time. However, if we are not in two separate buildings, the threat of a bomb that could kill Logan is almost certainly a lie, as it would kill Victor also.

I can make a rough guess as to how wide the walls of these rooms are, judging by what I can see when Victor comes in or goes out. Assuming he does not go to the extreme of placing large objects outside my door and moving them whenever he comes or goes, which I judge unlikely, I could safely teleport to the area just beyond the door. Beyond that, I do not know what is directly outside of this building, or if the outside door is locked.

There are too many unknowns. I need more answers.

It seems a long time before Victor returns. As usual, he wastes no time fastening my wrist back down.

He turns on both the audio and the video, so my eyes go directly to Logan’s image. His head lifts as he hears that the speakers are active. He gives me a smile, as if to reassure me that he is doing all right.

Victor starts teasing me with the points of his claws, drawing them lightly over the inside of my thighs, then next to my scrotum, then around my exposed anus. It does not hurt, since he is using very little pressure. In fact, it feels all too good. If I did not know the horrors those terrible claws could do, I would find this quite arousing. I close my eyes, wishing it were Logan’s fingers teasing me. Ja, like that. Around my anus, then up a bit, towards the base of my tail, where the lightest touch sends shivers of desire up my spine. Ja, there! There!

I gasp as I react, then remember it is not Logan’s hand touching me.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Victor asks, his voice sarcastically sweet. “Did I hit a tender spot?”

“No. You are tickling me.”

He presses harder against that sensitive area. “You’re not laughing. Are you sure it just tickles?”

“I am too scared to laugh.”

So he laughs. Good. I do not want him to realize just how exquisitely that part of my body reacts. Why such a thing should happen, I have no idea. Perhaps its has something to do with the way my nerves run into my tail. In any case, I just want him to forget all about it.

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