HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

A frown crosses his face as I say that. “That’s right, you’re a Kraut, aren’t you? I should have noticed it from the accent. I hate Germans. Killed a shitload of them in the last World War. Wouldn’t mind killing another one, though.” He eyes me speculatively.

“I’ll tolerate none of that Kraut shit, fairy boy. Say it in English, if you expect me to understand, much less do as you ask.”

“Please, Victor, no — no more. It hurts like hell,” I beg, translating it loosely for him. So. He does not understand simple German. Or he wants to make me think he does not understand it. I may be able to use this information later on.

Logan is reacting to my apparent pain by struggling against his bonds and appears to be screaming furiously. Out of the corner of one eye, Victor notices this. “What’s the matter, little brother? You look as if you’d like to tell me something. Want me to turn on the audio, so we can hear you?”

Logan nods frantically.

“Sorry. Maybe later on. I’m busy now.” He turns his attention back to me, giving one more push to the dildo, somewhat less emphatic than the previous ones. I scream obligingly, even though I do not really have to.

“I’m tempted to go further, baby, and split you right open, especially when I think about how Jimmy left me for your sorry ass. But I won’t. I’ll be nice. For now.”

The pressure eases as he slowly and teasingly withdraws the dildo. “You did rather enjoy that though, didn’t you?”

I cannot tell him no, as my hard cock would clearly show it to be a lie. Victor examines the dildo as if considering how far it went. Then he gives a satisfied nod. “When I finally get around to fucking your ass, fairy boy, I’ve got to remember not to be overly gentle or you won’t take as much notice of it as I’d like you to. But don’t worry about that happening, since I don’t do gentle very well anyway. You can ask Jimmy about that later on, if you want. Meanwhile – ” He sets the dildo aside on the counter, then returns to stand next to me, readjusting the table so that my legs are again flat down against the surface. Perhaps it is over for now. No, I guess not. He has placed one hand on my chest and begins to trace the scars with the point of one claw, as Logan often does with a finger.

I want him to keep talking, so I ask, “Vhy are you doing all this just to torture us? These buildings and all this equipment must have cost a fortune.”

“Oh, they did.” He sounds a bit bemused, as if he is more interested in my scars than in the discussion. “I would never have been able to afford all this stuff, except that some very rich and very powerful folks hired me to take down the fearsome Wolverine. You’re just collateral damage. They think I’m going to kill Jimmy, but I won’t be doing that. I’ll just keep him for myself, after I’ve had my fun with you.”

“Vill these powerful people not come after you vhen they find they have been betrayed?”

“Yeah, they probably will. But Jimmy and I can hire ourselves out to some other equally powerful folks and be safe. Or at least as safe as we’ve ever been, which ain’t saying much.”

His claw has arrived close to one of my nipples now. He touches it experimentally with the sharp point. I shiver. He smiles. “Sensitive tits, huh? I like that in a man.”

He positions his claws around the areola, pricking just enough to draw blood. “Now listen, and listen good. If you behave well, I can free up one of your arms so that it’s on a short chain. That way, you can reach the water bottle I’ve got on a shelf under the table along with the urinal and bedpan that are there also. If you don’t behave, I won’t do that, and you’ll have to depend on me to make both of those things available to you. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m not all that reliable about such matters, if I have no reason to be. Understand?”


“So you gonna be a good little boy if I do that for you, or are we going to do this the hard, and I assure you the much more messy and unpleasant, way?”

“I vill be good, Victor.”

The claws prick just a bit more deeply. I do not even dare to wince for fear it would drag those points through my flesh. “If you’re lying to me, bear in mind that Jimmy will be the one to suffer for it. You’ll just get pretty thirsty, not to mention being left to lie in your own piss and shit.”

“I vill not forget,” I assure him.

“Good.” The claws pull away, leaving me essentially undamaged. He works at some mechanism at the side of the table, clipping a short length of chain to the metal cuff around my left wrist then releasing the cuff from whatever was holding it to the table. “There you go, baby, just like I promised. Reach around under the table and try it out.”

Yes, there is indeed a plastic bottle of water, with a permanent straw attached. I had not realized just how thirsty I was until I had the bottle in my hand. With a little maneuvering, I can get the end of the straw between my lips and take a few swallows. I notice he has stepped back just far enough to be out of my reach.

“See? I told you it would work.” He moves away, toward the door. “I’m gonna leave you two alone now. In fact, I’ll even turn on the audio so you and Jimmy can talk things over. I’m not going to tell you what time it is, or even whether it’s day or night. And I’ll come back to visit either or both of you whenever I feel like having a little more fun.”

He clicks the remote control as he gets to the door. “Oh, and by the way, the locks on the doors will only work by a voice command from me, so don’t even bother to try to get out that way unless you happen to be a very convincing mimic. It won’t work.”

He leaves, after reciting some nonsense word at the door. There is only silence in the room, as Logan and I stare at each other. Logan speaks first.

“Elf? Ya OK?”

I move my wrist, replacing the bottle and then testing the length of chain again. I can reach most of the way to my face and a little way down below my hips.

“Ja, just fine, all things considered. Is this Victor really who he says he is?”

“I’m afraid so. A lot of what he told me jogged memories in my brain. I’m only sorry you got involved in our little vendetta. I’ll get you outta here somehow, I promise.”

“Be careful vhat you say. He could be vatching and listening to us.”

“Let that mother-fucker listen. I don’t care. There’s something ya need to know.”


Logan hangs his head forward so I cannot see his face. “He – he told you the truth about what we did. The sex was brutal, hideously brutal. It was almost more like fighting than screwing. We tore at each other like animals. It was – hideously exciting.”

I have every reason to know how very closely sex is linked with violence in his psyche, so what he tells me should come as no surprise, and yet it hurts.

“Kurt? Say something, darlin’. Talk to me.”

I take a breath and exhale, trying to banish the quiver that threatens my voice. “I hear you. Vhat is it you vould like me to say?”

“That you understand? That you – don’t hate me for what I did, maybe?”

He is pleading now, I can tell from his tone. His head is still bowed forward. “I can never hate you, Logan. You should know that.”

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