HELL HATH NO FURY (Revised story list) by Karl555

“You never said anything about that.”

“Entschuldigung. I mean, sorry about that.” I deliberately do not sound at all sorry. My sarcasm earns me a sharp smack in the face. I see it coming, so I make sure to let my head turn with the blow, to minimize the damage. Even so, my lip splits against the points of my teeth.

Victor tosses both vibrators across the room in a frenzy of frustration, then leans over me and snarls, “Keep that up, fairy boy, and I’ll make you very sorry about a lot of things before I’m done with you.”

“Geh zum Teufel, Arschgesicht!” I snap back at him, spitting the blood from my lip into his face.

He just laughs, wiping off the blood with his fingers, then licking them.

“Since you don’t seem to want to play my game by the rules, I think I’ll go play with your boyfriend for a while. Perhaps he’ll be more appreciative of my attentions than you are.”

As Victor stomps out of the room, I start counting the seconds between the time he leaves here and the time he appears in the other room with Logan, in the hope that I can get some idea of how far away the other building is located.

I get up to 124. Figuring that Victor’s stride is roughly a meter long, that would make it around 12 meters. Nothing guarantees that he went directly from here to there, nor is my mental count necessarily accurate. I realize this is a very rough estimate, but it is a starting point.

Meanwhile, I have no choice but to watch Victor rape Logan, using none of the care and finesse that he lavished on me. I am not truly worried that he can hurt Logan that way, but it is still not pleasant, as Victor savagely bites and gouges his victim as he does it.

Logan proves to be no more cooperative than I was about allowing himself to reach orgasm as a result of Victor’s action.

At first, this pleases me, but then I see the rage suffusing Victor’s face and I am afraid. I want to tell Logan to give in, give him what he wants. When I resisted, I knew I would not be truly hurt, but that is not a consideration in Logan’s case. Yet I know my pleading would be in vain, for Logan must prove that he can do whatever I can do. And after what he told me when last we spoke, he must also show me that he no longer desires Victor’s attentions.

And so I watch in silence. Perhaps Logan already knows how to do whatever it was that I did, or perhaps he simply has more control over his sexual responses than I do. Either way, for all Victor’s striving, he cannot make Logan come, although he himself howls and bellows his way through several climaxes of his own.

Finally, Victor gives up on the effort and backs off. He stands there for some seconds, virtually snarling his rage and frustration. Suddenly, his posture changes, he takes a deep breath and seems to have come to some conclusion.

“You don’t want to give me your pleasure,” he growls, as he walks around in front of Logan, “so I’m going to make you give me your pain instead.”

One clawed hand reaches down to Logan’s scrotum, pricking it around the base just as he did mine. I can see from the look on Logan’s face that he too knows what will come next.

“I’m going to do this real slow.” One of the monitors shows a close up of Logan’s lower body. I cannot tear my eyes away from it as Victor’s claws extend and go in. “Scream for me, little brother. I want to hear it. And I want your little blue tooth fairy to hear it also.”

There is triumph in Victor’s eyes as he turns to look at me. His hand closes tighter. Logan clenches his teeth and remains silent.

Victor’s fingers pull downward, the sharp claws cutting through bleeding flesh slowly but inexorably. The bottom of the sac bulges as the testicles are forced against it.

“Stop being the strong silent type, little brother. Unless you want to watch me do this to your fuck buddy once I’m finished with you.”

The claws finally dig in to the testicles as they continue to shred the scrotum. The distended flesh at the bottom gives way, leaving Victor holding Logan’s skewered balls in his hand. He continues to pull downward, drawing the attached ligaments and ducts out of the bloody opening.

“What’s more important to you, Jimmy? Your pride, or your demon lover?”

Logan throws his head back and roars out his pain and despair.

I start on my usual litany of curses in German. As soon as I see that I have gotten Logan’s agonized attention, I call out, “Schatz! Nicht verzweifeln!” before returning to the foul names I am calling Victor.

His continued screams pierce my heart but I rebuke myself. You told Logan not to despair, Kurt. Now keep your own hope alive. You know full well he will survive this.

Holding Logan’s skewered balls up to the camera for me to see, Victor laughs at my futile efforts to insult him. As I watch the blood gush down from Logan’s groin, I swear to myself that the last laugh will be mine, no matter what the cost.

Victor returns to my room. I have been too distracted to count the elapsed time, but it did not seem very long.

“Did you enjoy the show, baby?” he asks as he loosens the restraint on my left arm, replacing it with the chain. I am so furious that I try to pull my arm free while he is doing it, even though I know I cannot. I do surprise him enough that I can get a grip on his forearm with my fingernails and tear out a chunk of flesh.

“Oh, you’re being a bad little fairy boy, aren’t you?” he says as he pulls back out of my reach, clutching the injured arm as it heals. “What’s the matter? Did I make you angry?”

I glare at him, the rage burning in my heart reflected in my glowing eyes. His hand moves toward my face. My eyes close reflexively and the tip of a sharp claw touches each eyelid.

“I could do it so easily, you know. But I’ll spare you this time and do something else instead.”

The claws withdraw and I can breathe again.

He takes the remote control from his pocket. “There. I’ve shut off the audio both ways. You can lie here and watch while Jimmy heals, but you can’t talk to each other.”

His gloating laughter trails behind him as he leaves the room.

He is right. I would almost have preferred a physical punishment to this. I want so much to say something to comfort Logan, but at least I can still see how fast he is healing and I will know when he is whole again. It is nothing short of amazing to watch when his body literally re-grows a part. However, it does take time and he is clearly suffering a considerable amount of pain as it happens. If I were not trying to be strong for his sake, I would be crying uncontrollably.

I cannot say how long it took, but at last he looks at me with something other than pain in his expression. I smile tentatively and raise one eyebrow in inquiry as I make the thumbs up signal with my hand. He cannot respond in kind, as his hands are totally encased in their restraints, but he does nod at me.


As Victor again takes the slack out of my left hand restraint and fastens it down, he remarks cheerily, “Since you both resisted so well last time, I’ll have to be more persuasive. You’re going to be sorry you did that. I don’t like it when my victims refuse to give me what I want. This time, you’re not going to have a choice.”

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