Journey into Cheating – Part 3: My obsession with my boyfriend’s dad – by ElisaDolotsNew..,
I find myself slowly becoming obsessed with my boyfriend’s dad. , This story picks up a few weeks after I fucked Sam’s dad. I had met up with Sarah not long after my session with Mr. Barker and told her every single dirty detail of my encounter. She didn’t believe me at first. Even though me and her had done a few crazy things together, she said that she always saw me as her innocent little friend. But after she realised I was telling the truth, she was so impressed. She said she would never have thought that I would do anything so wild. She was extremely happy to be wrong. She actually sounded a little jealous, at times. Her praise definitely made me feel good. She knew that I felt terrible about cheating on Sam, especially with his dad, and that I was conflicted, but she also knew I was on the cusp of discovering my sexual self. So she was happy for me. I always felt like I wasn’t a bad person, just that things ended up happening to me. And more things indeed ending up happening to me.
Despite masturbating about my sex club session with Mr. Barker frequently, I did my best to put the event out of my conscious mind in order to remain sane. I would have moments where I felt intense shame and guilt and sadness, but I quickly did my best to suppress them. It had been several weeks since it had happened and life was carrying on like normal, each day melting into another. One day stood out as eventful in this lull of excitement, though. Sam and I had finished work at the supermarket and we were waiting at the bus stop outside the store. Suddenly, I heard Sam say that he could see his dad. I remember being wide-eyed, concern immediately came to the front of my mind. Sure enough, his dad pulled up in his car. He wound down the window and said he was in the area and thought he would give us a lift home from work. Sam eagerly accepted the offer and I hesitantly followed. Sam offered me the front seat and he got into the back.
The car journey seemed fine but I was a mess the whole time. I was so worried I would just blurt out that I fucked his dad, or something. Luckily, Sam and his dad just chatted about work. We were only a few minutes from our flat when Mr. Barker pulled into a petrol station. He pulled up in a parking spot and asked Sam to go and get him some batteries. Sam reluctantly got out the car and walked into the shop. Without looking at me, his dad reached over and slid his hands into my leggings. I jumped and did my best to stifle a scream. He slid a finger all the way up from the bottom of my pussy, and stopped at the top to play with my clit. I let out a soft moan.
“Put your hand on my dick,” he said flatly. “Don’t make it look obvious.”
I hesitated for a brief moment, then reached over and rested my hand on his crotch. He was getting hard. I rubbed along the length of his cock, feeling it grow through his trousers.
“I’m going to fuck you with this dick again,” he told me.
I was blinded by the feel of his fingers in my pussy.
“Wh…when?” I quietly asked.
“Soon,” he replied.
Mr. Barker quickly pulled his hand from between my legs as Sam began walking out the store, walking towards us. He could easily see both his dad and I sitting in the front, but not below our chests. As soon as I noticed him I yanked my hand away from his dad’s crotch. I sat there, trying to look completely disinterested in the situation. Sam got into the back of the car and handed his dad the batteries.
“Thanks, son,” he said. “The TV remote died last night.”
Mr. Barker dropped us home and waved us goodbye, like everything was normal. I made my way into the house with Sam, starstruck by what had just happened. I was buzzing with sexual adrenaline and could barely think. But, as a couple of hours passed and the feeling wore off, I started to feel awful. I think the reason I felt so bad was because I knew, deep down, that I was going to hurt Sam and break his trust once again. In the front of my mind, I told myself that I wouldn’t do it and that I would just try and be happy with Sam.
A few days later, during work, I got a message from an unknown number. I thought nothing of it and carried on working. After an hour or so I went to the toilet. As I sat there peeing, I scrolled through my phone. I remembered the message I’d received earlier, so I opened it. It was a message from Mr. Barker. I snapped out of my sedated work-mode. He told me it was him and that I was to let him know once Sam had fallen asleep that night, and nothing else. I looked up from my phone, staring through the toilet cubicle door. My heart started to beat faster. My mind started to race. What was he going to do? What was going to happen? What was I going to do? I went in circles in my head, trying to decide if I should suppress my curiosity and desire, or give in. Should I be faithful and loving to Sam, or should I potentially fuck his dad?
I finished peeing and put my phone away. I didn’t reply. I was just going to ignore the message, not message him later, and then hopefully I could forget about everything. Even as the resolution appeared in my mind, that devious spark within me protested. I pulled up my trousers and went back to work, leaving the situation back in the toilet cubicle. It felt like forever waiting to finish work but Sam and I eventually finished and took a bus home. I spent the whole evening on edge. I wanted to be a good person, to be a loving girlfriend, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist. I wanted to but I knew I couldn’t. Despite that, I resolved to do my best to be good. I eventually made the sensible decision to go to bed when Sam went to bed, so that I could just forget about what his dad had asked me to do and go to sleep.
Hours passed and I just wasn’t sleeping. Sam had been snoring away for ages. I knew that was my signal to message his dad, but I didn’t, and the conflict kept me from sleep. As I lay listening to Sam snore, I heard my phone buzz against the bedside table. I slowly reached across and picked it up. It was a message from Mr. Barker. He said that he had waited long enough and that, whether Sam was asleep or not, I was to come outside immediately. I locked the phone and lay still. I knew my mind was going to try and make me feel bad and try to stop me from going, but I also knew that I was going to do it anyway. I looked back at Sam sleeping, a twinge of shameful pain hit me, and I slowly slipped out of bed. I walked downstairs naked and found a top and some leggings lying around and quickly got dressed. I quietly made my way to the front door and gently pushed down on the handle. It softly clicked open and I made my exit, shutting the door behind me as quietly as possible.
I looked up and down my dark street for Mr. Barker’s car, I couldn’t see it. Suddenly, I noticed a car’s lights flash on and then off. My heart began to quicken. I hurriedly made my way over to the car, looking back at the flat, then opened the door and got in.