My Dear Sweet Slave: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

“I’m sorry, Master. You deserve a better slave than me. I couldn’t even make you a simple¬—”

Holly was rendered silent as Isaac put his powerful arm around her and pulled her close. “There was a guy named Sun Tzu who once said something along the lines of “if soldiers don’t obey because they don’t understand, it’s the commander’s fault” or something like that. Anyway, he was a lot smarter than me so he was probably right.

If you have trouble making decisions, then I’ll just have to teach you to be more decisive. It’s not like I can be angry at a pet that I haven’t even trained. I told you this morning, you’re the best slave ever and I meant it.”

“But what about dinner?”

Isaac stood up. “Eh, let’s just order takeout. You can cook dinner tomorrow. It’s a personal rule of mine not to work on Sundays and your boss told me to tell you you’re off tomorrow. Let’s just enjoy the day. Come on, let’s do a big shop while we’re here and you can cook dinner tomorrow.”

He then held out his hand to her and she smiled with wet eyes.

“Yes, Master!”

The evening news was playing out on the TV and Isaac and Holly were lounging on the couch, each with a paper box of food and a pair of chopsticks.

“You’re right, that was delicious. And you can really order it any time?” Holly asked, rubbing her full stomach.

“Are you kidding? I have those guys on speed dial. I hate cooking for myself, so my dinners aren’t always very healthy. But I certainly burn off all those calories with how hard I work.”

“Well starting tomorrow, you’ll never have to cook for yourself. You’ll get a delicious home-cooked meal every night.”

Standing up, she cleaned the coffee table of all the remains of their meal and discarded them in the kitchen trashcan. While she cleaned up, Isaac brought up the cable guide to see if there were any movies they could watch. Once finished, she returned to the den and stood behind the couch.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Master? Anything to eat or drink? A neck-rub perhaps?”

“I’m fine, Holly. Thank you.”

“Are you sure? If there are any chores or jobs you need done, I’ll be more than happy to complete them for you.”

Isaac again chuckled, greatly amused by her desperate need to satisfy others and be useful. He decided he might as well throw her a bone.

“Tell you what, I’m feeling a tad bit bold. Come over here and give me some body heat.”

Happy to obey, Holly returned to the couch. Sitting beside Isaac, she curled up against him and wrapped her arms tightly around his torso. Having finally found a good movie about to start, Isaac gave a sigh of relief and put his arm around Holly, holding her tightly with her head rested on his chest. Feeling his arm around her like a blanket, Holly blushed in happiness and settled in like a sleepy kitten.

This… this moment, right here and now, it was one she had never anticipated. When she decided to follow her dream of finding a man who would be her Master, she never really thought beyond being used to satisfy his sexual desires and follow orders, as that was all she ever wanted to do. But now, she was being embraced in a way that gave her a form of pleasure that went beyond her wildest dreams.

She used to huddle together with her brothers and sisters on movie night at the orphanage, and would try to snuggle in their laps when she pretended to be a cat or dog, but none of that compared to this. What she and Isaac were doing didn’t involve sex, was not a game of perversion, and had nothing to do with their relationship as slave and Master. They were simply two people who cared about each other, enjoying each other’s company while watching a movie and resting from a long day of work.

Last night, she realized that she had found her home, but never before had it felt so much like a real home than at this very moment. How strange, this may have been one of the few times in her life, when without fulfilling someone’s orders or being dominated and used… she was truly happy.

“Oh, by the way, Holly, I have a few gifts for you,” said Isaac as the movie credits began to roll.

Having been about to fall asleep, Holly perked up with the look of a cat spotting the fluttering wings of a moth. “Gifts?”

“Just a few things to welcome you home.”

He picked up the paper bag he had placed on the coffee table earlier, and reaching inside, he pulled out a cell phone and gave it to her. It wasn’t anything expensive or complex, just an old slide model from SAMSUNG, but the look on Holly’s face was priceless.

“I just wish I had been able to give this to you sooner, that way it would have been easier to find you.”

“Thank you so much, Master! I’ve wanted one of these since I was a little kid!” she squealed.

Smiling, Isaac then drew a large dog collar, which he picked up from the local pet store. It was one of the suggestions he had found online. On the ring was a heart-shaped tag, labeled HOLLY.

“I had to look around at a few places before I could find the right tag, but what use is a collar if its doesn’t have my pet’s name on it?”

Holly was left speechless and nearly on the verge of tears when she saw the collar, and as Isaac secured it around her neck, she began to cry in happiness.

“How is it? I hope it’s not too tight.”

In reply, Holly threw herself at Isaac and hugged him with all her strength. “It’s perfect, Master!”

Holly kneeled in the bedroom doorway, her clothes gone and her hands tied above her head. Isaac had secured a leash to her collar, tied it around her wrists so that her arms were raised straight up, and secured the handle around a hook he drilled into the cross beam of the frame above.

The leash’s pull on her collar was just tight enough to halve every breath she could take in, nothing more than a fabric aphrodisiac. Just like the night before, her panties had been stuffed into her mouth for a gag, but they were already soaked from her mouth watering in arousal.

“I said I would teach you to be more decisive, but all teaching requires some form of discipline and punishment. Your first lesson will be why you shouldn’t fail to do what I ask. You need to learn it tonight, so the lesson will stay fresh in her mind.” said Isaac, crouching in front of her with his belt tied around his hands.

With her mouth full, Holly simply flashed him the Bambi eyes to make herself appear apologetic and weak. Standing up, Isaac unraveled his belt and took aim. He had seen this a porno and copied it, even using some of a dialogue. Just holding his belt, knowing what he was going to do with it, it was way out of character for him and it had his stomach in knots. But if Holly liked it, then he could probably learn to enjoy it as well.

After letting himself enjoy the sight of the torrential emotion and arousal in Holly’s eyes, he lashed out with the belt and struck her left breast. Holly screamed in euphoria through her gag, while the melon-sized orb of jiggling flesh turned red with a growing welt. Already, drops of liquid arousal could be seen running down her inner thighs.

He had meant to strike her lightly, but the force of the leather was greater than he had expected and he was momentarily petrified that he had gone too far. He looked into her eyes, expecting her to see a teary signal him to stop, but instead he stared into a ravenous gleam, begging him to increase the brutality.

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