My Dear Sweet Slave: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

“Now this is going to feel VERY strange.”

He pushed up a dial on the control box, completing the circuit and allowing the battery’s power to surge into Holly like a miniature stun gun. Feeling electricity shoot through her breasts like fire ants, Holly screamed and arched her back, breaking the connection.

“Do you want me to keep going?”

In reply, Holly nodded and writhed like a headless snake. She REALLY wanted him to keep going. Happy to oblige, Isaac brought up the charge higher for a few seconds and then dropped it. Every time she felt the electricity surge through her, Holly would scream and nearly cum. She had never felt pain like this before, she didn’t even know what to compare it to! It was like every millimeter of her body was being pinched with tweezers! She loved it! She loved the stinging hotness coursing through her veins!

Isaac was certainly happy to be watching her. Her reaction almost belonged on YouTube. He would vary the charge he gave her. Sometimes he could hold the dial forward and give Holly a sustained shock and sometimes he would tap it rapidly and fill her with tiny jolts.

With each shock she received, Holly’s endurance lowered. In less than a minute, it took only a single shock to make her cum, as if she was a toy that needed to be plugged in. Just two small zaps on her nipples, and a vast wet climax would explode from her slit. Isaac continued playing her like this, shocking her over and over again the battery was drained.

Placing the toy aside, Isaac untied the bonds around her ankles and climbed onto the bed. Raising her legs, he led his cock to her welcoming slit and dove in as deep as he could, making her once again moan through her gag.

After all of the orgasms Holly had experienced, her pussy could not have been looser. It was like fucking the sleeve of a sweater. Holly was too exhausted to clench or react to him. She was barely responsive to his thrusts. Her small whines and moans were the only sign that she had not passed out from the sexual shocking. She was out for the count.

Knowing that they wouldn’t be able to continue, Isaac decided not to hold back and hurled all of his might at Holly, slamming into her until the sound of flesh against flesh echoed through the apartment like a round of applause. Burning through his reserves of strength, his orgasm was quick in its arrival. Shuddering from head to toe, he groaned as he flooded her womanhood with his seed, emptying it all into her like she was a fleshlight.

Exhausted, Isaac untied her limbs, removed the bandana over her eyes, and took out her gag. She had a content smile on her face and Isaac gave her a loving kiss before lying down beside her.

“How was that?” he asked.

“That was amazing. I want to get my nipples pierced for a better shock.”

“Careful, I don’t want you turning into a pin cushion.”

“Well I was wondering if you would be ok with me getting a tattoo. Maybe something on my back like PROPERTY OF ISAAC HELTON. What do you think?”

“Piercings are one thing but tattoos are another, and that sounds just plain trashy. Not to mention I can’t even imagine how awkward it would be in the tattoo parlor when the guy is writing the letters and you’re having orgasm after orgasm,” he teased.

“Yes Master,” she pouted.

“Relax, you don’t need a tattoo to prove you’re my slave. Listen, today a big client hired me for an out of state job, it pays VERY well. Next month I’ll be gone for a few days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, you’ll be on your own. Will you be ok without me?”

“Can I come with you? Please don’t leave me here!”

Yep, she really was his pet.

“Holly, I’ll be working twelve hours a day and sleeping in a motel. If you come with me, you’ll just end up seeing me off and waiting in the room for me to come back. There will be nothing for you to do. Trust me, this isn’t the kind of job where I can just ask you to help me on. You’ll be fine.”

Isaac yawned and closed his eyes, feeling what strength he had leaking out of him.

“Ok. Um, Master, will you be trying to get more slaves while you’re gone?”

Now that was a question one wouldn’t expect to hear. About to drift to sleep, Isaac opened his eyes and turned to her. “Of course not, I’d never cheat on you!”

Holly looked at him quizzically, confused by his response. “Why not? When I was homeschooled at the orphanage, we learned a lot about history. Every great Master should have more than one slave. Surely you’ll get bored with just having me.”

“Holly, I could never get bored with you. You’re being ridiculous.”

“But still, having more slaves would make you happy right? Don’t you enjoy being with girls like me? Wouldn’t it be fun for you to have more slaves?”

“Holly, I’m still unable to believe I found you. I don’t think you realize how unusual you are.”

“I’m sure there are more girls like me, girls who would love to have you as their Master.”

Isaac sighed. “Holly, do you want me to have more slaves?”

“I know it would make you happy. It’s natural for men to want multiple women. Besides, I would certainly enjoy playing with them. It would be nice to have sisters again.”

It was clear Holly wasn’t going to let this go. Isaac had to throw her a bone. “Tell you what, if you can find a pretty girl just like you who wants to be my slave, I’ll THINK about having her. Just be discrete, I don’t want you standing on the street corner asking women if they want to be a sex slave or hassling customers at work. I really don’t want you or I to end up in jail, most likely sporting a black eye and a face soaked in pepper spray.”

“All right, I won’t disappoint you!”

“Yes, fine, just go to sleep.”

Smiling, Holly laid her head down on the pillow and slowly drifted to sleep. Unknown to the couple, their conversation had been overheard. Sitting out in the hallway, Alice was working her fingers in her tiny virgin pussy. She always waited outside their apartment, listening to Isaac and Holly have sex while she touched herself. But now, she had heard something way better than grunts or moans.

“Oh Master…” she whispered, achieving her nightly orgasm.

Chapter Four

Holly was lying on the bed, bored out of her mind and lonely. It was Friday night, Isaac had left that morning, and for three days, she was alone. Not only that, but her boss had given her the weekend off in order to give some shifts to the other waitresses, so she wasn’t needed at the diner. Now she was left to aimlessly wander the unit, not knowing what she could do and having nowhere to go. Isaac had left her with plenty of money so that she could take a cab wherever she wanted, but she only wanted to go where he was.

Should she go see if Donna wanted to hang out? They had gotten along well since Isaac introduced them, but in her heart, she knew that wouldn’t satisfy her. She wanted to be with her Master. Rolling on her side, she curled up in the fetal position and fiddled with the tag of her collar. Was this was pets really felt like when their Masters were gone?

A knock on the door made her jump off the bed. She had company? Was it Donna? After pulling on her clothes and leaving the bedroom, she opened the door and looked down to see Alice.

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