My Dear Sweet Slave: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

“Alice! Hi! How are you?” Holly asked, happy as could be that someone had come to see her.

Alice looked away, unsure of how to even begin the conversation. “Hi, Holly, I’m fine. Isaac’s gone, right?”

Holly momentarily lost her smile. “Yes, he’ll be gone for a few days. Is something not working in your apartment? I’m not good with tools like he is, but I’d love to help in any way I can.”

“No, nothing is wrong. But I really could use your help with something…” Alice mumbled, still unable to look up from the floor.

Holly cocked her head to one side. “What is it?”

Alice forced herself to look up into Holly’s bright peaceful face and stared at the dog collar around her neck. She had tears in the corners of her eyes but determination in her voice.

“I heard you say that Isaac should have more slaves. He said that if you could find girls willing to be his slave, he’d be willing to take them in like you. So please teach me to be a slave!”

With a wide smile on her face, Holly tackled the small girl and scooped her up into a tight bear hug. “Yes! Yes! A thousand times YES!” she screamed like a freshmen girl being asked out to prom.

“Really? You’ll let me have sex with Isaac?” Alice asked, squashed against Holly. She never thought it would go this well.

“Of course! You’ll be his slave after all! If he wants to have sex with you, I’ll do everything I can to make it happen!” Holly then put Alice down but kept her hands on her shoulders. “But are you sure you want me to teach you? Being a slave is a lot of work and requires real endurance. You have to enjoy pain, you have to enjoy being subjugated and dominated, you have to be perverse and love sex, and you have to be able to work hard to make sure Master is satisfied. There is cooking! Cleaning! Oral!”

“Yes! I want to learn! Now can we please stop talking about this in the hall?! There aren’t any other tenants around but echoes travel in this building!”

Holly again hugged her, this time speaking tenderly. “Donna told me about you, about how your parents completely neglected you and gave you nothing but a basement to sleep in and the leftovers of whatever they ate. You were so brave and smart; running away to come live with your uncle. It’s a shame he doesn’t spend time with you either, a sweet girl like you shouldn’t be all alone. I know how it feels to be abandoned, to be rejected by your parents. I promise, you’ll never feel lonely again. From now on, you and I are family.”

Hearing Holly speak, Alice suddenly felt her eyes beginning to water. She had only spoken to Holly once since she got involved with Isaac, and Alice’s first impression was that Holly was a total airhead and caught in a fantasy world. True, Holly was clearly more childish than Alice, but she had a special light to her, a form of kindness that the world had long since lost.

The feeling Alice received by being hugged by Holly, it was almost… nurturing. It wasn’t like Holly was taking on a maternal role, more like she was transforming to be exactly what Alice needed. Alice had never felt such loving kindness and care from anyone, even Donna, and now that she was basking in it for the first time in her life, Alice was struggling not to cry.

“You promise?” she managed to ask.

“Of course, my dear sweet little sister,” Holly hummed.

Sensing the girl trembling in her arms, she gained small smile. Thirteen years old, but she was just a small child.

“Listen, we have all of tonight and the weekend before Master comes back, that’s plenty of time to make you into the perfect slave. But first, let’s have dinner and relax. How I Met Your Mother is about to come on!”

Holly’s cheerfulness was contagious, almost overwhelmingly so.

“Sure!” Alice said, wearing one of the widest smiles of her life.

“So do you really like being a slave?” Alice asked as the second commercial break began to roll through. They had ordered takeout and were slurping up hot noodles out of paper boxes. The evening of moping on her Master’s bed had suddenly blossomed into a lovely girls’ night for Holly.

“Of course! It’s heaven!”

“But what do you like about it? I always figured being someone’s slave would be one of the worst things possible.”

“Not if you love your Master. Then everything you do, you do happily for them. You want to be given orders because it gives you an opportunity to make him happy. I suppose what I like most about it… is the solidarity. No… that’s not the word. Consistency? No, that’s not it either. How do I say this? I love being Master’s slave because the role itself becomes my home. It’s like a safe little cottage for my heart.

I do everything Master asks me to, but the truth is that he takes just as much care of me as I do for him. I hate making decisions, really. Nothing makes me more nervous. I actually will have small panic attacks when I’m faced with a choice. The day after Master took me in, he had to come pick me up at the grocery store because I was completely petrified of having to decide what to make for dinner. It was shameful!” Holly laughed in embarrassment.

Alice wasn’t sure how to respond.

“I guess the fact that I have someone else making the decisions for me is one of the reasons why I love being a slave so much. I’m not comfortable without a routine, so by having a Master, I just work happily and never have to make any choices. There is certain joy to just working mindlessly on single task, not having to think about anything other than what Master has ordered you to do. The simplicity is very soothing.”

Alice let the words sink in. Holly really was an airhead, but she did have a bit of a point. Her teachers always told her that mindless tasks helped with stress.

“The main reason why I love being a slave is because I love being needed. Unless someone is telling me what to do, I feel useless and out of place, I feel like I’m just a hindrance to everyone around me. When I’m needed, I have a reason to live. Should the day ever come when I’m no longer needed… I don’t think I’d want to be alive. By being a slave, you could say I’m always needed. It’s a role different from any other. A girlfriend or wife may cheat or run off, a servant is paid, but a slave will always belong to her Master and lives to fulfill his needs. As long as I am a slave, I have a job to do.

Then of course, there is the BEST perk to being a slave…”

Having been bending over to set her empty Chinese takeout box on the table, Alice turned back to Holly and found herself staring at the most perverse expression she had ever seen. Holly was panting, her face was flushed, and it looked like she was about to start drooling like a dog in a busy kitchen on Thanksgiving.

“I’m not ashamed to say I am a very lewd girl. I love getting touched, molested, violated, abused, and experiencing all manner of sexual mistreatment. I’m not sure if I was born that way or if my sisters ingrained it in me. Being a slave, I’m subject to Master’s desires. My body is his personal plaything for him to use whenever and however he wants. I love when he runs his tongue across my skin, when he violently thrusts into me, when he spanks me, whips me, and chokes me, and when he treats every hole in my body as his own cum dumpster. I can’t even describe how happy it makes me!”

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