Rachel’s Debt (Chapter 3 – The Past and the Pain) by AlexWebb

“Okay, if you’ll follow me.” As she led, I watched her ass sway in front of me, careful this time to return my eyes to a level gaze when she reached the sales counter. “Alright, so this model here has more storage, as well as a faster processing speed. Really, you only need that if you’re playing a lot of games or using a lot of memory-intensive apps on your phone.” She glanced at me; I shook my head. Giggling softly, she continued, “That’s what I figured. I would probably recommend this one.” She handed me a small pamphlet containing the phone’s specifications, explaining the various new features as I read. “Slower processing speed than the higher-end model, but should be sufficient for most day-to-day use. The camera’s improved, you now get much better pictures with it, brighter colors, more clarity. If you look here-“

“I’ll take it.” Seeing the look of bemused surprise on her face, I explained, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to cut you off. I’ve done a little research before coming in, and for all I actually use my phone for, this one will more than suffice.”

“Well, okay then. Follow me and we can get this set up for you.”

“You know, if you wanted to practice your sales pitch, I’ll let you finish. I didn’t mean to be so rude.”

She laughed, a full-throated chuckle. “If you don’t need it, I don’t really feel like going through it, if that’s alright. It gets a bit monotonous when you have to do it several times a day.” Nodding agreeably, I laughed with her. She took a seat, offering one on the other side of the counter to me. “Activation usually only takes a couple minutes, and then we’ll have you out of here.” Rebecca typed things into the computer in front of her, occasionally digging through the phone’s included paperwork for a serial number or registration code. I studied her while she worked. She had a woman’s body, but she was clearly still a teen. I suspected that, rough as high school could be, she had suffered some abuse over her extra weight. Similarly, I suspected that any man that got past second base with her found her body quite delightful.

“If you’d like, I can copy all your data from your old phone to your new. It doesn’t take long.” I declined her offer, even as a shiver of excitement ran through me at the thought of the sexy young saleswoman accidentally coming across some of the pictures on my phone. I wondered if Rebecca would recognize the young woman in those pictures. After all, they looked like they would be about the same age.

“I’m sorry to distract you, you can keep working. I was just wondering if you know my niece, Rachel Peck? Sorry, you just look familiar is all, thought I might’ve seen you hanging around her once.”

Her eyes lit up as she broke into a wide smile. “Know her? She’s been my best friend for like forever.” Her smile faltered, “I’m sorry, though, I don’t remember seeing you around. I’m terrible with faces.”

“Oh, that’s quite alright, I maybe haven’t been the best uncle always. Just tell her I said ‘hi’ next time you see her.”

Rebecca glanced around the store conspiratorially. “I’m not really supposed to do this, but for Rachel’s family, I think I could probably give you my employee discount.”

“Are you sure? That’s really sweet of you.”

“Of course. You just have to promise to make sure you go visit her soon. I know how important her family is to her.”

“Before the week is through, Rebecca.” She smiled, rang up my purchase, and I left the store about 15 minutes before closing time. A quick stop at home, and then I thought I would go and see RJ, now that he’s finally back home.

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