Salvation Ch. 5 Arrivals by Zenythmon

Salvation Ch. 5 Arrivals by Zenythmon

Explore intense passion and unexpected connections in 'Salvation Ch. 5: Arrivals' by Zenythmon. This erotic sex story delves into steamy encounters and tantalizing desires. Join the journey of lust and romance that will leave you breathless. Read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

A dark and sadistic tale set in Victorian England , The arrival of so many new children at St Saviour’s had caused much excitement amongst the staff and governors. The anticipation of watching their humiliation and suffering as they struggled to cope with the harsh new routines brought a new degree of passion to their tired and flagging loins.

Weary, sore and filthy from they’re long journeys the children were being given refreshments in the hall when Miss Marchant strode in carrying a vicious looking whip in her hand.

“Assemble these children in the courtyard for a thorough cleansing now!” Alice ordered Rebecca Bolton the matron and then just as quickly strode out again to rejoin the governors and their guests in the courtyard where they waited with baited breath for the entertainment to begin.

Full integration into their new routines would take a while, but what couldn’t wait was to get them clean and then medically inspected. The many clandestine activities at St Saviour’s dictated that the hygiene and sexual health of the children was always a top priority.

This had always been a daily routine that the staff enjoyed enforcing.

Once the children were assembled in the courtyard, the staff set about arranging them into small groups, removing their filthy rags and attaching their wrists to the many hooks that were embedded in the brick wall.

Confused and shocked the other naked children looked on nervously, aware that this audience who was showing great delight in the other children’s distress, were also watching them.

Attached to the cold-water tap on the far wall of the courtyard was a hosepipe fitted with a special nozzle. The spray from this nozzle was designed to omit either a single jet or a wider more powerful spray, so that it was possible to hose down one child or many children at the same time.

The staff’s excitement grew as they stepped back to admire the first group of naked children whose bodies even if they were a little filthy looked perfect to abuse. However, their first pleasure was to roughly wash them.

“Face the front!” Alice instructed the children.

Selecting the wider more powerful spray the staff took it in turns to hose them down. This wide spray immediately drenched them all, its power lifting them off their feet and dashing their already sore bottoms up against the brick wall.

Their screams and cries soon filled the courtyard, in stark contrast to the laughter that the staff and governors made. The cold and powerful water had a very telling effect on the children’s genitals causing the girl’s nipples and the boy’s cocks to erect magnificently.

“Now turn and face the wall!” Alice shouted and staff ensured their compliance by the use of slender birches which startling the children into obedience. Any child who didn’t immediately comply with this command was unhooked and led to a waiting whipping horse to be thrashed mercilessly by a lusting member of staff.

A whipping so early in the procedure led the governors to gain much satisfaction and Greta Foulds to openly chorus her satisfaction, calling out for them not to spare the child’s bottom and thighs.

As the cleansing procedures continued the children’s shyness was soon forgotten as the unforgiving cold-water spray was directed onto their anuses. This had the effect of making them stumble forward and up against the brick wall, bringing many fresh screams as their genitals and breasts were roughly grazed.

“Release them and commence scrubbing them!” matron ordered.

The water was turned off and the staff approached the frightened children with large blocks of soap and scrubbing brushes. Screaming they were scrubbed and lathered, until every inch of their sore bodies were covered with hard soap.

Again the cold-water spray was used to remove the soap. What did it matter if in the course of washing them a finger or two was pushed into them more repeatedly than necessary, or little cocks handled roughly, labia tugged on painfully, or nipples twisted. More than one member of staff smiled now, as they pushed their fingers repeatedly into intimate little places.

“Next group!” Alice shouted out, brandishing the whip she was carrying.

This time the children complied without complaint, much to the disappointment of the lusting audience who’s passions were getting more and more aroused as they watched the ceremony unfold.

As the ceremony progressed, the governors would step in to help the staff abuse the children as they were dried with coarse towels. The governors encouraged their guests who hoped to become patrons, to freely fondle the children in the hope that they would each pay the twenty-five guineas that Alice had requested.

One such group of three men, who had been introduced by Lord Homes, followed the children from the courtyard to the infirmary, where Doctor Stevens and Nurse Bishop were waiting to examine them.

Full examinations would come in due course, but an initial test was needed now to catch any serious infections they might have, especially those that could be transmitted through their sexual activity.

Doctor Jeremy Stevens was in his element as Anne Bishop the head nurse led the children in, one after another, helping them into required position on the edge of the examination couch. Their arms needed to be wrapped around their thighs holding their legs tightly up to their chests, exposing themselves fully to the lustful doctor.

He was then able to use all his senses to verify their sexual health by probing their anuses, vaginas and urethras with his fingers smelling them immediately after insertion and then tasting their flavour.

This was not only a good indication as to their condition but very enjoyable.

A good teacher as well as doctor, Jeremy instructed Nurse Bishop in this special art and took his time much to the children’s annoyance, to thoroughly explain each of the flavours and what could be derived from them medically.

Finally soothing ointments were slowly massaged into their wounds until their skin glowed, bringing warmth and relaxation to their little bodies and they were able to relax and enjoy this special attention for the first time.

Those children, who didn’t need to stay in the infirmary under the watchful eye of the matron, were then sent straight to Patricia Appleyard the seamstress who waited in her rooms, her face flushed as one after another, she took the towels from the naked children to measure them for their little white sailor uniforms. Miss Appleyard enjoyed her job, always saving the inside leg measurement until last, enjoying the child’s humiliation as she knelt in front of them to bring the tape up to the junction of their slender young thighs, brushing against their genitals and never stopping until she was satisfied with their arousal.

All the measurements were then recorded in the journal that made reference to the children’s progress at St Saviour’s. The uniforms were then issued to the children and adjustments made to way they fitted.


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