Salvation Ch. 6 New Routines by Zenythmon

Rebecca and her young assistants were now faced with a scene seldom witnessed by anyone; twenty children ranging from eight to fourteen years old lying on their beds naked waiting to be masturbated, the pillows lifting their genitals up into the air and exposing them between their widely spread thighs.

Only four were not on their beds, those who had already been masturbated and were now waiting for their morning ablutions and cleansing.

Rebecca couldn’t help smiling, as she walked up and down the rows of beds and every now and again stopped to admire a particularly handsome cock and balls or an attractive little girl’s pouting cunt.

The children blushed and licked their lips, as they watched their neighbours having their genitals masturbated and waited patiently for their turn. Rebecca’s assistants sat down beside eager loins now raised by the pillows and applied their fingers, stroking and manipulating their tender genitals.

The boy’s reactions would often bring giggles from the assistants, as they had their handsome little cocks masturbated. The girl’s jerked and gasped as they had their tender labia drawn apart and fingers inserted. Cute little bottoms were invaded by prying hands and fingers entered deep into tight anuses, until their owners shook and gasped with much needed realise. Satisfied, Rebecca took the first four who had been waiting in anticipation, into the tiled bathroom and attached them to the metal crossbar that stood in the centre of the room for their morning cleansing.

One day soon, she thought, there would be groups of adults in attendance to watch as she parted these cute little bottoms and deftly inserted the specially shaped clysters.

No doubt some patrons would make requests, asking for a slower insertion or a faster one, asking for one of the larger nozzles or the opportunity to insert one or more themselves, their eyes mesmerised by the ability of the children’s anuses to open so wide and accommodate so much.

For now though, Rebecca could please herself, reaching through a boy’s widely parted legs to bring a recently spent cock back to life, or roughly massage a sore little cunt before inserted the clyster’s deep into their little bottoms.

Dr Samuel Croft, an old friend of Rebecca’s ran a sanatorium in Gilspur Street for children with so called nervous disorders, where he had invented many of the special instruments, apparatus and equipment that she and her fellow staff now used with so much passion.

A private clinic, it offered worried parents special therapies for the so-called nervous disorders that their children were suffering from. An advertisement in a medical journal, offered to cure the children of their disorders within weeks of them being admitted.

Unlike St Saviour’s where the children are encouraged to develop their sexual curiosity and masturbate on a regular basis, the children sent to Dr Croft’s sanatorium were having their sexual curiosity punished.

Preying on the fears and the outraged moral principles of respectable parents and governesses, he offered a cure for these little peepers and masturbators through rigorous daily treatments and severe whippings.

Children, who masturbated and those who were in the habit of peeping at their siblings as they were being punished were the targets for this charlatan.

His so-called cure only serving to ensure that his passion for inflicting this sadistic sexual and medically abuse was fully satisfied.

On many occasions Rebecca Bolton visited the sanatorium, so that Dr Croft could demonstrate a procedure or new piece of apparatus and equipment before bringing it back to St Saviour’s.

Notably there had been demonstrations in the use of; glycerine suppositories, hot castor oil and turpentine enemas that were given using an eight-inch hard vulcanised rubber nozzle held in by a mushroom bung, then followed by a severe whipping on the child’s bottom and thighs.

The boy’s treatments included, regular forced masturbation, squeezing of their testicles, prostrate massage, urethra cleansing, nettling of their cock’s and daily thrashings. The girl’s received regular forced clitoral massage, douching of both their vaginas and urethras with menthol and daily thrashings.

A particularly unpleasant treatment in store for children who didn’t cooperate was the use of fresh hot ox bile, loaded into a brass syringe and then emptied into their colon in one single action and held in with a rectal plug for five minutes.

Severe whippings to the child’s genitals, thighs and bottoms would be the result of excessive fidgeting and screaming and another five minutes would be added to the treatment. His frightened patients measured the passage of their time by in the sanatorium by the regular daily attentions to their genitals and bottoms. The routines at St Saviour’s had a lot to thank Dr Croft for as Miss Bolton and her assistants became more experienced at giving hot oil clysters by inserting the nozzle of the brass syringe deep into the child’s anus and then expelling the contents in one continuous action until all the oil had passed deep into their colon’s.

Mushroom bungs were then inserted into their anuses to prevent the premature expelling of the hot oil which had to be held in for five minutes, causing many a child’s sore little bottom to be whipped as they lost control and danced about with the oil burning their tender colon’s.

Other children arrived, still dazed from their early morning masturbation and not at all sure what to expect as they witnessed the commotion. Rebecca took charge of them, securing them to the bar and tested others to determine their readiness for evacuation. A girl moaned, a look of pain on her face, which made Rebecca laugh.

“You’ll get used to this soon enough my girl. Three times a day once we get going,” she chuckled.

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” she recited.

The girl trotted off holding her bottom, her face showing the strain before a look of profound satisfaction came over her as she released the mushroom bung and expelled the hot oil into the open drain. Doctor Jeremy Stevens entered his new surgery from the privacy of his office and stared about him with pleasure.

A vast array of evil looking instruments lay displayed in glass cabinets waiting to be used, various pieces of equipment were scattered around the room and in the very centre stood an examination table.

The examination table was another of Dr Croft’s inventions.

Controlled by levers under the table and fitted with restraints, it was a real masterpiece of engineering. The children who were strapped to this table could be displayed in any position and at any angle.

Their genitals made all the more available by the way that the table splits at the waist, allowing examinations to be carried out between widely parted legs and from a position of only inches away.

Everything he’d ever dreamed of doing, he could now do here in full knowledge that he would be helped rather than hindered. Boy or girl, whatever their age, he would spread them wide and thoroughly abuse them medically.

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