Sexpionage 2 – A Friendly hell by Sfor

“Spread her and make her tight,” Andreytov instructed. “She must not be able to move.”

The men cranked the handles, and the bar came up until it fitted into her groin, stretching her away from her wrists and ankles, leaving her both helpless and utterly exposed, buttocks highest.

Andreytov stood in front of her. She could see the bulge in his pants. “If one is allowed to move when being caned,” he said, “one runs the risk of suffering serious harm, or permanent scarring. And we wouldn’t want that, would we? You are such a beautiful creature.”

He reached under Ekaterina’s arms and gently caressed her breasts. “There is no aspect of you that is not superb.” Ekaterina stared at her legs, feeling tears running down her cheeks she watched them drip onto the hard floor.

“You may commence. The cane, remember. Not the whip.” Andreytov’s voice was clear.

“Comrade Captain …” said one of the men.

“What is it?”

“We have our perks.” The man looked at Andreytov as he continued. “It is boring work being confined down here, and there is so seldom anything … shall I say … worth handling.”

They are talking about me as if I were a piece of furniture, Ekaterina thought as she desperately tried to raise her head far enough to catch Andreytov’s eye. And in fact, the commandant did return her desperate gaze, but he merely shrugged in response to the eye contact.

“If that is the custom, I will allow one touch each. Colonel Tretyakov is waiting to be called, so that he and the Comrade General can observe, so be quick, there will be no raping of this Agent today.”

Ekaterina closed her eyes and felt hands on her buttocks. Then other hands passed between her spread legs to close on her groin. Was she supposed to feel grateful … no raping ‘today’, what did that even mean?

Then Andreytov moved to her and Ekaterina felt his hands on her bottom, kneading the flesh, which she tried to keep as tensed as possible … a difficult task when she had been tightened so much as to be standing on tiptoe. Then his fingers opened her, penetrating, working there way inside her slit.

Kat groaned and could not stop herself from begging. “Pl … pl … please Comrade Captain, ohhhhh please noooo …”

But he continued until she was trembling and her thighs wet with signs of her release …

“That will heighten the pain of what we are about to do Agent Novikova,” he spoke in a matter of fact kind of way, as Kat gasped for breath.

With the mauling over, Andreytov picked up the phone on the desk. “Colonel Tretyakov,” he said. Ekaterina felt the hands move, and heard a swishing sound as a cane swing was practiced through the air. She turned her head, and one of the men grinned at her.

“Comrade Colonel?” Andreytov said again, “… We are about to commence the punishment. Very good, sir.” He replaced the receiver.

The Basement of the Russian Federation, Washington DC

“They are on their way, but the Comrade Colonel says to continue. It is the electrical treatment he is really interested in. Remember, she is to be struck only there.” He touched Ekaterina’s ass causing the naked, bound Agent to draw a deep breath.

The commandant had said not to attempt to defy them, to scream as loudly as she could. But she wanted to defy them. They could not destroy her. She was Ekaterina Novikova, and she was a girl who had been trained to fight, and to kill, and to survive. Perhaps these morons had forgotten that, or considered her no more than a lump of meat, to be chewed up and then spat out, when they were tired of the taste of her.

But one day, she told herself, one day …

It seemed as if a knife blade had been drawn across her flesh.

Ekaterina gasped, and her mouth sagged open, even as her body drooped, to be held only by the bar pressing into her groin, still stretched taut so that she could not twist. But before she could draw a breath, Kat was struck a second time, making her body stiff once more.

There seemed to be nothing in her lungs, she was choking, or so she thought, but when the third blow came, Kat involuntarily sucked at the air.

At the fourth blow she couldn’t stop a whimper from sounding, and her eyes were burning as the tears started again. Now Ekaterina’s whole body seemed to be in pain, penetrating her brain, puncturing her mind, and she hardly felt the last two blows. But between the strikes, and even above the pounding in her ears, she heard the door opening and closing and realised that Tretyakov and Comrade General Belshev had joined them.

The blows ceased, and Ekaterina hung, panting and gasping, across the bar, feeling her ass cheeks suffuse as the blood rushed into them. The room was rotating about her, but she refused to open her eyes. I did not scream, she told herself. They could not make me scream.

“Is she all right?” Tretyakov asked.

Andreytov stooped beside her, held her wrist and felt her pulse. “She is all right. But perhaps we should wait a few minutes … before …”

“I am a busy man, and the Comrade General is impatient,” Tretyakov pointed out, “So please proceed.”

“Of course, Comrade Colonel.”

Tretyakov was leering at Ekaterina’s firm, peachy ass. “You are sure there will be no permanent marks?”

“None,” Andreytov assured him, ‘That is the beauty of the cane. Those marks look harsh, but will fade within forty-eight hours. She will remember the beating.”

“She will remember what’s coming more,” The General commented enthusiastically.

“Now, Comrades, let me explain.”

Andreytov’s began to detail the electrode procedure, which Ekaterina knew was as much to heighten her fear as it was to explain matters to the superior officers.

“You see this box. It is the generator, which is activated simply by flicking the switch and moving the dial. The further it is turned, the more current is delivered, so that the interrogator can control the strength of the charge according to the mental and physical strength of the subject.”

There was a pause whilst this information was digested.

“Now, these two wires, each ending in a sharp-toothed alligator clip, are attached to whatever part of the subject’s body the interrogator wishes to use. One is negative and the other is positive. The charge will flow from one to the other, causing the severest discomfort to the part of the subject’s body through which it travels. Favourite places are the big toe, on each foot, so that the current passes up one leg, across the groin, and down the other, or the ears, in which case the current passes through the head. But I would not recommend that in this case, if it is your wish that the subject be, shall I say, preserved intact. The current passing through the brain can induce permanent damage.”

A further pause.

“However, there are other useful places. The nipples, for example. This is especially useful for women, who, if you will forgive me, Comrade General, have more … how shall I put it … flesh for the interrogator to play with. But, of course the most efficacious of all are the genitals. One of these clips inserted into the anus, and the other clipped to the male penis can rob a man of any ability to resist further. A woman of course is even more susceptible, as she possesses two orifices, the invasion of which by steel and then electricity is both humiliating and agonising.”

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