Sexpionage 2 – A Friendly hell by Sfor

“But you say it does no permanent damage?” Tretyakov asked.

“None at all, Comrade Colonel. We coat the clips in grease, you see, to ease the entry. This in no way interferes with the flow of current. But it does prevent any tissue damage, or even permanent marking. Once the current is switched off, the pain soon subsides. There is continuing discomfort for a few hours, but then that too wears off, and the subject is, we could say, as good as new. Although the memory remains intact, to be sure.”

“Then that is what we wish to see,” Tretyakov said.

“Very good, Comrade Colonel. Now, the first thing to do is pull her swollen lips wide apart, and insert the alligator clips like this.”

Ekaterina screamed.

A Private Upstairs Room at the Embassy of the Russian Federation

She understood very well that she was having a form of mental breakdown.

Ekaterina was still naked, she had received no clothing after they had brought her here, to … recover.

There were so many things to think about; what she was, what she was being required to do not to mention the punishment she had received. She had been assaulted, fingers deep inside her body and of all the things Kat had to consider the most important one was her own health.

She had no idea what this punishment had done to her, to her essentially private persona, and perhaps even to her character.

To have to strip naked in front of those men, and be seen by the Comrade General and ogled by her so-called mentor, Comrade Colonel Tretyakov. To be touched by them, and beaten by them, and then to feel their fingers, followed by those dreadful clips …

She shuddered. Even now that the discomfort had almost entirely faded, she could still feel the clip being closed on her clitoris, still feel fingers deep inside her body, penetrating, lubricating …

She found that she was holding herself tightly, and could not let go. Ekaterina gasped, and shuddered … she was exhausted.

Had she climaxed when they had been torturing her? She couldn’t believe that was possible. But she didn’t know for sure. Perhaps she had given them the pleasure of ripping an unwanted orgasm from her bound and broken body.

So, what sort of girl was going to be sent back out into the big wide world? Someone who would scream in horror when faced with the need or craving to have sex? Or someone who would reveal a voracious appetite, a screaming desire to be satisfied, when she could never be satisfied again?

Ekaterina did not know, just as she did not know whether this frightening mood was to be with her for the rest of her life, or was it merely a temporary result of her ordeal.

Her eyes closed, as a welcome sleep consumed her. She would be back.


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