The Battered Lamp Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Six Shall Be One by mypenname3000

The Battered Lamp Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Six Shall Be One by mypenname3000

Kyle has been captured by the Marids. Makerah has killed his father and claimed the sultanate. Half-mad with power, Makerah marches to the dungeon to kill Kyle. , Battered Lamp
by mypenname3000
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Six Shall Be One
Copyright 2015

Note: Thanks to b0b and Scotstigger for beta reading this.
Cast of Characters

Main Characters

Kyle Unmei Jr.: Half-Japanese/Half-Kurdish owner of Aaliyah and wielder of Earthbones. Captured when he tried to rescue his mother from Rashid. Imprisoned with Christy in Sahabah.

Aaliyah Unmei: A Jann sent to marry the prophesied savior of the Djinn. Kyle’s First Wife. Reunited with Kyle.

Fatima Unmei : Kyle’s younger sister and wife, wielder of Fireheart.

Christy Unmei nee Leonardson: Kyle’s long-time girlfriend turned third wife. A witch who follows Ishtar and wields Shadowedge. Captured with Kyle in Sahabah.

Fumi Unmei nee Nakamura: Kyle’s fourth wife. A succubus-like Yuki-onna and wielder of Windfeather. She is blind.

Britney Kingston: Kyle’s best friend since elementary school. She is a Rakshasa and has sworn to defend Kyle. She is a hermaphrodite and has claimed Phillipa as her mate. Wielder of Waterclaw.


Sultan Rashid ibn al-Marid: The despotic ruler of the Djinn and leader of the Marid clan. Wants Aaliyah dead to thwart the prophecy. Forced to accept the marriage with Faiza to stop Kyle. Killed by his son and Hecate.

Hecate: The Dark Goddess that both Ms. Franklin and Burke served. Sent a familiar to seize Faiza’s soul when she died. Hecate has possessed Faiza and approached Rashid for an alliance. Manipulated Makerah to kill his own father when Hecate realized Rashid would not be controlled.

Faiza Unmei: Kyle and Fatima’s widowed mother. Killed by Burke. Her soul was stolen by a familiar of Hecate. Resurrected by Hecate as an instrument of the Dark Goddess’s vengeance against Kyle. Hecate has possessed Faiza. Married to Rashid as part of Hecate’s plan.

Makerah: An Unbound Marid, a Djinn that has violated the Laws of his people and escaped punishment through a dark ritual. A servant of Sultan Rashid and his son. Hecate, through Faiza, has enhanced Makerah. He has killed his father and claimed the Sultanate.

Sheikh Tariq ibn al-Ghul: Sheikh of the vile Ghul. Rashid has contacted Tariq, alerting the Ghul of Kyle’s plan to free Kalila from Jabal al-Dhukan in Ghul territory.

Aljihm: An Unbound Ifrit and servant of Sultan Rashid. Killed by Kyle and Britney during the attack on Khoshilat Maqandeli.

Aalizunah: An Unbound Si’lat and servant of Sultan Rashid. Ordered to hunt down Aaliyah and Zaritha and kill them. Slain by Britney.

Jowdah: An Unbound Ghul and servant of Sultan Rashid. Killed by Zaritha.

Khiana: An Unbound Jann. Once a bitter rival to Sultan Rashid but now a servant of the Sultan. Ordered to hunt down Aaliyah and Zaritha and kill them. Revealed to be Aaliyah’s father. Killed by Christy, Fumi, and Fatima during the attack on Khoshilat Maqandeli.

Ms. Franklin: The deceased servant of Burke and leader of the coven. Also known as Celestite.

Principal Burke: The identity assumed by Alphonse of Toulouse, a nine-hundred-year-old knight. A warlock serving Hecate. Killed by Kyle.


Chyna Unmei nee Coel: Kyle’s first concubine. Ms. Franklin cast a spell on Kyle and Chyna, forcing them into a slave/master relationship.

Shannon Unmei nee Coel: Chyna’s hot mom and Kyle’s second concubine.

Alexina Unmei nee Kendrick: Blonde concubine.

Carla Unmei nee Tyler: Redhead concubine.

Antoinette “Toni” Unmei nee Buckley: Cheerleader concubine.

Daniella “Ms. Capello” Unmei nee Capello: Kyle’s English teacher and concubine.

Lois Unmei nee Smilingfox: A lesbian Domme that serves Kyle as a concubine.

Ann Unmei nee Weaver: Fatima’s friend and strawberry-blonde hair.

Kayleah Unmei nee Peterson: Fatima’s bleached blonde concubine and former rival.

Teleisia Unmei nee Otis: Aaliyah’s African American concubine.

Phillipa Kingston nee Stoddard: Former member of Ms. Franklin’s coven where she was known as Jade. Captured by Britney, Phillipa submitted to Britney and became her mate, discovering that she is a masochist.

Mindy Unmei nee Stoneking: A nurse at the hospital where Fatima is sick and Kyle’s newest concubine.

Sable Unmei nee Purcell: Also known as Tourmaline, she was a member of Ms. Franklin’s witch coven. While fighting with Christy, she was hit by a Love Elemental’s attack and now completely loves Christy.

Zaritha Unmei: An Ifrit serving the despotic ruler of the Djinn and sent to kill Aaliyah. After saving Aaliyah, she now serves Kyle as a faithful concubine.

Naila & Tarah Unmei: Twin sisters and daughters of Hawaa. These two Si’lat are hermaphrodites and submit to Fumi as her concubines, betraying their mother’s plot to enslave Kyle.

Hawaa Unmei nee binti al-Si’lat: Former ruler of the Si’lat Djinn. She tried to dominated Kyle, but he prevailed and made her his concubine.

Other Characters

Sheikh Umar ibn al-Jann: Aaliyah’s father. Believed dead, but really he became the Unbound Jann Khiana. Murder his son and heir to trap Kyle and kill his daughter Aaliyah. Killed by Christy, Fumi, and Fatima during the attack on Khoshilat Maqandeli.

Kalsom binti Abdullah: An old Jann woman that made the Kalsomid Prophecy, setting into motion Aaliyah’s sleep in the lamp.

Ishtar: The Goddess of Magic Christy, Sable, and Phillipa now serve.

Sarai: The daughter of Rashid. She is angry at her father and helps Kyle, pledging the Marid’s support to his rule if he overthrows Rashid.

Sayid: The Vizier to Sheikh Sihab ibn Jann. Helped Khiana and Aljihm to attack Kyle. Now he is the regent for Sihab’s son.

Sheikh Haleem ibn al-Ifrit: Ruler of the Sheikh. Kyle returned his beloved wife Kalila to him, and Haleem has sworn the Ifrit to Kyle’s service.

Sheikha Kalila: Wife of Haleem and rescued by Kyle and returned to her husband.

Six Shall be one, the Marid defeated.

In the lands of the West shall be born our salvation,
The Blood of Sultans and Warriors flows through his veins,
Four wives and countless lovers shall he possess; the appetite of sultans.
If you wish freedom for the Djinn, send a daughter of Jann, slumbering in a brass lamp, to wife,
She shall guide him to his champions and gird them for battle.
Six shall be one, the Marid defeated.

The Warrior of the Earthen Sword, whose youthful inexperience conceals the strength of a Sultan;
The Consort of the Brass Lamp, whose meek obedience obfuscates the will of a Sultana;
The Consort of the Fiery Spear, whose playful petulance hides the desires of depravity;
The Consort of the Arcane Grimoire, whose innocent beauty obscures the powers of darkness;
The Consort of the Airy Bow, whose calm demeanor cloaks the fury of storms;
The Companion of the Watery Dagger, whose deep intellect masks the hunger of predators.
Six shall be one, the Marid defeated.

In the Lands of the West shall our salvation arise,
Their trials will be many, their conflicts fierce,
Their enemies will beset them on all sides, hidden behind masks of authority,
The darkness grows, hungering for power; guard well the daughter of Jann, freed from a brass lamp,
Through blood and tears shall they be forged.
Six shall be one, the Marid defeated.


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