Trapped Trained and Twisted – part 5 by KristinKailey

I took small careful steps, one foot in front of the other placing my weight on the ball of each foot as I stepped forward. Other than maintaining my balance, the other reason for the tiny strides was the limitation of movement of my legs in the tight shiny dress that coated my willowy frame. After several laps around the room, my feet began to ache but my steps were also becoming more assured. Much like riding a bicycle, perhaps one never really forgets how to walk in heels, even if they are sky high. My Master watched as I first stumbled and then strode with a sexier demeanor, my high heels clacking on the cold cement floor as I traversed it and I noted how much he seemed to be enjoying the show that I was providing for his pleasure.

“You may return to me.” As fast as my high heels would allow, I made my way back across the room to the man who owned my body, mind and soul. I stood before him; my head bowed and I felt his hands once again trace the shock collar that adorned my slim neck. “I want to take you out. Would you like that?”

“Yes Master, the Cunt would love to be allowed to go somewhere with you.” The idea that for the first time in months I may actually see something other than this dank basement room had my tummy in a flutter. I tried not to show my excitement for fear that my Master might misinterpret it as disobedience and cancel the adventure.

He nodded as his fingers dug into the space between the collar and my tender skin and moved closer; his face a mere inch from my own. I could feel his warm breath on my skin as he spoke in a menacing tone. “I don’t think I need to remind you of what will happen if you misbehave. You will be punished more severely and more harshly than anything you have ever experienced in your life, is that clear?”

As much of a deterrent as the prospect of my shock collar punishing me was, to be disobedient and disappoint my Master was an equally appalling thought. “Yes Master, the Cunt understands and will obey its Master completely. The Cunt wants to please its Master and earn its Master’s praise.”

“Good. Plus I need not remind you that legally I own you. I have a contract; everything has been filed with the courts. You are legally named ‘the Cunt’, you are my property and should you somehow get lost, the authorities are required to return you to me.”

I nodded quickly, my legs quivering as I contemplated my Master’s words. I wasn’t sure why he felt the need to be so threatening to me or why he thought that taking me out might change my feelings about him. He was my Master. As he said, I was legally his property and at his feet was my natural place in the world.

Next, he reached back into the bag and pulled out a thin chain leash with a black leather handle. He deftly clipped it to the ring at the front of my collar and gave it a sharp tug. “Does my little bitch like her leash?”

“Yes Master, thank you for putting the Cunt on a leash Master. The Cunt will be a good animal for its owner.”

He dug into the bag one final time, retrieving a thick blindfold. “Until we get to where we’re going, you will have to rely on me to guide you.”

I nodded as he pulled the blindfold over my hair until it fully covered my eyes. Everything went black, there were no spaces to peek out from and no light could enter. My world had become dark and I was completely dependent upon my Master as had been the case since the day he acquired me.

I felt him give the leash a yank and I took small mincing footsteps to keep up. “These are stairs, step up carefully,” he said, holding my slender arm tightly as I raised one toned leg at a time, my heels making a loud clicking sound on the wood platforms until he said “last step up.” I followed the taut leash over carpet, then tile and finally over what felt like a smooth cement floor. I heard the door of a car open and he ushered me into the seat. He guided my hands into my lap as he fastened my seat belt and the door shut. Not long after, another door to the car opened, the engine started up and I felt movement. We were on our way but to where, I had no idea.

Continued in Trapped, Trained and Twisted Pt. 06

(Thank you so much for reading my story! Please give me a good rating because this makes me feel good and be sure to leave respectful comments because I seriously adore hearing from you and seeing your thoughts and getting into good discussions.

Keep in mind that I know this story might not be for everyone. It has some pretty dark parts in it that may make some people uncomfortable, but it was written to explore the psychology and methods of this kind of transformation. If its not your cup of tea, don’t give it a bad rating, just move on and leave the rating judgement to people who enjoy this type of content and can evaluate it without a negative bias.)

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