White slavery or is it Really part 2

White slavery or is it Really part 2

This is a continuing story about a young white girls travels as a white slave to black men , White Slavery or is it Really

The boy at first did not know what to do. But seeing these older women used in this brutal manor and animal way, plus the sounds and actions the young girls were making. Immediately started his wangee to become very hard once again. He had watched the girls swim and play nude in the creeks and river near there village, a situation that had aroused him in the past but nothing like what was happening to him now. He had heard these men say something but did not understand, most of what was said, in effect it was something like they would save these girls, especially Adanna for tomorrow evening and with the drug that was smeared on them. They would be ready and willing to do anything there captors would want them to do, and this would bring a higher price especially for the white one when she was sold! As the boy slipped off into the jungle, he still did not quite understand what he had seen, or why his wangee was still so hard? He did know that if the warriors from his village did not return soon, to this place and save these girls they would never be seen again!

When he had finally made his way back to the village he had gone straight to the tribal elders and when the word spread, the fathers of the abducted girls including Adanna’s all wanted to find and rescue their daughters before anything bad could happen to them.
By now it was getting dark and they would not be able to go until early the next morning. As they gathered early the following day in preparation, Adanna’s parents were shocked to see these peace loving people arming themselves with bows arrows, bolo knives and poison darts! Her father and mother were both peace loving idealists, and had never seen these people so mad or intent on returning these girls from harm. Adanna’s father asked the chief and his able warriors if they were going to use deadly force to get the girls back, they all answered nodding their heads with a firm yes. Then they stated that these men who had taken there daughters were mercenaries, men with guns that had no concern for others, and would not hesitate to use them!. Further they stated that if they did not get there very early this morning they would probably have no hope of rescuing the girls!

Adanna’s father chose not to go as he could not bring himself to be part of this forceful rescue even if it meant that he would never see his young daughter again!. He wanted them to negotiate, talk and reason with them or offer them things of value in exchange for the girls release.
The chief and his warriors only laughed at this naive view of the circumstances, saying that they had nothing to offer that would equal what the girls would bring on the open slave market. The chief and his warriors then slipped off into the jungle with there weapons and war paint. The young boy, who normally would not have been allowed to go on such a dangerous outing had to, because he was the only one that could lead them to the place where the girls were being held.
They had made there plans as to how they were going to raid and recover the girls, once there they crouched hidden from view early that morning waiting, and watching this group of men most of which had gotten quite drunk the night before. The previous evening the girls were tied in such a way that they were able to watch these men brutally rape and abuse the women of the camp. Several of these men would forcefully bend these women over crude wooden stakes with a cross piece. First tying there wrists and then their ankles, one would get in front, the other in back and would both penetrate her at the same time! After some time of this, these men would just grab the women’s heads while the other man would hold there bottoms and force them hard on to their wangee’s “pricks”, holding them their until they exploded into their mouths or cunts they would then moan and groan with pleasure as the women would shriek from this brutal abuse!.

As the girls watched, some of the young ones with a mixture of dread, and older ones with anticipation especially with their privates, so wanting attention! They did not fully understand the mixed sensual feelings of puberty their young bodies were having.
None of the girls were able to sleep in this condition and just ended up hanging from their bindings as this spectacle unfolded before them. The Chief, warriors and the young boy had archived complete surprise. The guards that had been posted were in a drunken stupor and were easily overpowered and clubbed into unconsciousness. Only one of the mercenary tribesmen had to be killed as he had got off a few wild shots before the poison darts took effect.
The girls were aware that something had happened, but due to there condition and how tired they were from their ordeal did not know or realize what that was. When their hands were finally released they immediately went to there genitals to relive themselves of this terrible sexual desire, even though most of the sex type drug that they had been smeared with had finally worn off.

All the girls were now safe, as they made the long trip back to there village they were left nude. To put leather briefs back on them would have created more uncontrollable desire, with it rubbing on their pubic area as they walked. The young boy who had helped in their rescue was now a true warrior and looked on these girls in a new and much different way. Once the girls were back in camp they were greeted by there parents, who were all very happy to see them all well and relatively untouched. The older women of the village had been warming pots of soapy water, and as each girl was brought to the communal bath they were placed in a shallow granite basin, while warm water was pored over them and with this soapy water their nipples and gentiles were washed clean in this process. Each girl would react with a very pleasurable squeal as there nipples and pubic area was vigorously scrubbed clean by these older women!

This young warrior who had lead the rescue party, was allowed to help carry the warm water and could not help but noticed the swollen nipples and clits as each girl was washed especially Adanna’s contrasting pink nipples and very swollen clitoris this was in contrast to her very fair white skin. The sight of this made it difficult for him to keep his very hard member from poking out from under his leather loin cloth briefs. Adanna’s parents were relieved that there daughter had returned unharmed, and were further relieved that only one of the mercenaries had been killed!

Only several months after this had happened, her father had a fatal heart attack! She found out later that he had been suffering from a heart condition for some time. This is one of the reasons that they had stayed in this village with these kind and simple people, this place was also the reason that allowed him to live as long as he did.
He was buried in this place, near the village that he loved, and where he had spent so much of his life. His death however had created problems that they were unable to solve. Her mother being a single white woman could no longer live in the village without a husband. She had thought about marring one of the tribal elders, but most already had numerous wives and although she was still an attractive woman for being in her late thirties, she also had health problems from all the years of living in this crude jungle environment.

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