Ye Olde Water Faire – 03 The Race by The_Technician

I stood in the water panting and feeling very empty when four sharks surrounded me. I looked at them and said, “I’m sorry, boys, but Tweedledee and Tweedledum have me so stretched out I’m useless to you.”

“That’s not the hole we were planning on using,” one of them said firmly. I recognized that voice… or think I did. I am sure it was one of Master’s friends. Even if I’m right, I wouldn’t name him. Master would not be pleased. From the way the four sharks worked together, all four of them were probably Masters slumming with the slaves as masked sharks.

One of the other sharks turned me so he could see me clearly through his mask and said, “And Gary said you are good at holding your breath.”

“Oh,” I said, “in that case would you kind Master sharks please let me prepare myself before I go under water and please let me up if I am running out of breath?”

“Prey does not negotiate with the predator,” one of the sharks said angrily. Then his voice softened and he said, “But if you promise to willingly give us the most pleasure you can, we agree.”

“You are kind, Masterful sharks,” I said as I bent over offering my ass to one of them while leaning forward toward another. There was enough cum all over everything down there that I was pretty well lubed and shark number one slid in fairly easily. He waited until I had taken several deep breaths and gone down on shark number two before beginning. I didn’t have to bob my head around to move it on shark two because shark one was pounding me so hard that he was driving my mouth all the way down on shark two’s prick. When he pulled back, shark number two would use his hands on my shoulders to push me out onto the end of his prick. Then shark one would slam into my ass once again and push the other shark’s prick practically down my throat. After a little while, the shark in my mouth spurted down my throat. I could feel the shark prick in my ass quiver, but I was well past being able to feel anything actually spurt anywhere in me.

I don’t think that any more sharks joined the spit-fuck party, but I know I sucked off at least seven pricks. So, three of them were able to get up and ready for three or maybe four rounds. I think I could have gotten rich off the little blue pill concession at this Faire.

I don’t know if they had more in them or not because after the seventh underwater blow job, I heard the loud buzzer that marked the end of shark time.

I stood in the water sort of dazed and then I heard puta calling out, “pumpkin! pumpkin! are you all right?”

I heard a splash and suddenly she was in the water next to me. “Come with me,” she said and she guided me back to the finish line and the steps the led up out of the pool.

Once we were up on the hard pads, Master came up to me and said, “What happened? I thought I saw you get out of the water with plenty of time to spare.”

“Slave pepper happened,” I said angrily, “and some muscle-bound slave hunk who was with her. She pushed me back to the edge and he threw me into the pool just before the shark bell rang.”

“Slave pepper did this to you?!” he said angrily.

“She blames me for losing your love,” I said flatly. “Please don’t have her punished for this. She is punished enough by her own empty bitterness.” I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Besides, I’ve been through worse. And I even got off on some of it.”

“I will still speak to her current Master,” he said evenly… a little too evenly. He was really mad. He turned to me, smiled and said, “I will convey your wishes. But pepper and her stud muffin must be punished in some fashion. A slave cannot harm another slave or defy the rules of the Faire and escape unpunished.”

“Thank you, Master,” I said. I really hoped her Master wouldn’t punish her too severely. Pepper loved Master and he didn’t love her. That was punishment enough.

Master then stepped back slightly from me and said to puta, “Take her over to the shower tent and get her thoroughly cleaned up… inside and out. Then meet precious and me over at the Ferris Wheel. That event will be starting soon and you need to get put into place.”

The warm shower felt really good. There were also low pressure hoses for flushing you out. There was an stiff tube about two feet tall and open at the top connected to the faucet to make sure you didn’t accidentally over-pressurize yourself. Slave puta helped me flush out and was really surprised at how much cum came out of my cunt… and my ass.

“How many men fucked you?” she asked.

“It was seven or eight from the back,” I answered, “But most of the front was Tweedledee and Tweedledum.”

Her eyes got really wide and she said, “Oh” in a really strange voice. She didn’t say anything else, but her face and her deep sighs told me she was imagining herself impaled on one of the twin’s massive pricks.

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