A Day In the Woods Chapt 11, 12 and 13 by Cybrgigolo

A Day In the Woods Chapt 11, 12 and 13 by Cybrgigolo

The continuing story of the pack , Here are the next set of chapters in this story. As some have noted before some of the themes I have listed do not necessarily apply to what is in each chapter. I have tried to keep the themes the same regardless of what is in each individual chapter so that if you are following the series through one place you can find it there regardless. You will note that set has little sex in it. I hope you still the read and what is going on with everyone.

Also if you take the time to read through all of this can you take an extra 10 seconds and click positive or negative at the bottom of every story on here? 4000 reads and 70 reviews is a poor hit to miss ratio. Even if you dont leave a comment I think most of the writers would appreciate you taking time for this.

Well enough of my rants and on with the story eh?

Chapter 11

The rest of the pack spent the next couple of hours going over everything; positives and negatives of Anne. They agreed it wasn’t her fault for what had happened to her so what, if any, consequences should she be held responsible for? She also just couldn’t be set free. Free to explore this power she has now and to feed on whatever she desired. Eventually their closely guarded secret would be revealed. Ray and Jake were happy to welcome her to the pack. Being the only two single guys left that would mean that one of them would be her mate before long. Ray also knew that being a few years older than Jake that he was in the driver’s seat; either way though it would be nice to have a friend with benefits around. So after much debating they all decided that if Anne could live by what was expected of her, and to keep the secret that everyone else has, then she was definitely welcomed to be part of the pack.

Justin returned to the lobby. The guard at the desk asked him if everything was ok. Justin smiled at him, “Yeah. Everything is just fine.” He walked out of the building, heading across the lot towards the guard shack, as he did he placed a call to Chuck Carson. Chuck answered his phone, a little disgruntled at the time of the night of the call, and then he saw who it was from. “So what have you got that is waking me up this late?” Chuck growled. Justin filled him in on everything he saw. The two of them were in the office for at least twenty minutes playing around and then Justin felt he should leave before being caught and before the other guard started to wonder where he was. Chuck thanked him for the information and told Justin to keep the surveillance up for now. Justin hung up the phone as he entered the shack, “Jesus! What’d ya do? Shit a brick or something?!” Justin again smiled at the guard that had relieved him and told him he walked the building for the other guard but that he was happy that the other guard was so concerned over his health. The other guard chuckled a little, “Well I am leaving you to your post, think I’ll go hit the head now.” It was an hour or so later when Beth and Eliot left the building and drove off, both of them in the same direction. Justin made a note of it in his book and stuck it back in his pocket.

The next morning when Chuck arrived at Diamond Security he made a couple of calls. He still had a few friends on the force; some that owed him a favor or two and some that were willing to sell their favors for the right price. Chuck kept a file on the dirty cops he knew and just how dirty they were. He figured that at some point in time in the future that file could pay off, possibly financially, if he decided to go public with it. He wanted information on Eliot Crane and on Beth McAllister; basic information, such as where they lived, but also a little more detailed as well. The basic information he knew he could get for free, the detailed was going to cost him though. He set up a meeting in a nice crowded restaurant to meet and discuss a price. Before walking in that afternoon he checked to make sure no one else was around and then went in. The two men spoke and agreed on a price and the info that Chuck wanted. Then an envelope was slid to the man and lunch was over. Chuck was to have his information in a little less than a week the man said. Chuck looked over the information that he already had. Strange that Beth and Eliot go the same direction when leaving; their houses are no where near each other and there’s no easily feasible way of getting to the other one by the direction they both take. That familiar feeling that something was up began to grow inside Mr. Carson.

Jessica and Anne woke and went upstairs for breakfast. Neither could believe that they had slept so late. The house was clear of everyone, everyone except for Ray. Jessica looked at him and questioned him. Ray explained that since he didn’t do that much with her when she was off for the week, he had more time than Paul, Tommy and Mike. Also they didn’t want to get in trouble for missing too much work, so Ray called in sick for a couple of days to spend with the girls to make sure all went ok. Breakfast was already done and waiting for them, compliments of Jean. Ray would have liked to have been the one responsible for it, but couldn’t lie to the two and tell them it was him. Steak and eggs, the steaks were exceptionally rare, Jessica remembered the first couple of days and how she had a thirst, a hunger that she couldn’t figure out. It was when she got the taste of blood in her mouth that she realized that it went away. She knew Anne had the same burn inside of her. As the two sat down to eat Anne cut off a piece of steak and saw the blood run from it, “Damn this is almost raw, I can’t eat this!” Jessica told her to just try one bite and see what she thought. Reluctantly she did. As Anne started to chew the soft bloody meat she felt the feeling inside of her starting to go away and her desire for more grew. Quickly she ate the large steak in front of her followed by the eggs. There was a pool of blood on the plate and she lifted it to her mouth, tilting it, and swallowing the salty fluid. As she sat the plate down, blood ran from the corners of her mouth, “What the hell is wrong with me?!” Quickly she stood up, the chair falling backwards as she did, then ran up the stairs to the bathroom. Jessica was about to get up and follow when Ray motioned for her to stay and then went up the stairs after Anne.

As Ray got to the top of the stairs he saw Anne standing in the bathroom looking desperately for a washcloth. He walked up to her, as he put his hand on her shoulder Anne nearly jumped out of her skin, “I feel like some kind of animal. I can’t believe I just did that.” Ray could see the tears starting to pool in her eyes, “its ok” he said. “There will be cravings and times that you want and need the taste of blood. Most of us just order our steaks rare to help cut back on the desires.” He smiled as he said it and made it Anne feel better. Then he wiped on trace of blood form one side of her face, licking his finger clean as he did. The outline of blood was still apparent and he turned her head, this time licking his way up to her lips and removing all traces of blood. Anne turned her head back and Ray licked the other side of her face removing all the blood this time. As he got close to Anne’s mouth she turned her head and his tongue slid into her mouth. He was startled and was about to pull out his tongue out when he felt Anne sucking it deeper into her mouth. Anne turned; her ass against the bathroom vanity as Ray pushed her back into it. She put her arms under his and wrapped them around him. His body was well toned and she started to pull his shirt up. Ray undid the sash on Anne’s robe and opened it. Her naked body before him, Ray felt his cock instantly get hard. As they continued to kiss Anne pulled his shirt off and tossed to the bathroom floor. She lowered her hands down to his jeans and opened them, freeing Ray’s rock hard cock.

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