Breaking Descent: A Temptress born by Engulfed Insanities

Breaking Descent: A Temptress born by Engulfed Insanities

In the light of the subject matter– it is all fiction, mere unreal fantasy and fancy of subjects too forbidden, and to those who would censor us, “fuck you, a story is just a story , Breaking Descent: A Temptress Born

(Act One)

“ Man was made from not but a grain of sand and his companion and savior made of marrow and blood.”
— Old Saying

Marshall, Minnesota

The soft hills of rolling grass and farmland during the early spring year was nothing short of amazing. The sky half covered in clouds let the air kiss the skin with cool lips. The smell of the night’s embrace of rainfall was a welcomed treat. A silver sly smile cut into the sky shining the plains in a heavy blue hue. The soil of the earth ripe for seeding.

The rain was good Hamilton thought. “Nothing like spring tears to wash away the sins of the sinner“ he muttered with blood gushing from his neck. He couldn’t feel the rain, or grass, but he could feel the insane amount of pain raging an unholy storm throughout his body. He wasn’t done yet he thought and climbed to his feet with a hand around his throat… he was going to finish this.

Five months prior…

Hamilton was an average built man with nothing much going for him. He rested idle in a job that paid well enough and content in a world that could exist without him. He had a daughter and a wife, both very beautiful and clearly an oddity in Hamilton’s life. He always a selfish individual with no concern beyond his own design. There was little desire in him to ever have a family, and yet he somehow attained one. He didn’t have resent for it, but neither did he have any love for it. That was the beginning of the end for Hamilton, for in just the length of less than a year he would find himself broken, alone, and twisted because of his inability to take concern where it was demanded.

Carole was a slightly petite woman, and pretty average in body tone. Her dyed gold hair was softer than it appeared and flowed with grace to the length of her shoulders. Fiercely intelligent and just as fierce on the social playing field it was a mystery as to why she would find a dull square witted man with the social standards of a five year old to be her husband. Perhaps it was nothing more than from a biological point of view Hamilton was able bodied, to be of some use in the bedroom, and easily pushed to do anything she could ask for. In her younger years she was an eye catching minx who never quieted her sexual appeal, and her alpha female status made her untouchable by most males. Being thirty-one didn’t hinder any of her prowess. She held a job as a nurse at a reform school for girls.

Her daughter, Mille was a tall leggy fourteen year old with the physical and intelligent attributes of her mother, but she retained her father’s social awkwardness. She wore her hair short that cut off nicely between her ears and neck. Her big blue eyes could melt the coldest of hearts, and her soft seraphim voice would make even the gods quiet for a moment to hear just one word fall from her lips. Mille was developed appropriately with the early years of puberty setting in without apology.

Then there was Sticks, the family’s large mutt. Despite that fact Sticks was very large and powerful. He had the face only a mother could love and mirrored that of a stone gargoyle. The Hamilton family found him as a pup beside a back country road three years ago barely alive. Hamilton could have cared less but Carole and Mille found him to be worth saving. They loved him and cared for him. From that love and care came a friendly brute.

Sticks was affectionate with anyone willing to offer a rub on his side with the sole exception of Hamilton. The two beings were never found in the same room. He and Mille however were close and to an extent the same was true of Carole. It was not unusual to find Mille and Sticks paired up playing in the park, or backyard. To the outsider it was a strange pair up for most of the children Mille’s age had begun intermingling into the social workings of the world; molding into cliques and exploring sub-cultures. It was abnormal and perhaps a little freakish but that didn’t seem to bother Carole or her husband for their daughter to have only a simple dog for a friend.

Carole and Hamilton expected her to be independent early on. Often her mom and pops were working in the afternoon so she was left on her own for roughly the better part of three hours right after school each day with the exception of the weekends when Mille spent most her time with her mother. Hamilton found solitude and escape ignoring his little family. Mille would occupy herself by playing with Sticks. When she wasn’t playing with her hairy companion she could be found flipping through channels in the family’s modest living room or drawing with crayon in her room.

When things began to fall apart for the family was on a day that Mille stumbled upon a collection of something disturbing and evil belonging to her father. The finding would open a doorway in her mind into a dark plane of existence. From that point on there would be no undoing of the little girl’s transformation… That day was on March 15th, 2013.

On that particular day Mille wore a small sky blue summer dress which had her small nipples visible through the thin cloth: her cute little nipples poked innocently out. She was a beautiful little girl. Her tall form a lengthy shapely heavenly form that graced the green blades of grass that kissed her back as she laid next to her dog rubbing his side gently as he napped lightly in the summer sun. Her soft green eyes lazily blinked as she hummed a soft almost silent song. The two lay in the grass captured in a world of their own. A world perfect without the floggings and abhorrent truths the world of adults seem to embrace.

With her mother and father working she was left with Sticks to their own workings and play. Everything she did: she did with Sticks. From playing in the soft pools of mud puddles to running to the gas station just down the street for a small treat or sweet liquid. From time to time she would sneak an extra candy bar in Sticks’ mouth as she bought a cheap treat. She would walk innocently out with a free candy bar. Whoever was at the cashier’s counter never noticed the girl’s ingenuity and small time thievery. Today though there would be no stealing of candy bars. Just her and sticks soaking up the sunshine in the back yard.

She laid there for a while watching Sticks sleep, his black hair on his chest would heave heavily; she thought perhaps Sticks was having a good dream, or a bad one… Probably a good one she thought. She pulled herself to her feet and headed into the house leaving Sticks to dream.

Sticks dreamt. He dreamt of all the good things a dog could dream of, and dreamt of all the terrible nightmares a loved family pet could conjure. The subjection of unapologetic and unconditional love from the youngest of his little family pack conjured a deep feeling of want and protection in Sticks.


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