Cave Creatures by Edward.A

Cave Creatures by Edward.A

Dive into "Cave Creatures" by Edward.A for an intoxicating erotic adventure that explores the depths of desire and fantasy. Experience the thrill of unexpected encounters in a hidden realm, where passion knows no bounds. Ignite your imagination and discover the allure of the unknown in this enticing sex story. Perfect for those seeking steamy escapism!<br/>

A surprising discovery deep in the amazonian caves , When the small double engine plane finally touched on the grass runway before bouncing a few times and slowing down, Sarah took a deep breath, relieved that the difficult and bumpy flight to the remote location of amazon rainforest in Peru near the Brazilian border was finally over and even though she had several hours of driving left in some of the most dangerous mountain roads, she was glad the flight part of this expedition was over. She waited as the door was opened from outside by a dark native man. He reached for her hand and helped her off the plane before grabbing her large mustard color bag pack and directed her away from the plane and towards his old truck. By the time she had walked up to the truck she looked back as the plane took off as fast as it had landed. Once the deafening sound of engine noise had quieted down she turned to the native man and introduced herself to him. He seemed to not know any English and she, other than the basic Spanish she had taken in high school and early college, did not know much Spanish. The knowledge of Spanish language would not be much of a help anyways since most natives spoke a dialect closer to Mayan than Spanish or Portuguese.

After a few awkward nodes and smiles he introduced himself as Ake. He looked like he could be a native of Indonesia or Philippines, she was thinking to herself. He had dark skin, with dark straight hair that covered his forehead. He had grabbed her heavy bag pack and was about to put it in the back of his truck before she stopped him and took the bag pack inside the truck with her. She could not risk losing the bag pack in these bumpy roads and some of the electronics she had in there were not water, or impact resistant. Once they were on the road she had realized driving was not going to be any better than the scary flight she was just in. The dirt roads were narrow and dangerous. Her body was tense for the first thirty minutes as she tried to ignore looking outside and down the rocky cliffs that were covered with tropical trees at the very bottom and instead focus on the dangling voodoo doll hanging from the mirror.

She was excited to have finally made it. When she was a child she had only seen documentaries of scientists and archeologist going on dangerous and interesting expeditions where they would find remains of ancient civilizations, come across natives who had no interaction with outsiders, or find new animal species that they would get to name before introducing it to the rest of the world. Even when she was in graduation school seeking her master’s in microbiology she only imagined herself in a laboratory where she would perform tests on subjects that were sent by scientists on the field but never imagined she would one day be able to join an expedition. She couldn’t wait to join Professor George Erikssen and Professor Laura Martinez for the remaining of the expedition. She had worked so hard to be able to gain their attention and trust during her time in school and she knew this would help her with her goal of getting her own PhD in her field.

Last time she had communicated with any of the professors was almost three weeks ago when professor Erikssen had sent her schedule, flight information, necessary equipment they needed and all instructions she needed, via e-mail. Both in their late thirties, were extremely professional while very easy going and fun to be around and that’s what she liked the most about them. She wasn’t sure if more people would be there or perhaps joining them later but that was not something she cared about. She was only proud and extremely excited to join the professors at the end of today and feel like a true scientist.

The road seemed to be a constant downward spiral and to keep herself from worrying too much about the bad conditions of the roads and the dangerous cliffs, she started to read some of the emails she had received from both professors regarding the research that was being done in the field. Even though there was a great chance they would come across something new during their expedition this voyage was specifically funded by the university because it was part of a global attempt to find natural antibiotics to fight the super bacteria that had become a serious twenty first century problem.

She looked up again when she realized they had managed to drive down the mountain and into the rain forests. It was absolutely beautiful. The vegetation was so congested that it felt like they were driving through a green tunnel and even though it was perfectly sunny and there were no clouds in sky, it was dark and misty inside the forest. “Amazonica.” Ake said while waving his hand around, introducing the forest to her. She took her camera out and rolled her window to snap a few pictures. The wind was warm and the inside of the car felt damp as the humidity made its way in. She took a few pictures before rolling the window up and let the A/C cool down the cabin as they drove towards their destination.

They drove for another hour before she could see a bright light at the end of the road were it seemed like there were fewer trees. Once Ake slowed down and stopped the truck she got out and looked around the almost prefect circle that was made by trees that were surrounding the gigantic black rock surface that seemed to be the entrance to a vertical cave. Ake grabbed her bag pack and walked towards a few colorful flags that were placed on the edge of the entrance. She paused for a second and breathed the air thinking this probably was the best quality air on the planet. Closing her eyes she listened to the noises around them and though it felt quiet at first once she paid attention to all the noises she realized it sounded busier than standing in the middle of Time Square but the natural noises were not harsh to her ear and unlike when she was in New York City she felt peaceful and relaxed. She smiled, opened her eyes and followed Ake to the edge of the cave.

She looked down inside and noticed the size of the cave entrance was much larger than she thought. Inside the rock surrounded large lake that perhaps was made by the seasonal rains. It looked like a large coliseum. She turned around when Ake started to talk. He was showing the ropes to her indicating that they would be going down. He handed her what seemed to be a thick leather climbing harness that she had to wear before he passed a rope from the three metal loops around her. He sent the bag pack down as she watched him land it on the wet ground by the lake. She could see a few items that probably belonged to others but there were no sight of others any were around the lake. She only realized Ake would not be coming down with her when he stood in front of her, waiting, while holding the ropes in his hand. She was dumb founded for a second but quickly got to the edge of the rock. It was too scary to just let go and she kept looking back at Ake for confirmation. Ake had passed the rope through another metal hook that was patched to the rocks body and was going to use it to slowly lower her to the bottom of the cave.


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