Daisy punana – Chap 5 by AsDiane

“So you understand?”

Doctor Tom nodded. “Yes, fine, whatever you say,” he said snidely.

Master walked past her and out of the room, saying over His shoulder, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

punana looked up and saw Doctor Tom staring down at it. it could tell he was angry. He was losing his toy. But how much of what he’d done had been Tiffany’s idea and how much and been Master’s? punana was confused and afraid now. it wanted to ask the Doctor but knew better. If it was Master’s idea, he would tell Master punana had asked. And if it wasn’t Master’s idea, he would be angry punana hadn’t given him the credit.

“Get up on the table,” he said, then walked out of the room.

punana looked up at the surgical table. It was three feet off the ground but might as well have been a mountain. punana’s arms were weak, its chest kept it off balance and the spikes in its heels were tender and painful from standing on them earlier. punana tried dragging itself up the side of the table but its arms were too weak. it tried to stand but over and over it feel back to the floor. it panicked as it heard Doctor Tom and another pair of shoes walking down the hallway toward it.

“Why is she on the floor?” Tiffany asked.

“I don’t know, why don’t you ask her?”

“punana, why are you on the floor?”

“Didn’t you understand my instructions?” Doctor Tom crouched down in front of punana. “Or are you being defiant?”

“no, no, no,” it moaned, “punana woud never disobey you… it is just … so weak…”

“That’s fine,” the Doctor said. “You can stay on the floor if you prefer.” He motioned for Tiffany to take a chair behind him. “Can you see her all right?” he asked. Tiffany nodded.

“Well,” Doctor Tom said, sliding a rolling chair from under his desk and leaning forward, “let’s see what we have.” He took punana’s right foot in his hand and lifted it up, set it across his lap. He slid sideways a few inches and turned to Tiffany, “you can still see OK?” Tiffany nodded.

“So, your lover has new plans for you,” the Doctor said to punana. it nodded, watching his face closely. “And to implement that plan, we need to remove these beautiful heels?” He stroked the stainless steel spike lightly with his fingertip. punana started trembling, there was an edge to his voice. its breathing got quick and shallow, it started shaking its head side to side. “please, please, please…”

“What are you worried about?” the Doctor asked with an icy voice. He flicked the spike hard with two fingers. punana groaned, the pain and fear building from deep inside it. “What are you afraid of?”

Tiffany wheeled her chair closer and leaned forward. “Give me her other leg.”

punana started crying now, sobbing loudly and begging them not to hurt it.

“Is he home?” the Doctor asked. Tiffany shook her head. “Won’t be back for about two hours.” The Doctor nodded. He massaged the bottom of punana’s foot hard, the pain shooting up its leg but its body starting to relax. Tiffany kissed the bottom of its other foot, licked it, it laughed at the ticklish feeling.

After a few minutes, Doctor Tom said, “get the anaesthetic, it’s on the bottom shelf on the left.” Tiffany rested punana’s foot on the Doctor’s lap then got up and opened the cabinet. She took the small brown bottle and a syringe off of the shelf and put them on the table beside Doctor Tom.

“A scalpel and the stitch kit,” he said, massaging punana’s other foot now. punana’s brain was turning mushy, it didn’t know whether to be aroused or terrified. The feeling was wonderful but the look on the Doctor’s face was psychotic.

Tiffany set the kit on the table next to the syringe. She stared to sit back down but he turned to her and said, “go get towels. A lot of towels.” punana went limp, fear winning out over pleasure. it didn’t know what he had in mind but it was afraid now.

Tiffany came back with four towels, dark burgundy color.

“You guessed,” he said with a smile. She dropped the towels on the floor between her chair and the Doctor’s. punana’s body started trembling, the Doctor felt its leg shake.

“It seems you have some idea about what is going to happen here?” he asked. punana couldn’t respond, it felt paralyzed, frozen, something wooden and artificial. “You might want to start masturbating. You know. Take your mind off of things.”

Tiffany raised punana’s arms and dropped them between its legs. punana started rubbing its clit furiously.

The Doctor motioned for Tiffany to sit. She did and he put both of punana’s legs in her lap. He picked up the syringe and the anesthetic and poked the needle into the bottle.

“Now, this is very effective. It is a local but I’m quite sure that’s all you’ll need. It will relax the muscles and block any sensation.” He held the needle upside down and flicked it, watching for bubbles. “This is two doses, one for each side.” He pushed the plunger until a drop squirted out the top of the needle. “It’s important that the muscles be relaxed so you don’t move while I’m removing . . . while *we’re* removing the steel rods.”

punana used its left hand to hold itself open and its right hand to rub its clit, alternately slowly then quick, back and forth. it shook with fear, still uncertain what he had in mind.

“Are we feeling good?” the Doctor asked. punana muttered something and saw his face go cold, colder than before. He turned to Tiffany. “Hold her.” Tiffany clamped her hands down hard on punana’s shins, pressing its calves hard into her lap. The Doctor leaned forward and quickly gave punana two injections, one at the top of each thigh, just in the fold. punana’s hands froze in place and it started trembling harder. The drug took effect quickly and punana’s legs went limp and fell open wide. it tried to close them but it had no control over its muscles at all.

“Numb?” the Doctor asked. He stabbed the needle into its upper thighs several times. punana felt nothing. “Good,” he said. “But what about…” he grabbed the right spike and gave it a tug, “…here.” punana winced and jerked. Everything from her crotch to her knees was numb, but from the knees down, she felt everything. it panicked, started flexing its feet but couldn’t move its legs.

“no, no, please, please, please…” it begged, sobbing and rubbing itself. its cunt was starting to go numb too, the feeling was there but dull. it started pinching its cunt lips, its clit just to keep the feeling alive. it was terrified that it would not be able to distract itself as the Doctor and Tiffany took hold of the spikes and began to tug. Pain shot up its legs, it felt its calves shaking.

“All right now, Tiffany. Here’s what you need to do,” he said calmly, ignoring punana now and focusing on Tiffany. “You are a beautiful woman, yo know,” he said. He leaned over and kissed her, their mouths open and hungry. He pulled back just an inch and whispered, “twist.” punana felt shots of horrible pain in both feet as they twisted the spikes. They were attached to the muscles up the back of punana’s ankles, the skin had grown closed around them in the last months.

“Kiss me,” Tiffany whispered. The Doctor leaned forward and their lips locked again. Tiffany opened her mouth and ran her tongue over his lips and he sucked it into his mouth. punana felt its nipples swell. its cunt must be soaking wet, but it could barely feel it. it pinched its nipples, the pain distracting it for at least a few seconds.

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