Titan – Like Father Like Son by Mered88

Titan – Like Father Like Son by Mered88

Explore the tantalizing depths of desire in 'Titan - Like Father Like Son' by Mered88. This erotic sex story dives into complex relationships and forbidden passions, igniting your imagination. Discover a captivating tale that pushes boundaries and entices readers seeking passionate narratives. Read now and indulge in an unforgettable experience!<br/>

Life can and is usually filled with disappointments and sadness. But sometimes, we’re blessed to meet someone or encounter something that changes the unfortunate events to joyous occurrences that we can only look back on and appreciate.

Human or canine, either can be a catalyst for change . . . for me, Titan was that catalyst. , My dog and best friend Bruno had been gone for almost three months, and I still felt the emptiness and the loneliness that only a true animal lover could feel for a deceased canine friend.

“All of this for a dog?” You might ask, and my response would be, “yes.”

It felt as if my best friend had died, the feelings and emotions were strong and honest, and I could feel myself slipping each day deeper into suffocating darkness of desperation, depression, and despondency. Unfortunately, out of embarrassment and shame, I couldn’t bring myself to confide in anyone, and I sank deeper into this abyss . . . until Titan. Titan, in many ways, was like his sire, an extremely handsome dog, large, muscular, intelligent, confident, and loyal, and perhaps most importantly, there with me when I most needed him.

I suppose it started innocently enough. My two-year-old German Shepard, Titan, would typically come into my office, rest his head on my knee, and patiently wait for me to rub behind his ears or scratch under his throat. As Titan stood quietly between my knees, waiting for his customary attention, I thought, “God, but it was hot today.”

Even with the fan on full blast, I was sticky with perspiration despite being dressed in a thin cotton t-shirt and a pair of airy, loose-fitting boxer shorts. I sat there at my desk trying to work but finding my thoughts absently drifting to other things.

“Ughhh . . . Oh God,” I gasped as I inhaled and held my breath when I suddenly felt a warm wet pressure spread from the top of my clit to the moist, pulsing opening between my legs. It was Titan’s tongue, long and firm, causing tingling yet comforting sensations I can’t begin to describe. Sitting there daydreaming, I hadn’t realized when Titan had maneuvered his head between my legs and began to lick. As my scent and increasing wetness excited him, he became focused on my taste and smell.

It felt glorious . . . it had been a long time, and without being consciously aware, I opened my thighs wider for him and pressed my hips forward. I could feel the burning sting of tears as a sense of shame caused a tightening in my chest, and I struggled with what I was allowing Titan to do to me. I reached down and forcibly pushed his mouth away just as my orgasm blossomed and began to wash over me.

I closed my knees, and I vented my anger at Titan, “Go . . . Go”, I shouted, pointing toward the door. Looking startled and confused, Titan lowered his head and slowly walked out of the room.


Several nights later, I was in a half-sleep, being pulled to consciousness and yet resisting, wanting to stay warm and safe in my dream. Not wanting to awaken, my eyes grudgingly fluttered open, and I saw and felt Titan between my spread legs eagerly licking me. My body momentarily tensed and began to shudder when his long raspy tongue brushed over my clit, sending wave after wave of hot electricity through me.

“Titan, Titan, stop, I said halfheartedly,” and tried to move him away, but he was a large, muscular dog like his father had been and this time refused to be pushed away.

Having seen Bruno, his father, pleasure me this way more times than I could remember, Titan, persisted and, in quick order, brought me to an orgasm that reduced me to a crying, writhing human bitch. I was suddenly overcome with long-denied need and desire, and yet not at all surprised that it was Titan, Bruno’s son, who was giving me what I needed just as Bruno had.

I reached down and held his mouth to my pussy, mesmerized by the feel of his tongue across my clit and the indescribable sensation when he let it slip inside my pussy. With long, slow laps, he covered my seeping valley; his tongue nestled deep between my pussy lips, stroking from my tight, resisting rosebud along the valley created by my swollen pussy lips to my engorged, pink nub. By the time Titan had brought me to orgasm a third time, I was weak with exhaustion but still aware of him straddling my legs and beginning to probe and thrust at my wet, fragrant pussy.

While he paced and whimpered, Titan had watched his father closely, waiting for his sire to finish so that Titan could have his turn on the human bitch. But Bruno never allowed this and would growl and bite, making it clear to Titan that the human belonged to him.

But things were different now, Bruno was no longer here, and Titan sensed the human bitch was sad and in heat. He would finally be able to have her for as long as he wanted her.

“Oh my God! This dog wants to fuck me,” registered in my brain. I didn’t want that to happen, though.

I managed to get from under Titan and to my feet. Titan took a step or two away from me, creating a distance between us. He stood there watching me warily, his large, intelligent brown eyes scanning the room, calculating what my next move would be.

His eyes followed mine as I glanced at the open bedroom door. If I could get to the door, I could lock him in the bedroom. As if I had telegraphed the thought, Titan lunged with such force that it spun me around, and I fell on my knees. Stunned, and the breath momentarily knocked out of me, I lingered a minute too long on my knees.

Before I realized it, Titan was behind me, his crotch tight against my butt, his chest against my back and his forepaws wrapped tightly around my middle. The panic was rising, and I began to struggle until I felt the sharp sting of his teeth grasping the soft, vulnerable area between my neck and shoulder. I immediately froze, knowing what might happen if I attempted to resist him further. I could feel the hot tears of inevitability well in my eyes and begin to fall.

Titan huffed and loudly snorted as he licked the side of my face. Sensing I would submit and not challenge him, he again started to prod and probe until he had maneuvered himself into position. Titan was now fully exposed, his dog penis long, thick, and leaking. He found what he sought. After several quick, painful thrusts of his swelling phallus, he found his mark and began to press himself deeper inside me. It had been several months since Bruno and I had been together, and as Titan began to enter and successfully penetrate me, I could feel the large, engorged penis coaxing my pussy to open for him. It was uncomfortable, but I knew if I allowed (?) him to do as his animal instincts demanded, my pussy would accommodate him. My body would not only accept but enjoy what he was doing. It would be so much easier and the experience more pleasurable not to fight him.


This episode repeated itself a few days later. I was awakened during the night by my moans and whimpers only to discover Titan again, gently but proprietarily lapping between my legs. He had somehow spread my legs open without awakening me and was now nestled between them, satisfying himself. I remember lying there under him, mildly repulsed by what he was doing but still aroused and excited. I held his mouth to my pussy and literally humped his long wet tongue until I came in a screaming orgasm, cursing him and swearing never to let him do this to me again.

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