Building a Dream: Part Four by Steveandjay

Jay had started rubbing her clit throughout the film, her breathing weas heavy and she was clearly enjoying the film. She kept swigging out of the wine bottle and the drink was really having an effect.

“Lucky cow,” she said as she rubbed herself harder. “Oh fuck, I wish I could be brave enough to do that.”

She had started to rub my cock through my jeans as she talked and feeling me getting hard, started to unbutton the fly. I turned myself to face where her head lay and edged my cock in her mouth. She gently and slowly sucked the helmet before taking it fully down. She sucked for a couple of minutes then said,

“I am so ready for a good fucking right now.”

She took my cock back into her mouth and continued to rub herself, little groans coming from her as she sped up, nearing orgasm.

Fuck, it felt good.

She licked my helmet and ran her teeth gently up and down before taking fully into her mouth again.

“I’m a dirty slut,” she said, as she panted with pleasure as her fingers were getting faster. She inserted three fingers into her cunt and started fucking herself. “And tonight, I’m to be treated like a bad, dirty little slut.”

And then there was a knock on the door.

I reluctantly stood up and buttoned up my jeans while Jay laid back down, clearly frustrated. She removed her fingers from her cunt and then reached for a chocolate.

I grabbed two of the fans and placed them by the door. I opened it to Jim and Simon who were stood dressed more casual to when I saw them a while ago.

“Hi Guys,” I said.

“Hi,” they replied.

“Hi,” shouted jay a bit too loud from around the corner.

“Hi Jay. You alright?” shouted Simon back to her.

“Oh, I’m just fine, baby.” She shouted back in a teasing, yet slightly drunk, sexy voice.

“She alright?” asked Jim quietly

I did the hand-drinking sign and they both nodded in understanding. I went to grab the fans to pass them out when Jay shouted with a bit of a slur,

“I’ve got a new trick. Wanna see it?”

“I don’t think Simon and Jim do.” I said back. “They’re just on their way out.”

“Nonsense, nonsense, come in,” she shouted louder. The door was wide open and her voice had carried down the corridor causing an old couple to look down at us.

“They really are on their way out,” I said to her, hoping she would let them leave.

“Who wants a chocolate?” she shouted, even louder. The couple actually stopped walking and looked back at us, shaking their heads

Oh, fuck it

“Come in, come in,” I said to them and waved them in.

Hi Jay,” said Jim as he walked around the corner which was followed by “oh fuck.”

Jay was still lying across the bed, on her elbows with her legs wide open.

“Watch this,” she slurred. She took a chocolate and pushed it into her cunt. There was a moment of silence before it re-emerged and fell out onto the bed.

“That’s yours Jim. Come and get it.” She said pushing another one in. “Simon’s is just coming.” Jim hesitated, looked at me, then walked over and picking it up, put it in his mouth

“Yummy,” he said, obviously humouring her.

Simon went over and caught the chocolate as it came out and also put it in his mouth.

“Well done, Jay,” he said. “It’s like I’m back in Bangkok.”

He stepped back to where me and Jim were stood. I apologetically shook my head, but they gave me the ‘it’s okay’ look.

“Stay and have a drink,” Jay said reaching for the wine bottle, now almost empty.

“They’re on their way-out Jay,” I said. “They’ve come for the fans.”

“Oh, go on, stay for a drink. Have a…quickie.” She giggled before draining the bottle.

She stood up and walked past us to the table where the drinks were. She opened the remaining three cans of Guinness and passed them to each of us before taking the other bottle of wine to the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and opened it, took a swig, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as a little drip dropped out.

Jim and Simon looked at me and I indicated that they should sit down on the only two chairs. There was a bit of an uncomfortable silence as Jay took little sips from the bottle and smiled at the three of us.

“I’ve been a naughty girl today.” She said with a cheeky grin.

“Oh fuck,” I accidently said out loud, causing all three to look at me. I realised what I had done and said to Jay calmly,

“I’m sure they’re not interested in our day.”

“Oh, I bet you’re wrong there.” She said with a big, exaggerated wink.

I looked at both Jim and Simon and felt sorry for them. They must have felt uncomfortable with Jay being naked and more than a bit drunk, although, judging by the way they were sat, I swear they were both getting hard. Hardly surprising judging by the way Jay had performed her new skill.

“I’ve been a very naughty girl.” She giggled

They both looked at me and I just shrugged.

“A very…very, naughty girl.” She laughed, swaying on the bed.

“Yes, you have,” I replied. I needed to end this. “A very naughty girl. Now, I expect Simon and Jim have to be going soon.”

They got up to leave but then Jay said,

“I’ve been a naughty girl and I deserve a spanking.”

Now, Jay did enjoy a good spanking. She gets some sort of kick about being admonished and I think the pain factor, albeit slight, gets her juices flowing. We’ve used table tennis bats, a spatula and, once, a belt (although she had a massive orgasm, it did leave her marked and very sore for a couple of days and decide against using it again). It had been a while since I had last bent her over and given her a light thrashing. I hoped Simon and Jim would go soon so I could punish her myself for being a ‘very naughty girl.’

“A good, hard spanking,” she continued. She stood up and swayed a little before putting her finger up and saying,

“But first I need to pee. Sit yourselves down. I won’t be long” She pointed to the chairs and they both obediently obeyed. She walked over to the bathroom and before she shut the door she leaned around, with her breasts swaying from side to side and said, “Don’t you go away now.”

She shut the door and I looked over to Simon and Jim and said,

“I am so sorry guys. She was half-pissed when we got back earlier and, as you can see, she’s done another bottle since we’ve been back.” I said apologetically. “She’s never normally like this.”

“It’s fine,” Jim replied. “We all have a little too much now and then. It happens.”

“Yeah,” said Simon agreeing with Jim. “We all have to unwind a bit. I don’t know what you guys got up to today, but whatever it was has certainly had an effect. She seems randy as hell.”

“We should go,” said Jim standing up. “Leave you two to have some fun.”

Jay had heard this because she shouted from in the bathroom,

“Don’t you leave. I’ll be out shortly.”

We heard the toilet flush followed by the sink being filled. Jim looked at me and I said,

“Stay and humour her for five minutes. She’s having a bit of a ‘slut fantasy’ and I’m just letting her get it out of her system. The way she’s going with the drink though, she’ll probably crash soon.”

Jim sat down and carried on drinking his Guinness. There was a few moments of uncomfortable silence as we heard splashing coming from behind the bathroom door along with Jay singing, or rather drunkenly trying to sing, ‘Love to love you, baby.’

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