Camping With Mom – Part 2 by robert_lean

Grabbing some clothes from my bag, I unzipped the tent and stepped out. I was greeted by my Mom cooking breakfast over the campfire.

“Good morning honey!” she exclaimed.

She didn’t seem fazed by last night; in fact, she was acting like I hadn’t been fucking her in the ass less than 12 hours ago.

“Morning Mom” I replied

“Did you sleep alright?”

“Yeah, but mom, we need to talk abou-”

“Listen, what happened last night was…wrong. It’s incest Jake, you know that.”

“I know Mom; I just got caught up in the moment and couldn’t control myself”

“It wasn’t your fault; I didn’t exactly put a stop to the situation either. I think it’s just best if we put it behind us and move on. What do you think about that?”

“That’s probably best”

Well at least the awkwardness of it was out of the way, but I have to admit that I was slightly hurt. Last night she seemed so…into it, and this morning, she makes it sound like one big mistake.

“Well enough about that, why don’t you come over here and eat breakfast while I get ready. We still have 5 or 6 miles to go before we get to the campsite.”

She handed me a plate of bacon and eggs and went back to the tent to change. I still was confused and full of turmoil on the inside and frankly, I wasn’t that hungry. I poked at the food idly and thought of the events that had occurred the night before. Her words played back in my mind as I reflected on the previous evening. “Give Momma your sperm! I want you in me!”

“About ready to go?” she asked. Her words shot me back down to earth from my dream-like state. I turned around to look at her and saw she was wearing a tight fitting black tank top, which from the looks of things, was about two sizes too small, and a pair of jean shorts that clung to her ass perfectly.

“Uh yeah, just let me grab my bag” I replied.

As mom lead our trek to the campsite, I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering to the events of the night before. She seemed so into it last night, she NEEDED me. What had happened to make her change her mind? Then it dawned on me. She just fucked her son last night, how could she possibly advocate that? She couldn’t let me know that she enjoyed it and wanted to do it again. She couldn’t tell me how she wanted my cock more than anything right now. She couldn’t say any of those things. I had to take the lead. What if I was wrong though? What if she meant what she said this morning? I guess I’d just have to take a chance. As I kept walking, I began to formulate a plan. I was going to have my mother before this trip was over, and that was that.

We were making good progress; the weather was definitely helping with that. Today’s weather was a welcome change from the rain and winds of last night. It was still morning, but already starting to get hot out. It must have been about 85 degrees out and rising fast with no sign of a cloud in sight. To be quite honest, I was starting to get uncomfortable. I had dressed while it was still brisk out this morning, fully expecting another day like yesterday. I was quickly finding that long pants and a wind breaker was not a good idea for a hot day

“Hey mom, hold on for a second” I yelled out. “I’m gonna change clothes real quick, it’s getting pretty hot out here.”

“That’s not a bad idea, I’m starting to break a sweat” she replied.

I took my backpack off and unzipped it to try and find some more suitable clothes. I took out a pair of shorts and put my windbreaker in the backpack.

“Mom, I’m going to change over th-” I started to say as I looked up from my backpack. My mom evidently didn’t mind changing clothes right here because she was already almost naked. She had taken off her long sleeve shirt and pants and now was standing less than 10 feet away from me wearing a lacy white bra and a pair of matching thong underwear. Looking at her almost naked reminded me how badly I wanted her.

“What was that sweetie?” she asked, seemingly oblivious to her current state of undress.

“Um, I forgot what I was going to say. I’m sure it wasn’t important” I managed to spit out.

“Oh, well OK. Hurry up and get changed so we can make it to camp. The last thing I want to do is get caught in a rainstorm again.” she said with what appeared to be a wink.

“She didn’t just wink at me…did she?” I pondered as I began to change. “No way” I thought to myself and started to undress. “It’s just my horny teen mind playing tricks on me”. I stood up and started to pull up my shorts when I glanced over at mom only to find her looking right back at me. That didn’t last long though, she sheepishly averted her gaze. “Odd” I thought. “Very odd”.

“Alright, let’s go” I said as I picked my backpack up off the ground and put it back on my shoulders. As I looked ahead though, I got quite the sight. Mom had decided on a tight pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt that clung to her breasts perfectly. From the looks of things, it looks like she had taken off her bra. “Surely not” I thought.

The following hours were largely uneventful. As the day went on, the temperature kept rising. It was late afternoon by this point, and the temp had risen to the high 90’s. During the long walk, I allowed my mind to wander as I walked behind my mother. The jean shorts she had put on clung perfectly to her ass. I couldn’t stop thinking about how good my dick felt going into that perfect ass last night. My dick was starting to get hard thinking about fucking her and shooting my cum deep in her. I have to admit, with all this daydreaming, I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going. Before I knew what was happening, I was ripped out of my daydream by something on the path. I had tripped over a tree root and was sticking my arms out and flailing in an attempt to regain my balance. The only thing in front of me was mom, who was oblivious to my falling. Before I knew what I was doing, my hands had found a source of stability…my mom’s breast. I grabbed hold of her breast with one hand and her side with the other and soon she was supporting my full weight. Unfortunately, she wasn’t expecting this, and fell to the ground with me on top of her. The current situation reminded me of last night. My hard dick in my mom’s ass? Check. Me groping her? Check. I quickly realized this was quite different. Instead of sex, I had tackled my mom. Shit.

“Oh my god mom, are you alright?” I quickly asked.

“Yeah, but what the hell was that for?” she replied, obviously slightly pissed.

“I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, I tripped on a tree root or something” I said as I got up off of her. She’d be an idiot not to know that I had a huge hardon. I held out my hand to help her up.

“It’s alright, just be more careful honey.”

“Will do” I said as I pulled her up off the ground.

“Now I’m all dirty” she huffed as she started to brush her chest off. The way her breasts jiggled as she brushed them, combined with the accidental grope earlier confirmed my suspicions. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and from the looks of things, she was turned on. Her nipples were clearly visible through her thin t-shirt. “Well if we’re done playing football, I’d like to get to camp before sunset Jake” she said as she readjusted her backpack, turned around, and kept walking.

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