Cuckolded by Bunty Broomstead by abroadsword

Chaps were disrobing rapidly. Bunty having been ejected from the bed quickly took refuge upon the balcony in naught but his nightshirt

Jessica lay upon the bed while someone, Mason-Davies I believe busily engaged himself in sucking Jess’s left bosom while some other cove sucked her right bosom.

This sufficed for some moments until Bertie Gaunt expressed a desire to fuck Jess’s back passage.

Algy grunted and shot his bolt before withdrawing which allowed Jess to change position so she now straddled Dighby-Mollineax and firmly impaled herself upon his member while allowing Bertie Gaunt to bury his tadger deep inside her backside.

“Bloody hell, just needs a cock in her mouth to score a perfect hat trick!” I observed.

It wasn’t easy, Tomlinson tried to do a hand stand to get his cock in Jessica’s mouth but failed and instead shot his cream all over her face and then Williams tried and somehow succeeded in getting his tadger between her lips though with such extreme contortins that he should have a wonderful career as a contortionist should he choose to persue it.

“Come on chaps your three minutes are up swapsies,” someone, Algy possibly, ordered.

“Oh for heavens sake let them finish!” Jessica gasped, her voice somewhat muffled by the cock deep in her mouth.

“Your champagne sir,” the Clerk announced as he entered the room with a magnum of champagne and box of glasses.

“Excellent, pray join us sir.” I invited.

“Oh sorry sirs I do not drink,” he replied.

“Not drink, man fuck,” I insisted, “Take next turn I insist!”

“Thank you very much sir,” he agreed.

He did not even take his trousers off, the cad. That is the trouble with the lower orders no manners. Still he gave an admirable performance causing Jess to cry out more than once as he sated her.

“Thank you very much Gentlemen,” he said as he wiped his cock on a tray cloth, “Is there anything else I can get you.”

“Bloody pistol to run Bloody Bunty through with.” someone suggested.

“Shoot, running through is required of a gun,” someone surmosed drunkenly,

“Why bother sirs, just kick him off the balcony, we are after all on the fourth floor.” the Clerk suggested.

“You can come in now Bunty,” some cove suggested as he swung the door to the balcony wide and in doing so knocked Bunty neatly over the balustrade to dive neatly to the cobblestones below, landing thereon I should imagine with a sickening thump.

Most of the chaps had sampled Jessica, “You haven’t sampled Jessica Ginger?” I queried, “Not queer are you?”

“No I’m not queer, I’m not drunk but I am a girl,” Ginger reminded me.

“Oh sorry old thing,” I apologised. “I completely forgot, what with you having to pretend to be a chap to join the Autocar club.”

“Geoffrey,” Algy asked, “Had it never occurred to you that Jess thought you and Ginger were at it like knives during your all nighters mending that damned Darraq.”

The cold grey light of morn was seeping through the curtains by now. Half the chaps had gone in search of booze, others were snoozing on the floor.

I climbed beside Jess and went to go to sleep. The bed stank of Micassar oil. It stank of Bunty.

“Change sides,” I ordered Jess, “This side stinks of Broomstead.”.

“Don’t you tell me what to do you cuckold!” Jess snapped, “You stink of engine oil.”.

I climbed from the bed and got back in on Jess’s side. As usual she turned away from me.

“Don’t you dare,” she said, “Anyway who told you I desired to be ravished by the entire regiment for my Birthday present.”

Oh balderdash, I had forgotten it was her birthday.

“I thought it would be a nice surprise,” I lied.

“That was a lovely surprise Geoffrey,” She admitted, “You are so thoughtful,” and she kissed me on the cheek. “Good night.”

To be continued?

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