Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

The guys had no clue what he was talking about. Then Ram continued “We will force her to drink the alcohol we have. Let us make her dance nude for some songs. If you want you guys can join her in the dance. Let us humiliate her as much as possible” They caught her and poured some rum into her mouth and made her drink. I didn’t want to watch them after that. I wanted to do something. I went to Pandian who was still lying on the floor and asked him what happened. He told “I am totally sorry bro. I didn’t know these guys are such beasts. About 5 minutes after you left, these guys suddenly came to the gym and talked with Ram. I had no idea that Ram had called them. I am so sorry Dilip. I didn’t mean this. I just wanted the 4 guys to enjoy her. I tried to stop them. But they beat me up and threw me outside. But the goons are dangerous. Even worse, they are all drunk. They won’t mind about Shruti’s safety. We need to do something”

Me – Yes. We need to do something. I know it is risky. But I think the only way to stop this would be to call the police

Pandian – That won’t work.

Me – Why won’t it work?

Pandian – You have been to Ram’s resort. But you don’t even know about his parents? Hasn’t Shruti told you?

Me – Yes. I remember. His father is a politician. He holds some post in his area

Pandian – Yes. Police won’t even give a damn about this

That was when I got an idea. I went near his car and observed it. Then I went the cars of the goons. I saw so many weapons there.

Me – Ok. If we complain about this, then they won’t mind. What if we say that Ram is in danger? Won’t they come here immediately?

Pandian – Yes. But what is the use of them coming here? They are not going to save Shruti

Me – We should not stop with just telling this to police. We need to do something else

Pandian – What else?

Me – Inform the press reporters too. If they knew that there is something big happening here with a politician’s son, they would definitely come here soon to cover this. Ram would not be able to continue doing this. If he is caught in such an act, he will be in hell lot of problem. Above all, his father’s political aspirations will be gone for good.

Pandian – That idea sounds fine. I have a friend in press. We can contact him. But, he has Shruti’s video. Won’t he blackmail you in the future?

Me – Ok. He has a video. He can blackmail us with that because, in that video, Shruti was coopereating with him and if he wants, he can edit it to hide his face alone. I will do something for that

I took my camera and hid myself at the side of the window, used my mobile to capture everything. Luckily, Shruti was so drowsy at that time. Ram and the other goons were forcing her to dance nude with them and groping her hardly. Shruti was definitely in some discomfort. It was painful for me to record this. But I had to. I made sure that Ram’s face was visible clearly. After recording it I rushed back to Pandian and told him “In this video, I can black out Shruti’s face. It is clear that she is being forced. I could use that video to blackmail him. We could easily prove this to be a rape”

Pandian – That is fine. But what are you going to do now to save her?

Me – Wait and watch

I went to the car of the goons. Among their weapons, I found cans filled with petrol. They use it normally to stage protests are create problems. I poured it over Ram’s car. I asked a match box from Pandian, lit fire on the car. His car burst into flames. I took a picture of that. I called police station immediately and told that someone was trying to attack a politician’s son. I gave details about his father. That was when Ram rushed out of the gym wearing shorts. He heard the noise. He was pissed off. He shouted “You idiot. That is the most stupidest thing you could do when your wife is with us in the room nude.”

That was when Pandian’s call got connected to a press. Ram and some goons ran outside with buckets of water trying to put off the fire. I took photos of that. I sent them to Pandian on Whatsapp. Pandian told his friend that a politician’s son was attacked by some enemies. He told he will even send pictures of the situation. He disconnected the call and sent the pictures. But still some goons were inside. Only two of them came out to help Ram. I rushed to the gym inside. They were just beginning to fuck her. Shruti was being lifted by a guy who had his pant down to his ankles and cock in her pussy. Another guy was positioning his dick near her asshole. The gym was stinking a lot. Shruti was so drowsy and drunk. She had no idea about what was happening. I didn’t know what to do. There were still around 10 guys there. They were groping and biting Shruti wherever possible. That was when Ram rushed in while talking on phone “Yes daddy. I am safe daddy. Don’t worry about me. I will call you back daddy”

He shouted at the goons “Guys. Leave her and come out of the gym. The press and police are coming here. We can get her later too”

Ram came near me and told “Don’t be happy about this. I won’t leave you people in peace”

Shruti was lying on the floor. I lifted her and took her to our car amidst all the chaos. Pandian took the driver seat. He drove fast. Shruti woke up after sometime. But she was still drowsy. I took the pills and made her eat the pills. Pandian looked at us and told “I am really sorry Dilip. It was all my fault”

Me – Just shut up Pandian. I don’t want to hear from you. I don’t even want to see your face in our life again

Pandian – Sorry. I was pissed off at that time and did that to take revenge on her. I thought I had everything in control. I didn’t know things will go haywire like this.

Me – Just because you are a body builder, it doesn’t make you a great man. You were not even able to protect her when she needed you. Your ruthlessness and stupidity almost got her killed. This is the real reason why women normally hate you and that in turn is the reason why you hate women. Shruti didn’t even hate you. She actually loved you. You didn’t have to love her back. But you could have at least been a little bit kind to her

He didn’t reply to that. We reached our house. I lifted Shruti and took her. Pandian followed me. I told him “What are you standing here for? She is my wife. I know to take care of her. Just because I let her with other men, it doesn’t mean I cannot take care of her. Just get lost. Go to Europe and never ever come into our life again”

I closed the door while he was still outside. I took Shruti to the bathroom, cleaned her up and put her on bed. She was blabbering something in her sleep which I was not able to make out. Then I took the video taken at the gym and edited it to hide Shruti’s face. I had the video ready so that Ram will not trouble us again. I finished everything and looked at Shruti who was sleeping calmly. There were bite marks at some places on her body. But she looked as beautiful as ever. I don’t remember when I fell asleep

Chapter 37

Friday morning. I woke up hearing my mobile phone ringing. It was Pandian who was calling. I disconnected the call twice. But still he kept calling. I switched off my phone. It was 9 AM in the morning. Shruti was still sleeping. I had asked for leave today before leaving office yesterday. But that was for different reason. Now the situation was totally different. I tried to wake up Shruti. But she was so drowsy from the drinks she was forced to drink the previous night.

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