Falling in love with a sex addict – Shruti by dilipaish

Me – Who is that guy? Why are you feeling so uncomfortable?

Shruti – Nothing. Leave it.

Me – How can I? We are here for a romantic dinner and you just keep staring at him.

Shruti – He is one of my ex-boyfriends.

Me – Oh. If you are feeling difficult, we can switch places. You come this side.

We switched places. I saw that guy continuously staring at her. He seemed to be very angry with her. I thought their break up was a bit painful and he was still angry with her. After dinner, I asked her to wait outside while I brought my two-wheeler from the parking. It took some time for me to get the bike as another bike was blocking it. When I went outside, her ex-boyfriend was talking to her. He had his mobile in his hand. He moved away from her smiling while Shruti looked at him with tears in her eyes. I went near her. He smiled at me and left. Shruti sat on my bike. I asked her what happened. Not a single word of reply came from her mouth. I dropped her at home. I went home and messaged her asking what happened. She did not reply. I tried calling her. Her number was busy. After one hour, she replied to my message.

Shruti – Hey

Me – Yes Shruti. What happened? I was worried about you.

Shruti – Something bad happened.

Me – What is it? Tell me. We can solve it together.

Shruti – I don’t know how I will tell this to you. Not sure how you will take this

Me – No matter what it is, I won’t get angry with you. You know that.

Shruti – Ok. I will tell. The guy who we saw in the restaurant was my third and the last boyfriend before you. He was my college mate. His name is Ram. As I told before, we have had sex often.

Me – Yes I know. What is the problem with that?

Shruti – He had taken some videos of me having sex with him. He is blackmailing me now.

Me – What? Why is is he doing this now. It has been years since you broke up right?

Shruti – Yes. But there is something else you didn’t know about. We didn’t break up on mutual consent. He dumped me. You know how dominating I am

Me – Yes. But what does that have to do with it?

Shruti – He got fed up with me and decided to dump me. I was heartbroken and depressed at that time. I was angry with him. When my friends asked the reason for break up, I told a whole different story. I told them that I dumped him. I told them that he is weak on bed and he has a very small dick. I told them that he doesn’t even last for 2 minutes. After that, none of the girls in our college accepted his proposals. He didn’t know the reason behind their refusals. Looks like one of them told that to him recently.

Me – Oh. That is so bad. He should be fuming

Shruti – Yes he is.

Me – What does he want now?

Shruti – He wants me for a day.

Me – What? Just ask a sorry to him.

Shruti – I asked. But what I did hurt him much more

Me – Oh. You want me to talk with him

Shruti – Don’t try to be a hero here. He is a big shot. Anything we do will go against us. And he has the video.

Me – So you accepted to sleep with him?

Shruti – If it is just about sleeping, I wouldn’t even ask you. I would have just gone to his house. Why should I ask permission to you?

Me – Then why are you asking me now?

Shruti – He added a clause to it

Me – What is that?

Shruti – He wants you to be with us and watch everything he does

Me – What? Is he mad? Did you say yes to that?

Shruti – I know it is hard on you and I know you will never say yes to this. This is all my mistake. I hit his ego heard. Now he wants to prove his ego and manhood in front of you. I said no to him. He gave me 2 hours time to decide. Just wanted to let you know. If I don’t respond positively, he told the video will be posted on the internet by midnight. My life is screwed. Good night.

I didn’t reply to that. I didn’t know what to say. I sat and thought about it. I had fell madly in love with her that I couldn’t think of a life without her. But what Ram is asking is outrageous. If he had slept with her separately it would have been comparatively easier for me to digest that. But this was a very hard decision. To watch her having sex with someone was too heard. It was too difficult for me. On the other hand, this would be a golden opportunity for me to prove my love to her. I could prove that I could do anything for her. After lot of contemplation, I took a decision, picked up my mobile and messaged her “YES”

Shruti – What yes?

Me – Tell him “YES”

Shruti – Are you serious?

Me – Yes. You have already had sex with him. This time, I am going to be there. I don’t see a big difference. I will find ways to black out my mind.

Shruti – I don’t know what to say. It may not be as simple as you think

Me – When I told that I love you, I meant it. All your problems are my problems too.

Shruti – I don’t know how to thank you. You are the best thing that happened in my life. I am so much thankful to you. I will call him and tell.

(After 5 minutes)

Shruti – Just informed him. He has promised that if we do it, he won’t blackmail me anymore. He has asked us to come to Mayajaal theater this Sunday at 9 30 AM. He has given me a dress code. You can come in any dress you wish. He told he will let me go back at 8 PM. Pick me up at my home at 8 AM. We can go together

Chapter 9:

It was sunday. I went to her house on time. She told her parents that she was going to office for work. She was wearing something similar to what she was wearing during our first sex session. It was a black t shirt and a full length green skirt. She had so many bangles in her hands. This was new. And this time it was not high heels, but flats. She sat behind me with legs on the same side. I asked her if she tried to change his mind after that. She told that he didn’t even pick up her calls and just sends a message asking her to be there on time. I knew he was not the kind of guy who would forgive her for what she did.

We reached Mayajaal multiplex after one hour of driving. It is closer to the ECR in Chennai which has many beach resorts. I thought he will be taking her to a resort. We waited near the gate. He came there by walk and asked us to park our vehicle inside. I was confused. After parking we went to the gate again. He gave his hands to me and introduced himself like it was a professional conversation “Hi. I am Ram. What is your name?” I replied “I am Dilip” He looked at Shruti and told “How the hell did you end up with this guy? So many better looking manly guys have hots for you and you chose him out of all the people?”

Shruti – Just shut up. He loves me more than he lusts me. There is a difference

Ram – What? How can someone actually love you? Does he know what kind of a bitch you are?

Shruti – He knows me very well. Still he loves me. What is your problem? Just get straight to business

Ram – I have booked tickets for a movie. Let us watch it and then I will tell the plans

Shruti – Movie? Why?

Ram – What? You want to be fucked by me now itself? See Dilip. Your girlfriend is hungry for my dick. Still she has told her friends that I have a small dick

Now I understood why he wanted me here. He wanted to humiliate me and her in front of each other. This day was going to very worse. Look wise, he was way too smart with athletic body. Typical rich family guy with smartly groomed looks wearing ear rings. These guys usually go with girls only for sex. I didn’t know if Shruti knew it before being in relationship with him.

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