Karen’s Story-7 by darklord9895

She was the first one to speak: “Wow. You might wanna stay longer away the next time. If it means we’ll fuck like this.”

“Hm, yeah, it was rather wonderful, babe,” I replied. My cock was still in her pussy, but I could feel my little Hulk turning into Bruce Banner again. When I took it out, a nice slush sound came from her pussy. Karen scooped up some of the cum inside her and licked her finger. “Still top quality sperm.”

I smiled. Karen got up. “Just stay here, I get you some tea.”

While she walked in the hallway she yelled: “You really came a lot, it is dripping down my legs. I’ll just get some toilet paper, hold on.”

When she came back, she had cleaned her pussy a bit. We drank our tea on the bed, enjoying looking at each other’s body.

We chitchatted about stuff, but after tea a serious look came upon her face. She put the empty cups on the ground and sat opposite of me. Her hand started to stroke my now limp cock, getting it ready for action in no time.

“Robert, I’ve got to tell you something. I hadn’t told you on the phone, because I wanted to tell you in person. Please, don’t judge before you hear me out okay?”

I had heard that one before, but okay. What the heck. Karen started to tell me her story: This happened a few weeks ago, she said.

Her dad walked up the stairs, heading for Karen’s room. She wasn’t in. Her clothes lay scattered over the floor. “Karen?” he yelled.

“I am in the bathroom, dad.”

Her dad stepped into the bathroom, which was near her room. Karen was sitting on the edge of the bath, cutting her toenails. She only wore panties since she just had a shower.

“Dad, I am not dressed!” said a startled Karen.

“You promised that you would give me a backrub. My shoulders and back are hurting like hell again.”

“Can’t that just wait a minute?”

“Honey, it really hurts. And a short backrub will make it go away. Come on, your mother usually does this, but since she isn’t here. And Anne is having a day off so… Don’t bother getting dressed. I’ve seen your tits before. I made you, remember?” he said while walking across the hallway to his room expecting Karen to follow him that instant. He left the door open en lay down on the bed. “Are you coming or what?”

Karen sighed. Her dad was a man without patience. Might as well get over there or he would be wining all night. Karen went from the bathroom to her room, looking around for a shirt to wear, because she didn’t feel quite comfortable being topless while she massaged her father. She settled for a tank top that lay on the floor. She didn’t wear a bra. Oh what the heck, she thought. It was her dad.

She went to her parent’s room and saw her father lying on his stomach, waiting for her to rub his shoulders and back. He was only wearing his underwear. A pot of massage oil stood on the nightstand. Karen bent over to take some, her breasts only a few feet away from her dads face. Although he didn’t seem to care. Karen rubbed the oil in her hands, sat down on the bed next to her dad and started to rub his shoulders softly.

“Do it harder, hon. I can hardly feel it.”

“Alright you old whiner”, she thought, and started to press harder.

“Ooh, yeah, that feels absolutely marvellous. I can feel the pain slip away right now.” Karen massaged him for a while, but found she had a hard time reaching the shoulder on the opposite end without brushing her breasts against his back.

“What is it, Karen?” her dad wanted to know.

“Can’t reach the other side.”

“Just sit down on my back. That’s what your mother always does,” he said with a schmuck smile on his lips.

Karen sighed and got on top of him. Her ass on his lower back; her feet on both sides of his body. She resumed rubbing his shoulders.

“Yeah, that feels great. A little lower please…”

Karen massaged his whole back, which took her about fifteen minutes or so. She was very thorough and her dad was a demanding man. She admired her father’s back. It was very muscular. Her daddy didn’t look that bad at fifty, she thought. At a certain point she reached his lower back.

“A little lower please, but don’t get any massage oil on my briefs. It stains like hell, and is difficult to wash out.”

Karen tried to push the briefs down a little bit, but couldn’t because she would stain the fabric with her oiled hands. “Help me, dad,” she said.

Her dad took the sides of his briefs, and pulled them down further than Karen had anticipated. They were below his ass now and she could see her father’s hairy crack in all its glory. She didn’t move and wasn’t sure how to proceed.

“Please Karen, go on, before the muscles get cold.”

Karen started to massage just above his ass. Her dad was moaning. She was doing a good job. She liked her father’s ass very much. She was tempted to touch it.

“You know, you’ve got wonderful hands, honey.”

Thanks dad.

“Tell, me do you ever massage Peter?” her dad wanted to know.

“That’s a curious question,” Karen said carefully. What the hell did the old man mean by that?

“He does massage you, right? Every once in a while I mean.”

“No sir, why do you think that? If I need a backrub, I’ll ask Robert. He’s pretty good at it.”

“I wasn’t talking about backrubs dear. I was talking about an entirely other area.”

Karen started to sweat. She held her hands still on his buns.

Her dad turned around, Karen sat next to him. She could see his cock was half erect.


Her dad looked her in the eye. “Karen, look in the drawer on your left. Karen dried her hands on the towel and opened the drawer. She saw what her dad was getting at. Her panties were lying in the drawer. Karen’s heart stopped.

Her father continued in a very dry voice: “You guys were having a good time last night, at least that’s what I gathered from the noises. I went down the stairs when I heard you guys fuck. Then after you were finished, I pretended to come down the stairs, so you wouldn’t freak out.

Karen didn’t dare look at her dad. She felt so ashamed. Why the fuck hadn’t they done it in Pete’s room?

Her dad touched her kindly. He sat up close to her, and touched her chin. “Honestly I don’t know what to think of all this. How long has this been going on?”

She looked him in the eye – he looked so calm and gentle.

“For a while now…”

“Does Robert now about this?”

Karen nodded.

“Really. That surprises me… You know your mother would never approve.”

“I know. It was just something that happened, you know…” Karen said.

Her dad nodded understandingly. “I guess I understand. When I was young, there was a time in which I desperately wanted to fuck my sister, your aunt Jenny. We almost did it, but she got scared. It never happened, but it could have.”

Karen looked surprised. She hadn’t seen this one coming.

“Jenny was beautiful in those days. Not the fat hog she is now, moving from one diet to another. Beautiful, just as you are, my darling daughter. I guess I cannot blame Peter for wanting you…” While her dad made his confession, his hand moved from Karen’s chin down in her lap, but when it went down, it briefly touched her nipples. This sent a shiver through Karen’s body.

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