Robert & Alexis Part One by Paperback Writer

“Did I say you can fucking sit down?” Alan barked.

I shot up immediately saying, “Sorry, Alan.” I don’t know why I apologized. I shouldn’t be sorry I was sitting down in the comfort of my own room which I paid for. Yet, Alan had all the power. And I know what he would do with that power. I tried going into my bedroom but Alan stopped me.

“Where the fuck are you going?” He barked again.

“I…I was just going to my room.”

Alan stood up and approached me with an angry look. I backed up a few steps.

“I don’t like your attitude or insubordinate manner, Rob. Do you forget who’s in charge here?”

“No, Alan, I-”


Alan slapped my face hard with his big right palm. It happened so fast I didn’t see it coming. I stumbled a few feet away, dazed from the assault . Without giving me me time to recover, he grabbed my by the shirt with both of his hands and slammed me on the wall, banging my head on it.

“Listen you little shit! You don’t get to call me ‘Alan’. Only people I respect has the privilege to call me by my first name. I sure as hell don’t respect you. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, hoping you would correct your mistakes but you haven’t. So here’s me reminding you what your place is and what is mine. You’re a weak little bitch who can’t protect his wife, which makes me above you. So from here on out, you best call me ‘sir’ or ‘Mr. McCarthy.’ You got that, asshole?!” Alan yelled at my face.

“Yes, yes, I’m sorry, sir! It won’t happen again, I promise!” I said, fear running through my veins. I’ve never been yelled at like that before. It scared me. The look on his face says he’ll kill me if I keep disrespecting him. It was humiliating but I was also scared for my life. And Alexis’ too.

He shoved me hard on the wall before letting me go. I took the time to soothe my hurt face and my back. Alan composed himself and went back to his calm demeanor.

“Don’t make me do that again, Robbie. I hate when I get like that. That only happens when I don’t get what I want. So you better make sure I never get to that level again.” He looked at me with sharp eyes, reminding me why he was here in the first place.

“Yes…sir.” I replied.

“Good. Now that we got that sorted out. We can move on without any more incidences. Right?”

I nodded my head in affirmation. He smiled again making me a little relieved.

“Make sure to keep your phone on. Text me everything. Your whereabouts, your plan, anything. I’ll make sure to be there being my charming self. With your support and my moves, your wife can finally be with a man she deserves. Wouldn’t that make you happy?”

I nodded forcing a smile. Which wasn’t that hard to do, surprisingly. The thought of Alexis being with a man who could actually save her and protect her gave me a sense of relief. I definitely did not feel like that guy at the moment.

He left without saying another word. I felt sick to my stomach. Like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have an angry wife on the one hand and an egotistical boss on the other. There’s no way to win from this situation.

I sat down on the couch trying to occupy my mind while trying to watch tv. It didn’t help. I kept thinking, what am I going to do or say to convince my recently married wife I want to see her with another man before I sleep with her? It’s just not possible!

Then there’s Alan who is toying with my future if I don’t get my wife to sleep with him. How did it get to this?

Even if by some miracle Alexis does sleep with him, AND she doesn’t leave me, then what? Will I still work there? Under Alan? Will he end up holding his side of the deal and not falsely accuse me of heinous crimes? Why would he? Knowing him, he’ll probably make me do more humiliating things for him.

Hearing the door open snapped me out of my train of depressing thought. I looked over at the room’s digital clock to see over 2 hours passed since I sat down. I didn’t realize how deep in thought I was.

It was Alexis.

It’s amazing how incredibly beautiful she looks even when she’s upset. Since it was the summer time, she wore a revealing white top that only covered her breasts and a long white skirt that covered her legs completely. She even still had on the flower she put on her right ear before we left.

Without speaking or looking at me, she made a bee line towards the bathroom, shutting it behind her.

After some time, she exited the bathroom and went to our bedroom. Where it was located, I couldn’t see what she was doing from my position on the couch. I was way too nervous to talk to her. I figure if she talks first then I’ll talk.

She was in there for a long time I thought she decided to go to bed. Until she finally came out to the living room wearing more comfortable clothes for sleep. She had on her college shirt and short shorts, revealing her thick and long legs that goes on for days. I never understood what guys meant when they say they could literally take a bite out of a woman’s thick, sexy legs before I met Alexis. I sure do know what they mean now.

She turned the tv off and sat down next to me on the couch.

“We need to have a serious talk, Robert.” Alexis said calmly.

“I know, I-”

“Stop. I meant I need to talk and you need to listen. Okay?”

I nodded.

“I don’t know what’s going on with you now but this is not you. I don’t know why you’re acting this way on our honeymoon. But whatever it is, it needs to stop. Now.”

I still remained silent.

“Because if you ever bring up that stupid fantasy again, I am leaving you. Do you understand me? The next words out of your fucking mouth better be, ‘Yes, dear, I understand’.”

“Yes, dear, I understand,” I immediately said.

“Good,” Alexis sighed, looking relieved. “Let’s just forget this ever happened and move on, okay?” Alexis said sympathetically as she put her hand on my face.

I put my hand on hers in response, nodding and smiling. I was relieved myself. She went in for a kiss which I gladly accepted and returned.

She got up, taking my hand, pulling me towards the direction of the bedroom.

“C’mon. This day could still end on a good note.” She had on a sly mischivious smile. My smile quickly melted.

I am not allowed to fuck my wife until you have the pleasure of fucking her first.

“Uhhh, actually, babe, do you mind if we just go to bed.”

“That’s where we’re going, silly,” she giggled.

“No, that’s not what I meant. I meant, can we just go…to sleep?”

She stopped, looking at me with a confused look.

“What do you mean, just go to sleep?”

“Yeah, I’m not really feeling it. After everything that just happened, I feel pretty bad about it.”

Alexis put on a smile again. She rubbed her hands on my shoulders and chest.

“Well, let me make you feel better then, babe.” Alexis moved her hands to my butt giving it a firm squeeze.

“No, you know what? I actually don’t feel good either. I hate to say it, but I think I’m coming down with something and I don’t want to pass it on to you.”

God, this was hard. I can’t believe I’m making excuses to avoid sleeping with my wife on our honeymoon. This was horrible.

“Really, Rob? You really can’t just suck it up for one night? It’s our honeymoon for God’s sake. We haven’t even had sex yet! And you don’t want to because you’re feeling a little sick?” Alexis stood there, looking defensive with her arms crossed.

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