Story of Osu Pt. 07 by SamIrish

An adult stories – Story of Osu Pt. 07 by SamIrish

Her body still thrumming with electricity after taking her own pleasure in front of Sergei just moments ago, Sam headed down to join the rest of their dojo for dinner. She truly had no idea how she was going to manage to behave around him in public that night. Even now, it was all she could do to keep her cool, when all she wanted to do was grab him and drag him back upstairs.

When she reached the hotel lounge, she quickly spotted their motley crew towards the back. They were crammed into one of the large circular booths, with a few people seated on chairs on the outside. It was a loud, rowdy bunch and everyone was clearly having a good time.

She caught Sergei’s gaze and saw the pleasure at her arrival spark in his eyes. He was seated at the outside end of the bench, next to Julie and Chloe. Walking up to the table, she greeted everyone.

“Hi guys! Looks like a party here! Give me a second and I’ll grab another chair.”

Julie protested immediately.

“Don’t be silly! There’s plenty of room! We can slide over and squeeze you in here, so the waitstaff have more room to work. But let me out first – I need to run to the ladies’ room for a moment before we order.”

“I need to go, too, Mom.” Chloe said.

With that, Sergei stood up and let the two of them out, motioning to Sam that she should be seated first. He clearly wasn’t about to sit down while she was still standing. She loved his old-school manners.

Slipping on to the bench and sliding around, she found herself at the very back of the circular bench, next to Zoey. Smiling brightly at the girl, she found herself quickly drawn into conversation as Sergei sat down by the edge of the bench, leaving plenty of space between them. She smothered a grin at his efforts to make things easier for both of them.

Zoey looked at her earnestly at one point and said “You looked taller walking in, Sam. Are you actually wearing heels?”

“Yup!” Sam agreed brightly.

“I felt like going girly tonight. I love these shoes – they’re my kind of high heel. Cool and not super fussy.”

Zoey peeked under the table and then grinned back at Sam.

“I love them! They’re funky and cute. They’re pretty high, though. Are they comfortable?”

“Super comfy,” Sam enthused. “Like wearing sneakers.”

At that moment, Julie arrived at the table. Sergei made to stand, but Julie waved him down and shooed him further in so they would take the edge, since Chloe hadn’t yet returned. Before she sat, she joined the conversation.

“What’s like sneakers?”

Zoey smiled at her.

“Sam’s shoes. Check them out! They’re so cute and even have high heels. I never thought I’d see Sam in heels!”

“This I have to see!” Julie joked.

Sam turned towards her and stretched her feet out so her shoes were visible under the edge of the table and Julie could see. Lifting a foot, she turned it slightly back and forth to show Julie her shoe.

“Wow!” Julie exclaimed, “those are awesome! Wherever did you get them?”

Julie grabbed Sam’s ankle and dragged her foot closer for a better look, sliding Sam along the bench until her leg was draped over Sergei’s lap between them.

Sam had to move quickly to bring the other leg up, so she wasn’t flashing any skin, and she heard Sergei’s quick inhalation as her bare legs slid across his lap. His hand caught the inside of her knee in a lightning fast caress, before he raised both hands as if in surrender up in front of him.

He looked around at the others at the table and saw that no one seemed to think anything was weird about this. Everyone was just laughing at Sam’s now undignified sprawl.

“Um, Julie?” Sam interjected, “Can I have my foot back now?”

Julie looked up and saw that Sam was now reclined on the bench, holding herself up awkwardly with her hands, and her legs laying across Sergei’s lap. Sergei, for his part, was making a hilarious show of holding his hands up and away from Sam’s bare legs, and the rest of the table was cracking up.

“Ohmigod, Sam! I’m so sorry!” Julie cried.

“I practically pulled you out of the booth. Lucky Sergei was there or you’d have ended up on the floor. Goodness, I am sorry! You know me and shoes – sometimes I get carried away.”

Sam managed to resettle herself properly in her seat just as Chloe returned to the table. She laughed at Julie and assured her she wasn’t mad at all. It had been very funny, after all. Just, now her skin was tingling and she was highly alert to Sergei pressing next to her on the bench as Julie and Chloe both sat down on his other side.

She turned her attention to the others and forced herself to engage in conversation.

As the chatter flowed around the table, she became aware of what Sergei had been talking about when he mentioned the young men.

She detected a lot more direct attention from the three teenagers, and she noted that they weren’t always looking at her face when they talked to her. She wasn’t offended, she had a lot of experience with people talking to her chest, but it did make her aware that Matt, Derek and Will were closer to men than boys. They would likely see things the younger students wouldn’t. She should remember that, for Sergei’s sake.

The last thing she wanted to do was compromise him in any way with his students or the organization.

The group was all hungry and decided on a wide selection of things to share. Appetizers, small plates, and a number of large entrées that would split easily soon loaded their table.

They all dug in eagerly; the hotel was known for their restaurant and everything looked delicious. Everyone started eating and continued laughing and talking as they recapped what they had seen during the day and what they had learned.

Sergei was managing to chat easily with everyone, once he had recovered from having Sam yanked almost into his lap.

He was glad Julie had been so distracted by Sam’s shoes, because when she had pulled Sam’s leg over him, Sergei had caught a tantalising glimpse of Sam’s pussy and had been rock hard even before she’d managed to bring her legs together. A quick grab of her knee, and he’d positioned Sam’s leg to hide the evidence of his arousal, but he was suffering. It took the immediate placement of his napkin in his lap and a serious focus on the conversation to bring his body back under control.

“Sam! You’ve got to try these!” Derek said from across the table.

He held out a plate with some small, phyllo-wrapped appetizers and an eager smile.

“They’re brie and cranberry. You know you wanna…”

He waved the plate back and forth temptingly, goofing around for a laugh. He tried to pull the plate back in time but Sam was faster, and she snatched one of the little bundles before they were out of reach.

“If brie is involved, I’m highly motivated.” Sam grinned, popping the bite in her mouth.

The look on her face was total pleasure at the highly decadent hors d’oeuvre. Closing her eyes, she savoured the bite, making a small breathy groan of appreciation at the taste.

It was the kind of reaction anyone would have made at a tasty bite, but it sounded so much like her genuine arousal that it spoke straight to Sergei’s groin and had him suddenly throbbing again. He grit his teeth together and his smile froze on his face as he watched Sam enjoy the mouthful.

All he could think of was sliding his cock in that mouth and he didn’t think he was doing a decent job of hiding it.

Blinking quickly and tearing his gaze away from Sam, he scanned the table.

The girls in the group were all still eating and chatting, many making the exact same appreciative sounds as they sampled one dish or another, nothing amiss.

The guys were another story. As a group, they were all staring, transfixed, at Sam. Will’s mouth was open and his fork was hanging in midair, forgotten, as he watched pleasure cross Sam’s face. A sudden flush streaked over his cheeks and Sergei knew exactly what he was feeling at that moment.

“Oh, my god. That was delicious!” Sam raved, when she was done the bite.

She looked to Derek, who was still holding the plate and was surprised by his expression.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing!” Derek shook his head, a little dazed but recovering quickly. He shifted in his seat awkwardly and offered her the plate.

“I think you should have another. That was fun to watch!” But he was smiling as he said it, more confident than his brothers.

“Go on, take another!”

“What can I say? I love food.” Sam grinned.

“Why do you think I train so hard? Because cheese…and croissants…and good wine…and buttermilk fried chicken. You get the idea.”

She popped another cheese bite and hummed with delight, smiling like a child at the taste.


Sam heard her cell chime with an incoming text and quickly looked at her phone.

If you do that again, I’m going to fuck your mouth, right here at this table.

Sam caught her breath at the message from Sergei. She sat, staring at his message, feeling the desire storming to the forefront of her consciousness. She could feel her nipples pebbling and her pussy growing moist.

She needed him. Now.

I just watched your nipples get hard. I want to suck them and make you come.

The next message made her choke back a whimper.

Fuck! She was going to come at just his words if he kept this up. Quickly, she made a decision.

“Sorry folks! I’m going to need y’all to let me out of here. I need the ladies.”

Sam smiled at Julie and Chloe, and tossed a pointed look at Sergei. The girls slid out of their seats to allow her out, and Sergei moved to follow.

Before he could move though, and watching to make sure Julie and Chloe weren’t looking, she dropped her hand to his lap and onto his cock. She could feel him, hot, hard and throbbing, under her touch and gave him a quick squeeze before he slid to the end of the bench. He stood up and quickly stepped behind the girls, using them to shield his reaction from the room.

“Thanks guys. Be right back.”

Sam avoided looking at Sergei and headed towards the restrooms in the lobby. She remembered that the restrooms were in the same hallway as the practice rooms. She was taking a gamble, but life was a risk.

Reaching the room they had trained in earlier, she tried the door and found it unlocked and the room dark and empty. Flipping the sign again to IN USE, she slipped inside and pulled out her phone.

I’m in the practice room. Two minutes and I start without you. Please don’t make me start without you.

With that, she waited.

Sergei watched Sam leave the table and wanted nothing more than to be able to excuse himself openly and follow her. Sliding back into his seat, he was grateful for the cover of the table as he was now painfully hard and having trouble concentrating on the group around him.

He’d taken a single bite of his dinner when his phone buzzed in his pocket, making his cock pulse at the vibration. Damn, he was seriously wound up. He had made the comment only half in jest to Sam earlier, but he was beginning to think he might have to excuse himself for a moment of privacy.

Reading the message, it took him only a second to come to a decision. In fact, it took him only a second to come up with an excuse – the decision was a foregone thing.

“Oh! Excuse me, guys. I have to deal with something at the moment. I’ll take this outside.”

Apologising to Julie and Chloe for the second inconvenience of standing to let him out, he quickly left the restaurant. Seeing no one in the hall by the training rooms, he quickly slipped into the darkened practice room they had used and locked the door behind him.

A second later, he felt Sam’s lush curves as she threw herself against him, plowing her hands into his hair and attacking his mouth. Lifting her quickly, he felt her legs wrap around his waist as he walked the few short steps to the table against the wall. Setting her on top, he felt her hands on his pants, ripping the button open and dragging down his zipper.

The feel of Sam’s hand sliding into his pants and wrapping around his cock was like a dam bursting. Need flared, hot and immediate, and he pushed her dress up over her hips as she freed his pulsing erection. Grasping her hips, he slid deep into her with one hard stroke, groaning harshly as he sank to the hilt in her tight sheath.

She was so wet, so ready. Capturing her lips with his, he dove his tongue into her mouth at the same time he started stroking back and forth inside her. This was not going to be a tender, slow joining. He could feel her muscles quivering on his cock; she was as close to orgasm as he was. Abandoning any pretense of control, he pounded relentlessly into her, grinding against her with every stroke.

Suddenly, Sergei felt her climax breaking over her, Sam’s head falling back as a guttural cry was ripped from her throat. Her muscles gripping him in a silky, iron caress, her body drew his release from him with such violence he thought he might lose consciousness.

His hands clenched brutally on her hips, he drove himself as deep in her pussy as he could get, spilling himself hot and strong inside her. His cock pulsed and throbbed for several moments, his peak seeming to go on and on, until he started slowly to come back to earth. Reaching for Sam’s face with both hands, he reverently held her while his mouth dropped hot, passionate kisses on her sweet lips.

“I feel like I’m getting repetitive,” he said when he was able to release her mouth. “But wow.”

“Wow, indeed.” Sam breathed in agreement. Then she giggled just a little.

“I didn’t really intend to attack you quite like that. But you do work me up.”

Sergei chuckled in response.

“I haven’t a single complaint.”

He sighed before continuing, “Except for the fact we have to get back to our dining companions.”

He helped her down from the table and straightened his clothes while she smoothed her dress down.

“I’ll slip out of here and into the ladies room. See you back at dinner.”

Sam blew him a kiss as she ducked out of the room and into the empty hallway, managing to reach the deserted restroom without seeing anyone. Moments later, after assuring herself she was fully presentable, she returned to the others.

She realised that they had hardly been away for more than five minutes, not enough for anyone to notice anything odd. Slipping back into her seat, she casually rejoined the conversation at the table and resumed her meal. She couldn’t help being distracted, though, with thoughts of their sudden interlude.

Sergei returned to the table just then. Taking his seat next to her, he turned to Julie as she greeted him.

“Everything ok? Seemed important.”

He reassured her quickly. “Yes, everything is just fine. Just something that needed taking care of immediately.”

He heard Sam give the tiniest choking laugh as she chatted with Zoey, and he knew she had heard him. He couldn’t hide his smile in response. Turning back to his meal, he discreetly pressed his leg into Sam’s under the table and was warmed by her returning the pressure. He was beginning to seriously doubt their ability to fly under the radar for long. He just couldn’t seem to stop touching her. Even now, he glanced down at the smooth skin of her thigh against his leg and he wanted to slide his hand up that skin.

He was seriously in trouble with this woman.

Forcing his attention back to the conversation as it flowed around the table, he caught the moment when Sam’s fight with Joe became known. The others were all as surprised as she had been at the opportunity, but they were all offering comments of support and wishing her good luck.

He truly enjoyed this group; they were a family and they looked after each other. He could see a few expressions of concern around the table, and he rightly guessed people were worried for Sam’s safety. He jumped in to reassure everyone that this was a demonstration bout and that, while Joe would be fighting hard, Sam would be at no more risk than any of their usual belt-testing fights.

Karlo, one of the other adult students, turned to Sam.

“That’s an amazing opportunity. We were all disappointed for you when your tournament division got cancelled. Fighting someone who is testing for black belt is huge! Did you and Sensei get in any additional training today to prepare?”

Sam smiled, and her flush could easily be explained by the excitement of the upcoming fight when she answered him.

“Oh, yes! Sensei worked me hard this afternoon after Shihan Collins told us the news. There was so much to process in such a short time, but I think he was satisfied with what we were able to accomplish. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”

Sergei almost choked on his drink at her answer, but managed to catch himself. Smiling at the group, he agreed with Sam.

“Yes, it was productive and satisfying training. Sam even managed to knock me down. I won’t soon forget that moment.”

He grinned a crooked grin to show he was both proud and amused at her achievement, privately enjoying the expression that flashed across Sam’s face. Clearly, she was enjoying this exchange in the same way he was; he was amused and incredibly turned on at the same time. He loved having that combination with her. It was a new experience for him. He allowed himself a moment to think about how their sparring had ended when she pinned him with her centre inches from his eager mouth.

The boisterous group finished their meal in animated conversation. Once they were all done, Karlo suggested they hit the pool tables in the lounge side of the restaurant. Several were free, so the group moved as one to the louder, more casual side and started breaking into teams.

The youngest members of the group took off for the arcade, leaving only the adults and oldest of the teens. Julie asked Sam if she wanted to team up and she quickly agreed, with a warning.

“I’ll absolutely be your partner, Julie. Just don’t laugh too hard! I haven’t played pool in ages and I sometimes have trouble reaching the centre of the table. That’s the price you pay for being short!”

The two of them grabbed a table and prepared to square off against Kent, one of the other adult students, and his wife Lily.

Sergei was sitting on the sidelines, watching his students and their families having fun when he heard Karlo whistle, long and low.

“Man, will you look at that. Now that’s a pretty picture.”

Turning to look in the direction the other man was staring, Sergei saw Sam lining up a shot. His eyes raked up her body, from her toned legs looking incredible with the high heels she wore, to her incredible ass that was only just modestly covered by her short dress, to her upper body stretched out over the green baize, her hair tossed over her shoulder. Sergei’s mouth went suddenly dry as he fought to show no reaction.

“Hmm? What’s a pretty picture?” he asked, pretending not to notice what Karlo was referring to.

“Sam.” Karlo murmured. “Oh, man. Damn.”

Sergei was thinking much the same thing as the other man, but he fought hard not to let it show or look like he was staring.

His gaze slid over the slight curve of Sam’s lower back that tilted her hips in just the right way…and he was suddenly reminded she was all naked flesh under the skirt of her dress.

Desire slammed into him like a freight train. All he could think of in that moment was flipping up her skirt, gripping her hips in his hands and taking her hard from behind, as he had so recently done in the practice room. Her body was stretched out across the table, her left hand splayed out under the end of the cue, and he couldn’t help his body’s reaction as he imagined fucking her hard as she lay bent over that table, her hands splayed out to help her take the force of his thrusts.


Clearing his throat discreetly, he threw Karlo a look that managed to be neutral and forbidding at the same time.


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